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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Imprisoned Patriots Stand up to Judge in Court! LAWLESS JUDGES


  1. The only way we can change our lot is if we all wake up to the truth of what is really going on, but that takes some education. One cannot fight for something one does not understand. Everyone needs to read up. We are being ruled by tyrants. We are being controlled by "corporate" officers.

    1. These TYRANNICAL Corporate officers operate under "Maritime Law", the LAW of the SEA. "Read up", is a great suggestion, but by reading TRUTH the informed individual becomes ever present in his or her challenges. I suggest reading Paul Stramer, and/or Anna Maria Reizinger (Anna Von Reitz), for THE TRUTH. Cecile, I began reading up long ago. It fully replaces arbitrary BS decontaminated by MEDIA.

    2. BTW they Disseminate BS... Spell check robbed me. They "contaminate" everywhere they go in our minds and our world. THAT'S MEDIA.

  2. Yep and here is what we are doing, We are educating ourselves, we are putting liens on their property, we are interrupting their appearance, we are now understanding the way it operates and that it has a giant switch to shut it down. We found the switch and it only takes the weight of a few million to shut it off. And we are well on our way to shutting it down. I say its overdue to make a designated date and write some black ink words on some white paper place a stamp on it and mail these letters down to the prosecutors or magistrates and tell them we are not amused. You either write the letter or you are considered a traitor to your country.

    1. Would like to know more about this "switch", Jim. Surely you do not stand under the way "it", being the system, operates?

  3. What "letter" to prosecutors or magistrates do you suggest Jim? The true "traitors" are not the people,ignorant as many may be, but those primarily tasked to fleece same unlawfully as foreign agents (BAR) for banksters & corp[se] alleged "government" (mind control).


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