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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Public International Notice: The Peculiar Portion of Virginia

 By Anna Von Reitz

Virginia, named after the so-called "Virgin Queen" Elizabeth I, was the second British American Colony in the New World, but not actually a "colony" in the sense that people normally assume.  Virginia was a Joint Venture of English Investors who had been apportioned a charter to inhabit and develop resources in America.  

The Massachusetts Bay Colony was similarly a Joint Venture of English Investors apportioned a charter to inhabit and develop resources in America.  

Neither of these private Joint Ventures nor several others less famous, were widely advertised, as Investor Pressure to invest in the New World was so severe that the British Government had to establish Investment Districts and match up investors in these areas with specific investment opportunities, thus an investment group in Leeds would not be able to invest in the same colonial property as an investment group in Exeter. 

This eagerness to invest in New World Joint Ventures was spurred in part by lack of new investment opportunities in Europe and the wild-eyed speculation that America, especially in the interior regions, might hold the same staggering wealth of gold and silver discovered by Spanish explorers in South America. 

So Virginia began as a Joint Venture that was chartered by a specific group of English Investors; over time, American Colonists living in Virginia were also welcomed back into the fold and allowed to invest in The Virginia Company.  By 1720, the "incorporation craze" that had gripped England and Scotland--- a craze created by the members of the Temple Bar and newly organized private insurance companies--- had spread to America. 

The opportunity for investors to receive public bankruptcy protection was pitched without the full disclosure that such incorporation transferred ownership interest to the government (and the King or Queen) and inspired a series of mergers and structural changes among investor groups. 

The United States of America Trading Company, a rather obscure investor group in Kentucky, howbeit with support from George Washington and other rich Virginia planters, split in 1732 along class and origin lines, with the British Investors forming the United States of America, Incorporated, a British Crown Corporation, and the more conservative American Investors continuing to operate as The United States of America Trading Company -- an unincorporated American business venture. 

The British Crown Investor Group that invested originally in The Virginia Company and which created the incorporated version of the United States of America, quickly got into trouble, and over-extended itself at home in England and abroad. This version of the United States of America, Incorporated, was first bankrupted in the early 1750's, taking advantage of public bankruptcy protection to offload their commercial debts and their share of war reparations still owed to France, which had paid the recovery costs of British Crown investments and war reparations accrued during the Thirty Years War which ended in 1648, basically a hundred years before.  

This bankruptcy and default on sovereign debt precipitated war with France.  

In America, this war is known as the French and Indian War; in Europe it is known as The Seven Years War, which is, when you crank it down, an extension of the Thirty Years War that caused the sovereign debt crisis that engulfed Europe from the beginning of the Protestant Reformation to the Napoleonic Era.  

Europe, during this time period, and as we have experienced in more modern times, had to rebuild everything that was foolishly destroyed, and to do so, the governments levied harsh tax penalties on physical assets, profit from investments both at home and in their colonial territories, and also levied many oppressive tariffs on imports and trade.  

These short-sighted measures clamped down on economic expansion when economic expansion was needed the most, and led to lasting feuds throughout Europe ---- and America. 

The American Revolution was, in part, caused by  European Monarchs warring with each other and then expecting the colonies to bear the brunt of their sovereign debt for wars and reparations in Europe.  

The onerous taxes and trade tariffs and import restrictions, to say nothing of being expected to bear the entire cost of King George's French and Indian War, left the Colonies staggering under the burdens and deprivations of events half a world away. 

Although we see this through the clouded lens of a deliberately obscured and distorted history that focuses primarily on the outrages perpetuated by King George and his government on the British Colonies, his abusive imposts and tariffs and taxes on goods were being passed on to all the other Colonies, too.  

It was during this unhappy period after The Seven Years War and before The War of Independence that three other things coincided: the Delaware and Lenape Native Nations began complaining about money they were owed as Pilts --- payments in lieu of taxes -- and together with the Cherokee and Sauk Nations, began objecting to trespasses against Treaty Agreements with King George barring further Colonial expansion beyond the Cumberland Gap, and perhaps worst of all, gold was found in the Great Lakes region. 

This news sent shockwaves through a skint London Investment Community and raised hopes that more gold than the Spanish Hoard was just over the horizon--- west of the Cumberland Gap.  

