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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Steps to Take, Who To Notify, What to Be Aware Of

by Anna Von Reitz

Please, folks, be aware that I have a website where letters, etc., are archived and available to read. There is a lot of information there. There is also a complete documented historical time line of the fraud --- "You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" is available on Amazon, as is Disclosure 101 that provides even more background and references.
You all have to make the effort to read and educate yourselves or you will be like sheep to the slaughter for these criminals. I cannot do it for you. You have to get on your own two feet and look and think and get moving for yourselves.
There are a few effective things you can do--- and the most effective is to realize that whenever you incorporate anything it is removed from the Law of the Land and slides under the Satanic Law of the Sea.
So everything that you do and any organizations that you form MUST NOT BE INCORPORATED.
The next thing that you need to know is that foreign criminals have seized upon your own given name that is yours by birthright, a gift to you from your biological parents---and they have copyrighted and claimed (falsely) to be the owners of it. They have then used that claim and created numerous "fictional personas" and operated them "in your NAME"-----without your knowledge, without your consent. All those legal fiction entities are corporations---- so, they are subject to the Satanic Law of the Sea.
They are "legal fictions"---- lies.
And who is the Father of All Lies?
Your states and counties are all on dry land. They are all unincorporated associations created by your natural body politic as "free sovereign and independent people of the United States". All these things that are operating "in the name of" your counties and states are corporations and franchises of corporations. They all operate under the Law of the Sea, not the Law of the Land.
They aren't your counties or your states. You've merely been hoodwinked into assuming and believing that they are.
So, this is a political status issue. Your political status determines which law forms you are owed and your political status has been misrepresented, falsified for profit----- and your records have been falsified, too.
As a living man you have many guarantees confirming that your right to choose your political status is yours alone and that no government has any right to question, alter, or change it.
In this country you can by birthright be one of the "free sovereing and independent people of the United States" or an "inhabitant"--- a British Crown Subject or Federal United States Citizen--- (Definitive Treaty of Peace, often called the Treaty of Paris, 1783).
You are born free, sovereign, and independent, but within hours of birth undeclared British agents get your uninformed Mother to sign undisclosed contracts changing your status to that of a British Crown subject. You remain in that "presumed" status the rest of your life unless you object.
It's past time to object---- object to the United Nations, which if it is worth a hoot in Hell will impose upon its members--- Britain and the Federal United States --- which have both signed onto the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration.
If any employee of the "Federal Government Corporation" accosts you or causes you trouble, remind them that you are one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" and that you are guaranteed their loyalty, Good Faith, and Service by the Treaty of Peace, 1783, The Constitution for the united States of America Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2, the Expatriation Act of 1868, the Lieber Code, the Geneva Convention Protocols of 1949 - Laws of War Volume II, Article 3, the United Nation's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Universal Right of Self-Declaration.
If they haul you into one of their private corporate franchise tribunals masquerading as a "County" or "State" Court of any kind, ignore their demand to "state your name" and observe on the record that every fact that falls from your mouth concerning you is testimony of a living Witness having the only first-hand knowledge of any fact concerning you. State that you are a living man (or woman) not operating any franchise and inquire if the court has any jurisdiction over one of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" defined by the Definitive Peace Treaty of 1783, Article III, and if it is competent to function in the jurisdiction of American Common Law and provide adjudication as required by Amendment VII of The Constitution for the united States of America"? And if not, by what possible stretch of the imagination are they proposing to address you at all?
If they persist, ask them if they are aware that American Common Law Courts are functioning in your state on the land, and that Milligan Ex Parte forbids fhem any further public function?
If they persist, ask if they are aware that you are being forced to act as General Executor of your ESTATE under duress and against your published Will? (The Constitution for the united States of America)
Remember that you can never get into trouble by asking questions on the record, but you can send a judge in one of these "courts" straight to Hell.
Remind the Provost Marshals and the Joint Chiefs who you are and of their obligation under the Lieber Code and the Geneva Protocols of 1949, Laws of War Volume II, Article 3. Be sure to also remind them that you are a non-combatant Protected Person who has been assaulted and mischaracterized by officers of the British Crown and undeclared foreign agents acting in favor of the British Crown.
Next, contact the members of the "US Congress"---- bearing in mind that these people do not "represent" you in any way, shape or manner--- but ARE obligated to provide you with "essential governmental services" under Article IV, Section 3, Clause 2. If they don't do it and do it in Good Faith, they are acting in treason and subject to the self-executing 3rd and 4th Clause of their own corporate "Constitution's" 14th Amendment and are subject to the immediate loss of their office.
All these Bar Association Members, all these government employees, are the direct responsibility of this corporate Board of Directors and they are being ALLOWED to run amok on your land and to falsify your political status and cause you trouble and make false claims against you and your property assets.
Call them down on the carpet and spank their asses red. They are your servants--- literally--- and they have gone mad. Tell them very explicitly that you expect a prompt correction of all records related to you and your estate including the "infant decedant estate" that was improperly created "in your name", the return of title to your property owed to you free and clear, the copyright to your given name, and the unblocking of your accounts.
