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Sunday, August 26, 2018

More Big Lies From Britain

By Anna Von Reitz

Today, this landed on my desk, in which the authors claim that the Birth Certificate Fraud is an American concept.
Au contraire.

It's a Babylonian concept brought forward into modern times by Benjamin Disraeli and Queen Victoria. Not the Americans.

We were merely the first innocent victims of it.

After they promoted an illegal commercial mercenary war on our shores Disraeli and the Queen compounded their infamy by using the British-backed Territorial United States to usurp our lawful government and secretively began draining our country dry to finance their war-mongering in India and elsewhere.

Your Monarchs are all criminals. And the Popes acting in the Office of Roman Pontiff were not a bit better.

So now that we have the history straight, let's get on with the actual work that needs to be done to put an end to the enslavement of the human race.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. Thanks Judge. Carl Micheal, 8/26/18/
    LOL, they claim that they did all this research and came to the conclusion that the BC Fraud is an American concept? From what I have read this goes way back before this country ever got rolling.
    "Worth your weight in glod".."river bank = bench"
    Hmmm, what else will they be exposing with those formative investigative skills they posess?

  2. I have been following Anna for over three years now and she and the Living Law Firm has not been proven wrong in any of her blogs. Please if you find this information good news about a bad situation and how you have to reclaim your birthright, share this with everyone you know. We need to wake up everyone as fast as we can. Your not alone.

  3. Subject: FW: Good Bye, England

    To give you a better understanding of the insidiousness of Hijrah … that's the takeover of a nation without going to war. Don't think for a moment that America is not a target or that there are no American cities where Islamic and
    Sharia victories and takeovers have already occurred. It's time for border control, or start planning for a very big goodbye to the American way of life… Here's what has already happened to England within a few years of opening their borders without any entry control:

    How the British have passively succumbed to the Muslim invasion:
    Mayor of London … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Birmingham … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Leeds … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Blackburn … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Sheffield … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Oxford … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Luton … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Oldham … MUSLIM,
    Mayor of Rochdale … MUSLIM.
    All the following achieved by just four million Muslims out of the 66 million population:
    Over 3,000 Muslim Mosques,
    Over 130 Muslim Sharia Courts,
    Over 50 Muslim Sharia Councils,
    Muslims Only No-Go Areas across the U K,
    Muslim Women … 78% don't work and are on FREE benefits / housing,
    Muslim Men … 63% don't work and are on FREE benefits / housing,
    Muslim Families … six to eight children planning to go on FREE benefits / housing and now all U K schools are ONLY serving HALAL MEAT.
    … and we (the U S A) and (CANADA) can't decide on an immigration policy… ?
    One of the ways to combat this is to keep circulating information such as this e-mail around our United States and Canada to inform the uninformed who mainly only listen and read the left leaning U S and Canadian radio / TV and newspapers. I haven’t seen this in the U S or Canadian media…

    1. Source material(s) or link(s) ^ to the above 'facts?

    2. Leland, you won't get any "sources/links" as too much posted here is based on personal opinion or personal definitions!!! I've asked this many times for source/link and nothing has been forthcoming!!! I only read this tripe for laughs because I think it is funny how many toadies are on this site that will hop at anything posted here no matter how outlandish it is. Like queen ann's statement that "human" means: Hue Man=MONSTER and I have yet to be given a dictionary source where she got that one from and I asked many times!!! But this is the kind of crappola that her toads hop about!!! Doesn't take much to get them excited, does it!!!???

    3. Mr unknown agent please lay down your best argument .
      You think we're all toads do ya? I would put my record up a hint yours the friends I have cultivated in patriot movement x president family , special assistant to president , congressman , senator's I have talked with them in person .
      I know how they think .what thair platform is.dont think you are going to bull anybody agents like you are a dime a dozen .

    4. Unknown has nothing to do but sit and wait for another snickers bar and play like its important! Its just another victem of fudge packing and child expliotation! Its a puny little pitiful gender confused excretion guzzler!
      Wipe it off and throw it in the sewer!

