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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, August 24, 2018

News for Westminster

By Anna Von Reitz

The rats misused and abused our Patent Office and our Copyright Office to implement their entire system. 

All of these Municipal and Territorial Government corporations worldwide have been chartered right here.

And all their franchises are then franchises of ours, too.  

So, now, all the assets of the Municipal and Territorial Government corporations have been rolled over into the Federal State Trusts as of 2016.  

This protects American assets from seizure, and in the process saves everyone else's assets, too.   Why? 
Because they are all franchises of ours by default. 

Because the Federal State Trusts are land trusts and land trusts are not subject to bankruptcy, everything stabilized and continued on.  The bankers weren't able to initiate the worldwide cataclysm they wanted to create and profit from as a sort of giant version of The Great Depression. 

Sheltering the States of States and STATES OF STATES in the Federal State Trusts automatically sheltered all the various Territorial and Municipal Governments worldwide, plus all their franchises--- their banks, their commercial corporations, too.  

We saved our own bacon, and we saved everyone else's bacon in the process.

Okay, fast forward. After taking breath to pause, the perpetrators tried to boot up another round of the same old fraud.  Whereupon, we politely moved the "cheese" and rolled the Federal State Trusts back in-to the sovereign unincorporated States.  

We also gave Notice and Demand for the return of control of all our assets to the Trustees responsible for the Mess: the Pope and the Queen.  By Operation of Law, the Delegated Powers returned to us the moment all three levels of the Federal Government were declared incompetent.  We acknowledged and accepted their return to the Delegating Power. 

End game. 

All the assets attached to us are now back on the land, worldwide, where they function under Public Law.   All assets of the States of States and STATES OF STATES belong to the actual States and the actual People and they are claimed and returned.  

Westminster is put on Notice of these facts, and the International Bar Association right along with them. 


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. And so what does this mean in the real Animated world, such as in Ohio.

  2. So what now? What about all the assets they've been stealing for decades upon decades?

  3. And if ''our'' assets have been rolled over back to ''us'' in 2016
    then where are they? Why are grandma's cupboards still bare and begging for donations. Why would assets be left sitting someplace, not being quickly used, seeing as there are so many vast needs everywhere?

    Its time to start filling in all these blanks, because something is very much amiss here. Just what are you waiting for to ''put it into gear and step on the gas and move'?

    1. Abby, Anna's site is not the easiest one to follow but it has everything you need to claim your rights back. It will take a lot of paperwork to get yourself setup the proper way to be able to start living the way we were meant to be. The first step is get yourself out of being a Federal citizen and back into being a state citizen. On youtube look for April LaJune her videos will show you how to do it. (I have seen proof that it will work) Good luck, God Bless

    2. WELL THEN WE NEED A·pher also cy·pher (sī′fər) 1. To put in secret writing; encode.

    3. JMHossman, no, you are talking about a whole nother issue. Lets get back to my grievance here as I stated it above. Lets stick with that topic..........''if all those Assets were rolled back over to ''us'' then what is the hold up on releasing them for Good'?
      I already know all about that shitpile of paper filings, and read my lips...I am not interested in tap dancing to their tunes or jumping thru their hoops.

      Also note that april lejune has LOTS of legal complaints for selling information that many have complained does not work for them, but gotten some into trouble.........whatever all that means.
      Regardless, I am NOT paying April for such information anyhow, no matter if it would get me a real pot of gold at the end of that shitfilled 'rainbow'.
      So thanks, but no thanks. I think when one Posts an Article it must be backed up by proof, no matter who says it.

      So AGAIN. Where are these Assets and why do We the People not SEE them?? Lets have real Transparency here; is that asking too much, since it was all garnered using OUR NAMES.

    4. kristined, yes there is a whole lot of hum drum emptiness and seeds planted that never even break thru the soil.

      There is a writing school/course that teaches folks how to write and tell nothing. I think Anna must have taken that schooling. Its the same one that produces writers who write those ads ''make a hundred thousand dollars a month, working part time''.
      See the similarity?

