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It Is quite obvious the virus schemes-19 is a conspiracy against north American creditors, The Crooks don't want to pay back ro their creditors, at one point they want to kill us by 30000 Guillotines. Five years the Crooks thought it's too obvious and they came up with the virus instead. As you can see in 2015 mr. Bill gate and his master England came up with the idea of coronavirus to kill the creditors and /or certain retirees, so they don't have to pay back the retirements or any owing debt to people.. If you think the Chinese create this monster virus, you really have no logic. What do they gain by doing so? to kill their own people. The only people who would do that is their opponents because they fear the Chinese Growing strength, is a threat , to their planning war In Southeast Asia against them..
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile .....
The sneaky bar attorneys still rely on the crooked / stupid sheriff s to do their crimes for them; By filing fraudulent Sheriff deed paper in public record,
following their auction fraud.. They think their Legislations are the only law available in America for them to enforce, their robbery and theft on our properties for their foreign Corporations and Masters.
We have the record in this blog that the foreign government the so-called U.S.Incorporated, bought 10,000 - 30 000 guillotines, by 2 banking senators in 2009-2010, and ALREADY placed them in their FEMA camps around the country in their UNDISCLOSEDl military Champs, FOR REASONS . is a paid Media, to say that 30,000 guillotines is a fake news.
Yes I have seen them. We deal with predatory THIEVES Not lenders, not Govt.
DeleteHave you seen, their inner Dark Emergies yet? I have telepathically, i bet 99.999999% people have NOT seen.
The NEXT 3 YEARS WILL BE VERY INTERESTING YEARS. THEY WILL PROVE ASTROLOGERS WRONG WITH THEIR PREDICTION THAT 2020 to be year of Revolution. Including the Illuminati / vermon esoteric.
Every evil Bankers, Politicians, or Empress etc have common dark energies within them.
Yes I have seen them. We deal with predatory THIEVES Not lenders, not Govt.
DeleteHave you seen, their inner Dark Emergies yet? I have telepathically, i bet 99.999999% people have NOT seen.
The NEXT 3 YEARS WILL BE VERY INTERESTING YEARS. THEY WILL PROVE ASTROLOGERS WRONG WITH THEIR PREDICTION THAT 2020 to be year of Revolution. Including the Illuminati / vermon esoteric.
Every evil Bankers, Politicians, or Empress etc have common dark energies within them.
Interesting video on evils of Freemasonry. The Council On Foreign Relations is the Hierarchy of International Freemasonry. Freemasonry tracks back to Gnosticism and Arianism. The Catholic Church is the complete antithesis of Freemasonry. Therefore Freemasons set about destroying the true Catholic Church through infiltration.
DeleteThe Communist and Masonic Infiltration of America and the Catholic Church (full length)
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