    5. this particular "unknown" is most likely a 40 year old virgin, that rides a bike and is still living in his mommy's home where he does her bidding, protects her honor via this and other venues due to her narcissism and toxic codependent reward/punishment conditioning. Time to wake up "unknown" and See for yourself how you are being used, manipulated and played as "mommy's good little boy" due to mommy's emotional abuses and bitter baggage that she has successfully projected onto you and burdened you with. Time to Grow up and cut that heavy cord and lighten/enlighten your own life. You can Do it!!! Accept, forgive and Be Free Now!
      Much unconditional Love, gratitude and Peace Be Now...we got this!!

    6. Unknown stop bitching and send Anna an email,maybe then you might get your answer, but it still won't satisfy your appetite.

    7. jcp, I have good reason to think that this is all a planned Agenda; planned and aided in fact, by our own world elites. Its their way of destroying the rest of us ordinary people; you and me, etc.
      So this problem should be tacked from the Top and at the Top. Look for where all the money is coming from to pay for all these ''refugees' that are invading all countries of the world - - and see what can be done to cut off all that funding.

      There is not much point is asking The People to come against this at the lower levels, but to make a big noise and take action to go after those at the Top who are at the root of it.

      These are not refugees leaving a dangerous homefront; this is a well orchestrated Agenda, and its all deliberate. LOOK at the clothing some of these women and children groups wear: Brand new shoes, spotless and clean; brand new winter coats, gloves and hands and scarves......and new traveling gear.
      Does that look to you like they are fleeing some danger? Or does it look more like a well planned and FUNDED flood peace loving normal people who have normal lives.........and to use these foreign invaders TO disrupt the loves of normal stir up.....what?

    8. Some of us have asked a few times for the ''Unknowns' in here to change their Name, use some real or chosen name; too much confusion here with several 'Unknowns'. Or could be two different people using the one same handle; cause they sound like two diff people.
      Unknown, please consider that.

    9. Chaos is a ladder. Mwuahahaha$Mwuahahah!

    10. Unknown, the source for equating "human being" with "monster" is Ballantine's Law Dictionary of 1930.

      human being See MONSTER.
      —Ballentine's Law Dictionary (1930)

      monster A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.
      —Ballentine's Law Dictionary (1930)

    11. Great, the definition comes from another law dictionary.....a book for sorcerers...!!
      That is not a universal definition off "human"..! Start using our real dictionary...websters..!!
      Law dictionarys are worthless for defining words unless your in court...!!

  4. Record of live birth evidences moms left behind land and the Church picks up the charity case and the State administrates. Code is all about protecting state property. It’s not State property when you figure it out.

  5. The Long and Short of kate of gaia
    It has been a long road to get here. It has been hard
    to come to terms with many of the lies and fictional
    realities we have been so carefully trained to believe
    in. The biggest hurdle of all was in the realising of
    the need to let everything go and to unpack the camel
    that it may pass through the eye of the needle of the
    Emerald City's walls. A physical reality is a tough one
    for most to step aside from and seek the inner workings
    of self and all but it is a necessary step lest one
    remain in the circular traps so perfectly set for all
    of us.
    We live in a world of commerce, a world I call the
    whore of Babylon both from the physical and spiritual
    perspectives. In order to be owned, one must give up
    mind, body and soul and I am most unwilling to do so.
    It is a world of make believe fictional characters
    created for each and every one of us where a few have
    seen the means to take hold of all the strings of this
    puppet world where those of the masses unwittingly, yet
    willingly, perform for these most cunning of "puppet
    masters". We have all been deceived where so few, now
    becoming the many, are awakened from this long lasting
    sleep having eaten so hungrily of the apple the witch
    of Babylon has offered.
    Oh so many have been duped and beguiled of this
    mistress of deception where we have fed upon each other
    to the glee of those pulling your strings. And while we
    can talk of blame and injustice, it is we who must face
    the mirror and come to terms with the fact that we, not
    they, are the true problem. The issue at hand is one of
    ignorance of self, the unwillingness to see into our
    own lives and face the mirrors of the darkest
    reflections. We will fight and we will cling to all
    that we think of as right and just whilst we, at the
    same time, are the cause of all our own woes.

