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Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Confession of Sin

By Anna Von Reitz

Corrections,       Published on Facebook yesterday, 4 2 2018, 
I have been sick the last few days and not quite up to my normal standards of imperfection.....
In the letter titled "To President Trump and UN Inspector General on Easter Sunday 2018" the name of our ancient homeland in France is "Armorica" -- the first "r" wasn't included and it was written "Amorica" instead. Don't worry. The official version to Trump and the IG was correct.
And in "America: Some Assembly Required --- Literally" sent out today, I should have noted that Dave Robinson formatted the book on Amazon having sixty pages, not fifty (which is how many pages my original had, howbeit in 8.5" X 11" format.). The illustrated version will probably have fifty pages and be in the original format.
There is also a typo (but an important one) in the website address for the new National Assembly site. There should be a hyphen between the words "national" and "assembly" ----
Please forgive me for causing any consternation or difficulty in finding information. I was born with two left thumbs, two left feet, bad eyesight and a predilection for dropping stitches, hyphens, dishes and occasional letters.
My Father used to watch me diligently practicing my typing skills and shake his head in wonder.....not because a girl was typing, but because he was amazed that I could type at all, given my near total lack of eye-hand coordination.

The Confession of Sin
So many responded to my “Correction” yesterday.  Would it surprise you to learn that I make such admissions and corrections every day, they just don’t always get published on the Front Page?  My “standard of imperfection” is a joke, but it is also true.
I go slow and make a lot of mistakes---literally.  My whole life has been a cavalcade of mistakes and corrections.  And, amazingly, I never stop making mistakes and corrections.  You would think that at a certain point in one’s life, you would have it all down and know all the answers and never fall face down on your nose, but guess what? 
You get wiser with age, but nobody is immune from sin and folly and the need for forgiveness.
 What is sin?  It is a mistake. 
That’s all it is.
A mistake, and anyone can make a mistake.  Indeed, we all do. 
So it is not the matter of making mistakes that condemns us.  It is the hard-hearted refusal to admit our mistakes and correct them that condemns us --- and that condemnation comes at our own hands, not at God’s. 
Let’s clearly perceive how this happens.  We make a mistake.  We fall into a falsehood.  We do something wrong.  And then? 
By failing to admit and correct our mistakes, we are obliged to live with them and their consequences.
It’s like going down the wrong road.
We can only retrace our steps and find our way again, or keep going on the wrong road until we realize our mistake, admit it, and turn around.
Remember the difference between Peter and Judas Iscariot?
Both made terrible mistakes.  Judas by being faithless and beguiled by the Sanhedrin.  Peter by being faithless and denying that he even knew Jesus.
One despaired and hung himself, after casting the silver back at the feet of his betrayers.  The other one. Peter, knew that he could be forgiven and he trusted in that, so he went on living and ultimately, to glory.
Both confessed their sin.  Both made correction.  But one chose death and one chose life, and the difference between them was faith --- faith in forgiveness-- faith that no matter how bad our sins are, we can turn from them and be forgiven.
We are here to learn.  We have to be able to discern evil if we are to avoid it.   We are destined, fated, and meant to make mistakes, because by such trial and by such error we progress.  We learn.
The further we progress on the road to salvation the harder we are tested, the more explicitly all our faults and failings are exposed.  Yes, even as in a refiner’s fire, we are melted, reduced to tears, humbled in every way there is to be humbled.
Yet if we persevere, we are also greatly rewarded.  We have peace.  Our feet are firmly grounded.  We see the snares set for us and we avoid them.  We recognize Satan’s flattery and twisted words, his half-truths and vain promises --- just as Jesus did.
Listen and know --- the ancient kings were not kings of the Earth.  They were kings of men. 
Remember the sign the Romans hung above Jesus?  King of the Jews? 
Not King of Jerusalem.  Not King of Judea.  Herod and his sons were the Kings of Judea. 
No, our beloved King was “King of the Jews”.  Just as King David was King of the Jews.  Just as Jesus is King now of every truly Christian heart.   A king of men, not geographical places.
He did not seek any Earth-bound Kingdom.  He led no political movement.  He carried no weapons.
He sat down on the Throne of Mercy and wielded the Sword of Truth, instead.
In the same way we walk forward today, because we come from Him and in His Name, to address the Evils that have infested High Places, and to bring these Evils down.
We live today in a world where nearly everything has been corrupted by the mistakes of men.  Doctors promote poisons.  Lawyers promote injustice.  Bankers promote financial crimes. Priests preach the benefits of sin.  Governments wage “war” on those who employ them. 
It’s crazy without a doubt. Upside down and inside out.  Satan has had a field day, because so many souls have lost their way and not had sense enough to admit it and turn around.
There are a great many people throughout the world in dismay.  They have been tricked by Satan and his promises, but now they see that he has been bound and chained and led away.  All his lies are uncovered, all his cruelty and madness displayed.  What now?
Come home.  Follow Peter’s example: choose life and come home, though your sins be as scarlet, though you weep and though you are afraid of what you have done and what you have left undone, don’t hesitate a moment longer. Turn around. 
Join with me. Admit your faults and limitations, acknowledge your mistakes and failings. Do it every day. And then, pick yourself up, dust off your britches and go on toddling, secure in the knowledge that someday, you will run.
After all, despite everything, I did learn to type!

