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Saturday, October 2, 2021

They better not try this in Montana first.


  1. infowars:
    national school board assn want biden to classify angry parents as domestic terrorists. (kelen mcbreen). article up now.

    gateway pundit sept. 30, 2021, (cristina laila)
    budens radical education secretary miguel cardona says
    parents should not be the "primary stakeholder" in their kids education.

    whats next? ... in their kids LIVES....
    boil that frog slow.
    it wont jump out... itll never even realize you turned up the heat...

    1. update:
      gateway pundit, julian conradson 10.2.2021

      julian suggests about these school board members :
      "its sick. these people are unhinged and should have their citizenship revoked if they would be willing to put that evil misnomer [domestic terrorist, hate crime] on another American citizen for being concerned about their child. Absolutely disgraceful."
      national school boards assn begs biden to label outraged parents
      "Domestic Terrorists"

      parents are saying they dont want masks or critical race theory for their sons and daughters.

      natlschbdsassn, the article says, wants to use federal law/corporate policy enforcers to investigate the parents for:
      domestic terrorism
      and for hate crime threats.

      wants biden to use patriot act and other "ENFORCEABLE ACTIONS".....

      school bd. assn says they are UNDER IMMEDIATE THREAT! that there are threats of violence and acts of intimidation all over the nation...

      ...there are already corp enforcers locally in many places but the boards' extra security and new policies have not kept people out of the meetings!

      even if this is just another BETA TEST:
      For one thing:
      it shows where they are in their thinking.
      what they are trying to maneuver around.
      what to look for next that has perhaps or likely been engineered/manipulated. "false flagged?"

      its almost like them telling what theyre going to try to do next, in some instances. imo.

    2. update:
      was recently featured on infowars:
      school board approves pornography and sexualization of sons and daughters.

      put that along side:
      house resol/bill to strip EX MILITARY of their PROPERTY WITHOUT DUE PROCESS (a TRUMP suggestion)

      and now, infowars:
      "most absolute of evils: investig. estimates up to 3200 pedophile priests in French Catholic Church since 1950."

      and again, the school boards want parents who speak out and say no to what the school board says: to be marked as terrorists??

      all this is being hurryied along extremely quickly now for some reason...

  2. also:
    pushpushpush... they keep pushing: "Its WAR!" "were at WAR" "Its Civil War TWOOOOOO!!!"



    I will bring you, "my fellow Americans", this friendly reminder: :)

    "Acts of WAR" are NOT covered in most, if any, Insurance Policies; so if the men and women committing or trying to commit these atrocities can get YOU, ME, OTHERS to hivemindchant:
    "Its WAAAAAAR!": without War ever being actually Declared then:
    LLOYDS OF LONDON, the UNDER-writer on all insurance policies, will, by contract, not have to payout on claims for the damage being wrought upon us.

    they can just say "We dont cover War". and
    "We dont cover War Crimes."
    Havent they done EXACTLY that on other nations and peoples? for YEARS. Without Conscience???
    why yes,... thats exactly what theyve done. IMO.


    1. people who suppress free exchange of peaceful/ lawful ideas are:

      FREELOADERS clawing out a free ride on other mans labor.


    2. 1. Being man [not any kind of fiction]:
      All man/wo: having an inherent right to an equal-share portion of the beneficial use of natural source materials:
      2. are also expected to carry their own weight through life, unless too sick or old or young to do so.

      SO THAT:
      all men/wo who have fed themselves without agreement from other mans labor HAVE TAKEN WHAT BELONGS TO (AN)OTHER MAN AND owe full and timely restoration to (the) man they have so trespassed upon.

      thats how our "American" common law: under the Declaration of Independence, July 2(two), 1776 works.

    3. when you are under authority of the Declaration of Independence, july2two, 1776, you are MAN.
      you are under authority of the laws of nature and natures creator....being MAN... you answer to your creator, not to another man unless you harmed him or his property, and then youd want to restore him as quickly as possible.
      youre not under laws that some other man whose "status" before creator is no higher or lower than yours....
      who made up a fictional character they can suck off of and then told you you were either going to ACT AS that character or theyd beat you to death/ cause other harm if you said "no".

      thats a bunch of CRAP.

      if you didnt say "yes", being fully informed and from your own genuine freewill and accord, THEN YOU DIDNT SAY "YES" in a way that obligates you under the laws of nature and natures creator unless you harmed him.
      if other people see things differently than that, FINE. But as for me and my house, THIS is the way it is, and that is nobody elses decision.
      or their business either.

      and i require peaceful, complete, and timely restoration.

      and so it is.


