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Thursday, July 18, 2024

Did Biden’s Team Deliberately Kneecapp Trump’s Security To Allow An Assassination Attempt

Article on the Federalist by Sean Davis

They kept the rooftop open, watched the shooter, kept Trump on the stage, and didn’t do a damn thing until after he had been shot. And we’re supposed to believe it was an innocent oopsie?

Biden’s Team Crippled Trump’s Security To Allow Murder Attempt (


  1. If its not apparent that the uniparty is framing up the next election with these antics, people must still want to believe the parties are not inbred and sold out.

  2. When all the world leaders,  are parroting the same response, we know they are in lock-step with Agenda 2030. 

    Aside from denouncing violence, I question Anna's recent article about the Trump shooting, and why she defends this evil man and does not address the blatant deceptions that everyone can see if they look closely at the video footage and stop listening to the narratives.  Why did Anna fail to denounce the shooter event deception as well? 

    We must always remember that Trump fast-tracked a LETHAL bioweapon that has resulted in millions of people, our friends and family dead, disabled, purposely given AIDs, suffering with blood clots, heart-attacks, turbo-cancers and rapidly declining health during the past 4 years.  We are all witnesses to the unfolding massive "train-wreck" attack on living people.  We can no longer live normal lives because of the pervasive destruction Trump put in place.

    The Plandemic was the Abomination of Desolation spoken of at Matthew 24:15: a hateful thing - lab-created viper venom injections that causes perpetual destruction. It came out of holy places -- authorized and promoted by every church leader and the leaders in Rome, and hospitals that we falsely believe are here to save us.

    Despite the abuse and horrors that Trump was first to publicly authorize to be unleashed on living people for corporate PROFIT, we remain resolved to live in peace and are not vengeful.  We wait on Almighty God Creator of the Universe to brings justice, bring peace, prosperity and security, and restore the earth, which will never come from any man or government.  The Agenda 2030, which Trump is a key player in implementing, takes away EVERYTHING -- it does NOT restore us.

    However, amnesty, like forgiveness requires "repentence", resolving to stop causing harm and NEVER repeat it.  Trump has made his choice clear, and deserves no amnesty.  He is a criminal that must be brought to justice.  Perhaps the fake shooting was also a way to delay or escape justice.

    It is obvious that the "shooting" script was written by a hired team high on some wacky weed, sitting back laughing at the gullable Americans who can no longer discern fact from fiction.   They wrote it not for realism, but for the illusion of a JFK Dallas tragedy re-enactment.  If Trump was really a target,  the sniper would not have missed -- this was STAGED, including the trickle of streaked blood smeared across his face to resemble a Native American Warrior (subliminal programming)! 

    There are way too many inconsistencies that they forgot to address as they concocted this half-baked, poorly written shooter-script.  They can't and never will explain what really happened because they have to keep LYING.  We still don't have the official FACTS all these many decades after JFK, MLK, RFK and more!

    Most people cannot even fathom that Trump himself is "in on it", because they can't believe any plausible reason for such a violent deception.  Well, consider that Trump is hell-bent on finishing what he fast-tracked: global GENOCIDE. 

    The target is NOT on Trump -- its on all of the living people of earth!  Who will step forward to publicly denounce Trump for that heinous act of violence on the living people!!!

    I pray that I'm wrong, but I believe Trump is a very dangerous man who has been chosen to step onto the world stage one final time to cause great harm to mankind and the earth.  Revelation 13:1-10.

    False flags are used to accomplish agendas that could never happen when people are thinking critcally, and not being influenced by deceptions, like sacrificing innocent men at Pearl Harbor as an excuse for America to enter WWII.

    Don't be goaded into WWIII!  Trump's "fight" is with us, but we shall not participate!

    Pray for discernment and wisdom to understand what is happening and how to properly respond to all the liars in this GREATEST FRAUD EVER TOLD theatre production.
    Matthew 24:5, 11, 24.

    1. The greatest story ever told. And the longest with its similarly themed sequels:


    Maybe we just experienced a "close encounter" of the B.S. kind -- Trump didn't bleed because he's one of those government secret aliens or maybe an AI robot body double?


    1. I would be interested to hear Anna's take on this paper. It contradicts her viewpoint. I believe the incident was staged as well.

  5. Who knows what exactly is going on. I keep seeing the hand signs being shown and asking myself doesn't anyone else see this and yes I saw that he authorised the use of biojabs by EO in 2017.
    Here's a great documentary on some history we haven't been told about


    Here's your sign that Mr. Trump is already functioning as a global dictator, under the authority of the Vatican hidden in the background, to be the second coming of "Jesus".

    Trump refers to himself as "Jesus". If the Jesus he personifies is the Greek Deity Zeus, Chief god of Olympus, then he's correct.

    But, this Zeus is NOT The Messiah from our Creator God, but from Satan. Trump's reign over the globe will not be benevolent!

    Look back into history -- this is how Hitler came into power at a time when Germans were angry with political injustice. Hitler also thought he was the Messiah. Look at the photos of Hitler's angry countenance. Do you see the resemblance to Trump's hateful expressions?

    Just like Hitler, Trump will appear to do good for the people at first. As his power increases, we will witness his mask removed to reveal a horrible Beast from the Sea! Thankfully, though, his authority and global domination will be relatively short -- 42 months, according to Revelation 13:5

    However, let's pray that time frame is cut short, or I fear none of us will survive his evil reign.

  7. The beast from the sea is the maritime Law we've all been living under


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