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Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Money Fraud

 By Anna Von Reitz

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005January 19th 2023 in Seq:

The centerpiece fraud of frauds, the Big Kahuna underlying, underwriting, and supporting absolutely all these other mammoth fraud for profit and war profiteering schemes -- is money. 

Money started out innocently enough in the form of tokens, coupons, or warehouse certificates issued to merchants who were stuck warehousing and distributing and keeping track of various commodities.  It was a convenient tool, nothing more. 

In Ancient Babylon, gold coins stamped with the image of a wheat basket allowed the bearer to collect a bushel of wheat from any royal grain storehouse;  both the gold and the wheat had actual value in-and-of-themselves and those values were equal at the time all this got started. 

It did not stay that way for long. 

What happens if a famine sweeps Babylon and a plague of locusts eats the new year's crops, so that the demand for wheat and  the perceived value of wheat sky-rockets?  Suddenly gold loses its parity with wheat.  Due to market conditions, it now takes five gold tokens for the bearer to receive one bushel of wheat.  

This simple example demonstrates the fundamental problem with all commodity-based money standards: our notions concerning the value of anything may change in the twinkling of an eye, causing disruption of entire civilizations. 

We are facing exactly such a situation now, when the supply and demand related to another basic commodity used as a money standard, petroleum, is being threatened.

So our minds become engaged with how to solve this problem, and it never occurs to us that we are working on the wrong problem.

We cannot control the transitory nature of value; though we can coercively control supplies of commodities and even engage in price controls, these are merely market manipulations. 

The problem is much deeper, and it is simply this: money is an idol, and those who create money and use it for purposes of trade are idolaters.

The bankers, like the attorneys, come to us straight from Babylon.

Whether coins or paper notes or certificates, we carry graven images in our pockets and representations of these graven images on bank ledgers every day ---- and we think nothing of the insanity involved and stay stubbornly unaware of what we pay for this convenience.
Some organization, a government or a banking cartel like the Federal Reserve, creates an idol and calls it a dollar, a ruble, a yen, and so on.  The people in that country are then forced to worship this man-made idol, by exchanging their goods and services for it. 

This enslavement to their illusion --- their patent fraud --- is what the bankers are talking about when they say we "give value" to their currency.  Our value. Our goods. Our services. 

According to the bankers, this is all a voluntary donation on our parts, a tithe given to their god, Mammon, who provides them with wealth and power. 

Nothing has changed since Ancient Babylon, except that the idolaters have figured out cheaper and cheaper ways to make their graven images.  

What started out with gold coins, was gradually shifted to fancy engraved paper, and now, these same charlatans want us to accept non-physical representations of their representations, so-called "digital dollars" that cost them nothing but a few keystrokes on a computer to make and which can disappear just as easily. 

No issue under the consideration of Ecclesiastical Law is more urgent, for these Fakirs have enslaved Mankind to an illusion, and defrauded people of their lives and substance in inequitable exchange for a mere symbol of value--- an idol, which they create the same way that other men create gear shafts.

It's the biggest con game on Earth and has been for the last 8,000 years, because no matter what material they use to make their idols, the lives and the substance produced by others will always be far more valuable than anything the idol-makers produce.  

We wish for both attorneys and bankers to be forced to wear the clothing of Ancient Babylon as the emblems of their trade, so that people can recognize who they are, where they are coming from, and what they are still foisting off, by fraud and by force, on the rest of us. 

Even such a simple and kind punishment should be sufficient to  convince many of them to give up their devotion to crime and deceit and rethink the basis of their religion. 

Between the attorneys deceiving people into thinking they are purveyors of law and justice, and the bankers deceiving people into thinking that their idols have value, it is no wonder that people are increasingly confused and alienated. 

Everyone on Earth can sense the vast fraud.  At some level, they know that they are being duped and cheated, even if they have never consciously delved out the truth.

People certainly know that the Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia are forcing this system of things on them, by forcing them to exchange their goods and services for I.O.U.s.  This could only be accomplished via the abuse of the power of government and so-called "legal tender laws" imposed under color of law, but as we have already seen, these Municipal Corporations are not our government.  

These Municipal Corporations and their Boards of Directors have no contract to meddle with our gold and silver coinage or issue credit in our names, nor do they have any legitimate "war powers" or "emergency powers". These are commercial service vendors in the business of providing---- in the words of Article IV of every Federal Constitution---- "essential government services" that are defined and limited by the Constitutions that created these phantoms. 