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. Anna, I hope this reaches you! I recognize Him in you! You’ve confirmed feelings I’ve had that He is in us! I’m thankful for you and the complete affirmation that comes from knowing the TRUTH when I hear it. You’re blessed and therefore I am!

    1. All i have to say is you would have hated my University pompous English teacher arrogantly smoking his pipe like Sherlock Holmes and marking the littlest of mistakes with tons of red ink...when I got my papers back, there was more red ink than blue...but he didn't even bother to really read what I said..he didn't care about the underlying narrative. He just loved proving how stupid we were in spelling and punctuation...!! Perfection incarnate..!! To this day I can't stand English, if that's what you call it, thanks to attorneys...What he doesn't understand is that his English skills have no place in a courtroom and actually convicts him for being arrogant and stupid...!!

  2. This is a beautiful, wonderful of the best I've read here or anywhere else. God bless you and your work, Anna!

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    1. Being tricked by another human being, brothers and sisters in Christ, is not our sin...its there's. They set out to deceive us out of money even though they themselves were supposedly Christians...!! It's not the deceived that have committed a crime, like everyone wants to point out, it's the deceiver who took Advantanced of a "lamb" who committed the get that right Robert allen..!! Or maybe you never had money to give to people....But I did. And when a friend asked me for it to get out of debt or some other situation, I have it to them on their WORD, which is supposed to be ones BOND..!! But everyone is a list except me...I made good on all my promises , especially if I borrowed money...I haven't found one person like that yet to this day....stop blaming the deceived and go after the can't play both sides against the middle.. I don't think for one minute that Christ will condemn the deceived LAMBS....DO YOU..!!!

    2. See, I did it to judge Anna...i meant to say everyone is a lier, not list..One thing about a typewriter is once you type the word in it doesn't automatically change it like these damn phones..!!

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    5. ...debtors, not debaters.from one version of the Lord's prayer. "Trespasses as we forgive our trespassers" the other version.

    6. The above statement is what the receivers said to Kim,in
      ...decievers, not recievers.

    7. james, the deceived can be willingly deceived because it is the lazy way about things. But if they have the opportunity to find the truth and choose to ignore it; or refuse to listen to somebody trying to tell them they are being deceived....then a deceived person can hold responsibility.

      But if a person has no reasonable way to know they are deceived, no reasonable way of knowing what the Truth is, then I don't believe they will be dealt with harshly, yet not rewarded for ignorance.

      Look at what God says about the unsaved or the unbelievers:
      He says ''NONE will be found with having a good excuse''.
      We know that the Lord has made the Truth available to everyone before their End comes. Just the fact that it is made AVAILABLE make them responsible for their lack of knowing......because they did not take advantage of that opportunity.
      Look how many people are admonished and told they are on the wrong track, or into a false religion, or have facts wrong...yet they ''fight against the pricks' choosing instead to stay with their comfort zone, their church, or where they are at, and CHOOSE to turn a deaf.

      Look at how the Apostle Paul went to a city and preached to them for 3 months, and they rejected him and his preaching, and even decided to kill him, so Paul ran for his life....
      'kicking the dust off his feet to show their rejection of Christ'.
      Those townsmen will absolutely be held responsible for their chosen ignorance and be found with NO excuse for that ignorance.

