By Anna Von Reitz
We will quickly note that much of the actual wealth of the past fifty years has been built on oil and in the case of this country, refined oil products.
"The US" has consistently been one of the top exporters of refined oil products worldwide and thanks to mutually beneficial contracts with Saudi Arabia to supply crude oil, this position has been maintained and has driven the "petrodollar economy".
That is, the USD, the international asset-backed money used by the Federal Subcontractors has been backed by petrochemicals instead of gold or silver.
Saudi crude oil has made that value-added empire possible for the US, along with the demand that all oil purchases of said value-added refined oil products be paid for with Federal Reserve Notes.
Thus, in order for Denmark, for example, to buy fuel oil, the Danish Government had to first convert their national currency into Federal Reserve Notes which were then used to do the actual purchase of fuel oil.
This is a reprise of the old Greenbacks Swindle, where investors "had to" convert their gold into greenbacks in order to buy high yield bonds, but when it came time to cash in those bonds, all they could access as repayment were more Greenbacks -- not the gold they actually invested, plus interest.
The so-called "Reserve Currency" Swindle works exactly the same way.
The new story went like this: you want (or need) refined oil products? Okay, we have a monopoly on these products, and you can buy them in exchange for Federal Reserve Notes. Only Federal Reserve Notes.
So, all the other countries buying refined oil products from the Saudis and OPEC (crude oil) and the US (final refined oil products) have had to convert their gold and silver and other actual assets into Federal Reserve Notes before they can buy oil products.
This leads to all sorts of actual, factual assets and gold and silver and land and other physical assets being traded for Federal Reserve Notes -- non-negotiable "paper", which is only needed because that's what the sellers of the refined oil products will accept.
This is a monopoly inside a monopoly.
First, there is the contractual obstruction of trade in crude oil that creates the first monopoly benefiting OPEC and the Saudis; second, there is the currency-driven monopoly on refined oil products leading to the conversion of national gold and silver and land and other actual assets into Federal Reserve Notes, which aren't even negotiable instruments.
This second monopoly leaves "the US" with control of all the physical assets traded first for Federal Reserve Notes (which are worthless except for the illegal labor contracts underwriting them) and then traded for refined oil products.
This is exactly the Greenbacks set up -- trade your gold for Greenbacks, use the Greenbacks to buy investment bonds, only get Greenbacks back for your trouble.
You've been neatly swindled out of your gold.
Update it and what do you have? Trade your physical assets, your gold and silver backed national currencies, for Federal Reserve Notes. Trade the Federal Reserve Notes for refined oil products. If you have any complaints, all you are owed back are more Federal Reserve Notes.
You've been swindled under force and duress (because everyone needs refined oil products in the modern world) and your land, national currencies, etc., have all been traded for Federal Reserve Notes-- basically paper coupons.
Meantime the same Pikers have been deliberately using the Inventions Secrecy Act (1951) to artificially suppress over 6,000 Patents including hundreds of patents that would have allowed the world to progress to the use of free energy sources.
So not only have they created resource and currency monopolies that are actually obstructions to trade and illegal by definition, they have suppressed competing resources and technologies.
They have forced all the "occupied" countries to buy their refined oil and gas products from the US using Federal Reserve Notes which has driven the market for Federal Reserve Notes worldwide, and when these same occupied countries had the temerity to contract with Russia to provide cheaper and more abundant and cleaner Natural Gas, "the US" blew up the Nordstream pipelines to -- again -- suppress the competition.
These monopolies on essential commodities have done nothing but artificially impoverish most of the countries on Earth, including our own, and provided mammoth amounts of unjust enrichment to the Perps.
We wish it to be known that we, Americans, had nothing to do with this criminality and have not overall benefited from it; our Federal Subcontractors deliberately suppressed development of North American oil and gas resources, which has artificially suppressed crude oil supplies and refined oil product supplies ---and gouged prices for these commodities in the world market, while leaving Americans paying some of the highest prices for refined oil products and being dependent along with everyone else on foreign crude oil supplies.
Truth be told, we have more crude oil than the Saudis and it is far, far closer to our refineries.
On June 9th, the sole-source contract with the Saudis to sell all their crude oil to the US expires.
Loss of the Saudi contract is going to undermine the stability and overall viability of the "petrodollar" scheme and in the short term -- next four to five years -- drive oil and gas prices even higher, which will drive hyperinflation.
Everything will cost more because energy will cost more, and the energy sector will drain the vitality out of every other economic sector, as the need to stay warm -- or cool -- will supplant many other lesser needs.
It's time for all this unlawful, illegal, and immoral manipulation by the central banks to come to an end and for new energy sources -- both conventional oil reserves that have been left undeveloped, and free energy technologies that have been suppressed -- to come to fruition.
Unfortunately for us, this means short term chaos, much higher prices for gasoline, home heating oil, and jet fuel, which means higher prices for electricity, too -- and that will add to the increased cost of every other product and service.
China Joe already plugged out "the US" oil reserves so there will be little or nothing to backstop the plunge in oil supplies or buy any time to adjust. We can expect wild prices at the gas pumps and even wilder prices for electricity which is a "value added" product dependent on hydrocarbons except for hydro generation plants that are largely mothballed.
Buckle up and fill your gas tanks. And fuel oil tanks. And propane tanks. Secure wood and coal supplies for the winter. Figure on massive reduction of electrical use if the Saudis flinch, and there is little to no doubt that they will, thanks to the massive abuses in the Gaza Strip --- which is also all about oil.
Nobody will be able to afford anything, and the politicians will stand around with their hands in their pockets rattling their sabers and offering to "pay" with the lives of your sons and daughters for their own perfidy, greed, and incompetence.
Might also be a great time to stock up on large plastic garbage bags. We will have a lot of garbage to throw out.
Issued by:
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652
June 6th 2024
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