We notice that as Abraham Lincoln was promoted and elected under conditions of fraud, and as he was prohibited from serving as the actual President of either our Federation of States or our American Federal Republic, nothing he did had any lasting value.  The entire Mercenary Conflict was all conceived as a British Bunko scheme and war-for-profit; everything resulting from the so-called American Civil War is tainted by this fraud, including LIncoln's introduction of the  practice of issuing "Executive Orders", including General Order 100, also known as the Lieber Code, and everything associated with it.  

No corporation executive in the history of this country has any ability to legislate or create any equivalent of law applicable to any member of our General Public.  

So at last Jefferson Davis's Revenge has come true.  What began with fraud must end at last, even such venerable frauds as the idolatry and the court systems of Babylon.  

We wish for an immediate transition to a prepaid credit system by which people worldwide may quickly and simply receive back the value of taxes, mortgages, utilities, interest on bogus loans, and other payments that they made, but didn't owe.  

We wish for physical gold and silver coinage and physical asset-backed currency, such as the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, as a stepping-stone transition to a totally new way of viewing and conducting lawful trade between individuals and nations. 

We wish for this aforesaid transition period to be used to educate all people on Earth about the money fraud and the court fraud so that these things can never again be used to enslave and indebt and make people miserable anymore --- and no longer provide unjust enrichment to idolaters, and no longer be a motive for war and violence. 

We wish for the institutions and practices that were created and used to support and enforce the current fraud, including the central banks, to be wound down and phased out, the giant pension funds and other Slush Funds gradually dispersed to pay for infrastructure and other worthy needs worldwide. 

We wish for the creativity of Mankind to create a new vision of value, including our own infinite potential and infinite value as part of a Creation that is also beyond all value that we can imagine. 

We wish for all eyes to be opened and all people to be cherished in their "as is" condition, and then we wish for them to be restored and healed and for all resources to be employed on their behalf to make this possible. 

We wish for the Municipal Corporations to be left in the past, only serving as a reminder of what not to do in the future.  

Issued by: Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
                 The United States of America 
                 In care of: Box 520994
                 Big Lake, Alaska 99652

April 26th 2023


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  1. Black rock and Vangaurd as well as Alladin are vying to buy up all assets globally including homes land and hard assets.
    We must stop these corrupt and evil Rothschild spawn infiltrating all communities and poisoning enslaving and milking us all.

    We the people demand their immediate dissolution and all signers and trustees as well as Board Members of these corporations must be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law of the land. Every living man and woman holding authoritative powers within these harmful corporations MUST face the jury and be judged.

    We DO NOT CONSENT to these corporations being valid or in existence and we demand their immediate liquidation and cessation.

    1. it sounds like the AnnaLivingLawFirmAttorneys are suggesting that nothing that has been stolen from you:man be restored to you....(?)
      and also that you:man give up all of the right/ "interest" in everything your work "funded": your share in the Corporations your work built from resources that belong to you:man?
      PLUS all that is in your Retirement Accounts???
      and accept in their place:
      "Value" that fluctuates, that you dont control
      or even know what the fluctuations would be based on:
      in the form of EVEN MORE "Pre-Paid Credit"
      when the "PrePaid Credit" that is already owed to you off of the Birth Certifcates that is still owed to you:man??
      where did THAT "Pre-Paid Credit" go?
      Did you get it?
      where is it?
      who has that?
      Did the people who set up the Birth Certificates and -related Trusts "for you" take THAT Pre-Paid Credit and use it for themselves? leaving you:man to pay for debts and losses to others that they created?
      if yes, why would you even consider MORE "Pre-Paid Credit"? ... especially when it has value thats not even "Fixed", and you dont have one thing left but a card that somebody else decides what its fluctuating value is?

    2. repeating: we call for the so-called "Conversion" of all this back to the people like its supposed to be, keeping beneficial service up and running, and clean the corruption out of the Corporations, and try those man who have been causing harm to our people.

    3. Woman:janmarie, you evidence you do not know how to read,

      "...We wish for physical gold and silver coinage and physical asset-backed currency, such as the gold-backed American Federation Dollar, as a stepping-stone transition to a totally new way of viewing and conducting lawful trade..."

      Woman:janmarie, but you could be reasonably concerned in that you have: nada, zilch, nothing useful, nothing desirable, no word worthy, no love binding, no hug holding, no child suckling, no smile deserving, with which to "TRADE?" (likely a bureaucrat? You want for a "job" in the Department of Education? Seems you already have such.)

      You have nothing, you offer nothing - "Nothing" perhaps because you are a natural destroyer (in your own feckless manner?)

      Maybe you could turn over a new leaf, and contribute some one iota useful to the conversation here, maybe just once?

