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Friday, April 11, 2014

Federal persecution of Nevada Bundy Family by BLM

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, April 11, 2014 6:57 AM
Subject: Fw: Nevada rancher Bundy vs BLM

Send this out over and over until your fingers bleed.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2014 8:53 PM
Subject: Nevada rancher Bundy vs BLM

Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association

April 10, 2014

Dear Paul,

In this letter: 
  • Sheriff Mack travels with other CSPOA members to stand with Nevada rancher against the BLM  
  • CSPOA Jan 2014 Resolution update 
  • Reminder on dates for upcoming CSPOA events 
Next CSPOA Convention:

Sept. 14, 2014
Arlington, VA
Sheriff Mack travels with other CSPOA members to stand with Nevada rancher against the BLM   
Many of you have called or emailed regarding the storm brewing between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the BLM.  We all know how we feel about the all-too-frequent bullying of individual citizens by various Feds with their usurped, unconstitutional powers.  It's an epidemic that must be stopped.

Well, we want you to know we ARE doing something about it, and thankfully this time we're not alone.  Sheriff Mack is leaving early Saturday morning for an emergency trip to Bunkerville, Nevada, along with other members of the CSPOA posse (hopefully that's some of you!) to stand vigil and find a peaceful resolution to this conflict (i.e., the feds going home).

AND this late-breaking news as per Lyle Rapacki today:

State Senate President Andy Biggs and House of Reps Speaker Dave Livingston have both agreed that Arizona should be involved in supporting CSPOA and Oath Keepers in going to Bunkerville, NV to support the movement for freedom there with the Cliven Bundy family. State Senators Al Melvin, Chester Crandall, and Kelly Ward along with State Reps Brenda Barton, Bob Thorpe, Kelly Townsend and Warren Peterson are all planning to be at the Bundy ranch by Sunday morning. Furthermore, they all plan to attend the Press Conference Monday afternoon with the CSPOA and Oath Keepers along with the Bundys and other sheriffs and public officials from across the country.

We hope you understand how HUGE this is, that state senators and reps are supporting the CSPOA and the Oath Keepers!  We are not alone! 

We want to see YOU at this event.  The more support we show in numbers, the more seriously they will take us.  If you are not able to attend, please consider donating to a special fund we have set up for this cause. For those of you who can't make it and would like to help CSPOA and Oath Keepers pay for this huge undertaking, please contribute whatever you can.
Donate to the Brady Ranch Fund

We quote now from an excellent press release regarding the event, recently put out by the Oath Keepers, one of our closest allies.

A Delegation of state legislators, lead by Washington State Representative Matt Shea, along with a  delegation of current serving Sheriffs, lead by Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and military and police members of Oath Keepers, are converging on the site of a stand-off between federal law enforcement and Nevada Rancher Cliven Bundy, to prevent bloodshed and to stand in defense of hardworking rural Americans who are under assault by a runaway federal government.   
LAS VEGAS, NV, April 10, 2014

The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (, led by retired Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, and the Oath Keepers organization ( are assisting Washington State Representative Matt Shea in organizing a delegation of current serving Western state legislators and Sheriffs to travel to the site of a tense stand-off between Bunkerville, Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).  The delegation is traveling to Nevada to support a coalition of current serving Nevada legislators being organized by Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore, of Las Vegas, to stand vigil at the Bundy ranch to prevent Federal Government provocation of violence resulting in another Ruby Ridge or Waco type incident.  They also hope that their example of oath-sworn public servants defending the rights of the people will prompt Clark County, Nevada Sheriff Douglas Gillespie and Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to honor their oaths of office by taking real action to defend the rights of the Bundy family, the rights of all Nevadans, and the sovereignty of the State of Nevada.

Yesterday, April 9, 2014, Nevada State Assemblywoman Michele Fiore served the first watch in this vigil shortly after Cliven Bundy's son, Ammon Bundy, was tazered by BLM "Rangers" during a heated confrontation.  [The video of that confrontation can be seen with the full article on the Oath Keepers web site,]:

The courage and resolve displayed by Ammon Bundy and his relatives is inspiring, and may well go down in history as a watershed moment - a turning of the tide.  But the above video also amply demonstrates the heavy-handed behavior of the BLM that risks escalating an already volatile situation into open bloodshed, that, once begun, may spiral out of anyone's control.
It is necessary that current serving public servants step in-between the protesters and the BLM, to protect the rights of the people and to prevent violence against them by the militarized federal law enforcement that are massing near the ranch to continue the forced confiscation (theft) of  Bundy's cattle, while they also restrict all access to huge tracts of public land, and attempt to restrict the free speech of protesters with their absurd "First Amendment Area" (which the protesters are ignoring, to their honor).
The Oath Keepers organization, comprised of 40,000 current serving and former military, police, and first responders, is also calling on its members and all other patriotic Americans to join the vigil at the Bundy ranch under the leadership of the current serving legislators and sheriffs.  The goal is to have at least one current serving state legislator and at least one sheriff on the ground at all times until this is over.  And they will be backed by a large number of military and police veterans, as well as dedicated patriotic Americans from all walks of life, to interpose and defend the rights of the protesters and to keep an eye on the actions of the BLM and any other federal law enforcement present, to prevent a recurrence of the horrid abuses seen at Ruby Ridge and Waco, and to hopefully pressure the Clark County Sheriff and the Nevada Governor to step up and do their constitutional duty.
Regardless, please tell everyone you know to be praying for a peaceful resolution to this situation and for the safety of the brave patriots headed there and on the ground there right now.

Please read the entire press release  
on the Oath Keepers web site, 


CSPOA Monthly Donation

Jan 2014 Resolution Update

Our list of resolution signers continues to grow at an increased rate, and is now up to 296.  That includes 34 sheriffs, 26 others in law enforcement and 32 currently serving in public office, with 10 state reps from Utah and 4 from Washington, including Matt Shea, mentioned above.  Keep in mind that if you applied online to add your name but haven't seen it appear on the list, it was most likely not accepted because you didn't upload a signed copy of the document.  It may seem like a daunting task for those of you less familiar with computers, but there are simple step-by-step instructions on the web site, and you don't even need a printer, a scanner or a camera. 
Please join us!  It's only powerful when we are united. 
Please follow this link to read the resolution on our web site, where you can see others who have signed and add your name to the list.    

Date Reminders For Upcoming CSPOA Events

CSPOA - Lighting the Lamp of Liberty: Friday April 18 2014, Springfield, Illinois.  This event is open to the public and admission is free

CSPOA Convention: Monday Sept 15 2014, Arlington, VA.  Open to all sheriffs, peace officers and public officials

Constitution Day at the National Press Club: Wednesday Sept 17 2014, Washington DC 
Richard Mack
Read more about these events on  Better yet, please support them either in person or financially!

In liberty, 
Richard Mack  

CSPOA - Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association (480)840-9091

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