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Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Hope Porn 101

By Anna Von Reitz

Lots of people are attracted to Hope Porn and believe all sorts of weird things that absolve them from responsibility for taking action and doing a lot of hard work.  It's a Learned Laziness Syndrome that comes from being a Dependent --- someone who isn't self--motivated and who naturally waits for instructions and solutions provided by someone else or some organization (like the Government or the Church) outside of themselves and their own efforts.  

Yet we all have plenty of experience that should tell us that the world doesn't really work that way, that there is no "free lunch" and that sitting around waiting for help to arrive --- especially when you are depending on "the" US Congress to deliver it --- is a vain exercise.  

Take NESARA for example.  The Nesara legislation hasn't moved a quarter of an inch in a quarter of a century, and it's not going to, either, at the rate things are going.  Just go look it up on  Prove it to yourselves.  You are being fed nonsense. There's nothing to wait for.  It was a well-intended effort back in the day.  And so what? 

Today I read another completely ridiculous article on the NESARA NEWS website, this one being promoted by the Michigan General Jural Assembly, which must have been hijacked by idiots.  They went off-track when they lost sight of what a "State" is and failed to establish the standing of their members to assemble an actual State of the Union, and have since then compounded their errors. 

Now we are told, rather gratuitously, that all the publicly traded corporations on Wall Street have been "nationalized" and oh, rejoice, rejoice.  


What has happened is that the UNITED STATES, INC., which entered involuntary bankruptcy in 2015, is being liquidated, and any corporation merely "presumed" to be a franchise of the UNITED STATES, INC. is being seized upon as chattel to pay back their debts.  

Hello, hello, are you the Party to whom I am speaking?  

That includes JOHN MICHAEL DOE, folks, and JOHN M. DOE and JOHN DOE.... and all those "derivative" public trusts, public transmitting utilities, and public charitable trusts named after you, too.  This means your property and your assets are under attack so long as you are accepting these Municipal PERSONS as being anything related to you.  

You, your home, your bank accounts --- everything you think you own--- is being misidentified as Public Property owned by the Municipal United States Government.  If you don't exempt yourself from the MUNI COURTS, their Trustees will come in and take everything.  If you don't further defend against the British Territorial Courts, the Queen will turn you over to the Pope's Inquisition. 

Talk about being between a rock and a hard place?  

The same, of course, goes for all the "Publicly Traded" Corporations that aren't under private ownership.  Millions of American businesses misidentified as Municipal Franchises or as belonging to Municipal Franchisees like MARK D. CLEMSON, will be under attack in Municipal DISTRICT COURTS.  

The franchises and their assets are forfeit to the creditors, and yes, if we are standing in our proper political status, we are creditors. We are the Priority Creditors in fact.   

How many of you are in your proper political status?  Let's see a show of hands..... won't be anyone from the Michigan General Jural Assembly in proper status and that's for sure, because they missed the boat and the whole point of the exercise.   So now they are out there crowing about this great "victory" and still don't understand that they've shot themselves in the foot.

So long as they do this, they get all of the heat and none of the fun.  "Dead" Territorial US Citizens can't profit from this liquidation nor act as Creditors. They will be attacked along with everyone else and they won't know what to say or do to protect their assets.  So they will go on losing their homes and their bank accounts and being the goats, when they could exercise their option to be Priority Creditors, instead.  

The American States Assembly is the only organization that is properly organized and standing in the way of this outcome.  It's the only group that has vetted its membership and required the mandatory political status correction to be able to act in the Priority Creditor role.  As American Nationals and American State Citizens, we can demand that the IRS settle any such debts by offsetting them against the American National Credit, which has been sequestered from the bankruptcy.

Naturally, only Americans can access the American National Credit. 

Americans misidentified as British Territorial United States Citizens (that have been declared legally dead on top of everything else) can't access the National Credit they are owed.  Americans misidentified as Municipal United States Citizens or as citizens of the United States are, if possible, even more S.O.L. 

Only those who claim their exemptions and who reclaim their birthright political status as Americans will be able to pass through the eye of this needle.  