      More than likely you will "...fade away, dissolve, and quite forget, what thou amongst the leaves hath never known..."

      Oh what a joyful world.

    4. woman:janmarie ...5:26PM, not sure which one anymore, 4 perhaps?....
      So let me get this straight.... like the Satanic priests of Ba'al of old, you want to allow them to keep on trucking with all their human sacrifices and baby killing, blood drinking torturing of innocent babies and children and abortions for them to eat, who have been ripped from their mothers wombs and arms and tortured so that they can be turned into human laboratories to produce adenochromatic elixir for their addiction to a human produced hallucinogenic elixir for these addicted demons to human power hormones while they figure out whether or not they are going to give everything else they have stolen from all the peoples of the earth back to them? really? Really??? Do you really believe these demons are going to give up what they have worked to accomplish over the last 6 or 8 thousand years to accomplish? Don't forget, the Ba'al priests cut their own selves and bled to get Ba'al to answer them and he never did even though Elijah gave them every benefit of the doubt and doused his own sacrifice with water to show who was God and who was not. These creatures have no other intentions but to stay the course and that means that humanity must be annihilated. No more, no less. Who do you think you are playing with? LEGION. That's who. You know the truth and you want to do nothing? You could find your own self being judged by the true America for treason. You! the one that is always hollering "no harm, no harm, no harm," and here you are wishing more harm on the innocent bcuz you might be without your conveniences for a while. Who is the provider of what we need? ls it not the Lord? Do you think man has been providing your electricity, your food, your clean water, your medicine? all this time? NO! lt's been the Lord all along. Get out of his way and MOVE OVER!

    5. so just to expand on and also summarize what i already posted:
      it seems logical and prudent to:
      1. see through any Smoke and Mirror Constructs
      2. and keep our eye on the fact that: we:man can call, in
      peace and law and from right, for restorations owed to us, if any:
      3. remember that we were attacked without Declaration or reason around 1860
      4. and our God-made land was claimed by the Legal/Religious/ Other Fictions that used other living men to attack us: to pay for debts its never been proven we owed, but that it does seem were actually run up by men we didnt authorize to speak for us = false claims in American common law: ...and restoration is owed when same is proven true.
      5. then using the Birth Certificates, did similar to our people: with the "Remedy" for this horrendous wrong-doing being "Pre-Paid Credit"... that not only were we never told about, but also the same ones who apparently stole our land and labor and didnt tell us about the remedy, then also STOLE THE REMEDY TOO and used it to enrich themselves with and also to build Corporations with, that they often used with intent TO HARM US???
      6. now, without making any payment back for any of that, they now suggest we forget about it all and give up our right/ "Interest" in what our stolen labor and resources built, if any: all those Corporations, along with all that Profit; and tear them all down instead of simply stepping up and correcting what is wrong?
      ....and let them keep all thats been stolen, if anything, and/or let them "manage" it for us. ...again??!!; .... oh, and just throw in them-there Retirement Accounts too."?
      ... and we promise, Promise, PROMISE, this time we really, really, really will give you all the Pre-Paid "Credit" you want in our long as we can fluctuate the "Value" however and whenever we say... kinda like the Federal Reserve does now?

      we require that what belongs to us/our 'Proper-ty' be restored.

    6. Women:janmarie -

      Please explicitly name and enumerate that which belongs to you, by posting here. So we are aware of that which is yours,' and please also explicitly present who be your' "we."

      Please separate your claim from your' "we" claim, so you don't get arrested for attempted theft by fraud.

      Hope this helps your' pursuit of, as per your' sign-off:

      "we require that what belongs to us/our 'Proper-ty' be restored."

      I am sure the world will be all the happier to finally know.

    7. I suggest you "RESCIND" your dishonest many fake aka, each which has become your' "SIGNATURE" including "women:janmarie" and all in/between to your' prior "goodboots." As you are in fact merely anonymous.

      "...not to Imaginary, Costumed Characters Acting Out Fictional Roles and Titles they make up and use for the Imaginary PrivateGames..."
      "4. man can RESCIND HIS "SIGNATURE" at any time because *man*s auto-graph belongs only to him/ is his "Proper-ty". and *man* can do whatever he wants with it, including take it back..."


    8. Women:janmarie -

      Please explicitly name and enumerate that which belongs to you, by posting here. So we are aware of that which is yours,' and please also explicitly EXCLUDE those of your' "we."

    9. Change her name to distraction jackson thats all she does is distracrt

    10. if that woman new anything she wouldnt be acting as though she is one upping anna.