    4. one can tell that the Bill of Rights was NOT written for the American man, but for StayBehindUnit Bruitish/ Vatic-an SUBJECTS because of Article ("amendment") 1 (one):

    5. 1. petition:
      a formal written *request*...
      *appeal*ing to *AUTHORITY*...
      (same with "protest").
      man, who IS the governmental authority does not have to *petition* or make an appeal to someone that he, himself, authorized to carry out ONLY specific, limited duties and obligations in a specified way!

      2. redress: remedy (a CommerceFiction /Law of the Sea term used in CommercialFiction referring to setting an unfair or undesirable situation right):

      an American common law Deputy/ Delegate is (a) man who his neighbors placed, through oneman/ oneballot election, their trust in, and he has NO INDEPENDENT VOICE... he can only say what the people who elected him tell him he can say...
      so there can never even be a cause for a grievance to redress with him because he can only say what hes told he can say, with NO INDEPENDENT DECISION MAKING.

      3. grievances: a real or imagined wrong.... especially unfair treatment. (see: 2. redress).

      all definitions from Oxford Languages Dictionary.

    6. iow:
      who are you going to petition when YOU are the one with the authority to "bring home" a ROGUE DEPUTY OR DELEGATE..

      And consent to do or not do something comes only from YOU.

      and your Deputy is authorized to use YOUR authority in certain and agreed upon ways only?

      YOU put them there, YOU can bring them home.

      you always have replacements ready to replace them.
      you only allow them the place of trust for one or two years.
      and so forth.

  3. Solution to " blow darts"...real bullet to his head...there, problem solved.
    This will come to be regardless of what you feel or think. We are up against real evil, real sociopaths...there is only one way , one solution. Kill the rabid animals and burn thier corpses..
    Sorry to uave to be the adult in the room...stop crying about Old Yeller...

    1. they seem to know the people, generally-speaking, arent backing up too much farther perhaps...

      i dont think they'd be making House Resolutions about DISARMING OUR AMERICAN MEN WHO ARE EX-"MILITARY" *WITHOUT* DUE PROCESS if they didnt suspect that there are quite a few "adults in the room :)" as you put ut, who are, too, very well aware of the seriousness of the situation being, it seems, PURPOSELY CREATED BY THOSE WHO HAVE HARMED US AND OWE US HUGE DEBTS. That we, from lawful right(eousness) are going to peacefully and lawfully collect from them. in law. and so it is.
      the Corporation Policy Enforcers on ALL levels have seemed to me, for years, to be sitting ducks for all kinds of potential mayhem.
      now, with this DISARM THE EXMILITARY BRAINFART: with so many Corp PolicyLaw Enforcers being ex-military AND also being privy to alot of the Corpses shenanigans,.... geez.
      Ive been praying for the upstanding, honorable ones all day today... especially since the Corpses are bankrupt???... well, wouldnt the Oolices' Pensions be gone?... eaten up in the bankruptcy?... yeg, i think they would be GONE in the contrived "bankruptcy"/ skimming operation/ fraud.
      and it doesnt help that uneasy feeling about it when some of the Municipalities doing their Defund the Police campaigns....

      yeh, i think people realize the seriousness of the undeserved ATTACK being contrived on us.

      hopefully the COWARDS arent completely stupid.


    2. Exactly, and that will be what he or anyone else gets if they try pulling that crap. A real bullet. No drone necessary.

  4. In the light of recent deletions, along with the many questions being ignored Is 1984 Becoming a Reality?

  5. Parallel society, parallel economy, parallel everything. Confuse them more.

    Too many words
    Too much discussion
    Not enough action

    Anna is either the smartest woman in the room or completely crazy ( or a group of psychopaths)

    Most of us have been here for a great many years.
    What has been accomplished ?
    How have our lives changed ?

    The shitshow just gets more insane.
    I am sitting here with my popcorn just watching and securing my little world while the entire planet implodes.

    People do not change.
    "They" know this.
    Thats thier weapon.

  6. You should see if you can put a character limit in your comment section Paul. You have people using the comment section of your posts as their own personal blog.