Naturally, too, as time goes on, your motivations for reclaiming your birthright political status will be questioned.  People will look at you and think -- "Ah, well, you are acting in a self-interested fashion.  You went to the party and drank the wine, and now you don't want to pay the cover charge."   

It's hard to prove on a case-by-case basis that you were never told anything about all these claims being made about you and about your property, even though there are millions of Americans in the same boat who can honestly claim the same thing.  

And that is the reason why it is absolutely necessary for us to form our State Assemblies and to vet our membership to be sure that everyone is functioning as an American and nothing else at all ---- so that we aren't picked off one-by-one and left standing all alone with a doo-dad in our hair and a lame uncorroborated story about how nobody told us what was going on and what was being alleged about us and our political status. 

So, judge for yourselves what comes around.  The current leadership of the MGJA is crowing happily about the demise of corporate America, not realizing that their own dogs are still in that fight.   

Meanwhile, The American States Assembly is working overtime in every State of the Union to educate and enable people to save themselves and their country from this foreign economic warfare.  We aren't selling any Hope Porn and we aren't making any mistakes; if you do the work and learn the facts, you will have help and you will have knowledge to protect yourselves and your assets. 

If not.... well, you can go bankrupt just like the parent corporation.  You get to keep a home (mortgaged to the hilt in most cases) and a car and $8000 of personal property.  


See this article and over 1900 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. All this is in accord with *their*, the criminals' (referencing: Louis T. McFadden, James Trafficant, Franciscus', DJT EO 13818, 12/21/2017, and more's publicly recorded condemnation of them to be criminals operating outside of law) conditions they set up for their victims to follow, isn't it?

    It's the same as us ssking the thief what they require us to do becore they will give us ba k what they've stolen!!! :):)... As a matter of face, it IS them telling us we have to do what they say or they won't return what they've stolen!!

    No thanks.
    No deals with you, you thieves.

  2. Sorry about all the typos in the comment above; this system seems to be throwing my comments, so I just went ahead and published what I had written this time before the whole comment got wiped out again as I was finishing as seems to have perhaps been happening.

    I suspect it is *NOT* PAUL STRAMER doing that.

  3. Should have been:

    "It's the same as us asking the thief what they require us to do before they will give us back what they've stolen!!! :):)...
    As a matter of fact, it *IS* them telling us we have to do what they say or they won't return what they've stolen!!"

    No thanks.
    No deals with you, you thieves.

  4. Masses of people are not going to get it
    Never consented to any of it and an unusual disclosed contract is null and void.bUT the thugs will attempt anything under color of law .
    If our leaders are complicit it defaults to we the people.

  5. "If our leaders are complicit it defaults to we the people."

    THE KEY!
    When this key turns in "the lock" (the situation we find ourselves in), the fraud is over for them.

  6. It would be very helpful to be referred to the source of this information to validate it when speaking to another.

    I have filed all my paperwork some time ago, sent out all appropriate letters and documents to the "feds" and am waiting for a response from the "Sign Up" troops for participation in a "training course". Am waiting for some response........

    As for Anna covering old ground, especially about the MGJA, I do not understand why she wastes her breath. The information provided in ad nauseum is available for all to see. I have followed the writings in piece meal fashion like many others for years. With establishing the two new websites, templates and videos the process is much easier than before.

    Some people just need to put in the necessary time....

    1. What are the sign up troops and training course?

    2. Read the "Sign Up" protocol on the site. It refers to 3 steps to complete the process of eligibility. The 3rd step is are those coordinators (I assume) verifying your filings and documents sent. It also mentions a "training course" as the final step.

      You would have to receive correspondence back from them you are on track and qualified as an American State National. As I said above, after submitting my and my sister's "sign up" I have yet to hear back from anybody......?????

      Still waiting...

  7. “horror vacui” - nature abhors a vacuum

    One of the natural laws, yes?

    The people vacated self-governance, and thus the vacuum was filled for us........

    It makes sense, then, that being that it was complacency that led to this current mess, that it would be safe to then rule out complacency getting us out of it, say for example in the form of sitting around waiting for some cavalry to show up and set things aright.

