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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

International Public Notice: Japanese Research Links 201 Diseases to Covid Injections

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Japanese are nothing but scrupulous researchers. Their entire culture faces facts. We all know that and appreciate that---- an appreciation reflected in the high esteem enjoyed by the Japanese scientific community worldwide.  

So it means something when we pass on this information.  Japanese researchers are saying this, and it's not good news --- Covid injections are linked now to 201 types of diseases. 

This isn't talking about individual diseases.  This is talking about categories of diseases, whole families of diseases, that cause or exacerbate conditions detrimental to health and wellness. 

For example, both Chicken Pox and Shingles are associated with one virus, but these resulting diseases which create different symptoms and attack, generally speaking, different age groups, are a category or family of diseases associated with this single common cause.  

So, 201 types of diseases can actually represent thousands of different presentations of disease in individuals. 

The upshot is --- one way or another, you are going to be made ill from and will eventually die, as a result of the Covid injection, as one thing after another wears out your immune system--- but this straightforward decline and death spiral will be masked by the  number of different symptoms and diseases that this "vaccine" can trigger in individuals. 

Thus, the Great Culling the Perpetrators have envisioned will not appear to be from a single source or disease -- even though these different results are all derived from one common source. 

This appears to be a well-thought out attempt to prevent hysteria in the vaccinated population and to draw out the suffering and death progression over time-- diluting it and masking it in a way calculated to buy the Perpetrators time enough to accomplish other critical parts of their plan -- like the destruction of the family and the destruction of the individual nation-states and the destruction of the concept of government by consent. 

The accumulation of undeniable data will only be most apparent in those most rare and shocking expressions of the "vaccine" --- for example, those cases of deadly myocarditis showing up in younger and younger populations.  That provides a red flag because it is normally very uncommon in the population and remains very uncommon among unvaccinated people. 

The thousands of other deadly outcomes that this "vaccine" also carries with it, will not be so obvious and easy to track.  

This was unleashed on us by commercial corporations engaged in mercenary activities purportedly on our behalf and also purportedly acting in our "defense".  

Perhaps no better argument can be made for the immediate forfeiture of all U.S. Military corporations and courts, and all United States Military corporations and courts, and their return to the administration of our lawful civilian government.  

These madmen and their collaborators have unleashed a massive depopulation agenda.  It's time for these organizations and the individuals responsible to disappear. 

To that end, we have directed their removal. Don't be afraid or wonder about this when it happens. 

In the meantime, be aware that in suppressed Pfizer Corporation research, all test subjects died within seven (7) years of receiving the "vaccine".  

We have asked for removal of the psychological buffering that is preventing people from realizing the immensity of this crime and many other crimes which have been committed in our names and against our interests. 

Universal Will will be achieved in approximately one week after the buffering wears off. 

The civil claims begun by a number of States of States against Pfizer will be successful, but will not succeed in addressing this massive crime.  The lives ruined and lost cannot be atoned for in money.  The harm has been organic and substantive, and so will the cure be organic and substantive. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

September 4th 2024


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