  6. For me, it was not a matter of how to lay bare the
    dishonour of so many that was already obvious, it was
    more a matter of how it was me that was allowing it by
    being more in dishonour of the truth. Ignorance of the
    law is not a defence of or from the law, that being the
    universal, natural kind, not the man-made fictional law
    that works to mimic it. It is difficult to play any
    game with an adversary that will change the rules
    inasmuch as we give them the power to do so. We are as
    children in this regard. When one grows up, one decides
    the game unworthy of even taking it out of the box it
    deserves to remain in, such is the way of Pandora.
    So, where to begin explaining this game from its
    physical and spiritual mirror perspective? I like to
    begin by reminding myself that the physical realm that
    surrounds us is the illusion where only cause and
    effect clues reside. There are no answers in it, none
    whatsoever. It is merely the game board of
    consciousness where some have mastered it and use that
    knowledge for malfeasant purposes, flying in the face
    of creation while embracing creation at the same time.
    Some may shout " Dichotomy!" but the simple truth is,
    all opposites are the same and only differ in degree of
    the observers willingness to see it. Yes, the mess
    you're in, is your fault if you have the courage to
    face that.
    As for the examples of that, one need look no further
    than the religion of the legal system and, indeed,
    nowhere else. The truth of the matter remains that all
    things legal are all things religion inasmuch as the
    legal system was borne of it. The earliest
    courts/churches were and still are the basis of the
    same systems today where there is no separation of
    church and state, period. They are one and the same and
    their purpose has been unwavering in its control of the
    masses for countless eons. That reign of terror,
    however, is finally over. Only when one begins to see
    the connection between church feigning spiritual and
    state acting as physical can one begin to see the true
    divide and conquer. What is most profound is that most
    within positions of assumed power are owned more
    completely than any slave of the common realms ever
    could be.

  7. A slave understands freedom where one who thinks they
    are free is the most trapped of all. Even the reference
    to their religious garb and political robes are called
    the trappings of office. Nonetheless, the finely
    programmed egos of these beings keep the clearest of
    truths just out of range of their most narrow vision.
    My search was one of a very simple nature in that I had
    to find the one thing that every human on earth had in
    common, would take them from cradle to grave in that
    commonality and, something they would defend to the
    death for assuring a permanent state of fraud on their
    part, and no one else's. The biggest clue was found at
    the end of their lives and it can be found on the
    tombstones of the many that never lived in the eyes of
    the system. It perfectly matched the only document ever
    offered freely by any church, state or government.
    The design of the trap was so perfect in its efficacy,
    it made us make slaves of ourselves and any attempt to
    fight for freedom would always result in our own fraud,
    our own contempt of court and inevitably, our
    belligerence and circular vengeance. The slavery had to
    be freely given on our parts and in our ignorance. It
    had to be something that fed the ego of the
    belligerents and the coffers of the clergy and all the
    while, they retained their full honour in universal law
    standing. While the masses fight for what they think is
    right, they feed their own fires of hate, discord and
    division. The more injust the system would get, the
    harder they would fight empowering the very system that
    is feeding off of them.


  8. The litmus test for this is quite easy to see and it
    will be the ones fighting this concept that proves the
    worthiness of the trap rendering it inescapable for the
    majority. This is the Chinese finger trap in full bloom
    where the harder you pull to extricate yourself from
    it, the more it holds on until one tires enough,
    relaxes their grip and voila, your fingers escape
    easily. There is a reason why the fangs of a serpent
    are pointing inward in that the more the prey struggles
    to free itself, the deeper the fangs sink in and why it
    is best to avoid the snake in the first place non? So,
    what could be so simple as to permeate this most
    perfect Chinese finger trap on humanity? For the astute
    and for those that have listened to me speak or read my
    writings, you already know where I'm going but for
    those less aware of what I speak of, the answers, was
    and always will be, the NAME.
    I will share a few perspectives on this to aid in the
    observations of the trap where many of you may scoff.
    Always keep in mind, I care not what you believe and
    neither does the truth, that's a simple fact. I have my
    experiences where this has all been laid bare for me
    and I have shared this truth for years now, albeit
    getting easier to share with people seeing this or
    themselves. You can spend all the time you want in
    their courtrooms but there is only one certainty you
    can ever expect and that is the fact that the courts
    are their game, rigged to their rules and they want
    everyone to play because it is guaranteed that they
    will win every time and "lose" a few just to keep the
    lottery illusion alive that on occasion, someone wins a
    case or two. This is the same philosophy a carnival
    gamer uses. They love to let people win their useless
    junk because the profits far exceed the expenses. Same
    things with the courts so who is the carnival clown then?