    And it would be this same natural law being pointed to in the following.....

    "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

    So we Stand, and we Occupy......Blessings

  8. I see the Hegelian Dialectic is alive and working just as the overlords expected. Ego will divide and conquer every time. Hundreds of patriot groups all coming together could win freedom overnight, but never fear. It will never happen, and you will never understand why.

    1. What???

      "but never fear. It will never happen"

      For Pete's sake. You guys are already whipped!

      No wonder were in trouble when the men can only sit around and talk about how some dam bunch of child sess trafficking criminals are too much for them to handle.

      Please, go sit down and wait for us to come and get you out of the mental "cage" you've agreed with the criminals to stay in while they abuse the little ones.

      Geez, no wonder us little old ladies are having to do all the heavy lifting.

      Stop sucking your dam thumbs and stand up straight, take your God-given place as the protectors. YOU DONT GET TO SIT DOWN. ITS NOT OVER YET. You men, aged 40 to 112, bring the young men aged 12 to 39 along with you and get together with some of the other men and figure out how were going to stop the trafficking going on in our own neighborhoods, will you please? Because even if our young sons escape that horror, well then they are trafficked thousands of miles away from home to hurt other innocent people.

      Is anybody sick of this yet or are you men going to keep sitting there waiting to see if us little old ladies can "do any good", and THEN if we DO make some progress, then you'll come running in and take over?

      Right now we have a bunch of men who are waiting for some other man who is "better" than them to give them orders and tell them what to do instead of just doing the right thing. Those other men are NOT better than you!!! You're better than them because YOU at least try to be or want to be principled, moral, and ethical.


      YOU MEN *ARE* OUR LEADERS!!! :):):)

    2. Personally I am sitting back waiting to see what the little old ladies do

    3. Well, why dont you guys who have good solid common sense and aren't run by your egos, and really care about the women and sons and daughters getting together and pulling this thing together?

      You guys are soooo right, there are a bunch of mostly just Windbags full of hot air, sputtering out nonsense seeing who they can get to follow them so they can make a buck!!!

      That's not who I'm talking to.:):)

    4. I am more than happy to get involved with people who are ready to put their money where their mouth is, in fact that is what I am looking for. I have found more than enough websites and books/info to figure everything out to my satisfaction, I am looking for knowledgeable people to have conversations with about certain specific details and who are ready to take action but am yet to find any. Join a local militia :)

    5. Bodhi I would love to join with you but am limited in what I can from a financial standpoint
      Worked all my life moving electronic data only to not be able to find work now - several years away from retirement so they want to make sure that social security benefits are really low when I do get to file for them
      I have 25 years under my belt of data analysis in logistics and healthcare and all the jobs out there cannot find one
      More than likely because I would rather work 14 hours a day to do something that is honest rather than work for a company that requires that I pull over at a McDonalds and send private health information via a wifi connection thats not secure (not that it makes any difference anyway) as they are using the healthcare data for their depopultion/eugenics operations
      I live with family that are blind and I have to keep my opinions to myself about all this, so I type and research
      Thank the creator that I can still do that
      I think you have done awesome work and are a great asset to this blog and movement

    6. I was just using an idiom bro I didn't mean literally put money up lol. You should join my private discord server, it is like a private "facebook", invite only, of people who share our knowledge and pursuits. It is a million times better than trying to coordinate through a comments section :). I plan on turning my knowledge into a lucrative business opportunity muscling in on the scammers getting my cut from their corrupt a$$es by bringing suits on anyone and everyone I feel like is ripping people off. Pretty much every single business is crooked if you learn the ins and outs of all of this you can bring suits on them 24/7 and they will likely just settle instantly rather than trying to fight it when they know they are guilty.

      If you get into the "torts for justice" like I plan to you won't need to worry about work or social security lol. I plan on hitting these worthless sacks of $hit right in the wallet with every kind of lawsuit I can imagine when I am ready. I think you should join the server it will be good for you, share your knowledge with others on your level and be able to talk about these things we rarely find good company to discuss such things with. It an get very lonely knowing what we know and we need an outlet to discuss these things, I know trust me :).

