Are you looking for Solutions for America in Distress

You are in the right place to find out about what is really going on behind the scenes in the patriot movement in America, including solutions from Oathkeepers, Anna Von Reitz, Constitutional Sheriffs, Richard Mack, and many more people who are leading the charge to restore America to freedom and peace. Please search on the right for over 9600 articles.
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Dodecallion Times Fifty -- Open for Business

 By Anna Von Reitz

Day before yesterday, we broadsided the world by openly disclosing the history and source and nature of the asset funding underlying most of the world's banking system --- and answering the question who underwrites it all?   

And, though this is no big surprise to anyone who pays attention, it isn't the insurance corporations and it isn't the banks that actually underwrite anything.  It's privately owned physical assets that carry that load and which provide all the credit, too. 

The current world economic system is provided by essentially one family, and only part of its resources are needed to do this.  In addition to the assets deployed by the Avila Family Trust, there are over 5,000 other public and private trusts that individually or in combination can expand world resource asset bases to practical infinity. 

That's what we are talking about when we talk about "Infinity Accounts".  

Now you can all see why I am offended by self-interested corporations keeping your attention centered on a "National Debt" that doesn't actually exist, and taxing you and harassing and harming you, to pay interest on this non-existent "debt", too.  

Why not focus on what you are owed back from this voracious crime syndicate instead?  

And understand that the actual owners of all the assets underlying this whole system gave different instructions to the banks. The actual owners of the assets didn't create this situation. 

It's the banks and certain foreign Principals, the Holy See, the British Monarchy, and the British Crown's Westminster Government, chiseling profits for themselves, that created all this senseless "debt" and suffering and created the IRS and all the other oppressive "taxation" schemes long ---- long ---- after there was any need for anyone to pay taxes of any kind. 

 And they are still trying to justify this and weasel around and use strong-arm tactics to retain "control" for themselves. 

It's up to you, folks.  What do you say?  Do they get away with this?  

Think about all the commercial corporations that have been used as their sock puppets, like the UNITED STATES and the USA, Inc. and CANADA?  

These thugs have grossly abused the privilege of incorporation--- and have grossly abused their resulting bankruptcy protection at public expense--- and nobody has disciplined any of them for it. 

The Popes, who are responsible under Ecclesiastical Law for liquidating bad corporations, have sat on their velvet tuffets and raked in illicit profits, instead.  

The British Territorial United States Secretaries of State for the past 160 plus years have sat on their thumbs and played Numb and Dumb and allowed and promoted injustice-for-profit on a scale unimaginable, and the Queen and her Government and the Lord Mayor of the Inner City of London and the Government of Westminster, have all done the same and worse, while acting in Gross Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract. 

Do you all, finally, understand what the IRS is?  It's not anything connected with our American Government.  

The IRS is a Subcontractor operating under oversight of the House Ways and Means Committee "Oversight Committee" of the British Territorial United States "Congress" ----- which is another Subcontractor of our Government, operating in Breach of Trust and Commercial Service Contract;  the Internal Revenue Service is not a government agency of our Government at all, full stop.  

The Internal Revenue Service is a private, for-profit organization operating as a Bill Collector and Privateer under Letters of Marque and Reprisal.  And so is the Bar Association, which is registered as a Theater and Entertainment Company.  They are engaged in illegal racketeering based on imaginary debts and false claims of indebtedness.

If that doesn't make you angry, what does it take?  A habenero up your butt?  Everything they have done is white collar crime and fraud, and just because it has been going on since 1865 doesn't make it any better or different.  There's no "statute of limitations" on this one, boys. 

Now these Guilty Parties are circling the wagons and proposing one of two options: (1) using the military that we pay for against us, which they have myopically begun, or (2) stealing private assets belonging to Demitrius Julius Shiva's Avila Family Trust and the purloined assets of 5,000-plus other private trusts to set themselves up as Trustees for the World. 

Vomit now, please.  

Oh, and they are proposing that the Puppets-at-Large will be chosen by "merit" --- a subject that these yahoos know nothing about.  

In 1991, the Avila Family Trust precious metals holdings (just that one trust) was worth three dodecallion--- that's a three followed by 41 zeros.  Today, it is worth 3 followed by, roughly, 205 zeroes, not counting interest. 

That is all money that is supposed to be supporting you, to lift tax burdens off your shoulders, to pay for your education, to provide good food, clean water, medical care, jobs, business opportunities, anything and everything that you need to have secure, healthy, happy lives!  

Instead, what have you got?  War, disease, drugs, electric cars, thugs and perverts in charge.  