    1. The cure is to cut the head off the snake.
      If 'it' doesn't line up with OUR 3-Founding documents as intended by the Framets it is illegal.
      All those that adhere to this error after be ing shut down should be exiled from America.
      Starting with the UN= let them set up a new Kingdom for statist parasites.

    2. The cure is to cut the head off the snake.
      If 'it' doesn't line up with OUR 3-Founding documents as intended by the Framets it is illegal.
      All those that adhere to this error after be ing shut down should be exiled from America.
      Starting with the UN= let them set up a new Kingdom for statist parasites.

    3. I hope you are aware of how the UN works. Signatories are bound by it. The U.S. is not a signatory. The U.N. had actually burrowed much from the U.S. as the U.S. is a global beacon for freedom.

      I'm afraid that many of you are too far gone. Many of you simply refuse to read from sources other than whacky ones. Atleast compare and contrast. You need to broaden your sources lest you fall into echo chambers.

      I've taken a course on International law from Harvard Extension which cleared up the fog surrounding the U.N.

      The United States is not a signatory for much of the enforcable treaties of the U.N. So exactly what do you get out of kicking the U.N. out of the U.S.?

      Try reading from reputable sources. It is the least you can do to understand who you perceive as you enemy. If you fail to do this then you are ineffective. You might as well just watch infowars for the rest of your life.

    4. I don't know if anyone is aware that Alex Jones of infowars has been permantly shut down by Google...or should I say censored...!!

  9. There will be many that still won't get it after they
    read this but it is my hope and intention that they can
    swallow enough pride and ego to find the keys that will
    set them free. The chains that you think are binding
    you are the very ones that you keep firmly in your grip
    where all you have to do is let go....but many of you
    won't and to your own peril and so be it. Where the
    true power of the NAME comes into play is the sudden
    realisation that everything you've worked for,
    everything you own and everything you will ever own up
    until you let go, was gotten via fraudulent means using
    a name that does not belong to you. This is a very
    tough pill to swallow and many of you are already
    choking, will spit it up and go on doing what the
    puppet masters want you to do. You will continue to
    commit fraud, day after day and you will be happy to do
    so as long as you keep getting your trinkets and scraps
    using a stolen identity and fraudulent, worthless
    pieces of debt paper.
    The system had to get us to aid and bet in our own
    fraud to retain the upper hand of honour where we were
    always coming forward with "unclean hands". It had to
    be "sold" to us in such a way as to we would see the
    benefits and miss the tricks and dive headlong into our
    own fraud and fight to the death to maintain it. Ah, it
    is so easy to control a child with treats and they
    don't have to be big ones either, just treats is enough
    most days. To bring this into perspective, let me share
    a few fundamental definitions of words for you without
    going into the deep etymological sources, suffice it to
    say, been there, done that and cracked the code to the
    very letters. Let's take a look at the word "register"
    for example and what its real meaning is. There are two
    very clear words there for me, the first being "regis"
    which is Latin for "to rule" and "ster" which means
    "creative, divine, feminine essence" and is akin to
    "star" where you can at once see the relevance of
    "starr contracts" from Black's Law 9th edition. So, the
    word means quite literally "to rule the divine feminine" or creation herself.

  10. Many of you who may be versed somewhat in "legalese"
    will recognise the term "pro se" which means to speak
    for yourself in a court setting. That translates into
    “for himself/herself/itself” and if you don’t believe
    it, look it up for yourself. The word "prosecute"
    translates into "do not pursue" in legal realms where
    its mirror in mainstream think is one of going after
    someone in court, to prosecute. The truth is, they
    don't have to pursue anything because the mere fact
    that you are in a courtroom and don't know who you are,
    is sufficient to convict your sorry ass for contempt
    and id-entity theft of intellectual property that was
    freely given to them. I'm sure much of this is not
    sitting well with you but then it's the warring nature
    of the ego to want to fight, flee or freeze since it is
    ruled by the reptilian brainstem. Only when we decide
    to raise our level of thinking into the higher brains
    can we begin to set ourselves free.