      Email me at if you ever want to join it I would love someone as hungry as I am on this specific sphere of research to make my evil master plan to conquer their evil master plan with lol.

  9. So I have gotten much deeper into all of this and have discovered we can invoke common law at any time regardless of BC or driver license or w/e. The trust/corporation is a persona that we can operate at our discretion we don't have to do anything to abolish or separate ourselves from it.

    All we have to do is establish our private standing in court which is fairly simple and the same process an American national follows anyway. I don't see any benefit to giving it up personally, anyone have any arguments for this?

    1. Bodhi, granted knowledge is well and good until you get into a corrupt Court when your knowledge doesn't mean anything. The courts are not interested and right or wrong lawful or unlawful legal or illegal, the courts are interested in money there are no judges their administrator. This whole thing would work if both sides of the coin knew all the rules and apply them in an honest manner but hence is not the case.

    2. They will follow the rules if you know what you are doing without rules the entire system collapses and people open themselves to personal liability. Everything has rules and everyone has rules to answer to no matter who they are, even the bankers, Vatican and Pope himself have rules they have to follow.

    3. Bodhi, their system is collapsing even with their rules. I have no problem following rules but I thought a foreclosure fight for almost 10 years and they took the house and half of the contents and we had a cancer patient living with us at that time. The fight was fought on the Commerce side. I am now no longer a citizen. No amount of arguments or paper work did anything except make them money.

    4. You came at it from the wrong angle. You should have declared yourself the natural man and it was your property and they had no claim against you. In common law the only case that can be brought against you is claim by an injured party. Corporations can't create common law cases only natural persons can. It really isn't that hard tbh. You should file claim to get either your property back or just compensation. Want sources to learn how to do it?

    5. Bodhi, I am a woman by the way LOL, and yes if you have information I'd like to look at over if you don't mind. Things are so bad here it looks as if they're trying to foreclose on the whole County.

    6. Bodhi, in the beginning I had a lawyer at the time, and asked them for the original note, no note was produced and judgment was passed.

    7. Oh hah, sorry. Sign up to this website it is pretty good, they have a video course

      Once you understand how to change/secure your jurisdiction you just need to learn how to file affidavits to create cases. File an affidavit against the bank/county that took your house and get your just compensation. Ez pz honestly. This is the most powerful weapon in law, once you learn the process. You can file liens on anyone that causes you "harm" from the judge themselves or the president or even the Pope which is what Anna did I imagine, sounds like what she did from what I have read of her work, file claim against the Vatican, something we all need to do.

    8. Bodhi, thank you for the information I'll look it over.

    9. You have to realize there are two court systems running, one civil and one common law, if you don't invoke you right to common law by showing you know your rights and what you are talking about they will just railroad you. The judge is only there to adjudicate they can't make law. In the common law arena they work for you when you file the claim, you are the injured party that is requesting compensation. They have to either rebut your affidavit point by point or concede to your demands for just compensation. It is actually fairly simple as it was designed to be 100's of years ago for use in small villages. If someone did you wrong you created a case and a traveling judge (in most instances) came to your town to adjudicate the case based on common law. The judge has no real authority unless you give them your consent to judge the case, that is all they are there to do, take the evidence and make a ruling. You will always lose in civil court because you are guilty until proven innocent unlike common law which is of course the opposite. Never have give the civil courts jurisdiction to decide your case, the very seldom even have a case because as I said a case can only be brought by a living (wo)man as an injured party.

      Civil law is completely voluntary and you can tell them to piss off when they try to establish jurisdiction over you. You go in, tell them you are there in your capacity of the living (wo)man, where this injured party and the claim. If they can't produce a claim from an injured party they have no case period and it is thrown out. I have good books also for in depth explanations on how to file claims and dollar amount estimations etc. Leave a comment on my website if you want to talk more privately.