The only thing these so-called leaders are good at is causing trouble and doing stupid things on a large scale. 

We are opening up the automated online facilities for people all over this planet to declare their position and in effect, vote, on these matters. 

Come home to the land and soil of your respective countries and live in the abundance and peace that the actual donors and fiduciaries have always wanted for you, or stay "at sea" under the boot of the British Territorial Raj.  It's your choice under international and global law. 

The banks in receipt of the gold and other precious metals deposits owe 4% per annum tax free and they haven't begun to make payments on that.   

We are taking these banks over as the major stockholders, not proxies. We are beginning The Push to put the Usurpers in their place and the corporations they have employed for criminal purposes into liquidation. 

The World Bank additionally owes an accounting on the credit accruals generated by the ASBLP accounts, which in turn depend on Avila Family Trust assets being traded for over fifty years.  

We are the actual owners and Fiduciaries and donors, so when we tell HSBC to cough it up, and go to the Vatican Chancery Court and bang our dish on the floor, it's time for everyone to listen up, including SERCO, INC., the Paymaster for the "United States" Military.  

This is the actual American Government talking to you and this is the Fiduciary for the living people who own those "abandoned" assets--- that are not abandoned.  

And for all those parties listening in on this conversation, get a clue---your rumps are in the wringer, too, whether you work for the corporations doing the dirty work or not.  

Is a job that requires you to lie, cheat, rob, and murder so precious, when its keeping you from having a life of peace and abundance right along with everyone else? 

Every government employee from the Post Office to the jails, from the County Sheriffs to the Commissioners, every Public Employee everywhere, every employee of every incorporated business everywhere, it's your lives and the quality of your lives at stake just as much as everyone else's.  

This really is a no-brainer. 

When you make your choice and decide to fly the peace flag on the land and soil of your own country, you open the doors to a better life for everyone.  You bypass the whole criminal, ugly, coercive matrix that has been built up around you. You inherit your part of the wealth and benefit that has been stored up for you.  You get a bank account and a bank card
in a totally new independent banking system, one that doesn't depend on Swift or BRICS or the paradigms of the past. 

You, Joe Average, get to trade in credit, not debt.  

It will take a little while for all the connections to be made and the pre-paid credit cards issued and everything else that has to be done, but you can literally choose a much, much brighter future for yourselves.  Do so today and spread the word.  

Attach copies of the International Public Notice issued on the 22nd of February 2023 to this invitation and hand it out to friends, family, neighbors, local politicians, "federal" officials, military personnel,  bankers and lawyers.    

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary

The United States of America


See this article and over 4000 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 


  1. Could you please supply a reference that shows the Bar Association is a theater and entertainment company? More references please on lots of the things you are talking about, it would help me, I feel like I have to check everything I read anymore.

    1. Do you own due diligence you are not an infant. Anna has way more important things to do than pander to the immature and winging imbeciles that whine for proof.


    2. “Trust but verify”

    3. yes, absolutely, without verifiable references the Articles are worthless gibberings because this is the type of Narrative that *could* be used by guilty men and women to dump or transfer all the blame for what THEY have participated in onto "certain families" that we dont even have any proof actually exist.
      if you are trying to say only "certain families" "own" all the "assetsfiction", then:
      1. who says, other than "annaincfiction"?... and under what authority?
      2. are these naturalborn families? or are they fictions too, like the vaticaninc and its trusts and assets are fictions?
      3. how do we know any of it exists? who says? under what authority?
      4. what authorities are they subject to?
      *** 5. how do they claim to have gotten control over so much of Gods' creation? ***

    4. Legal Persons have no DNA

    5. 5. "How do they claim to have gotten control over so much of God's creation?"

      1. He who has the gold rules.
      2. Maybe by similar use/misuse of the word Gods' that you use woman Jan.marie.
      3. Maybe life is like golf gal, sometimes you gotta play it where it lays . . . unless you enjoy cheating? And of course, then you may suffer the wrath of we who do not tolerate cheaters.

    6. There is a phenomena observable in blog/posters who often post quite regularly, yet these blogger find little if anything worthy in Anna's practicals & articles. They contribute little to the energy of creation, because their energy is an energy of destruction.

      That phenom is referred to as a "Make wrong." That class of bloggers who write and strive to "Make Anna Wrong" do so as an effort to convince themselves they are right. It goes like this - Make others wrong, to make yourself right.

      This "Make Wrong" tool seems useful to them in this world of the electronic presto-digital, but it wont put bottle of milk, to the lips of a child.

