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Saturday, February 8, 2020

An End to Paul Ehrlich -- The Battle of Memes

By Anna Von Reitz

What is a meme?  It is a popular idea or belief expressed as a phrase or very simple idea, passed around from hand to hand and mouth to mouth like the Common Cold.

Some advertising slogans become memes, like the immortal "Where's the beef?" ad the escaped the realm of fast food burger joint competitions and made the Big Leagues in national politics.  

More commonly, memes take on the form of popular Old Wives' Tales, Urban Myths, and Superstitions --- some of which can be, and are, used for political and propaganda purposes.  
Who is Paul Ehrlich?  Answer: a Stanford University Professor with bad math skills. 

What is Paul Ehrlich famous for?  Writing a book called, "The Population Bomb" back in the late 1960's, in which he used flawed mathematical models to prove -- ahem! --- that we were headed for an inescapable planetary crisis due to overpopulation of the planet, and predicting that if we didn't reduce ourselves to voluntary celibacy, hair shirts, and eating wheat grass and dirt, all would be lost by the 1980's.  

Let me check my watch.... 2020....still here.  

Nonetheless, these pernicious ideas and false claims remain and have not only attained the status of an Urban Myth, but have offered the planetary elites a ploy that they wish to parley into a brand new and ever-more oppressive regulatory and taxation system: The New Green Deal, complete with "Carbon Taxes", and presumably a little Personal Smart Meter designed to tax you for every breath you take and every fart you dare pass.   

So whether you are simply math-challenged and unobservant, or whether you are nasty and cynical and looking for a new scam to milk, the overpopulation hysteria continues long after it should have been pronounced dead and buried, together with collateral theories of the same ilk that continue to cause problems.  

This recent round of "semi-plausible scientific bunk" all began with Paul Ehrlich and his thoroughly discredited "population bomb" hysteria back in the 1970's.  

This parallels another thoroughly discredited theory --- I speak of the now (suddenly) "accepted" Green House Gas Theory, which appeared on the scene 196 years ago, was discredited even back then as nonsense flying in the face of The Second Law of Thermodynamics--- and should have remained in the scrap heap of scientific speculations that didn't pan out ---- EXCEPT that certain parties revived it for political, not scientific, reasons. 

I speak here of the Democratic Party, which made funding of "scientific" research subject to political pandering and objectives, and made University budgets the playground of "allied interests" ---- defense contractors, Big Pharma, the AMA, and so on.  

Does everyone reading this realize that carbon dioxide makes up exactly 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere?  

Can you repeat that fact after me, ad nauseum, so that even a pre-schooler can recite the Opposing Meme ---? 

Carbon dioxide accounts for 1/300th of one percent of the atmosphere.  

It can't possibly cause "global warming" and human-caused increases in the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide can't do anything, either.  

So all this hysteria and all these proposed "carbon taxes" are just more Shinola that is being manipulated by certain elitists who are hoping to set up yet another long run for themselves as Masters of the Masses and Lords of the Manor, and all based on "popular" Bunk. 

Population bomb  -- bunk.  
Greenhouse Gas Theory --- bunk since 1824, no less. 
Carbon Taxes -- grossly self-interested bunk. 

Fact: Enzymes and poisons are the only things that are effective Change Agents at concentrations of one three-hundredth of one percent per volume of anything.  

So unless carbon dioxide is an enzyme...... 

Which brings me to my final point.  Poisonous ideas and beliefs often cause more damage and misery far in excess of anything actual and factual in this world.   

Fear, prejudice, falsehoods, greed, self-interest, and outright lies "pre-cause" the damage that is played out in real time, and false beliefs lead to wrong actions nearly a hundred percent of the time. 

Faced with the enormity of the biologic and environmental catastrophe that the Vatican's policy of supporting Chemtrail spraying programs has wrought in California, Alaska, and Australia, stumbling Apologists have told me, "We had no idea!  We were told by reputable scientists....." 