    5. Also, what good is it to get all our assets back (whatever that means) without mandating a law in perpetuity that anyone ever caught committing fraud against another person, not just govt. has to face "life imprisonment without parole...!!! Because there will always be "Rothchilds" and "Rockerfellers" on this planet looking to pray on societies that want funding by slick accounting shysters , who can bribe any official for money....!! They need to empty all our jails and start filling all of them with politians, attorneys, Corporate CEO's, Accountants that do the will of the IRS or any other taxing agency, and traitorist judges, along with all the corrupt law enforcement agencies that will not obey the "rule of law" or the constitution (which should be re-written with only one rule....dont commit fraud because its a death sentence...!! The other law are self evident using the bible as a guide....!!

    6. I hear what your saying Abby. Is it simply a case that even though the assets have been rolled back to the unincorporated united States of America in 2016 they simply don't give a toss. I would think that all's required is that someone (not excluding Anna) needs to deal to them in a court of correct jurisdiction and have this hearing publicly on the record. Win or not it'll be interesting. It could be that they simply don't recognize the living only corps. Hence this is why Anna recommends setting up the American Common law
      courts? Da know?

  4. Giant" great depression " all engineered American flush with cash roaring 20's. Playing the casino's on Wallstreet floating IOU's. called margin calls had 24 hrs to pay back or loose it all if called back in.
    Banks called them all due and biggest transfer of wealth in history .
    Yes they would fleece us in a NY. minute.

  5. You are not going to get a reply Abby, except maybe the spineless moderator telling you to "shut up" again if you don't "understand" the information, but I agree with you and the point that makes all of this stuff posted on this site crappola, as queen ann loves to use that term, is that the elites will crash that stock market, and then crazy granny here will see just how "protected" her assets really are-THEY AIN'T!!! All of her toadies that hop on anything she posts here will also find out what a fraud this has been and they won't be spoutting all of their BS either. I also noticed that the usual toads have not responded to your posts either. They can't refute your arguments!!! Yes, Paulie, you ought to get granny here to tell us where these assets are that were "protected" so people can pay their bills and get on with their lives!!! BUT...we know nothing is going to be factual here, this site is looking more and more as disinformation!!! Maybe she's getting her info from Alex Jones as the results are the same!!!

    1. Unknown- First don't be afraid to put your name on your post, obviously you have not done your homework and researched the information before you made this comment! You obviously want to stay a federal citizen instead of freeing yourself. I have researched this information, it is true and it will work! You need to learn how our Government is truly setup, How things work before you start make COMMENTS like this POST! OR are you one of the cronies spouting off to discredit this information to try and stop it from getting out.

    2. Certainly appears that Unknown wants to stay entitled and grumpy together - the m.o. of the violated liberal. The cupboards are bare - who built those cupboards for you? That was their mistake, let me be presumptuous now. When you fill the cupboard yourself and some frauds with guns and statutory technology come to raid it yearly, trampling your true rights, brainwashing the cowards around you who might also prefer an entitlement game, count on me to speak up and hold true to cause in your natural interests. As in natural man sick of the hidden gun to the head, yearly, surrounded by a defaulted and cowardly public mainly dedicated in breeding activities. Entitlement sectors are the main obstruction to world peace and progress, whether they be elites or cowards or hedonists. And perhaps I ran a run of precipitous words, Unknown to me, and I should have thought first before disparaging a sincere effort of a benefactor. Maybe I can only pray in my ugly form, and there is an Angel there for me anyway despite my frustrated rush to automatic uplifts that would amplify, aid and abet my mental depravities. Well, we are all sinners before true ascension can ever be possible. Unknown to us if we are forgiven but everyone must earn it if such ascension is part of the next world. Do not swing a heavy machete of entitlement for your pleasure here. Recognize it when you do. Hmmm, what have I done? Irony is among the aestheticisms both here and there, which separate man from the animals. Ascensions both here and there require effort. May I climb aboard yet? Easy does it...

    3. Unknown, my take on you is that either you are a spoiled brat that's been spoon-fed for way too long who expects every thing in life to be handed to you, or, you are vrigo tirad. If you're the former, how about posting your solution? If you're the latter, shame on you. You are collecting youTube clicks at the expense of the excellent information being dispensed here.