      Those of the "Make Wrongs" do feed someone/thing. But they give succor not to and for what is good - Good is Continuity Of Life (COL). Not good is Continuity of Government (COG.)

      For any who are more psycho-babbled and confused, pretend that Freud would have said of those who "Make Anna Wrong" - they have a "Maw" complex. And as therapy "here here lay back upon the couch and have tissue for your issue."

    7. Listen up we are the Beneficiaries, look it up! Start acting in your true capacity, or stay as a follower to the Crown! If you have the balls to complain, then use them for the good. Oh and what the hell is a Political party for, if you said entertainment, you are correct, if you said waste of time you are also correct, then ask when and what have they accomplished for the American people, they have given the new rising Bandera leader the Americans hard earned money.

    8. Saturday, November 19, 2022
      The Fallacy of the Strong Dollar
      By Anna Von Reitz

      "Do we want a strong dollar? No, we do not.

      It's like saying, "Do you want to be a beneficiary?" And everyone rushes forward like a hara kiri of lemmings saying, "Yes, yes, yes! I am a beneficiary!"

      But do you want to be a beneficiary? Really? A beneficiary of what, exactly?

      No, no, no, no, no, you don't want to be a beneficiary. You want to be a Donor, instead, and make the Trustees dance.

      But it sounds good to be a "beneficiary". It sounds like there is something good to be had. The same way that a "sound dollar" sounds really good for this country, but is in fact, abysmally bad for everyone, that is, all but certain foreign governments who are trying to figure out how to sell or at least bulk up the perceived value of their US Treasury Bond holdings in a falling market.

      Just remember that Joe Biden and the Communist Chinese are responsible for that "strong dollar" and you are paying for it eleven ways to Sunday.

      You are paying for it in lost jobs. You are paying for it in soaring food prices. You are paying for it in vastly increased taxation --- mostly realized as the hidden tax of inflation. You are paying for it in lost home valuations. You are paying for it in the form of collapsing demand for your goods and services.

      You are paying for it in the form of 87,000 new IRS Agents who think you owe the government money, when in fact the Government, Inc., already owes you more money than it can ever pay back.

      So next time someone asks you if you want a flu shot, if you are a beneficiary, or if you favor a "strong dollar" --- follow Nancy Reagan's always-timely advice, and just say no."

      Moral to the story - be careful what you ask for.

    9. anony433a,
      you have no sense.

    10. anony528a,
      hey, if you think commenters are wrong, why not prove it? :)

    11. And you take the name of God in vain, transgressing against commandments.

      And you claim to not believe some manner of "he who has the gold rules?" Then you live in fantasy land.

      Although one could wager you would be fast to pick a golden doubloon. Therefore are you dishonest?

    12. woman:janmarie has a "ma" complex. counter gender to an "oedipus complex."

    13. yeah, and she is dopey

    14. hey woman:jamborrie. That other last refuge of a scoundrel - "Prove it."

      Because to those of dominion of the wise (aka wisdom) the "what is" is self evident.

    15. you lost.
      nobody is listening to you.


    16. people 'read' herein, they do not 'listen.'

    17. "nobody is listening..." with the exception that you do "listen."

    18. change it now to "listen" like *i* said, proving me right again.

  2. “You get a bank account and a bank card in a totally new independent banking system run by Hunter Aki."

    "You get to trade in credit, not debt."

    "It will take a little while for all the connections to be made and the pre-paid credit cards issued and everything else that has to be done.”

    1. AVR says in Article 643 (dated 4/2022):
      "So that is what The American States and Nations Bank (ASAN) is and where it fits in the grand scheme of things. It is a uniquely American bank and in the months to come we will be working in tandem with the Bank of Dene, the sovereign indigenous bank of the Athabascan people, as our federal interface. In this way the actual Constitution and
      the Law of the Land is preserved for new generations to come, undergirded with lawful money and honest banking."

      In 2 cases against Bank of Dene, The Bank of Dene LOST on Racketeer/Corrupt Organization charges in 2019, and changed its name.

      Case No. 2:19-cv-01419-GMN-EJY
      LAURIE HUMBERD, Plaintiff, v. BANK OF DENE, et al., Defendant(s).

      Case No. 2:2018cv00073
      Joseph D'Angelo, Plaintiff v. Bank of Dene, Prime Business Services, Inc. and Michael Stephen Young, Defendants.

      Outgoing wire transfers were not completed although the ample funds were verified; the outgoing funds transfers were blocked by Bank Officer. These trials by jury cases were in 2019, but Anna in 2022 does not use the "new" name.

