Judge Anna says ---- disinformation and hogwash.
How can a foreign "Congress" acting as a Board of Directors of a foreign
corporation and as oligarchs operating a foreign "union of states" --- the
Insular States and DC plus fifty Federated "States" operating in the foreign
international jurisdiction of the sea as a democracy without a mandate--- switch
its spots and pretend to represent the people and the jurisdiction of the land
of these United States?
It can't, is the answer.
This issue was settled over 200 years ago: Naturalization Act,
Seventh Congress, Session I, Chapter 28, Sections 1-4, April 14,
1802, sets out the requirements
for anyone, including people born in one of the nation states of the Union, to
become a United States Citizen.
The Several States of the Union have and recognize only State Nationals----
Californians, Texans, Wisconsinites, and so on. The Federal United States has
always allowed dual citizenship, so that "United States Citizens" continue to
claim that they are Californians, Texans, and so on while in Federal office, but
while that is accepted by the Federal Government--- that is, the Corporation and
its franchises---- it is emphatically NOT recognized or accepted and never has
been accepted by the states of Union. So far as the states are concerned, you
are in or you are out. You either sit in a Continental Congress as a Deputy of
the people and the land--- that is, as a fiduciary officer accountable to the
people and the land-based legislature of your home state, or you sit in a United
States Congress as a "representative" of stockholders presumed to exist.
Never the twain shall meet.
There hasn't been a true Continental Congress convened since the Civil War
and until people get a firmer grasp on who is who and what is what it is silly
to continue these conjectures and wild claims. The "House of Representatives"
Members in DC can claim to be the Kings and Queens of Sweden for all the good it
will do them and the members of the "US Senate" can kindly observe that the
"United States" they are "representing" are not the same "United States"
controlling the land jurisdiction of this country.
Until they come home and adopt their lawful standing as one of the "free,
sovereign, and independent people of the United States" as defined by the
Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783, and also accept their public oath of
office as a Deputy accountable to the people and the land-based legislature of
the people, they are NOT authorized to represent us in any matter outside their
limited functions all delegated to operate within the international jurisdiction
of the sea as required by the actual Constitution. Period.
I doubt that many of those currently ensconced in the Beltway have the
courage and the moral fiber to do that. The fact that anyone would be fooled
into thinking that the United States Congress could just flip around and somehow
be or reclaim or worse still, just "vote themselves" the status and standing
that they threw away with both hands in 1868 shows how dumbed down people have
become. Are apples oranges? Pear are kumquats? Cats are dogs?
If there are any members of the US House of Representatives who think that
they can just reclaim their powers without due process of expatriation from the
United States and taking their Oath to the actual Constitution and giving their
full allegiance under fiduciary accountability to the land of their birth-----
they need to be clued in and told otherwise.
[So does the rest of the world.]
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See this article and over 200 others on Anna's website here:www.annavonreitz.com
Good letter Bill and I am with you. Thanks Anna and Paul. I have also read Anna"s book and found it very factual and you can tell much research went into it. It is a great start to help factually figure out how we have been robbed and manipulated through the centuries and what can be done to change. It is mind bending that this information is just now coming to light. We no longer should just go along to get along.Now that we know the lies its time to enlighten others and walk in this truth, there is no other way to continue with life as it currently is. I worry about my grandchildren also, they deserve better