The King's Privy Council turned to a reliable source of information, the Honorable George Washington, lately Colonel Washington, a brilliant soldier, surveyor --- and Cousin of the King --- who had journeyed extensively both to the north and west  beyond the Cumberland Gap.  

George "reported pleasantly" concerning the abundant rich lands and water sources immediately west and northwest of the existing colonies, and yes, he had himself encountered quartz rock formations throughout the area northwest of Pennsylvania, which might contain veins of gold.  Washington was guarded, but not guarded enough. 

Suddenly, the pesky Native Tribes were not only a nuisance asking for their payments in lieu of taxes at a bad time, but now, their treaties with the King were standing between Fleetstreet and the biggest gold bonanza since the Spanish Main.  The echoes of this gold fever and its motivational force are still echoed in the Northwest Ordinance giving the British Territorial Government first crack at exploring new land "to the Northwest" and guaranteeing the King and his Successors a ten percent tributary interest in all gold in the ground which would, in future, be mined from our nascent western states. 

The "Revolution" did more than relieve the Colonies of taxes and tariffs and import restrictions; the change of government got King George out of having to abide by his venerable treaties with the Native Tribes.  The new Government under General Washington was free to expand its reach far beyond the Cumberland Gap.  

A hundred years later, during the Civil War, the Lakota Sioux, saw their opportunity for a pre-emptive strike against the treaty-breakers who had not only dishonored King George's treaties with the Lenapes and Delawares, but caused the depopulation and genocide of the Cherokee and related Nations known as the Trail of Tears. 
The Lakota knew they were next if they didn't do something to stop the onslaught of Western Migration.  The Great Sioux Uprising of 1862 was the result. 

The British Territorial U.S. Army's savage suppression, multiple genocides of Native civilian populations, the near-extinction of the American Bison and the Reservation System together with the cultural genocide machines known as Indian Residential Schools were the end result.  

Meanwhile, at the same time, in 1862, in Virginia, the so-called Civil War was in full engagement.  The Virginians were split between the Plantation Owners and the Northern Virginians whose personal investments and proximity to the Federal Capitol led them to side with Lincoln.  There was also West Virginia, a large mostly rural area, that wanted to maintain its neutrality and friendly relations, but was finally forced to enter the Union as a new State Territory in the middle of the conflagration. 

This amounted to a three-way partition of Virginia, which was at once enmeshed to the North with the District of Columbia Government and to the South, with the Confederate Government in Richmond. 

Virginia was literally torn apart.  More than a century later, the wounds have not healed.  

After Lee's Army surrendered, Richmond was burned to the ground; only those homes and facilities used by the Union Army on its march through the South were left intact.  And even some of those private homes and businesses were burned upon their departure.  All of Southern Virginia was laid waste or as the legal eagles call it, "ruinated".  

Northern Virginia, meanwhile, was being protected by a quasi-militia force calling itself the Army of Northern Virginia, that had been sympathetic to the Union and assisted the Union throughout the War, so that while they were subjected to a nasty and strict military-style occupation, the infrastructure and private property assets in Northern Virginia largely escaped damage from the Union Army, which had headquartered in Washington, DC.  

West Virginia remained a  No Man's Land of tiny hamlets, twisting roads, isolated farms, coal mines, low-backed mountains cut by fast-running streams and deep valleys.  Even now, it is one of the least populated and poorest States in the country, a preserve of oral history and folksongs, archaic English language, skilled trades, crafts, and herbal lore.  It's as if West Virginia, horrified by the Civil War, pulled its shirt over its head and hoped for the best. 

England viewed Virginia as the Prime Mover in The War of Independence and in the aftermath of the Civil War, saw its chance to take its vengeance on its former Colony redefined (until recently) as an occupied territory. 

The State of Virginia was demised and the former State-of-State Government was replaced by an incorporated Commonwealth, similar to Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, under the theory that the Civil War was an ongoing and unresolved military operation and these states were up for grabs by England in any peace process. 

This amounts to the British Investors who split off and created the United States of America, Incorporated, trying to come back after two generations and glom onto the property interests of the American Investors who did not incorporate, did not go bankrupt, and eventually became the unincorporated Holding Company known as The United States of America.

We now know that the Civil War was a deeply criminal Mercenary Conflict deliberately engendered on our shores, promoted by some of our Federal Employees in league with the Rothschild central banks, and financed by the same corrupt European patrimonies that have kept the world at war for (their) profit for the last 300 years.  