    10. btw one last thing, once you hire a lawyer you already gave them jurisdiction because lawyers can only operate in civil law (unless they are bringing their own case in a common law court), there are no lawyers in common law cases as only the injured party can file claims and only the person the claim is filed against can defend themselves. Hiring a lawyer shows you are incompetent to act as a natural person because you don't know your rights or how to enforce them. Any civil case all you have to do is walk in and say where is the claim and the injured party and walk out with the case dismissed. (this is abbreviated of course procedure wise as they will try to trick you jumping through hoops but it really is this simple)

    11. lol PSS one more last thing. Email me if you want I would be willing to help you do this process if you want, I am looking for an opportunity to get some experience doing these kinds of things.

      12,000 blessings :) <3

    12. Bodhi, at the risk of sounding as if I'm a smart-ass, I do know most of what you just spoke of now, at the time of this foreclosure I did not have the knowledge that I have now and this is a little more complicated than I care to go into on here I may be in touch with you, thank you again Spirit Walker

    13. Doesn't sound like a smart ass at all :). I would imagine those that do their due diligence should be at at least somewhat aware of every topic on these matters though they may have gotten lost for some time in the mountains of nonsense garbage and legitimate differing opinions to come back to later once they got it all straightened out in their mind (which isn't quick or easy). It is why I spent so much time measuring twice and cutting once so to speak. I wanted to find the trump card, the ace of spades not a hundred small trumps.

      I wanted to find a simple one fix for all solution, go to the root of the problem as it were and solve it there. I still enjoy reading all the material however of the ins and outs of different layers and procedures because I am not trying to be robotic in my knowledge of a process I want to know the system itself to speak about/navigate it at every level as an expert. I am just compulsive in that way. :)

    14. The information you've been sharing about the processes has been really helpful...having pared away a lot of the "junk" info, and brought it down to the core...Which is exactly what we need to know when we are *standing* for ourselves and also when making our claims. Thanks for sharing your work.

  10. I also found some good sources and am interested in thought experiments/discussion with people who feel they have advanced knowledge is this area if they want

  11. Condor ----you couldn't be MORE RIGHT -----I have been saying this all along and I'm almost 60 years old. It is EGO (mostly)that drives all the Patriot/Freedom "leaders" ---Wanting to show everyone how clever they are----Don't do that, that's not correct---do this instead. Bashing each other while divide and conquer is working perfectly for EVIL. Typical are people who ONLY want to discuss certain things with "more advanced" people. There is one guy that has an "exit the matrix" class that runs 4 years and costs about $8400.00 --- After all my study and trying to discern what is right and wrong on certain issues this comes as a very UNWELCOME part of my "higher learning". By the way ----if you are charging this kind of money, you better guarantee "my FREEDOM", just like I guarantee my work in my business. If some people don't like what I just said (the truth) too bad

    1. Oops!!
      This comment was for BIG T AND CONDOR... IT got posted in the wrong place!!!!

      Well, why dont you guys who have good solid common sense and aren't run by your egos, and really care about the women and sons and daughters getting together and pulling this thing together?

      You guys are soooo right, there are a bunch of mostly just Windbags full of hot air, sputtering out nonsense seeing who they can get to follow them so they can make a buck!!!

      That's not who I'm talking to.:):)

    2. That comment got posted in the wrong place!!!!

      I know I'm sounding insulting this morning, but our men have been told to go sit down and that they're no good. They've been treated like they aren't the head of things, when they are!

      A lot of it is women's FAULT because we didn't stand up for them.

      I've watched this whole thing unfold over decades and can see, (all always IMO, of course) that the mess the criminals wanted to make got made; and now we have to put things back together...*TOGETHER*, with each other... or all of these atrocities are not only just going to continue, but be done right out in the open on our land and soil... They all but are already.

      I love our men.
      And respect them.

      It's time to get UP.
      Throw off the conditioning.
      Throw off being told they were no good.
      Throw off being told to sit down and shut up because nobody wanted to hear them.
      YES, WE DO want to hear them.

      It looks like:
      Everyone has been set up. Everyone has failed.
      Everyone has been framed.
      Everyone has been "caught".
      By design.
      And everyone has been or can be threatened/ blackmailed with something they supposedly or actually did wrong.