  11. Allow me to share a few facts as experienced by myself.
    On that document, the only one ever given to my parents
    regarding their deal with the devil called the Birth
    Certificate, it states quite clearly: "WARNING: A
    to get any state ID without one. If it's not meant to
    be used for identity, then what the hell is it for? It
    It can be easily seen that if one were to use this
    document for such a thing as identification, one would
    be creating a false certificate and then possessing it.
    I can get into all measure of what it's used for such
    as bonds creation, money creation, allowing for
    signature hypothecations etc. and on and on but I'm
    interested only in its fundamental purpose of tying the
    living spirit to the dead fictional realms. The birth
    Certificate is actually a Death Certificate.
    We can also go on and on discussing all manner of legal
    attributes as per the hopes of those that designed the
    game to keep you looking everywhere but within so I
    won't even bother and if that's where you want to go,
    you're missing the point yet again. I've been where you
    are, I've made the legal arguments ad nauseum and I
    assure you, that is exactly what the system wants you
    to do because in doing so, they keep you fighting in
    their courts, their system and ultimately in their
    religion of Ba'al worship with the whore of Babylon
    owning your sorry asses every time. You can talk to me
    all day about this document and that procedure, this
    tactic and that remedy illusion but for me, the fact
    remains; how are you going to do this WITHOUT using
    their NAME? The fact is, you can't and it was designed that way.

  12. There is but one thing left to do and one question left
    to ask any court: "Who owns the NAME?" I already know
    the answer and so do they. The trick is getting you to
    BE the NAME and DO things in their image of you THEY
    created. We can go into the Roman Maxims for things
    like "silence equates acquiescence" or Qui tacet
    consentire videtur. He who is silent appears to
    consent. Jenk. Cent. 32. where there is also silence
    upon the deceiver and thus their own acquiescence to
    committing it knowingly or unknowingly. Fraus est
    celare fraudem. It is a fraud to conceal a fraud. 1
    Vern. 270. and Fraus et dolus nemini patrocianari
    debent. Fraud and deceit should excuse no man. 3 Co.
    I prefer to use simple analogies in that the one doing
    the stabbing with a knife also turns the knife upon
    themselves as per the golden rule. In a nutshell, it
    works like this. Mum and Dad, not knowing any better
    and trusting in others to not harm or defraud them have
    been told that it is customary to register their
    children with the state and/or church, called baptism.
    Regardless, there is no division of church and state in
    that they are one and the same as previously stated.
    The clergy of old were the courts of old and thus the
    judges and lawyers which became the BAR society and, of
    course, the governments and lawmakers as a result. In
    essence, the foxes are guarding all the henhouses. The
    parents, having done what they thought was right and
    being trusting never assumed that anyone could be so
    evil and devious as to spiritually kidnap their
    children from them and had no real questions to ask and
    no truths of what was really going on was given.

  13. Shortly thereafter a document called the Long form
    birth certificate is created which is the original
    fraud and then a Short form was also created which
    creates the fictional corporation or dead
    thing/person/strawman or whatever you want to call it.
    Bottom line, the Short form is the proof of the fraud.
    Mum and Dad, being none the wiser as to their actions,
    keep using the NAME they gave up for adoption to the
    STATE by addressing their child with it, convincing the
    child that the NAME is theirs when, in fact, it is not.
    Mum and Dad are guilty of aiding and abetting their
    child into fraud absolving the STATE of dishonour UNTIL
    this disclosure is asked for. Indeed, who owns the NAME
    now? It certainly isn't you and the sooner you get that
    concept, the sooner you'll stop aiding and abetting in
    your own frauds and being possessed by your
    possessions. Did you never wonder why they refer to
    belongings as possessions or repossessing things?
    The original fraud goes back even further with Mum and
    Dad getting married in a church or through a government
    office. Did you get married in a church and sign a
    marriage license? Then, if you did, the church AND the
    STATE owns your marriage and everything done within the
    confines of that contract and it IS a contract of a
    most spiritual nature, have no doubts on that. Now, to
    get a little deeper into the spiritual traps here, one
    must ask oneself as to why the system goes after the
    feminine creation aspect and here's where I'm going to
    lose a lot of ego driven uber-programmed churchianity
    types that can't let go of the most insidious program
    of all regarding the patriarchal control of their
    minds. Dare to read on if you can and see if you can
    get past all the dogmas and indoctrinations that have
    been slammed into you since birth.
    When one understands the true nature of creation, one
    will quickly see that it is the feminine that brings
    forth creation, not the masculine. It's even spelled
    out in Black's Law 9th for you if you can read it. I am
    adding it here for your perusal with an explanation of
    its more ethereal and spiritual bindings.