    2. We are war-ed upon. Our team (hopefully not infiltrated by traitors) plants a flag upon a hill - the enemy swoops in, we lose a hill. We take another hill - we hold for advance or for retreat. We take another hill. Win lose or draw, we trudge, march, "sally forth," We raise our love and joy to the rafters.

      Onward through the valley, damn the enemy fire, and let the devil have the complainers.

    3. check and make sure youre not under a falseflag.

  3. Thank you Anna & all the Assembly & all Souls that love our Creator & wisdom & divine blessings!!!🙏💕🙏

  4. I wonder if this new financial system is involved with Ripple, Stellar, XinFin, or Hedera? 🤔

  5. Dear Anna, thanks so much for this global-fraud-exposé. May Almighty Spiritus Intelligence keep thou safe and healthy.

    DearAlmightySpiritualIntelligence TrueLivingGod, present in our - living peoples - DNA, Make America a Beacon of FreeD.O.M.* Free of BabilonianDogma andHealthy, andProsperous and the rest of the world will follow. m
    *Domino Maxim Optimo

  6. DearAlmightySpiritualIntelligence TrueLivingGod, present in our - living peoples - DNA, Make America a Beacon of FreeD.O.M.* Free of BabilonianDogma andHealthy, andProsperous and the rest of the world will follow. m

    *Domino Maximo Optimo

  7. It's not for me lady. I don't need some made up families fact I consider that an insult. It is only freedom and peace that moves me. I think I'm going to move on from this silly fairy tale.

    1. Your non-participation is better than you being against our good efforts. Non-participation would make you an NPC in today's parlance. (NonParticipatingCharacter)

  8. Does this mean that I won't have to work again now after my quadrupple bypass open heart surgery, gall bladder surgery accompanied by multiple hernias, a double fracture of the ulna and humerus and damaged shoulder b from working in labor and unable to make ends meet through my SS check after markets holding my menial investments crashed multiple times to take my slave earnings from me?

    1. No it does not mean you "wont have to work again."

      If you have lived, you know Life is a challenge and struggle.

      You have to keep at it - work. As Dylan Thomas wrote " not go gentle into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light..."

      Sorry to have to so inform you.

      LIfe is animate and sometimes a glorious thing? And often painful. But it is yours, whether agony or ecstasy?

    2. I'll be 75 in March so maybe I was being a bit facetious. I don't think about work really until perhaps 6mo from now after physical rehab.

    3. Thank you for your clarifying reply. You reveal to me you are of the team of the good. By my perspective, you are at work, by communicating herein. I pray your compensation comes to you many fold beyond your many-fold and clearly evident love.

    4. Understand 1099a process!

  9. As beneficiaries to the trust, start signing as a beneficiary, your all CAPITAL NAME IS A TRUST, you are the beneficiary to your trust account!

  10. ...whatever happened to the directive " no "anonymous" postings???

  11. Saturday, November 19, 2022
    The Fallacy of the Strong Dollar
    By Anna Von Reitz

    "Do we want a strong dollar? No, we do not.

    It's like saying, "Do you want to be a beneficiary?" And everyone rushes forward like a hara kiri of lemmings saying, "Yes, yes, yes! I am a beneficiary!"

    But do you want to be a beneficiary? Really? A beneficiary of what, exactly?

    No, no, no, no, no, you don't want to be a beneficiary. You want to be a Donor, instead, and make the Trustees dance.

    But it sounds good to be a "beneficiary". It sounds like there is something good to be had. The same way that a "sound dollar" sounds really good for this country, but is in fact, abysmally bad for everyone, that is, all but certain foreign governments who are trying to figure out how to sell or at least bulk up the perceived value of their US Treasury Bond holdings in a falling market.

    Just remember that Joe Biden and the Communist Chinese are responsible for that "strong dollar" and you are paying for it eleven ways to Sunday.

    You are paying for it in lost jobs. You are paying for it in soaring food prices. You are paying for it in vastly increased taxation --- mostly realized as the hidden tax of inflation. You are paying for it in lost home valuations. You are paying for it in the form of collapsing demand for your goods and services.

    You are paying for it in the form of 87,000 new IRS Agents who think you owe the government money, when in fact the Government, Inc., already owes you more money than it can ever pay back.

    So next time someone asks you if you want a flu shot, if you are a beneficiary, or if you favor a "strong dollar" --- follow Nancy Reagan's always-timely advice, and just say no."

    Moral to the story - be careful what you ask for.

  12. Whenever I asked Hunter, or his people that review emails, a question about, what does his/ the bank offer, how do i open an account, can we put retirement money into an account etc. I never got an answer so I gave up. What else am I supposed to think?