    4. The solution to our problems have reached a point to where each person has to expatriate separately is absolute nonesence, because it won't chance quick enough to stop the locomotive train of fraud running "unstoppable"...!! We are talking about 300 million Americans...!! Why do we have to do this one by one...Get a damn good "lawyer firm" to start a class action suit for us and let them do the work for us....isnt that the American way...??? Imagine 300 million Americans being represented by a law firm that will become famous just for filing the suit...and with that many people we would only have to pay them only $1 apiece to have $300 million dollars to start the suit....!! And a lot more if everyone donated just $10 apiece....!! Just put it on the front page of every newspaper in America and I bet everyone would sign it, especially if we tell them everyone will wind up with at least $1 million apiece....!!

    5. James, I agree. That is a more logical method of operation. From the beginning of this trek, it has never set right with me to do any of this stuff, one at a time. Since it is a mass problem that affects every one, then why is there not some sort of Class Action?

    6. Every one of those 300 million would have to step-up individually; would have to individually respond...if a multi-plaintiff lawsuit were the chosen vehicle to get this done. Ultimately, it's not. It would more likely be an executive action...end to the Fed and a return of the municipal/territorial agencies back to their lawful geographic locations, i.e. the hell out of the states altogether. This could only occur when the proper powers that it Trump?...I don't know, go forward with such an action. Until then, the power you have is only to do it for yourself or keep the status you've been assigned.
      Some of the comments above 'appear' to be those of people that want to get 'spoon fed' this information; that pout when a sentence of Anna's is made from a level that exceeds their understanding and their desire to learn it. If that is indeed the case, step-up. Challenge your own 'cognitive dissonance'. It's called personal growth.

    7. dr.james, did it occur to you that when this injustice was done to all of us, it was done to all of us en mass. All at once; they didn't do it one at a time. So it just seems logical to me that it can and should be UNdone in the same manner.

    8. James are absolutely correct and spot on about a class action law'll just have to find a lawfirm that is ready to give up it's career because they will be blackballed by the Legal community...but they'll be RICH !!? SECONDLY...since the owners of the FED RESERVE probably OWN all the grocery stores and food chains, food products...Wed better be well prepared...check out what's been going on in Venezuela the last 4 yrs...and Argentina?...jus sayin...when the Great Depression hit 90% of Americans lived on farms and grew their own food...NOW 90% are city or suburb dwellers and don't have a clue how to survive !!

    9. James are absolutely correct and spot on about a class action law'll just have to find a lawfirm that is ready to give up it's career because they will be blackballed by the Legal community...but they'll be RICH !!? SECONDLY...since the owners of the FED RESERVE probably OWN all the grocery stores and food chains, food products...Wed better be well prepared...check out what's been going on in Venezuela the last 4 yrs...and Argentina?...jus sayin...when the Great Depression hit 90% of Americans lived on farms and grew their own food...NOW 90% are city or suburb dwellers and don't have a clue how to survive !!

  6. Unknown or whatever your name is... already breaking your own words. You said "You know what. I'll stop posting. But I will continue to observe." Thats a hoot!

    Still going about your/YOUR fathers business I see... again I say, you/YOU are of your father, the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and doesn't stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks on his own; for he is a liar, and its father.

    You/YOU are the disinfo agent here. Frank was right years ago about people like you/YOU. Sowing discord.

  7. Truly Unknown you sure do get TRIGGERED by Anna's posts I wonder why???? as the old saying goes All truth passes through 3 stages:
    1. It is ridiculed
    2. Violently opposed
    3. It's accepted as being self evident.

    1. Janice instead of wasting your comment here shooting darts into the air, why don't you give us your take on the actual Article Anna posted here?? Can you tell us where the Assets are parked, and for what, and when they will be released, and to Whom?
      And while you are at it, can you tell us Why they are not being used for some of the Urgent Needs out here?

      Or Janice, are you just content to join the violent 'Go After Unknown Rant' in here? That attitude you show indicates a vengeful heart, while some of us are just wanting transparent clarification.

    2. You are very very judgemental Abby without knowing absolute nothing about me, perhaps my post stirred something deep within yourself as well, truth always wins out so the proof will be in the pudding. Seems like you yourself has the vengeful heart and can't tolerate anyone saying something different to your belief system.