The last shot of the so-called American Civil War was fired in the Bering Sea during the summer of 1866,  by the CSS Shenandoah, which was built and berthed out of Liverpool, England. 

To underscore the duplicity, co-option, and guile of Great Britain, consider how it supported and profited from both sides of the Civil "War" Conflict --- on one hand, Britain operated in support of the Northern Alliance and contributed money, manpower, and supplies -- for a hefty price, to the British Territorial U.S. Army; and at the same time, Britain built the Confederate Warships and offered safe harbor to the Southern Fleet and privateers.  

All of this (and from either side) falls far short of the neutrality and peacekeeping efforts that the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor owed us. 

Instead of working to defend this country and its best interests, which meant preventing any Mercenary Conflict on our shores, the British Territorial Federal Subcontractor used its influence to create the conflict, prolong it, misrepresent it as a war, and profit from it surreptitiously for over 150 years.  

The re-establishment of our State Assemblies in Virginia, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania marks the restoration of active American Government in these States of the Union--- referring now to the original Union formed on July 4th 1776, not the Northern Confederacy deceptively calling itself "the Union".  

We are calling for the return of all our assets cashiered in State Trusts and Federal Slush Funds, all the cured Birth Certificate and Social Security bonds, all the non-speculative cash, all land patents, titles, and surveys, everything and anything that naturally belongs to our States and our people that has been illegally seized as booty on land or as prizes on the High Seas in breach of trust and violation of the federal service contracts.   

We remind everyone in the international community that that the Law of the Land is the Supreme Law in international jurisdiction and the Supremacy Clause found as Article VI of all Federal Constitutions leaves no doubt that all codes, regulations, private contracts, statutes, ordinances, rules, mandates and public policies of the Federal Subcontractors are secondary and subservient to the greater law established for them by their respective Constitutions. 

Any deviation or purposeful evasion of the duties imposed on our Federal Contractors by their respective Constitutions is a breach of trust and law; any scheme, registration, process or conspiracy to misidentify Americans as foreigners in their own country and so  impersonate them and deprive them of rights and material interests that are owed to them --- these evils must be quit with extreme prejudice or otherwise prosecuted as unlawful conversion and treason.  

The scions or present members of the Army of Northern Virginia have no greater or better claim or right to Virginia than the pre-conflict Virginians and their children. 

There was no valor earned, nor right of conquest, no recourse to The Law of War ever available from this violent and venal Conflict merely called The American Civil War; it was engaged in under conditions of deceit and color of law and has no standing as an actual war, therefore those fighting in it had no standing to make claims. 

In terms of Law, all those who fought in the "American Civil War" were acting as foreign mercenaries, no matter which side they fought for, and no matter if they fought on the Federal level or State level. 

It follows that those living within the borders of Virginia as peaceable Virginians prior to, during, and after the so-called Civil War, have the prior and uninterrupted and superior claim.  This is not limited to white people of European descent.  Living people of all races and religions who kept the peace have the honor of unabridged inheritance. 

This is somewhat difficult for men who believe that all wars and battlefields are fields of valor.  This is not true.  Risking your life in a criminal cause or for the benefit of one set of brigands over another, does not confer any property interest in purloined assets.

While the members of the Army of Northern Virginia may have valid complaints and claims, just as the West Virginians and the progeny of the Plantation Owners do, and the Native American Nations, too, we all have to get beyond the American Civil War, realize that it was part of a violent fraud scheme promoted by foreign interests --- and put it in the rearview mirror. 

There is no ongoing war, no legitimate military occupation, and that realization has immediate, definite, and compelling implications for Virginia.  Virginia can finally heal.  

Kentucky, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts can all lift their heads as honored States of the Union, with unbroken and undisputed claim to their land and soil, their assets, and their lawful government, which is still intact and now in Session. 

Fifty years ago and more, it used to be commonplace to hear some exasperated elder mutter under their breath, "He's still fighting the Civil War!" 

We've all been forced to fight the Civil War throughout our lifetimes, and whether we knew it or not, we've been victims and targets of these war-mongering corporations merely in the business of providing "essential government services".  

Now with a clear view of history, facts in hand, we can dispense with the delusions, set aside the lies, and find our way forward on solid ground again. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

July 27th 2024


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