      Forgive ourselves and don't do it again. Go do better the next time.

      Let that accuser who hasn't done anything wrong themselves have the first stone to throw at any of us.

      And if no one is found who can do that, then maybe THEY need to be the one to go sit down and shut up now??

    3. I am checking to see that my comments are in the right place before I publish them but they are then still Not being published under the comment I am responding to.

    4. This is the third or fourth one.

      I've never had that problem before.


      Seems mighty strange.

    5. goodboots, please pay careful attention to which "reply" link to click on. If someone came in ahead of you and replied to a comment your comment will be under theirs. If you click a comment reply link that has an arrow pointing right it will open that series of comments. Then there should be a reply link you can use.
      It's the blogger platform that decides this. I don't have any control over where you put your comments.

  12. I don't need to waste my time with people that have no idea what I am even talking about, I am not a personal tutor they can do the work just like i did. My comment and position has nothing to do with ego bud you don't put PHD's and undergrads in the same class. If I want to have advanced conversations with people with advanced knowledge it is none of your business no one has a claim on my time and knowledge unless I choose to offer it to them. When you do 1/1000th of what I have done for people searching for truth then come talk to me friend.

  13. If no one thinks this is not race related think again
    Go back and watch Tide commercials where they depict only the white race will now be living with generations in the same house
    You think the show Blackish is an accident
    The Kalergi Plan in action along with UN agenda 21, open borders etc etc etc
    In my neighborhood I see men walking the baby carriages all the time - where is the Mom, no doubt she is working
    How about the commercial where they have the white adult guy being carried around in one of those baby body carriers by another guy
    It is all subliminal messages being brought through pandoras box to brainwash the masses
    Just some observations

    Like the story of Jon McAfee out at sea evading the CIA story
    How about John McAfee is John Shackleford
    Jeffrey Epstein is John Perkins
    They make up the stories and bring them to fruition through their tal mud vision pandoras box
    Hollywood Disney MAGIC

  14. How about this
    Disney Corporation built a city within their magic kingdom that is unincorporated and they make their own laws
    Disney Corporation also displaced all of their American workers with workers from India - not an accident either - it's lower wages
    If you read about the disney complex they have their own laws and make their own rules - sound familiar
    Napa Valley and the Disney connection
    Go down about 3/4 of the way on the page and read how disney exec have been arranging and setting up front companies all over to steal the land
    The magic kingdom

  15. lol you have been to I see. Good stuff mate

    1. As if you can't tell, I do a lot of searching and linking this stuff together
      Should come as no surprise that I was never a disney kid - could never IMAGINE going to place like that
      Never set foot in one of their so called family parks
      Now imagine this - for every man, woman and child that pays to get in to these parks they are collecting that same amount from your trust????? And they are doing it world wide
      I would wager to say they are front and center like walmart in working to mark the human chattel with their beast tatoo
      Thanks for the links - I do my best to inform all that I can
      They working overtime to shut everything down had a great web page - he was having all kinds of issues, couldn't find place to live, shut down his accounts, everything - more than likely why his site is not up anymore he could not pay for it
      He had great information on there especially about how they are hyjacking your power through the smart meters
      One guy says to attach jumper cables to your smart meter to ground it I believe so that it will protect your home from them frying it like they did those in Paradise ??

    2. Hey Bondi Mantra - incogman looks like Jack Nicholson?

    3. You may find this site of some interest

  16. Bodhi -- You have NO IDEA who I am and what my understanding is of lawful issues. You don't have a CLUE about what I have done for other people and again your assuming things . Too bad the FREEDOM/LIBERTY/PATRIOT "movement" is not coming together as it should ----I guess that is where my frustration was directed . And by the way, I DO have a fundamental understanding about what has been done to us, but I have much to learn about filing paperwork, so thank you for giving me some things to work on.