  13. wow, how precious ... and just a little bit ironic that this 'fiduciary' is calling for 'accounting' from the world bank on behalf of the 'living people' who 'own assets that are not abandoned' ... geez ... sweep your own doorstep, lady

    1. And YOU spin your broken wheels upon the queue where where rubble is stubble and in your way? Yvonne is another loser here.

    2. Comments made by Paul Pappas, former Chief Continental Marshal, about Hunter Aki, who is Anna’s Bank Director: “Hunter is a crook. He has been convicted of Fraud. I would strongly advise not getting involved with Hunter. He is a Scam artist.”

    3. One of the Coordinators asked Anna about Paul’s comments and she responded with the following letter:

      “Hunter was a decorated Fighter Pilot from Hawaii, in the USAF, Vietnam Era contemporary with my husband. Afterward, he became an industrial scientist engaged in military and industrial contracts related to scalar technologies. It was in relationship to these activities that he discovered the fact that our emotional states correspond exactly to specific energy frequencies --- that is, when we feel love we project love as energy at a specific frequency of 528 MHz. He also discovered the same thing about "hate" and "fear" --- each emotional state has its own specific frequency and we act as transmitters of this energy---- like radio antenna arrays, transmitting signals into the atmosphere. He also discovered that each one of us has the electrical capacitance of 33 Trillion Volts worth of energy. That's how much energy it takes to keep one man alive, cells in order, and functioning. These discoveries and certain patents he established related to these discoveries has opened up a whole new branch of investigative science and technology.

      “Now, if you want my opinion --- for what it is worth --- Hunter was once a very competitive and violent man, just as big of a shark as many in the top ranks of corporations worldwide --- but Hunter has been deeply impacted by the knowledge his own research has provided him.

      “He has discovered the health and well-being benefits of what he calls "staying in the energy" --- the vibratory frequency of love. So he tries to always stay in the mental and energetic framework of loving energy and deliberately steers away from hate, fear, anxiety, judgement, pride, etc. This is a conscious choice on his part, driven by the knowledge he has gained over the years from his research. He believes and the
      evidence supports the theory that we can literally put more love into the world simply by bringing ourselves into alignment with that energy frequency and broadcasting it into the world. His research also suggests that when we do this, we create "resonance"
      responses in others who were not in a loving stance to begin with, but who unconsciously sense and respond to the energy we are sending out to them. In other words, when one man comes into "528 MHz alignment" and projects that frequency of energy outward as a transmission like a radio signal to others, they unconsciously
      "resonate" to that same frequency and echo it onward --- like ripples on water.

      “So far as he is concerned, this simple discovery saved him, saved his life, saved his marriage, saved his family --- and he wants to teach and share it. He turned away from evil once he could recognize it as a separate frequency. He wants to bring this awareness to other people, so they aren't fooled by their egos anymore.

      “He hopes that when more people understand this phenomenon, more people will learn to "live in love" --- meaning within the frequency range of the emotion --- and will cause greater and greater resonance effects. He can imagine a time when enough people will "choose love" as their primary state of being that the Earth's atmosphere will be transformed by the synergistic energy effects and resonance this would naturally create.

      “Is this a scam? Certainly not a financial scam. His research now doesn't demand capital. It demands participation. So I think that all you or anyone else has at risk is the possible attempt to hone in on the "frequency of love" and transmit it out into the world. And how much damage can that do you or anyone else?

      “Paul needs to look at the research and at Hunter as Hunter is now, and come to his own conclusions. We all have the ability to be made new when we come into contact with love. That happened for Hunter. The Fighter Pilot transformed into the Sage. It is a journey we all make in our own ways.”

    4. A leopard doesn't loose it's spots.

    5. but can a chef lose his pots?

  14. Promises and more promises that never come to be. Anyone noticing this? Anyone else get the feeling you are being lied to once again? Please continue to ask questions, especially when you are told not to.

    1. You missed the message. YOU are the promise failed.

    2. "Anna von Reitz and the Assembly’s Bank Scandal" article by ASN, Deborah Mikuteit:

    3. Please give a review here, about the ASN article by Deborah Mikuteit.

  15. Again, naysayers... throw your hats in the ring, get your hands something else besides bitch about what others do, who are involved...personally most of you appear not to be concerned about terra or the people or the corruption, instead your paid trolls causing more trouble...not buying your crap, go peddle it to others who do!!

