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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Silver vs Fiat: The Fall of Minimum Wage in Real Terms

 Mike Maloney dives into the shocking reality of how inflation has decimated the minimum wage over the past six decades. In this eye-opening video, Mike Maloney breaks down complex economic concepts to reveal that the minimum wage has effectively fallen by over 70% since 1963. Using the example of silver quarters, he illustrates the decline in purchasing power and discusses the broader implications of income inequality and flawed economic policies. Learn why raising the minimum wage might not be the solution and explore alternative approaches to solving economic disparities.

The only real solution is converting your wealth to precious metals.

Get out of the banks NOW!
We have two options for you to get Silver. 

For orders starting with one ounce to as many as you want. This is a company that ships from Florida.
 2. Call or email to order 500 or more ounces at 406 889 3183 

 Paul Stramer

I will send you an email showing you how to figure the price of silver at any given time, and how to do a transaction with us. All orders are fully insured and are drop shipped from our mint in Utah via FedEx Express flat rate contract.

This is our biggest seller because it can be divided into quarter or half ounce pieces.

These come from the Utah mint.

There is a minimum order requirement of 500 ounces on this one.

This has been 85% plus of our sales for over 15 years.

Paul Stramer
SLC Distributing
Eureka Montana 59917

Office 406 889 3183
Cell 406 253 4257 

1 comment:

  1. Heres another option to get silver delivered, not certificates.


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