  17. No worries mate, no need to take it out on those pulling their weight I am doing everything I can here, we can't cure stupid and the masses have trinkets to keep them hypnotized as they walk right off the cliff taking all of us with them. I spent years collecting all the knowledge and putting it one place for anyone to look at great personal cost in time, energy and money. I did my part and then some by a factor of exponents my bro. I know you are frustrated we have all been there but you gotta come to terms it is God's plan, what will be, will be, all the world's a stage we are just here to play our part. Just look out for those looking for answers and try to help them find them, we can't save people from themselves. Just strap in and ride the tiger it is gonna be a hell of a show :)

  18. also your welcome for the links. I have tried numerous times to put a "study group" together with people here no one has taken me up on it so w/e I will work with my team of people I already have gathered on our discord server and some other places I know.

    I agree with you the most frustrating thing about people pursuing this stuff is no one contacts anyone else or has any kind structure to work together. I do like Anna's website american assembly and will try to be as much a part of it as I can and help others once I have this all cracked to the expert level. Hell I will start an assembly here in KY and be putting out common law lawsuit claims like skittles on the crooked cons. I will go all the way with it and ride it til the wheels fall off :)

    1. I've got a "stumper" for you... You sound like you're revved up for a good challenge :):)!

      What is your assessment of Annamaria putting TWO different Cancellations of Powers of Attorney in her basicfreepacket?

      The second one of the two is a Cancellation of all PRIOR PsOA: effective on the nativity day!

      Also, the second: sets up the signer as Attorney-in-Fact which is an Officer of the Corporate court...
      • which *IS* a *Power* of Attorney for the Corporation that the man or woman thinks they are expatriating from!!!!!

      If that's not the type of thing you're working on, no problem ...
      I just thought you might enjoy a little mind-bender while you're up there on that tiger :):):).

    2. Well hard to say atm. I mean I have said numerous times I don't think there is any reason to give up the public persona trust, it has no power over or effect on us and our legal standing anyway, if we do give it up why care who has power of attorney over it? Seems a bit redundant like "here you can have this old ship you gave me to sail the high seas back but you can't have the keys!"

      If we keep it I can see the value of stripping access to it from the government in some way maybe but we want the IRS to do the setoffs they are responsible for as still. I mean idk I don't see any point to do it at all just yet in my process but that isn't to say I won't run into a reason to do it in the future. I will cross that bridge when I come to it I suppose. I would rather learn how to properly use it than just destroy it like some people suggest doing, not just Anna. Like I mentioned though I am not at the expert level I want to be at yet though so I may come across more information on this that will change my mind.

    3. Well, its something you are still working on... LOTS of puzzle pieces, for sure. Thanks for your answer. I'll be interested in your continued research into why you discover it might be advantageous, or at least not harmful, to keep the trusts.

      If you think about it, as you go, if you hit the part where you start questioning *why* there are TWO different Cancellations of PsOA in annamarias packet to be recorded, one Cancelling *PRIOR*s: beginning at the *nativity day*!, give me a shout, will you? I think it would be fun to turn this thing over. Josie and others might want to join in and see what we come up with!!!!

    4. Yah sure no worries. I will try to do updates here with everyone as much as possible, I feel like this is a pretty informed and decent crew and am more than happy to share what I am working on atm and thinking about/questioning and getting responses about what others think and possible actions, sharing resources etc.

    5. Bodhi, you quote and use Santos a bit in your articles
      According to Santos we have to collapse these trust
      In the below video he talks about a LIVE BIRTH RECORD not a birth certificate
      Just putting it out there see what you think
      Toll roads in Texas they doing the same thing - 50 year lease signed that all the tolls are going to a foreign corporation
      Moving hundreds of thousands of people off the land and out of their states in to Texas and all are situtated around these toll roads (NAFTA Super Highway) not an accident folks
      The more they can suck away at the fiat currency they paying you the more they impoverish the people
      To get you out of your car like they plan to do, they will jack up all the prices, insurance, inspection, maintenance, gasoline, etc etc etc - making it impossible to have a vehicle
      Public versus private? How does that play in to these schemes?
      They fixing it to where they will collapse all utilities too so they can own all of them - when the rates get too high, paying of course with their fiat currency, they just shut it off - then because you have no power you cannot live in the dwelling
      Same thing with water from the public water service corporaton - they will jack water prices up so high you won't have water
      How about in California now they actually have another form of service contractor driving around and fining people for the improper use of water, like watering your lawn, you aren't supposed to have a lawn, only the crooks are to have nice green manicured lawns, not the peasants
      This guy did a crap load of presentations on UN Agenda 21
      I'm telling you look at the unelected councils they have implementing these plans
      There are hundreds of them all across the united states
      These councils are set up and working with this regionalism document
      DOT is involved at all levels
      Goes way beyond the birth certificate