  4. What is sin? Let's let the Bible (Word of God) answer the question itself. In 1 John 3:4 (KJV) it says "Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law."

    "God alone has the power to forgive sins. If we do not deliver this message to the unconverted, our neglect may prove their ruin" NYI June 12, 1907, par. 2.

    The law of God can be found in Exodus 20:1-17 and also in the new Testament. The law of God cannot be changed because it is perfect and a transcript of God's character Himself. Think about this: IF the law of God COULD be CHANGED by a jot or a title then Jesus Christ the SON OF GOD would NOT have had to die in our place.

    "The law of the LORD is PERFECT, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple" Psalm 19:7 KJV.

    "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect" Matthew 5:48 KJV.

    If we break the Ten Commandments (the immutable, perfect, unchangeable law of God) to us that is sin.

    "In the time of trouble, just previous to the coming of Christ, the lives of the righteous will be preserved through the ministration of holy angels. But there will be no security for the transgressor. Angels cannot then protect those who are living in neglect of a known duty or an express command of Jehovah." ST February 26, 1880, Art. A, par. 21.

    Psalm 94:16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity [sin]?

    1. When is the last time you quoted that to a judge or law enforcement officer.....NEVER!!

    2. James Pansini I am thinking very seriously about quoting the 2nd to last one that, Increase Asbestos listed above, to a couple of Judges, in Utah or on Utah as Anna might say. I was very clear when I said to the Juvenile Judge in Weber County's 2nd district, with my hands again clean, and without batting an eye, as my developmentally disabled Son was, and still is to this day, held their hostage, for pulling another kids hair, causing no harm, she did not cry, because he did not hurt her. He was playing and she knew that. I stood strong and simply stated, "I can not, and I will not, serve this court again, as i serve My Creator of Heaven and the Earth!"
      My representation had been dismissed prior due to threat and coercion with the other fraudster. Also prior, I had served all bar club members, including the Judge, THE AFFIDAVIT OF OBLIGATION INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL LIEN
      Dated October 15, 2015 from Anna's site, her generous heart, and the heart's of her team, who worked tiresly, and diligently for years, on those 44 pages of truth, for all of us. So to avoid the bar members typical shenanigans, I fingerprinted in red ink over each page number. And sent registered postal the same to the Judge, just moments before i hand delivered to them in court on April 12, 2017. My Son was medically kidnapped on April 20, 2016, following his seizure by enforcement due to the alleged hair pulling. It is now April 7, 2018. I filed my political status correction in Weber County Land Recorder's Office on September 6, 2017. Although they cringed terribly, when I stated my refusel, all the paperwork has been pretty much ignored. My Son who has little to no verbal ability, due the vaccine injuries, is held a prisoner, torchered in an asylum, which they deceptively call a developmental center, in American Fork Utah, against a peaceful living woman, with endless love for her only Child. So yes, I think some correction in the power of the words of Our Father may be in the highest order. I only have a 6th grade education, but I have the authority of love, and I know God's word is so powerful that it can separate joints from marrow, and it never comes back void. I will likely add some scripture regarding the acts of mercy. I have learned so much from Our Father, and from Every Word, Every Letter, Every Post, from Each and Every One of You, All Your Generous, Wise, and Loving Hearts. For that I Thank God, and All of You, Much Love Diana,

    3. Diana, a lot of remedies come to mind when reading your post. First would be to file a UCC-1 on his NAME to make his NAME the debtor and you the secured party creditor so you have the highest claim in any court and demand they release the order of the court to you and release the vessel they have impounded (your son). At the same time I would file all of Anna's documents for you and him, as well as, secure a NCSN (non citizen state national) passport for him and for you so neither of you are subject to their US jurisdiction. Also demanding the prosecutor certify your right of subrogation to setttle and discharge the case is something you can use immediately. You really should consider working with a LLF lawyer to guide you. Let me know if you would like a referral.

  5. When sin and its curses are dealt with properly, good people rejoice. Dealing with sin in a lenient and lackadaisical way does not bring true happiness.