    1. You're going to feel like such an ass when yu finally wakey wakey.

  16. matthew-austin:culverFebruary 25, 2023 at 11:20 AM

    I smiled when I saw the title of this article with the Dodecallion number representing the value in USD of the D'Avila trust. So, in reference to the value of the D'Avila trust you wrote about and posted on 2/23, now you're doubling down on that number, actually "quintupling" down on that number (in zeroes) which today has grown to 205 zeroes from the more modest number (41 zeroes) it was in 1941.
    To put this in perspective the number of atoms in the entire known universe has 78 zeroes. So........if the current value of this trust (205 zeroes) can be visualized in a way in which each atom can be assigned a value in USD, that would put the value of each atom at a magnitude in the range of 10 e127 USD. This is WAAAAAY more than what can be comprehended by someone considered to have reasonable intelligence.
    You gotta help me here........this is like the response to the statement of Jesus in which he said "It is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle", to which someone responded "but how can this be?"
    I think it's an honest question. You've gained the trust of a lot of people that read your articles. I'm one of them. And like many people here, I'm entirely open to answers that go way outside the box of paradigms we've formed from the deceptions we've been taught from the beginning.
    So I've been considering other possibilities that could explain this. Maybe there are beings somewhere that put much, much, much (dozens of zeroes) more value in physical assets (you said "physical") than do the people of this planet. Gold, for example, is a physical asset. Possibly someone other than earth people value gold more (180 zeroes, plus or minus 4 or 5)?
    Or maybe people? Are there beings that value people (8.5 billion on this planet). If the entire value of people on earth could have a dollar value, and would be considered "physical assets" placed in this trust, then each person would have a value in the range of 10 e186 USD.
    You gotta help me with this. Puleeeeeze????
    So I'm open to way out of the box revelations and explanations.

    Puleeeze he'p me Jesus......... to understand,
    the way of the wind........ and the way of the land.......

    1. Jesus (as in a Savior, not J.C.) is here to answer your befuddlement.

      Mathematically division by infinity is meaningless. The key would be this. "Zeros? Zeros? We dont need no stinkin' Zeros.

      By corrallary we dont need no stinkin" infinite.

      We go you and I. On the same page I pray.

    2. Oh, and by the way, their monetary inflation can add more zeros than the bits of bytes contained within the complaints aborning from this blog-sphere, which count I hereby postulate shall exceed many double-dodeca-dopple-ganger-godzillion x google-plex raised to the firefox-plex

      get over it. soldier on - you caught with-in and with-out the matrix of meaning.

      It aint a count of dollars you be wanting. count the love.

    3. It would be fun to hear matthew-austin:culver chat with women:janmarie. "Hyphen colon. Hyphen colon. Colonectomy/Hyphenation, hi phen, how's your colon....etc."

    4. anony11:43a,

      prove anything i say is *not true*.

      woman:janmarie :):):)

    5. you are a broken record (skip) you are a broken record (skip) you are a broken record (skip) ...

    6. i am known for my patience.


  17. Said it once I’ll say it again. Look around. All these great writers and the world
    Is falling apart. How smart are you people? None of this has made my life better. I had a life until the educated forgot about half the coy community so I guess it’s my fault I hate all
    Your shit . My question is. Why did you say to poor we are millionaires? You just made more enemies then you’ll ever understand

    1. They are too damned stupid to hear the truth about what you are saying.

    2. what belongs to you belongs to you, even if someone takes it/ "robs" you, its still yours AND they have to restore you.
      -- American common law, ancient common law, and ref.: law jesuis of nazareth taught. --

      you sound level-headed and honest, and fair.
      Even though you might be angry and have right to be, dont be goaded into angry response.
      Starve them of angry responses because thats all theyve got to feed off of because theyre stupid lying losers and pieces of crap who have nothing of their own so they take what belongs to other men. theyre worthless liars.
      but hold the peace, hold your peace, hold the line, and just move forward being who you are: an honest, fair, and peace-full man.
      people do use American common law again: "man-to-man": our God-given right and man who causes harm, restores. no exception. universal law for man.
      and it is so. thank you God.

    3. The woman:janmarie, consistently presents itself as a "goaded, angry", phony virtue signaling, self righteous, babbling hypocrite attention whore --- impo. "and it is so". "Prove it wrong".

    4. that's what i keep saying, "Prove me wrong"!
      why havent you?
      go ahead.
      prove me wrong. :):):)


  18. We've identified an enemy in the ranks. Or one who is so assaulted by the evil beyond he is a now a broken soul. Yet the unbroken will soldier on for the broken and the unbroken. We too maybe broken one day. Onward.

