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Friday, January 8, 2021

Situation Update Jan 8th – Trump fighting from secure location, did NOT concede

(Natural News) Intel is coming in today from many sources, and I will likely need to post a separate article to cover it all. Importantly, Trump has not conceded anything, and if you parse the words of his most recent video statement, there is absolutely no concession in it and no naming of Joe Biden as president:

A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th. … my priority is to ensure a smooth, orderly and seamless transition of power. This moment calls for healing and reconciliation.

Trump is merely attempting to appear that he is conceding while not actually using any binding language that would legally tie him to such an outcome. To state that, “A new administration will be inaugurated on January 20th” without naming the year is, of course, always a true statement. There’s a new administration coming on January 20th, of 2025, for example. There’s also a new administration coming this year if Trump dumps Pence and has a new VP at his side.

But why would Trump still be refusing to concede while trying to make people think he’s conceding? Because according to one source that has briefed me, the globalist controllers are threatening to detonate dirty bombs in every US state representing a senator who voted against the Biden slate of electors. The threat against Trump is that if he does not concede, the dirty bombs will be set off, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Yet Trump fully realizes that far more American would die under the totalitarian communist-run regime represented by Joe Biden. Trump isn’t going to be threatened into quitting.

In fact, as I cover in today’s podcast, Trump is in a secure location and he’s fighting from there, alongside loyal forces of the US military who are preparing for decisive action against the deep state traitors who are desperate to remove Trump from power by any means necessary.

Nancy Pelosy, who will obvious face arrest and prosecution for treason if Trump secures his second term, is running around D.C. like a crazed hyena, trying to get Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove Trump immediately. An impeachment “trial” is scheduled for Monday to try to remove Trump by other means, claiming that Trump still has access to the nuclear codes and might unleash a nuclear missile.

Nancy Pelosi wrote today in an urgent letter:

This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike…

In other words, Pelosi is conspiring with Mark Milley — also a traitor — to remove Trump from power before he can complete his counterinsurgency actions involving the military.

The deep state is trying to thwart Trump from every possible angle, and Trump’s victory isn’t assured, but he remains the US President for the next 12 days, and he’s using those days to carry out an epic counterattack against the criminals who rigged the elections, staged the “siege” on the capitol building, and plan to tear down our constitutional republic if they gain control of the White House.

Here’s what’s covered in today’s Situation Update:

  • Why efforts to remove Trump by force will set off a hot civil war.
  • It’s not a “breach” if the police invite you in: The media’s false narrative about the capitol building “riots.”
  • Trump did not concede. No binding concession language in his speech.
  • Trump during rally on Monday in Dalton, GA: “We have to go all the way… you watch what happens over the next couple of weeks. You watch what’s going to come out and watch what’s going to be revealed.”
  • NPR caught publishing capitol “siege” story hours before it took place. (Echoes of 9/11 media staging.)
  • AOC tweeted about left-wing riots: “To folks who complain protest demands make others uncomfortable… that’s the point.” But now she wants Big Tech to censor anyone quoting her.
  • Congress operating its betrayals under the cover of darkness.
  • 200 top corporate CEOs in America demand Biden be installed as president so they can continue to loot the nation under forced covid lockdowns.
  • Mo Brooks reveals “growing evidence” the capitol building “siege” was initiated by Antifa operatives.
  • Leftists build a 7-foot WALL (fence) around the White House, and deploy 6,200 National Guard troops to protect their treason and election theft. Suddenly they believe in walls after all.
  • Trump supporters instantly convicted in the left-wing media, even though obvious evidence of election theft by the Dems is thrown out of court without any hearing at all. Gross double standards will drive this nation to war with itself.
  • Leftists declare war on conservatives and plan to silence them and destroy them in any way possible, all in the name of “tolerance.”
  • Lin Wood warns that coup plotters are now planning to hunt down and execute Trump loyalists.
  • US Rep Hank Johnson (dem) says the nation should treat Trump supporters like “negroes,” further proving that Democrats really are racist, hate-filled bigots.
  • Biden calls Trump supporters “domestic terrorists” but was completely silent on the actual terrorism and violence of left-wing insurrectionists.
  • Lindsey Graham vows to help jail Trump supporters, demonstrating his disdain for his own base of voters. (Yes, the GOP is finished.)
  • Media using the “siege” narrative to push for more censorship of all conservatives, which will only drive them to more frustration and anger. This model of authoritarianism and marginalizing all conservatives will only end in bloodshed.
  • Big Tech censorship is part of a cleanup operation to hide all the evidence and truths they don’t want people to see.
  • Conservatives are the new “marginalized” people of society, and we need a new civil rights movement to protect those who hold conservative ideas.



    1. possible. before I seen this angle, I thought things werent adding up.

  2. Amen
    Declaration of affirmation found in religion
    Amen is an Abrahamic declaration of affirmation first found in the Hebrew Bible, and subsequently in the New Testament. It is used in Jewish, Christian and Islamic worship, as a concluding word, or as a response to a prayer. Common English translations of the word amen include "verily", "truly", "it is true", and "let it be so". It is also used colloquially, to express strong agreement.

    1. The Letter "a" before a word also means "No". Why would anyone conclude a prayer to your Creator? Send a prayer out into the Universe, Loud and Clear. Ask and you shall receive.

      Man can keep his satanic religion all tied up in corporations in the land of the DEAD. The Kingdom of Heaven is in us. Christ = Life Christ is in us all the time. The second coming is when Man leaves religion behind and embraces the spirit and the life gifted to us by our creator. Christ can't work through us if we don't embrace the spirit and use it to fight the evil in this world.

      The practice of rituals and saying the same prayer like a spell over and over again hasn't worked out to well for the people. Say a few more "Hail Mary's" while the priest molests the children and the prostitutes in Black robes steal our energy and our lives.

      To pray is to be in tune with your Creator and to do that you have to know that mighty spirit is in you always, not something you get in the gold cup at church on Sunday morning for 10%. Oh and Don't forget you are a sinner and have to tell the same priest molesting your children all your depravity on Saturday so you are worthy to accept the Body of Christ on Sunday..... Who is under the spell of evil?

      If we are truly a Creation of a Loving God why would some man working for a Corporation have to sell us salvation? The Corporation to liquidate is the Vatican. The rest can't stand without the first.

      Annie McShane

  3. Leaders must have followers. It is hard to be out front if there is NO ONE behind. Trump is like cesar "you too Brutas" yes me and everyone else. He lost his followers. I once heard of a French Miitary "leader" of oldtime horse calavery days whose men had continued on with out him. He said: I must hurry and catch them for I am their leader.

    I know Trump won the election. I know the deep state is so entreanched until no unaproved "leader" can get their message out. I have been praying. Please join me.
    We have forgotton Hunter Biden's laptop, Russia gate, Bengazhi, the emails, Eric Snowdon, Julian Assange and on and on We truly are sheep in need of a shepherd


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