"Reputable scientists" who were working for manufacturing industries anxious to get rid of their wastes at a premium price, "reputable scientists" who were covertly working for violent political factions, "reputable scientists" who were threatened with loss of tenure or funding, or sopped with promises of same.  

The days when we could regard science as a Second Religion and scientists as trustworthy priests, are long since gone.  The Democratic Party and the Military-Industrial Complex have done their work of corruption both inside and outside the realm of the Vatican Expense Accounts.  

It's high time we all woke up and elbowed our less educated neighbors in the ribs and clued them in --- hey, this is just a con job.  

This overpopulation hysteria and human-caused climate change bunk isn't true.

It's being used as an excuse to tax you for the "crime" of being alive and making a living.  It's another form of "income tax" designed to tax your life, your time on earth, and your labor.  Carbon taxes are just another bid to enslave you and an excuse to rule the world, being offered by the same old charlatans who are responsible for the present Mess.  


It's time to shove it all back down the throats of the Democratic Party Hacks, the Archbishops and Cardinals, the Committee of Rome, Michael Bloomberg, the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, various ill-informed Scandinavian teenagers, the United Nations, Paul Ehrlich, Prince Philip, the Holy See, the Federal Reserve Bank Board of Governors, and all the Closet Nazis worldwide. 

I want to see them weeping green goo and staring at each other in horror and saying things like, "My Lucifer, I don't believe it.... the horses are talking and the sheep are waking up! Demons preserve us!"   I want to notice their conspicuous absence from public forums and podiums and news cycles.  I want them caught-out, shamed, recognized as the self-interested liars that they are.  I want to see them all scattering like cockroaches before a very bright light ---- and off the academic gravy train, too.   

Can you picture all the thick-carpet people in the world wide-eyed, deflated, and in a huff?  All the outrageous lies that have driven the Mainstream Media for years now, nailed to the barn door with only six words?  

You, too, can do your part in the Battle of Memes. Spread the actual scientific truth and let it fly and land upon darkened, fearful minds, like so many embers and sparks of an engrossing fire: 

"One three-hundredth of one percent."


See this article and over 2200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Right on,and hilarious !! Bless you Anna.

  2. i agree, and much of this bunk has led people to fear man, fear mankind.
    Do we fear God? Do we Trust in God? Do we put God first?
    Why would we because of the lies and the false teachings of church and state, many believe that God created a flawed universe. This is not so!
    It is we the people who are flawed! And no he did not create us to be flawed, He created us to have free choice.
    How are we doing? Are we still looking for a King or Queen , or have we found the

  3. Wikipedia says the percentage is 0.04% or 410 parts per million of CO2 in the atmosphere by volume now.

  4. Rat-fink JEW Paul Ehrlich + Club of Rome JEW => What could possibly go wrong?
    Has the Population Bomb Been Defused? - Yale E360
    >>> The "population bomb" is creeping back onto the environmental agenda. Back in the late 1960s and early 1970s, when Paul Ehrlich wrote his book of that name and the Club of Rome produced computer simulations of a resources crisis in Limits to Growth, population was the number one environmental issue.

    >>> We find mid 1800's JEWS started pouring into America, as tho released from their rabbinical slums, vermin set upon our nation slogging its Black Plague. Enter vermin JEW Ehrlich:

    Ehrlich was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of William Ehrlich and Ruth Rosenberg. His father was a shirt salesman, his mother a Greek and Latin scholar and public school teacher. Ehrlich's mother's Reform-Jewish German ancestors arrived in the United States in the 1840s, and his paternal grandparents emigrated there later from the Galician and Romanian part of the Austrian Empire.

    Just for fun EUSTACE MULLINS who has long exposed the jew for what IT IS:
    "It [the Holocaust] wasn't really an issue until the late '50's. All of the sudden, they remembered that six million Jews died in WWII.
    I've often said that after six million Jews died, most of them went on to own apartments in Manhattan and Tel Aviv. It's not really a topic that interests me much beyond how it's used as propaganda and mind control."


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