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Friday, November 22, 2019

The Municipal United States Government

By Anna Von Reitz

The Municipal United States Government was created by the original Constitutional Agreements, and specifically by The Constitution of the United States adopted in 1790.

The current updated version of The Constitution of the United States was commonly available in bookstores as recently as 2012, when I picked up a copy at Barnes and Noble. It is a simplified, stripped-down version of the original written in modern English with several key restrictions and limitations removed, apparently without notice to or consent of the People presumed to be upholding the other end of the agreement.

I can tell you that reading it was quite a shock to my sensibilities after a lifetime of dealing with the difficulties of reading 18th century legal documents. I can also tell you that like so many other books, documents, court cases, and quotations that have been altered or buried or burned to serve political agendas during the past one hundred and fifty years, when I went back to buy a few more copies, it had disappeared. Out of print.

The physical location of the Municipal United States Government is limited to the ten miles square of Washington, DC, enclosed within the Boundary Stones of that "independent, international city-state" chartered by the Roman Curia and originally administered by the Holy See from 1790 to 1933, whereupon its administration was unlawfully converted and taken over by the Roman Pontificate--- the pagan Holy Roman Empire promoting itself as the "Secular Church".

Apparently this profane religion adores oxymoron expressions and purposefully proliferates such nonsense in order to further promote confusion and illogical thinking. Maybe also as an intelligence test?

This pagan Municipal United States Government has been operating under Roman Civil Law on our shores and its rulers are plenary oligarchs -- the members of "the" United States Congress, as stipulated at Article I, Section 8, Clause 17.

The clear intention of the Founding Fathers was to establish a capital city where everyone could meet in pleasant and secure circumstance, and on even terms. The members of Congress were entrusted to form a city government and keep it in good order for the intended purposes.

That same government has, since 1945, acted to grossly defraud and dis-serve the American States and People and has usurped upon their lawful government for 150 years, acting in perennial Breach of Trust, and since 1934, with increasing boldness and disregard of any law.

They prefer to practice "the Rule of Law" which is no actual Law at all, but merely a proliferation of Court Rules and Procedures designed to enable them to obtain whatever end result their minions desire simply by interpreting certain words in different ways and claiming "judicial discretion".

This same foreign municipal government has established Municipal Districts and Municipal Courts and Municipal STATES OF STATES in every State of the Union, expanded its administration with over 350 new "Agencies" and allowed those agencies to operate under color of law on our shores.

Via the use of "Federal Block Grants" used as bribes with undisclosed consequences---basically kickbacks from racketeering--- the Municipal Government has expanded to over 185,000 municipalities and municipal corporations in this country. And none of them have any right to be here.

The intent of the Founders and Signers of the original Constitutions to provide a congenial meeting place on the banks of the Potomac and their equally simple entrusting of this duty and oversight of the capitol city government to later members of Congress, has been grotesquely expanded and trampled, and stands against the Constitutions, including The Constitution of the United States. As such, their actions and presumptions are null and void.

It is a peculiarity of the Roman Civil Law that the Municipal Government adopted, that you can lie, cheat, steal, and defraud to your hearts delight, so long as you don't get caught. However, once fraud is discovered, everything tainted by it must be disallowed and wiped clean: fraud vitiates everything.

The Great Fraud was discovered by loyal Americans in 1980 and initial action was taken to oppose and expose it.

The Municipal United States Government has been operating against the requirements of the Roman Civil Law ever since, and has continued to defraud Americans and racketeer against them in criminal violation of their Constitutional obligations.

In 2004 these same Americans reported an uptick in Municipal Agency activity aimed at militarization of Municipal Police, importation of foreign military personnel, vast inexplicable building projects staged in Free Trade Zones and the development of FEMA relocation camps, apparently using the same plan as Hitler's Concentration Camps.

We accordingly took our objections to the Holy See in Rome, which is also the seat of government for the Roman Pontificate. We pointed out that our agreements are with the Holy See, not the Roman Pontificate. We expressed our concerns and objected to the mistreatment, fraud, and mis-characterization of Americans as "citizens of the United States", the threatening actions undertaken by the Municipal United States Government in violation of their Constitutional obligations, and much more.

For the next seven years, we served Notice and Due Process upon Municipal Employees at all levels of the Municipal United States Government, including members of the Municipal United States Congress. In 2011, the Holy See closed the Roman Pontificate and moved to liquidate the underlying trusts. In 2014, we finished the Notice and Due Process, and issued our findings as a Final Civil Order Judgment.