    3. Janice, why are you still not addressing the Article like I am doing? Why are you still avoiding doing that? Its real easy to do Janice, and I don't need to know a single thing about you because this is about the Topic not about You personally.

      If you are going to post a Comment in this public venue, then why do you nitpick about it being judged according to the words you post?

      So Janice, again what is your take on the TOPIC in Anna's ARticle? Try to stay focused.

    4. And for the record, Abby wasn't just talking about Janice...she was talking about everyone...there are to many people on this site who only want to start controversies...instead of seeking "REASONABLE" solutions to our problem which Anna can't seem to do...what right did our "continental congress" have to exclude "The people" as to their input to what we all want on a contract aimed at establishing a Government (even a Republic) without our consent or input...!! If we were to write it today, I would write a completely different constitution making every public official and Corporate CEO's completely 100% "LIABLE" for their actions....In fact Govt. shouldn't have any rights uniforms should ever be allowed to be worn by law enforcement....everyone should look like average people and on equal grounds with everyone else...unifirms are "SYMBOLS" and symbols are extremely powerful in "mind control"..!! The most they should have is a badge and that's it....!! Once this fraud issue is resolved, we won't need police anymore , because all other crimes stem from this one crime alone...!!
      And yet it is the least enforced...!! And if someone is having a problem with a govt agency or employee, we should only have to call 911 and have the person arrested just on our say so...this is where the cops really fail the public....!! If they aren't going to take orders from "we the people" then there is absolutely no use for them...!! All they do is make things worse...!!

  8. AND no one cares about "UCADIA ECCLESIA FOUNDATION Application of Redemption" !!! The present UCADIA is a one way ticket to hell. There is no redemption found in the rot you spew forth... True redemption is found in only One,,, Yeshua the Messiah, and in him alone PERIOD!

  9. The information does have a badness about it. Is the to be happening, is happening, has happened? Who will be in charge of how this will be dispersed, used in benefit of humanity?


  11. Or is this another long winded ultimatum for said powers that be.

    1. The answer to your question robert, is that no one can be trusted to do the right thing with that kind of money...I mean no fact this time the public is going to be involved and judicially noticed as to their input on how this should all be handled, not just the people on Pennsylvania Ave....Not this time..!! There can't be just one US Tresurer in charge of an entire country and it's monetary policy...!! It has to be somewhat of a supreme court , occupied by only ordinary people and not politicians, like Trump...!!

    2. There is no " money". If you morons have been paying attention , its a fiction..its Satan worship...its step right back on the slave ship thinking you will be flush with this pile of has nothing to do with the shiny fake idiots are selling manhatten island for 24 " dollars " worth of your eternal soul....think !

  12. OK Everybody. Stop and listen up ! Except for robert allen and this particular posting by this particular Unknown......ALL of the rest of you are full of stupid and lack of reading and understanding ! !

    Robert, yes the entire topic is extremely VAGUE and again leaves more questions than answers; actually answers nothing. The Tense of this action is also left out in outer space. We could also add, WHY are we just now being told over TWO years AFTER this rollover SUPPOSEDLY happened?

    Unknown, what you posted here shows you are the only other one than robert and I that SEES the real picture, and actually Commented directly to what the Article was ABOUT. And you DO see it, as your statement shows. (I think there are two different folks with the Unknown handle in here......? I would ask this one to use a different name please, so we don't misblame )

    ALL the rest of you made Comments that are totally unrelated to THE TOPIC of the Article. Learn to read; are you all affected with ADD??? Focus !

    Looks to me like the Devil is using you to DETRACT from getting a real answer to the Real Question here. Or else you are just so damned stupid you don't care about these ASSETS?? And you just take someone's word for Assets even existing?? Then you are ripe for being deceived by the coming AntiChrist and you will deserve the pain you get.

    Somebody is right; if or when the Stock Market crashes, and all these Assets vanish, then Anna would be off the hook to you guys, but NOT to some of us who still use the noggin to think with. WE will be saying ''anna you dallied so long, and now nobody gets anything, and its YOUR fault''

    1. thats like the pot calling the kettle black isn't it.

      way too much name calling around here these days... you are right about one thing, this should stay on topic without all the 3rd grade sideline BS.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. OK, I would like to understand this better. I already knew that most of the world's governments were commercial coporations listed at the NYSE. What I would like to know is how and when they were chartered as "franchises" of the US territorial and municipal government corporations. Does anyone have information about this? Is the process described in one of Anna's books or anywhere you could point me to?