    1. Really? Only 1 and a "he" no less. Care to share Anonymous? at

    2. Oh and just who is "WE" by the way

  19. Oh! I forgot. Anna is just a one "man" operation. Couldn't have been a WE.

    However if you were to read the Post just above, you may observe the posting, by the disgruntled individual, who had posted this:

    "...Why did you say to poor we are millionaires? You just made more enemies then you’ll ever understand."

    Do you see the word "enemies" there?

    Regarding whether or not that one is a "he" or a "she" - you may note that there has been no rebuttal to the posting as a "he."

    And does it matter? He? She? or Neutered?

    1. "...who might have 'signed' papers..."

      Jurisdiction defense 101 - Never 'sign' anything. Autograph it, and copyright it, and rubber stamp it in red ink "NO CONTRACT, NON-ASSUMPSIT." (Stand by your Plan - sung to tune of Stand by your man)

      The only thing shrinking is your brain. Or worse, the shrinking of you interest in your own well being.

    2. no.
      thats all just more LegalFiction Crap,... only applies to Corp(se)-orationFictions.

      nobody is listening to you.
      and so be it.

    3. We salvage one and other one at a time. Evidently you read, are you "nobody?"

    4. i said 'nobody is listening to you',
      not 'nobody is *reading* to you'....... apparently its you who cant read.

    5. im guessing you might want to worry about "salvaging" your own self. lol!! :):):)

    6. when are you going to prove anything i've said is *not true*?

      you cant.
      you fail.


    7. Bear her up with each scissor kick, such that you press the heaviest portion of her torso sufficiently upward that her chest and neck clear the waters turbulence, and at all costs keep water from her inhales, and tolerate her gasps of terror.

  20. Data collection folks it's all about data
    Might I add that the so called Attorney Generals in all states are part of a private association
    Page 22 (National Association of Attorneys Generals)

    IoT and IoB
    And thats why their internet structures were not compromised

    Ukraine launches CBDC

    China and India both are part of BRICS

    INDIA the CORPORATION under the sindicate umbrella is the entity behind COMMON CORE and your childs agenda 21 education programming

  21. And you can bet your ass these cock roaches have a zoonotic disease boogey man waiting in the wings to launch their UNONEHEALTH on the masses
    From the article
    ANIMAL (n.) – From early 14c. (but rare before c.1600, and not in KJV, 1611), “any living creature” (including humans), from Latin animale “living being, being which breathes,” neuter of animalis “animate, living; of the air,” from anima “breath, soul; a current of air” (see animus, and compare deer). Drove out the older beast in common usage. Used of brutish humans from 1580s.

    ZOO – word-forming element meaning “animal, living being,” from comb. form of Greek zoion “an animal,” literally “a living being,” from PIE root *gwei- “to live, life” (source also of Greek bios “life,” Old English cwicu “living;” see bio-).


    By all means get anything and everything from Amazon they absolutely love it that their animals in the zoo don't know the difference

    And it's the same clans as it has always been


      Using Ukraine to launch CBDC
      in the Ukraine, established on 29 August 2019

      CIA Founded the International Red Cross & Red Crescent Movement in Geneva, Switzerland (Which is Tasked with Enforcing Pandemic Policy on International Level) Back on February 9, 1863

  22. Well referenced, time-line article:


    Interesting that could not access this information without accepting their cookies

    Read the bottom of their page
    PLOS Sustainabilty and Transformation - thats the UN
    PLOS Global Health
    PLOS Digital Health

    The Internet of Bodies by RAND CORPORATION

    1. And it gets even better
      Digital media use and mental health
      They're working to create revenue codes so the providers of the service to this 'disorder' can be billed for

      Effectiveness of internet delivered cognitive behavior therapy

      Social Media Use and Poor Health
      There are no widely accepted diagnostic criteria, although some experts consider overuse a manifestation of underlying psychiatric disorders.

      So people who work on these computers all day don't have disorders Those who they deem to have some underlying psychiactric disorder that manifest into a digital media use and mental health problem

      Absolutely disgusting

      And this is why you are seeing all this shit about mental health
      They're setting the stage for the up and coming boom in the industry for those with cognitive dissonance issues with the narratives

  24. Greetings,

    I would first be concerned about the die off of 95% of the population within 5 years first by bioweapons and war! The dead does not need money and assets!

    1. P.S. I was researching last night and found the ultimate truth of who we really are, where we came from and our fate as humanity which is total extinction 🦤🦣 🧍, not a pretty picture. Basically we are a cattle class and used up just like cattle!