We also issued General Civil Orders to the Joint Chiefs in July of 2014, alerting them to the looming danger posed by militarization of the municipal police and Agency Personnel, construction of concentration camps on our soil, purchase of billions of rounds of ammunition and other vast armament supplies including 30,000 guillotines by the Municipal United States Government, the presence of foreign -- especially Chinese factory workers in large numbers in Free Trade Zones located at critical communication and transportation hubs, and the sale of military equipment and natural resources such as Uranium to both the Russians and Chinese Governments by members of the Municipal Government.

In this way, their cover was blown and no plausible deniability remained for the Joint Chiefs, either.

With the selection of Pope Francis and the retirement of Pope Benedict XVI, progress ground to a halt. Nothing truly effective has been done to shut down the operations of the rogue Municipal United States Government, which owes its charter to the Roman Curia. Their operations were liquidated on paper, but they were allowed to form a new series of corporations, and sail right on. The Great Fraud allowed by the Roman Pontificate and its minions in Washington, DC, has not been exposed to the people of this country, much less to the world, and the criminality underlying it has not been brought under control, much less to a stop.

Instead, we have reports of municipal franchise corporations and municipal agency personnel --which have been heavily supplied with military grade armaments via the process already described-- getting "ready for action" against innocent American civilians.

The lawful government of this country, The United States of America, has done and is doing everything that it can do to protect the people and to recoup the purloined assets of this country. We have called out the Holy See and we hold the Roman Catholic Church and the Roman Curia absolutely responsible for this Gross Breach of Trust and commercial contract; we also hold the British Monarch responsible for these crimes against us.

Let it be set before the whole world and particularly the members of the United Nations Organization, that the Roman Curia controls all incorporated governments via the issuance of charters, so that action by the United Nations is ultimately action undertaken by the Pope.

Let it be seen that the Roman Curia also holds the charter and is responsible for the Municipality of Washington, DC, and that any action undertaken by the Municipal United States Government is also ultimately action undertaken by the Pope.

Finally, let it be seen that the Pope also indirectly controls the British Territorial United States, which is a Commonwealth overseen by the British Monarch in behalf of the Pope.

All roads lead to Rome, and any "civil war" engaged in on our soil in violation of our Public Law and our Land Law and our international treaties and our solemn trust indentures and the service contracts owed to us, is fronted by the Pope on both sides of the issue.

Whereupon we bring forward our condemnation of the Pope and the Roman Curia for promoting and allowing this situation to exist and for pretending that they are not fully responsible for it and accountable to our lawful Government for this circumstance.

The Pope cannot fight against himself, and he cannot order his minion, the Queen, to fight against him, either, and have any plausible excuse for the disruption, bloodshed, and misery this one man is proposing to cause by fomenting a phony civil war on the soil of a foreign nation -- ours.

We ask all treaty and alliance members for their urgent assistance to prevent any such travesty, and ask them to begin Counterpoint Operations to make sure that the Pope and the Queen both receive our message via taking up stations.

The same Roman Pontificate which has used the Catholic Church as a storefront for its venal operations is proposing to use the United Nations in the same way --- as a storefront to hide its own unsavory activities and get innocent people to pay for their own destruction.

As long as the governments of the various countries continue to operate as incorporated franchises under charter and patent of the Roman Curia, this is a foregone conclusion, and so is the predatory criminality with which the Holy Roman Empire has fostered and formed the threat of global Corporate Feudalism.

So now you know what we are up against and who is behind it, no matter how they twist and turn it. This is just another instance of "Holy Roman Empire" war-mongering for profit, another instance where these pirates in clerical costume and nice suits propose to kill off their Primary Creditors rather than return our purloined assets to us--- and offer to use our own assets and our own deluded countrymen to do their dirty work, too.

Let every American wake up and smell the java. Let every officer of every Municipal Agency lay down his gun or never pick it up. Let every official of the Municipal United States Government hang their heads in shame.

In the same way that they have waged a secretive and unholy war by guile and deceit upon the American States and People, they have promoted the same aims of "quiet conquest" against the whole world and every national government, and they now propose to ignore even their own Roman Civil Law.

Many members of the United States Military and the Federal Civil Service have been led astray by promises of great wealth and reward for themselves.

The bankers have led them on and they have sold their honor for nothing.

And this, to date, is the status of the Municipal United States Government.


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1 comment:

  1. It is obviously a corruption the chooses death over life. Numerous peoples attacked skewered, a few who remain and will obey, then once done using those who helped them skewer them to, the planet and leave a trail of destruction.
    Who in thier right mind would attack and destroy knowledge of plants, medicines and nurturing life and the planet and in exchange have a bunch of deceitful papers and words along with the trail of destruction as their only offering? Their only fruit or product? Beware as they are like the rose, beautiful and smells good, has a pleasant look in places, reach right in and shake its leg and find a large painful sticker in your hand.


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