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Tuesday, January 16, 2024

News for You

 By Anna Von Reitz

It doesn't matter what two foreign corporations in the business of providing "governmental services" under contract do.  

What matters is what you know and what you do at this moment in history.  

Much palaver has been spent over agreement or non-agreement of the Biden Administration to sign accords with the World Health Organization, Inc.,  and some idiots have assumed that Biden has the power to relinquish "American sovereignty" to the World Health Organization, Incorporated. 

Joe Biden doesn't hold American sovereignty of any kind. 

Our sovereignty is vested in us and in our State Assemblies.  He's not even functioning as an American at the present time. 

Joe can tell his employees to stand on their heads every half hour and wear pink striped jumpsuits to work, and if they are docile enough, he can get away with it.  

He can also tell them to bow down to the World Health Organization, Inc. and if they are docile enough, well, they can take another shot and die by the millions.  

That's their choice. 

Your choice is your choice.  

You can simply declare your correct birthright political status and treat Joe Biden as your erring employee.  

You can tell him and every State-of-State Governor and Legislature in America how high to jump, and guess what?  Contractually, that is what they are obligated to do.  

So get yourselves organized and self-govern. 

Stop running around like the proverbial chicken. 

Facts are facts.  Joe Biden has no authority over your life, much less the life of this country.  He can no more "surrender" your sovereignty than he can leap over the Empire State Building. 

The sovereignty is vested in you and your States and your government.  Not his corporation.  So get off the couch and repopulate your State of the Union and start telling your employees what to do. 

Go to the American States website and get started.  


See this article and over 4600 others on Anna's website here:

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