    “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity” (Psalm 32:1-2). When sin is forgiven and overcome, people find true joy.

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    1. robert, when my son was just around 18 or 19, he would pop up and mention 'oh thats what happened back in the Depression, or they used to do that during the Depression'. I asked him how did he know that.
      I knew he was hanging around the Friendly Ice Cream Shop a lot, but didn't know why. Then he told me there was this real old guy who went there everyday for coffee and ice cream or pastry, and so my son would go there and sit at the counter with him just to have him tell him what it was like during the Depression. And the old man loved it that my son wanted to listen to all that he could tell him.

      We can't learn anything from people who don't know anything; and we can't learn anything if we don't want to listen to anyone who has already learned things we ought to know.

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    1. robert, some good information there. As for the chinese elders participation in the disbursements of funding, it is my understanding that there is a lot of infighting within the Elders 'families'. And that they are not all in one accord, but have various ones each vying for Top Dog position.
      Not all of them are benevolent, some are, some are not.

      Your Article here shows just how much easier life was supposed to have been over the past century, but for devilish self absorbed minions, life has been full of obstacles. IMO, this kind of nefarious activity will never end until the Lord 'starts his party' to put a final end to them all.

      My only frustration in life is simply that there is not enough progress made on a daily basis; too much wasted time slides by where only birthdays seem to come about faster than ever.
      However, that said, yes it is astounding how not even 1% of people can get into One Accord; not even about the basics of true Christianity. Some seem to be only interested in 'proving their own views' but have absolutely no backup. Some just can't stand to think there is somebody who knows more than they do. Jealousy is a sin, I might point out. And rebellion is as witchcraft, the Word says. Such egotism and self-pride is a definite obstacle to ones possible salvation. God refers to such an attitude as being unteachable; when one makes themselves unteachable, they will never learn anything.

      One of the very important things I noticed about God is that He tells us ''we are to be in One Accord'. This means we are all expected to believe and know the same things, speak the same things, walk the same way, and not be in discord.
      Further, I learned that there is a definite purpose in making such a requirement for being in that family of God that will be saved, and rule and reign with Him: If we are not all in One Accord, the Kingdom of God would not be the perfect Kingdom of God. Instead, it would be no different than what we have here on earth right now.......which is what this Forum is fighting against.
      And what is it that we are expected to be in One Accord with?
      Everything that Christ says; the gospel; all of His Ways; all of His thinking. Folks that don't even like that stuff here and now, are just not going to be a part of it. For those that just love to pick and argue and fuss and fume and cause a ruckus, well, you are just not going to be included. Jesus will just not put up with your childish self-serving nonsense.
      In the Kingdom 'government' our response to Him will be..Yes Lord, Yes Lord and Yes Lord...because we will be in total agreement with all His Decisions about everything.

    2. Robert allen....that is because people have been immobilized with so much fear of govt they have been rendered utterly useless... even amongest idental twins who know the whole story....I can stand up to them but my brother is scared of his shadow and wouldn't even lift a finger to help me if it meant consequences for him....and if we are together when visited by cops, they have told me they are trained to see that kind of fear and use it to there advantage...and so the bible turns out being right about that too..." in the end times, brother will turn against brother, and parents against children, etc, etc...because their will be no such thing as "TRUST"..!!

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    4. Peace.Ireally don't know what to tell you, my point was that you misread, and projected it to me. I was expressing that I was aware of your misdirected perception, and that I was ok with it because you did it, by misreading the post. I am sorry you feel the way you do as it is a lonely place to be.

  21. Thanks robert for this very informative work. I am well aware of most of it after reading a book by Ted Flynn in 2002 called HOPE OF THE WICKED. The only option we have in this Earth at this time is to recognize who God is and is not. Get on good terms with him and let him dish out the punishment which he has promised when the great and dreadful day of the Lord comes. Anna claims he is on the move, I agree with her. God can be contacted directly, there is no need for any third party whether living or mythical. Do not be afraid.

    1. Bluecollarmovement, I Can't take credit for the detailed post above. It was posted at by GUNNERSPEAK
      4 April, 2018 01:49and or Tank who has worked with Kim Ann Goigen for awhile now. You are welcome.

    2. I believe it is another perspective of the same problem.

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  23. 1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.


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