By Anna Von Reitz
Yesterday, I explained why the election scandal and all the rest of it including the “China virus” is a transparent and rather badly done British Op connected to Huawei and HSBC and their Canadian crime syndicates.And at the time, I hadn’t even seen this goodie—- Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, former UN Deputy Secretary General, principal of the Dominion-Smartmatic vote rigging enterprise.
Leave it to a British Lord to have his hands in every dirty thing imaginable.
Not that I needed such a gross and blatant confirmation of all my surmises and then some, but unless you have the IQ of a stump, you will note that the British Intelligence Community has stripped naked and waved a red flag at you.
It could not possibly be more obvious and clear-cut. Yes, they rigged our elections and a lot of other elections, too. Their barmy, hairy backsides are hanging out of the closet for everyone to see. Grandma can only sniff her disapproval and distaste.
They could at least come up with something novel, something intelligent, but no.
They also had to unveil their candidate for the position of Antichrist with all the finesse of a large cheese stuffed-crust pizza.
Malloch equals Molloch, just as the transliteration of “hot” equals “haht”.
So there you have it, a nefarious vote rigging British despot named after the baby-eating, fire-breathing Babylonian “god”. You could, I suppose paint a sign, “Antichrist” and hang it around his neck and hold a press conference.
We’d have to be really dull to miss that point, and also too dull if we didn’t also already connect this very same “god” with their bizarre London Olympic procession of hooded figures circling the giant effigy of a dead baby in a coffin, and also their efforts to mischaracterize millions of Americans as “infant decedents” based on falsified and fraudulently constructed birth registrations.
Yes, well, it’s a whole cloth. You have to give it that. The dead baby theme runs throughout.
And now the big question is— who in their right mind is going to put up with this?
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I agree with Anna on these topics, however...
ReplyDeleteMr. Trump is upset, or will be more by jan 19 2021. He won't be able to help the situation. The mountain of Fraud is too heavy too high for him to crimb or carry. Many people are not spiritually guided. And won't be able to see God intervention for this country. But God shall help America correcting the madness of frauds, by bringing the tower moment / revolution / uproar ahead, painful and frustrated experience, but necessary.
Why? the Vermin or Narcissists are not wanting to correct their fraud. America will end up with lots of protesters on the streets increasingly, like Thailand etc. Why? The law of Karma will manifest against the wrongdoers. Like Thailand, IT has a very heavy KARMA, INTERNALLY & EXTERNALLY. Bc after 1937 Siam/Thailand joined the British×+× and their gangs (the U.S.INC, ....) to murder a whole bunch of world leaders: from FDR, to SIAM KING and OTHER Se Asian kings to steal se Asian gold, bc after 1930s many G20 country's went bankrupted; more gold and greeds were needed, to back their empty paper currencies. They steal such secret gold via their secret CIA war: 23 years combining with Vietnam war = 45yr gold excravation. If you think this is non-sense, you lack logic & evidences.
oh ye of little faith. Pray like our Lord instructs us to.
DeleteMon. morning 23 Nov. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:
1. Our Military Intel Contact said that Kim was delusional, was not M1, did not stop anything and was simply a CIA MK ultra mind-controlled agent sent into the RV currency holding community to deceive and confuse.
Mr google god has managed to shadow ban me let me try a post
ReplyDeleteReally tricky how zionest silicone valley CIA like the election algorithm all arranged