Remind them of the Public Law --- 2 United States Statute-at-Large 153, which clearly and explicitly lays out the duty of performance required to change the political status of any of the "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" to that of a Federal United States inhabitant.
Remind them that that duty has not been performed. Ever.
Remind them that the corporate "Congress" acted in gross fraud and conflict of interest amounting to treason when they claimed to establish a fixed rate of interest between their own private script, the so-called "Federal Reserve Note" and the United States Dollar--- facilitating the exchange of our labor, our gold and silver, and our other resources for worthless I.O.U's that were discharged by the abusive bankruptcy of the Federal Reserve System and by their own consummately dirty hands.
Remind them that thanks to more criminal fraud you have never received the remedies that were promised by HJR 192 and the related public statutes.
Remind them that both the Federal United States and the Washington, DC Municipality are their unique responsibility, not ours. Remind them that their Federal Reserve Note is their responsibility, not ours. Remind them that as they purloined our goods and our labor and gave it to the Pope and to the Queen under conditions of deceit and fraud and self-interest, it is now apparent to whom they should turn for succor and relief and for the payment of all debts related to their Federal Reserve Notes.
And if the Pope and the Queen refuse to return the favor of sharing the ill-gotten loot and bail their rumps out, we will have no reason whatsoever for not joining the defrauded Russians and Chinese in wiping the whole brood of robbers and murderers who have participated in this grotesque betrayal of our trust off the face of the Earth.
Remind them all that their only other possible source of help happens to be the very same "free sovereign and independent people of the United States" they have so arrogantly and gratuitously betrayed and whom they have defrauded and mischaracterized and enslaved and harrassed and lied to and sent their revenue agents after while pretending that we are or ever were British Crown subjects.
We Americans are good moral people, trusting, honest people--- and we know how to forgive debts. God knows, we've forgiven and forgiven and forgiven debts owed to us all around the world, debts of blood, debts of honor, debts of gold, debts of every kind, shape, sort, and description we have forgiven. There is no reason to think that we have changed our character. But we have been betrayed by Breach of Trust and without the most abject and sincere kind of repentance backed up by action, there can be no forgiveness of this circumstance.
These are facts that were presented to Benedict XVI and which Francis also knows. These are facts that have been presented to the United Nations. These are facts that have been presented to all the nations of the world. The Holy See has already given its answer and settled the Seal of Saint Peter upon my forehead---ask Francis to deny it. The Pope has opened his storehouses, and now it remains for the Queen, Jacob Rothschild, his minions, David Rockefeller and his minions, the Committee of 300, and all their corporations---not us--- to pay off the debts of the Federal United States and the Washington, DC Municipality, or face criminal prosecution and liquidation for fraud by the People of the United States, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, Scotland, Ireland, France, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, New Zealand......Brazil, India, Russia and China.
This criminality has gone on far longer than long enough. We have all been abused and we have all been defrauded. It is now time for all the people around the world to realize that we have a common enemy in the form of a dishonest banking system and dishonest men running the banking system, assisted by clueless and corrupt politicians.
It is also time for all men of goodwill and moral character to stand up and insist that these functions be cleaned up, these phony debts be erased, and that a new and honest banking system providing true planetary liquidity be instituted without further delay.
An honest banking system does not depend on banks nor on gold nor on any specific commodity. An honest banking system admits that there are only two things of value on this Earth: labor---which includes our energy, creativity and inventiveness---and natural resources. THAT is the backing for all economies and all spending and all value on this planet and no honest man will ever pretend otherwise.
An honest banking system does not depend on brand names of money--- yen, dollars, rubles, "federal reserve notes" or any other such nonsense.
An honest banking system admits that every living man, woman, and child, has great intrinsic value---beyond measure in terms of any credit system--and that we are all literally OWED all the food, housing, water, transportation, education, medical care, and everything else that we can ever legitimately need.
This truth is universal. It matters not whether you are Muslim or Jew, an American or a Chinese.
An honest banking system is in our control, literally. It is not lorded over by any supposed "elite". It is overseen directly by the people operating in their own countries and marketplaces day by day, and is exercised through the choices they individually make regarding what they invest in.
In an honest banking system all men and women have money to invest in the things they care about----not what will make a "profit" because profit is not the object of an honest banking system --- promoting what you care about is the object of an honest banking system: life, health, family, community, kindness.....
Spread the word. We are wide awake, seven billion against a few million criminals, most of whom are so clueless they don't even know they are acting in a criminal fashion.
Inform them. And if they turn away from their sins, forgive them and invite them in to join the Brotherhood of Man.

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website


  1. Paul, I really appreciate you posting all this information from Judge Anna Von Reitz. Do either of you know how to obtain a Sovereign Passport other than become a citizen of another country?.........artie from Condon

  2. Artie,
    I'll second the Sovereign Passport request, but obtain it from whom? The criminals that have us enslaved? Also, I am not sure what you mean by "other than become a citizen of another country?" Could you explain?


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