    2. To: Make it happen...

      You are misunderstanding the scriptures. We are not cattle. Only men make laws that say that in so many words. But our heavenly Father says we came from * lN HIM * "BEFORE" the foundation of the world {earth}. Ephesians 1:4 [in part]..."According as he hath CHOSEN "us"
      * lN HIM * "BEFORE" the foundation of the
      world ..."
      That was BEFORE any dust of the ground was created and before Gen. 1:1-->..."ln the beginning God created the heaven and the earth," where's
      the image of God in man? He wasn't formed til after the foundation of the earth to take man out of it to form his physical body on the 6th day. The earth was yet without form which this scripture is referring to besides the writing of Genesis 1:26 where God is talking to a fine gentleman telling him "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...They were going to create the image of God in man. Man was spirit also known as the son of God.
      And the very next scripture records the proof that it was so, that God did indeed create man in his image so it had to be MAN whom God was speaking to when the plan was layed down to create MAN in their image. The bible has the proof that MAN is indeed the only creature that bares the image of God. So he and we did create man in the image of God and when that glorious day came on the 6th day of creation, God created MAN, God pronounced that day above all the rest to be * VERY GOOD. *
      And Yeshua told us that we were with him from the beginning.

      Sorry if my page kept jumping around and caused any inconsistancies, but l tried my best with the new updates they do to destroy these phonesas possible. l,didn't want an update but is done against your will.

  25. P.P.P.S. Think about it! What makes anyone think that what they have done to cows for so called Foot and Mouth disease, chicken for so called Avian Flu and the list goes on and on; folks, humanity as whole will be set up just the same and be accused of harboring "Foot and Mouth" and "Avian Flu" type of disease for an excuse to start total extermination of humanity. In the history books, humanity will be looked known as COWARDS!

  26. P.P.P.P.S. Update on my fraudulent filing case; the whole judicial system will be charged not only with fraudulent filing, but also mail fraud and trafficking of fraudulent paperwork on public byways (using taxpayers roads to violate taxpayers); got them cornered and under check! Basically counter them by doing an one eighty on them, copy 😺 them if you will!

  27. Come, come folks! Let’s raise the standard. All this mud slinging is unnecessary for this highly educated forum where Christ reigns, surrounded by his Seraphim and Cherubim, —Archangels and Guardians. This gives me cause to pause and is not a good or true representation of heavenly creatures. Those who know better and are well imbued with Devine wisdom are expected to take the moral high ground while being principled and firm. I agree this may not be an easy accomplishment, but must done none the less.

    All this talk about Hunter. My bible (Basic-Instruction-Before-Leaving-Earth) tells me that mankind cannot save oneself. If that was so then it was futile for the Farther and Son to arrange for the spilling of the Son’s blood as a means of reconciling fallen man to back to the Father.

    After the entry of sin into this world, none us are perfect in this space and time. So if Hunter erred, has repented and now recovered, it would behoove him to no longer engage in matters where he was previously overcome by a particular weakness, because that injury, although healed, it will never be as strong as it was before. Science has proven that the scar tissue formed may be strong in and of itself (the will to exist for good), but its connection to form other unions (muscle to tendon, to bone) remains a weaker link that can easily be broken when stressed or compromised. Just as it would be self-defeating and insanely cruel to hire a known pedophile to council children or a drunkard to manage a bar.

    Now, while money has its place in this world, let us not debase ourselves over it. We will all live here only for a time and not forever. And those who plan to move on to heavenly places, should realize all the value we place on wealth does not mean much for in that heavenly place we shall walk on streets of pure gold (Rev 21:21) Still what ever we achieve here on Earth is only a test of how we display our character especially in association to each other.

    Let us be mindful that the merchandise of gold, and silver, and precious stones, and of pearls, and fine linen, etc, we will loose them or not even want them; and the merchants of these things, which were made rich by her (them), shall stand afar off for the fear of her torment, weeping and wailing…. And every shipmaster, and all the company in ships, and sailors, and as many as trade by sea, stood afar off….. (Rev 18:11-16).

    …..And both these kings’ (the powers that be) hearts shall be to do mischief (pranks, tricks, monkey business, shenanigans),
    and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper (they shall not be successful):
    for yet the end shall be at the time appointed. (They are not the ones who decide how or when the end shall be). Dan 11:27

    So watch. pray, be ready, and love your neighbor as yourself. The Living God has his spiritual and human agents here ready to do his biddings. All Glory to Him, whether or not he allows us to share in any such wealth while time shall last.

    1. ...remember to ask who is my neighbor? not everyone, whether near or far, is neighbor is one who has mercy on you.


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