  15. This is all about land and who owns it. A few people are waking up to all the symbolism relating the beast, 666. Here is a snippet from someone trying to write this off for the unsuspecting concerning the hebrew letters for six on a Monster drink.

    "Look at the ‘M’ closely, there’s a gap right here in the letter, it’s never connected. So you go to Hebrew. The letter Vav is also the number six — you could have here, in Hebrew, 666. But my interest is the word Monster, what do you see in the O? There’s a cross. What has Christ got to do with an energy drink?"

    The answer is nothing, the first born is mothers product, born alive/certificated person, human creature, monster, golem, Christ mass, maternal line/female, just waiting for the second coming, life, baby which is of no record, that would be slavery. This first born land of mother is in protective custody and we act as surety. Getting the bigger picture?

  16. Trump has a plan about ending the Fed Resrv. And resetting the $.

  17. Trump ends Fed. Power. This is shorter to the point

  18. Trump has a plan link above , is the more detailed version most of us already know.

  19. Abby, you are one bitter, discontented individual. Why do you continue to oblige yourself in coming in this forum to ridicule Anna and degrade those who seek to be free from fraud. You yourself have admitted that you know very little about history, how to research or zero on law... quote: "I don't know crap about history, or how to dig and sniff out crap, and even less than zero about Law..." Your lack of understanding in the functions of government, trusts, notices of intent, operation of law, and default judgment leaves you without confidence or clarity of the statements that Anna has made regarding securing the assets. It's done through administrative procedures, notices and operation of law, contract law and trust law. It's called setting the record straight so there is no presumption on the other parties part (the corporations and their agents). As far as your statement about April Lejune and leading others to think that those having troubles are related to Anna is absolute disinformation. April Lejune has been charging people $350 to do TDA documents for discharging debt as well as trying to fill out Anna's freely created documents for correcting one's political status. Do your research... The facts are clear: Anna has informed everyone that the TDA process is not for American state nationals. You need to get the facts before speaking. It appears you are not following the Scriptures that you emphatically say you know... I suggest that you again read II Timothy 2:15 as it states: "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." Truth comes in many forms and fashions. If you have not studied the basics of what Anna has shared on her website then I suggest you do so as it will give you the understanding that you presently lack. It will give you full education on history, validation of operation of law, and a understanding of contract and trust law and how the corporate United States has ensnared millions through deception and presumption of owning you as property and controlling your assets as the trustee (by one's lack of notice and changing the record they are voluntary in agreement). It would be well with you if you heed the words of the prophet Hosea in his words to God's People. "Hear the word of the Lord, ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land... My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children." ... The Law and information that Anna has been sharing, is to bring everyone back to the Laws of God > Common Law, out from under corporate deception - The Beast System (Revelation 12:9). To call everyone on this forum stupid and lack of understanding only points the finger in your own face. I will pray for you. To the rest on this forum, I say with confidence and clarity, continue to study and let history and Law bear witness to the facts. Otherwise, go you way and receive the Mark of the Beast (Revelation 14:9-11 and Jeremiah 17:5) The assets that Anna has spoken of will only benefit those who have personally walk the path of due diligence and self preservation in correcting the records of their identity. Good Will to All!

    1. Louisiana Tim, wrong. Totally wrong. I point out the errors that Anna has made, because we are not to sit and just let false 'gospel' be preached across the airwaves as she has done. I made myself clear; she knows beans about Gods Word, and since she is so sore lacking in that area, she ought to state those words were HER Own OPINION. But she did not do that. And so I found it necessary to clarify that.
      And Tim, IF you are a believer (which I think you are) then why is it that you did not also correct her very incorrect statements about these last days?

      As for those who believe paper work is going to ever correct all the Fraud, then that is up to you. As for me, I am well aware of how we got here and enough of the details and I thought I made myself clear that I simply do not believe it will be effective. For those who do, and wish to pursue that avenue, I am not stopping them. It is of no benefit to me what others do.

