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Thursday, November 29, 2018

The BLM is a Criminal Organization That Needs to Be Shut Down

Found Here:

Here is a letter that Anna Von Reitz sent to the Bundy lawyer, the Arnold Lawfirm on February 6th, 2016.  Read the article and see that the whole case could have been dumped by a challenge of the JURISDICTION.
In fact the whole thing is still about Jurisdiction and nothing else.

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  1. Not to mention the abuse they have inflicted on the wild horses for many years now, all funded with taxpayer $$$, which includes illegally selling them for slaughter! They are SUPPOSED to be protected on THEIR land. Every horse organization I know of has been doing everything they can for as long as this has been going on to get it stopped, but it all falls on deaf ears!! These a$$holes need to be stopped before they wipe out the wild horses, which btw is their end goal in favor of the "welfare" ranchers and their cattle which are absolutely destroying the land that rightly belongs to the horses!!

    1. The real interest is the Natural Resources. They don't give a damn about the Ranchers or the cattle either. Agenda 21/30. Wipe out every living being so they won't have any objection to harvesting all the natural resources for their own profit.

    2. Annie,that is exactly why Paradise, CA no longer exists. It sits on a gold mine and we can bet that none of those homeowners had obtained mineral rights.

  2. alanedward says;

    Think about it, Attorneys. Judges and the BAR, [Inns of Court] That is their bread and butter, CRIME & LITIGATION, CHAOS AND HAVOC, WAR and MAYHEM. They have every reason in the world to proliferate it, Peace and tranquility among the people the world over is just NOT in their best interest..! Sophistry & casuistry is their language and pressganging, extortion & Bond slavery is their motive. If you think this is extreme or delusional then YOU just have not been paying attention..! The “Constitution is a dead carcass they drag around to make themselves appear to be legitimate.” There NEVER was or ever has been a legitimate office assigned, allocated or created for the “office of the Attorney General” in the “Constitutional Republic of America” and the founding fathers are writhing in their graves..! Does not “General” mean the head of an army…Mmmm..? So why do you suppose "Jeff Sessions" and ALL his predecessors have been useless seditious treasonous parasites..? is NOT doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results the definition of "Insanity..?" what do you think the "Flying monkeys were in the wizard of Oz..?"

    1. It is actually "The Attorneys General" not "Attorney General".

  3. I will be 88 years young on 1/6/19,& I feel like I'm living in a complete insane Asylum! Hardly anyone knows how to think & reason thanks to our GREAT educational system & media & if you discuss"truth" in any form with most people it is evident right away how mind controlled they are!!!!!

    1. Minnie, you have got that right !

    2. I feel it a duty and responsibility to educate our young people but I have a serious concussion from banging my head against solid rock. They have done a good job. Even my anti-authority son is reformed. The establishment gives the illusion you can not have a life without participating in their evil for profit systems.

    3. Annie's name should be, 'Annie Right'.

  4. Fixed the link.
