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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Phony "Home Security" Departments and The Big Picture

By Anna Von Reitz

There are a lot of strange things going on.  One of the strange things is groups of well-dressed people pretending to be from the government and brandishing papers with an official-looking "Home Security Department" letterhead, robbing homeowners.

They begin by saying that they are checking to make sure that you have valid ID's to participate in the Census.  If you fall for this and let them into your house, they will take whatever they please and leave you standing there with your mouth open. 

"We're from the government. We're here to help (ourselves)."

No matter how nicely dressed, how polite, or how seemingly official, never invite any stranger pretending to be from the government into your home.

All they can do is spread germs, right?  Except in obvious emergencies or when called to your home by you, government employees should be as locked down and quiet as everyone else.

And there is no "Home Security Department". 

Just as you never give your information to unknown callers or "solicitors", you don't open your door to strangers claiming to be from the government. 

The Department of Homeland Security patrols the international interface and has no business on your doorstep, presuming that you are not engaged in international business activities involving the interstate manufacture, transport, or sale of federally controlled substances: alcohol, tobacco, and firearms.

Also remember that as an American and not any sort of Federal Employee, all you owe the Census is names and number of people in your household. You don't check any "US Citizen" box and remember that you are "non-resident" within their District scheme and considered "non-domestic" with respect to their government.

Ironically, if you don't already know your neighbors, this would be a good time to show your face and let them know who you are and where you live.  If there is a Neighborhood Watch group, join it, and if there isn't one, start one.

Also remember that as you are not a government employee or dependent, you are not under any contract obligating you to accept any forced vaccination or other "government decree" regarding your medical care or condition.  Throw their abortion mantra back in their faces -- my body, my choice.

Also remember these facts:

(1) The CV tests are showing between 50% and 80% "false positive" results, so basically, the tests are unreliable for diagnosis;
(2) A great many common cold, bronchitis, and plain old flu cases are being misreported as CV cases, and this has been statistically proven;
(3) The vaccine is untested and contains unknown substances, quite possibly including the ID 20/20 RFID "chip" that Bill Gates profits from and which he has been promoting.  Never put any vaccine into your body unless you are sure of the contents and purposes.

I know this is highly unsettling for everyone, but please keep the Big Picture firmly in mind:

The Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia has been in operation since 1878, and it has been in Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy since 2015. It has 185,000 unauthorized franchises including all the STATE OF.... organizations in this country, and all of the municipal corporations that have been organized under the auspices of these franchises.

The bankruptcy requires the shut down of all these entities for 90 days and as this is a liquidation, they will not be reopening.  This means that one in six people, approximately 45 million Americans, will be at least temporarily out of work. 

It also means that the "Powers" delegated to "the" United States will return by Operation of Law to The United States of America [Unincorporated] from which those "Powers" derived and were delegated in the first place. 

These "Powers" include domestic mail service, protection of post roads and sea lanes, railroads, coast guard functions, copyrights, trademarks, patents, air traffic control, and numerous other functions that we associate with the Federal Civil Service. 

The Agencies will be shut down and restructured and may or may not be renamed and/or re-staffed at all.  The various alphabet soup agencies with their unelected, unauthorized, and unaccountable administrative rule-making powers ["Administrative Code"] --some of them like the DOJ going back to the early years of the Municipal Corporation -- are all on the chopping block.

There are over 350 such agencies from the FDR Era alone. Many of them are redundant duplicate services already provided by State of State organizations and won't be missed, except that those who have been receiving paychecks for doing nothing --literally-- will no longer be on the "government" pay roll.

All this is bound to create an absolutely massive amount of disruption, and it has not happened in a vacuum and it is not unforeseen.  Essentially, the Federal Civil Service is being shut down, plus all the "STATE OF STATE" organizations that were franchises. 

The endless and irresponsible proliferation of "governmental services" draining your pocketbooks and harassing you to pay for whatever whims your employees have, is at an end.  And you should be happy about that, because this circumstance was like a cancer eating the heart out of our country and our economy, destroying our basic freedoms, and undermining our way of life.

It was also a hot bed for all sorts of criminality and payola.

So, this change had to come. The Constitutions had to be enforced or become absolutely meaningless. 

The "Special Admiralty Courts" designed to fleece us have to be shut down.  The crooked "double accrual bookkeeping" system adopted in 1946 has to be shut down.  The CIA "Black Ops" running drugs and illicit arms sales and every other kind of evil business have to be shut down.  The Foreign Aid scams used by various politicians "hooking" back foreign aid appropriations that never reached their destinations has to be stopped.