      I am far from ignorant and you have no excuse for talking down to me or for you bad judgement of me. I am not at all bitter; why would I be bitter about people who following what they wish to follow?
      As for 'being discontented', generally speaking no I am not. But with all that is going on in this world, I would have to say that everyone in this Forum is discontented, even you, Tim. Otherwise, you would not have gotten your blood pressure up to addressing me here, lol.
      As for history, and 'law', I just find it all extremely boring. I just cannot muster up a bit of interest in any of it. Neither do I think God needs the help of Man to straighten out the Laws of the Land, nor do I think He even cares all that much about it. Neither do I think God cares about our identity in this World; He already knows full well who I am, he already has My Name Recorded; what else matters?

    2. Tim, if you scroll back, you will easily see I never linked April's name with Anna in any way, nor did I say April's paperwork is in any way related to Anna. I've never seen April's Site so I don't know what her work entails.
      Somehow, you assumed that or had it preset in your mind, I don't know.
      For all I know April's paperwork may be altogether different from what Anna talks about. Neither did I say that Anna's papers don't work. What I don't think will work, is the folks that are working for The System that has been in place all this time. What I simply don't believe is that ''they'' will ever allow we the People to accomplish this. THAT is what I don't believe. Even so, I hope I am wrong. But like I said before, this rabbit hole is way deeper than most people have ever stopped to realize.

    3. One can be IGNORANT, or one can be FREE!
      Abby you can’t be IGNORANT AND FREE!! Its up to YOU to learn the facts! As my father always use to tell me, its better to sit quietly and be thought of as a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt! LEARN THE FACTS, don’t let the UNKNOWN lead you astray!!

    4. Nubbs, after you are here for awhile, you will come to learn that Abby doesn't care what anyone thinks. So you will probably see my mouth move a LOT.

    5. Tim, as an afterthought, I do not see where the Assets will only''benefit those who have walked the path''. I don't know what Path you are referring to, but when we stop and think about those Assets, they were created with all our Names. And so there can be no discrimination, they belong to everyone whose Name was used to create them and then to hydrate them.

      For Anna or anyone else to attempt to eliminate folks they decide should be eliminated, will be worthy of a hefty law suit. Then is when I may just take up the sideline of 'paper filing'.

      You see we are all presently a NAME. And what they used to create the Assets is our NAME. So lets not start planting the idea that anyone who has not 'reclaimed' their NAME back to their Name, is going to be eliminated.
      PERISH that thought ! Don't even start that stuff. Don't even claim I'm now DEAD, because if I have to prove it, I could Barf on anyone who does, LOL.

      Tim, not spouting off at you, just sayin' I see what is beginning to rear its ugly head here, and I'm calling it out cause I'm generally ahead of the game.

  20. But all this info about Trump is coming from 3rd parties, who we dont really know...Trump himself never addresses what he is actually doing for the public right now...!! All he ever talks about is that the GDP is the highest it's ever been and that the stock market is the highest it's ever what..!! He's talking exactly like a politian and not the "leader" of the free world...!! Why is it that we are never trusted by the white house and our industrial military complex to know and deserve the "TRUTH"...Transparancy is an attorney word for "no truth" in there world...!!

    1. James, trump was here in columbus friday nite for a republica dinner of some sort. Tickets for the evening and dinner was $250 per person. So, for a couple to go, $500 big ones. And it was filled to capacity; held in the completely renovated huge convention center downtown, about 8 miles from my home.
      All because ''the economy is so great now'' hows come we couldn't come up with $500 big ones to go then? Why is our coffer just as empty as it was before trump came along.
      And we also observed multi-millions of dollars being spent on our CC renovation. Where did that all come from.

      Does anyone suppose if I woulda filed all my stack of Papers, $500 would have appeared and we could have gone? Yeah, thats probably it, lol.

  21. Patience O be One. All things will be revealed in its own time.
    Attaching yourself to outcomes be they true or untrue activates your emotions, not your patience,(programing)only you can tap into the Now, The One. The Now moment of time,where all is fine and flowing as intended. Trust the Force. No joking. But if you would rather invest your time in worry, fear,self confusion, be AWARE, it is programing.