    11. more about s/State (American) common law:
      even though State (American) courts of record are held under authority of the s/State's common law for man/land that is determined from the people, EVEN MORE IMPORTANT TO THE JURORS (WHO ARE THE JUDGES) BEING ABLE TO REACH THE RIGHT DECISION is:
      the laws of nature and natures create-r:
      CAUSE HARM TO NO MAN underlies everything else.

  2. I quit working at shoprite and now I make $65-85 per/h. How? I'm working online! My work didn't exactly make me happy so b I decided to take a chance on something new… after 4 years it was so hard to quit my day job but now I couldn't be happier.
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  3. Who knew! Grandma is the smartest person in the country!!! Thanks Anna for your input and courage!

  4. Anna Banana Idiot, Why do you delete important information ?
    You censored the comment which relates to John Todd.

  5. These are commercial service vendors in the business of providing---- in the words of Article IV of every Federal Constitution---- "essential government services" that are defined and limited by the Constitutions that created these phantoms. Could this quote be somewhat inaccurate? Article IV deals with State rights. Article I Section 8 has most of the "essential government services enumerated. Can we tighten it up a bit?

  6. What? You can't "tighten it up" for us?

    "Commerce" is "sea" jurisdiction. "Trade" is 'land' jurisdiction.

    ."..The centerpiece fraud of frauds, the Big Kahuna underlying, underwriting, and supporting absolutely all these other mammoth fraud for profit and war profiteering schemes -- is money..."

    "...Money started out innocently enough in the form of tokens, coupons, or warehouse certificates issued to merchants who were stuck warehousing and distributing and keeping track of various commodities. It was a convenient tool, nothing more..."

    "...These Municipal Corporations and their Boards of Directors have no contract to meddle with our gold and silver coinage or issue credit in our names, nor do they have any legitimate "war powers" or "emergency powers". These are commercial service vendors in the business of providing---- in the words of Article IV of every Federal Constitution---- "essential government services" that are defined and limited by the Constitutions that created these phantoms..."

    What are we missing Baldwin Templeton?

    Government - Govern = steer + ment = mind.

    May I suggest you steer your own mind, and "guide" your family from the chronic "mind steering" of the "Government."

    Exegesis: When at sea, you need a competent captain (helmsman) to steer the ship swiftly, and swiftly gather the minds of crew, from off the reefs. When on the land, you need a competent Man/Husband and Woman/Wife to nurture the family - patiently to persist and endure, for children's future. And "keep your hand on the plow o' lord."

    MORAL TO THE STORY? Pirates (governments) do not belong on mankind's land.

    Templeton, Can we tighten this up a bit?

  7. Anna bAnana,
    Your understanding on money is very low level.
    Paper money was invented by Tang dynasty(618-906 A. D.). Mongolians also used paper money. Knights Templar met with Mongolian Army. Then Knights Templar noticed money of paper. Knights Templar issued unsigned paper certificates for treasuries of pilgrims.
    This is the beginning of present days fiat money.
    If central bank is 100% owned by government and run by good people, it has no problem. FRB is 100% private.

  8. Dear eponymous Baloney-mouse,

    Oh really? But of course, she does not "understand" because she/we (not you) "over-stand" money.

    "...In Ancient Babylon, gold coins stamped with the image of a wheat basket allowed the bearer to collect a bushel of wheat from any royal grain storehouse; both the gold and the wheat had actual value in-and-of-themselves and those values were equal at the time all this got started.

    "...Whether coins or paper notes or certificates, we carry graven images in our pockets and representations of these graven images on bank ledgers every day ---- and we think nothing of the insanity involved and stay stubbornly unaware of what we pay for this convenience..."

    Oh, and Baloney-mouse, there's your pernicious piracy called "govern-ment." But, oh! Those "good" pirates. tik-tok went croc's clock, haunting captain H[cr]ook.

    Please explain your the "run by the good people?"

  9. Read 100 times, then even idiots like you understand.

  10. To: Anonymous April 27, 2023 at 10:41 AM
    You've are recognized as an ID10T
    Please follow-up your postings thus: Anonymous ID10T

  11. Dear ID10T at "Anonymous April 27, 2023 at 10:41 AM"

    Who wrote "Read 100 times, then even idiots like you understand."
    Please explain who the "good people" who:

    "If central bank is 100% owned by government and run by good people, it has no problem."

    And how is a "no problem" if it is a "central bank?" (presumably run by saints? who ain't?)

    How do you get the "good people" to do the "central bank" good thing?

  12. As "Templeton" says - "Can we tighten this up a bit?"

    1. Well, be mindful. If you tighten it too much you'll never get it undone.

  13. Righty tighty. Lefty loosey. And liquid wrench - no prob.