Well, what do you expect, after leaving the foxes in charge of the hen house for 150 years, with little or no oversight, and little or no Public Interest being in evidence?

Mr. Trump has to exercise his position as Commander-in-Chief to do all this necessary house cleaning and still maintain basic services that people rely on day to day, while all this take-down and restructure is taking place.

It's what you hired him to do. Drain the swamp.  He promised to do it, and he is delivering upon his promise.  Nobody ever said it would not cause disruption.  Nobody said it was easy to do, painless, or convenient.

And, all of this activity serves to underline the fact that you are all needed, front and center, to participate in that uniquely American tradition of self-governance.  If you don't govern yourselves, guess what?  Someone else will do it "for" you, and you have now seen the results. 

This is why above all else, you need to declare your proper political status, get off your rumps, and join your State Assembly.  Your State of the Union has been systematically "de-populated" by these Pikers creating false registrations related to you and your Good Name.  And nobody can correct this situation, but you. 

So, in the midst of all this other upheaval, you have an additional mission and duty --- your State Assembly needs you to stand up and be counted as an American.  The actual, factual government of your country needs you to participate and organize and direct the affairs of your State Government--- please notice: "State Government" not any "State of State Government". 

Go to: and get started. 


See this article and over 2300 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. thanks for the heads up and we applaud your excellent info and appraisals of what in the world is going on NOW!?

  2. All that sounds good for afterwards. However, people like me some have any more way to pay as my way to make a living had been hurt drastically. Plus, I just lost my apartment last month. I was trying to work as much as possible to get another one but now it's not possible. 90 days is a very long time to be without a living.

    1. contact me. I have a way for you to make a good income from home. NO BS.
      Anyone else is welcome to contact me too.
      We have to pull together. I have a way.

  3. Yes Thanks Anna:

    I know, I don't expect anything good from the Vermins, but here the turmoils in the UK:

    The most intelligent manipulative UK Justice:

    Courts and Tribunals Judiciary | Mr Justice Dingemans

    Jul 31, 2015 · Lord Justice Dingemans was appointed Vice-President of the Queen’s Bench Division for a three year term with effect from 5 February 2020.

    Sorry folks, but wait and see, I forecast for this Judge: his own internal Devil will get him. Common people cannot get him.

    It is God who controls our body, not us. The Karma law is real, set in motion by God.

  4. The U.S. Census not only lied to me, spying on me constantly to get me to give them my personal info, education, work history, etc..

    I replied "Heck No, get away from me now, you people spy on me".

    Their reply to my window: "No we're from the government, we don't spy on you, Google does"

    me:"I don't care what you say, get out of my property now". Then off they're gone.
    They could be from the real U.S.Census of the UK, I think the reasons they are doing this, is bc we turn off their GPS system. I see they download their unauthorized codes into our phones all the time now, to scan our last geo-position. Their new approach won't work. In the mean time, they violated the law. We get to charge them for clogging slowing down our phones, stealing our personal info.'s, etc.

    This is madness.

  5. Revoke your consent, dont give it tn the first plaace. Question everything and if you dont get a forthright answer start grabbing the situation by the throat and demand answers. You are after all the boss. All these little jerks work for you and have no authority or right to ask anything of you, remind them of that. Challenge them and be prepared to stand your ground. This is what I do and have done for years. I have trained my errant employees to avoid me and if they feel its necessary to interact with me their tail is tucked, eyes down and tney are polite...the way it should be.
    If you are going to be a King , act like a King.

    1. The Privacy Act of 1974, Public Law 93-579 empowers citizens to require full, written, disclosure from a government official who seeks information.
      Public law 93-579 states; the purpose of this Act is to provide certain safeguards for an individual against invasion of personal privacy requiring Federal agencies....and
      to permit an individual to determine what records pertaining to him/her are collected, maintained, used or disseminated by such agencies...
      I have the Public Servant Questionnaire if anyone wants a copy let me know.It was prepared by a Constitutional Attorney and shared by a wonderful lady and freedom fighter.
      An American does NOT have to speak to a government official unless the citizen has been arrested.
      You may insist on complete disclosure as a "pre-condition" to speaking with any government official.
      5 U.S.C 552a (e)(c) authorizes a sovereign natural person (Citizen) to use a form (I have one) to collect information from the public servant to determine whether to divulge information to the Public Servant and the employing agency.


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