  22. Yea of little faith, have some. Stop blaming others for what you can't control. Don't attack others because your opinion differs from theirs. This is all programming you have allowed yourself to become part of. Take time to go inward, there is guidance and calmness there. Don't allow your emotions to create your reality, create your own reality with what God has given you.Forgive yourself for not knowing you were duped.God has never stopped doing what God does.God chooses the battles, God chooses the time.God is LOVE.

  23. If you are gonna search for Truth, then be prepared to deal with it. Because it is bigger than what you think you know, which is sooo little. Sometimes you must take a leap of faith and fall off into the void,then you see God's action manifest. Then you truly know you are not alone. Then you really has no time for taking sides and petty arguments. Blaming,Anger, Fear,Confusion have no benefit. The programming falls away. Then your eyes open.Then your heart connects and is flooded with source.Then you truly know connection.

  24. When you do something from your heart, there is no expectation, oh your Ego will try and convince you there should be. There in lies your struggle. The Ego is programming at its best.

  25. Remember when you were a child, and you could never understand why parents would always argue, why bullies would be bullies.Those of you that remember this had no Ego at that moment in time. What do you have now?

  26. There is value in clarifying a point, when backed by an obvious truth, but attacking because of one perspective serves no purpose but Ego.

  27. Even Anna has not learned this yet as proven by her last post on Whinning and Blaming others. In her attempt to explain it she has fallen prey to it's very definition,by doing the same to those she feels have done it to her. She constantly touts how she has done all of this for free from her own heart, but still expects something for her efforts. And that is her choice. But it is very obvious. Her post on "What I want" is full of Ego. The very word "I" is self serving, agenda oriented.Service to others is just that, service with no expectation of "I".

  28. The "service" to others is it's own reward.

  29. She attempts to use her great aunt for justification of her explaination, yet still misses the very point her aunt was teaching her. She is still the angry child. All very subtle programming. So subtle she can't even see it. Grated she has been a great service, of her knowledge, and in the big picture may have enlightened a few or more. But clutching control, is still control, at some point you have to let go or become the thing you hate most.

  30. ...Granted(And in no way is this point an attack. Just a statement of the obvious truth.)Sometimes even obvious truth has it's place in coming change. There are many examples through out all of history, the bible,etc.

  31. Unfortunately, my Great-Aunt isn't here and I don't have her patience and diplomatic skills.

    Which is what she was trying to teach you.

  32. And sadly you write it off as if she failed in doing so.

  33. So back to the topic in the ARticle. See how sidetracked it gets? That old hat trick....pick on somebody to start an argument that is a waste of time and accomplishes nothing, just to STOP the Topic from going into a real discussion and maybe finding out that Abby actually asked a legitimate question:

    Yeah. What has happened with the Assets that were released 2 YEARS ago; where are they stashed, for what purpose, and what is hindering their release? Who exactly has the keys to that Vault TO release them, and what will that mean for The People?

  34. I think James Pansini is spot on !...just find law firm that is ready to retire and have a good Life Insurance policy, cause they will either be killed or bought off !!...secondly...better figure out HOW you are gonna EAT...cause when the Great Depression hit, 90% of ppl lived on farms and KBEW how to grow their own food...NOW 90% of ppl live in cities or suburbs and don't know squat about growing vegetables or raising livestock...remember the 169 acre homesteads...40, 40,40, 40...does anybody here know WHY the land parcels were set up that way ?

  35. Also...if you observe what is going on in Venezuela last 4 yrs, you will SEE what were in for when we go against the dark& selfish &evil as it is...

  36. Also...if you observe what is going on in Venezuela last 4 yrs, you will SEE what were in for when we go against the dark& selfish &evil as it is...

  37. Well, here we are, what, like 3 days now, and STILL nobody wants to answer the Question??

    Scardy cats; cowards; you know you wanna know too, but you are afraid to ask. You sit there hoping the answer will just drop out of the sky. Or you will sit there till you turn to dust and never ever see those Assets.
    How many here are afraid they will tick off Anna if they show any interest in their whereabout? Or are you afraid of being 'attacked' for asking or wondering?

    Most of all what is wrong with asking an obvious question? Tell me that, lol.

  38. We don't understand how to navigate international courts for one thing all are rigged NATO/UN. Both are nothing but yes men for Rothschild inc.


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