    6. Ye I love Santos great master of the mysteries and esoteric science but I don't agree with him on this....just yet anyway. Plus he is in Australia which appears to be a slightly different process for all of this than here in America. I don't even know it is all that different tbh, I am pretty sure Australia has common law, if so all the stuff they are doing with the BC (Romley Stewart included) doesn't even matter, they can invoke common law just the same as we do by declaring their natural person status in court. Their method is their method though and there be something more to why they are doing it that way I am not seeing yet but I don't have the time really to care and look into it atm but will someone time soon.

      I haven't heard any good arguments yet as to why I would want to collapse this trust with limited liability with millions of dollars in value, but as I said to goodboots that doesn't mean I won't come across some in the future, for now I have bigger fish to fry though in my research and for what I want to do this trust doesn't matter and it doesn't infringe on my common law rights so I will let it be for now and do more in depth research on it later when I have more time focus on it.

      Right now I am focusing on land patents for a few days. I think I want to go ahead and get this done on my property so it is no longer in the public realm. This is the process if you know any others that may be interested.

      I only just started looking into it last night so I can't confirm this yet but it looks legitimate and I sent this guy an email asking a few questions hopefully I will hear back from him soon. This website is also highly relevant to the other topics you mention in your post so you will likely enjoy looking around the material there. They have some good presentations on Jewtube also if you do searches for "defend rural America", there a few seminars going into detail about the stuff you just mentioned in your post.

      Ty for the info and links :)

    7. This is the seminar I watched btw that touches on pretty much everything you mention if anyone wants to check it out, I just listen to these kinds of things while I am reading mostly

    8. Bodhi, is another good source for land patents, posted/no trespassing signs, and other subjects

    9. Nice ty. Check out Ron Gibson on Jewtube pretty, good presentation. Here is a playlist link:

  19. I am working on getting more energized as my physical fitness is good but I am getting bogged down with what seems to be a daunting task. And I truly am grateful for those who are doing the work and research/learning by trial and error what works. From my own perspective --- I don't know, but I can learn . Thank you

    1. That website I linked earlier is the best I have ever found on this topic so I would just visit every page there and watch every video. I also suggest the book Shinola101 Anna suggested in one of her articles, it is the best tldr I have ever read in all the books I have read (including SEDM multiple 300 page garbage dumps). You read Shinola101 and learn how to invoke and use common law and that is pretty much all you need tbh. As I promised when I made my first comment here asking Anna a few questions (she responded too in an article), soon I will write an article with the most obvious questions I think should be asked for the beginner and advanced student comparing differing processes/strategies from some of the most popular sources I have found and giving the best answers in the shortest format possible. When I finish it I will post a link for everyone but it will be a little while since atm I am spending as much time as I can everyday consuming as much new material as I can find as well answering my own questions mate. YW again :)

  20. Glad we are at least becoming aware of the disunity in the patriot community. I suspect there are actors planting seeds of discontent, and disinfo in various groups to sabotage their works, and cause problems and incite violence between the groups. Everyone has their own style of study, and valuable experiences to share. I have been and always will try to get people to work together for our common goal against the forces of evil and slavery.

  21. Might want to have a read at this
    Comes from a link within this book

    1. Yah I know about Greenland supposedly Thule is possibly there. You gonna join us on my discord server? :)

    2. I really like this website ty, some interesting stuff here I will surf around and see what all they have going :)

    3. Bondi how do I join on your server?
      I was gonna send you an email but have been busy last few days?

    4. Use this link and just follow the instructions :)