    1. That may be true that it's the feminine that creates life, but it's only the patriarch that can determine the sex of the child, the feminine without any hope whatsoever...!! The female absouty needs the male , for it is only him and him alone that determines both sexes or there would be no one on earth....!!
      In that respect, looking at it from that angle, who is the altimate creator.....remember Mary conceived Jesus using just her half of chromosomes, but the only one she couldn't give (the "Y" chromosome ....meaning male) came from "THE FATHER"...!!

      Hard pull to swollow, but ask any doctor who determines the sex of a child....!!

    2. Michael Unger, I wish to suggest to you that rather than bogarting Paul's blog with your views, you build your own blog and simply refer to your material with a short, single post here. The textual format provided here is not conducive to the retention of more than two or three key points.

    3. Michael Unger, I wish to suggest to you that rather than bogarting Paul's blog with your views, you build your own blog and simply refer to your material with a short, single post here. The textual format provided here is not conducive to the retention of more than two or three key points.

    4. Besides, you are talking to the choir...!! We all know what you are saying is true....the real problem was seeking REMEDY from our entrapment and worse how to convey our true status to others without arguments...!! So your whole solution is to what exactly...never use a name...!! You don't always have to go to court voluntarily..There are plenty of "storm troopers out there that will cuff you in a heartbeat and drag you there involuntarily.....then what....!! Get into a pissing match with the judge while you are already locked up...!! I tried telling Anna that she is using their legal system to free ourselves from the very system put into place to keep us slaves....!!
      Isn't that considered fraud too...!! Trying to expatriate through a system copywritted by them and controlled by their copywritted legal system, to intentionally make sure we never escape....!!

  14. * ward of admiralty, A seaman - so called because of
    the legal view that a seaman, in contractual matters,
    should be treated as a beneficiary and the other
    contracting party as a fiduciary because of the
    perceived inequitability of their bargaining positions.
    [Cases: Seamen (;::J 1.]
    I am the stock of my Mother/Father, self-evident in the
    blood/aether in my lineage/veins, mitochondrial DNA
    "delta 9 Lucifer delta 10 mdna" from my Mother which is
    prima facie evidence of my bloodline (rhA+) where my
    Father is the beneficiary of any/all ascendants borne
    to him. The Father (semen*) of any/all borne to him
    render him the beneficiary only, whereas the Mother is
    This where one needs eyes to see AND ears to
    hear....Seaman/Semen is merely the word trickery the
    courts and the masters of deception revel in. If anyone
    asks for me "give me your name" I have but one simple
    answer and that is "no, but I will let you hear my
    customary calling if you need a sound to reference my
    physical body by". Here's why I will never GIVE anyone
    anything without my intention to do so willingly
    because here, as below is also contract, as above. It
    was said to me once by one of the lawyers from the CITY
    OF LONDON, STATE BAR MEMBER that "here, it is ALL about
    contract". The use of the NAME, without explicit
    permission from its rightful owners, The CROWN, is
    engaging in fraud and the use of stolen intellectual
    property as confirmed, in voice and in face to face
    conversations with an embassy official of the BRITISH
    fraud to do so and why I was able to procure an
    emergency passport as a result.

  15. I have been lied to by more so called officials, legal
    types, judges and politicians than I'd care to count
    and the one thing that they all have in common is that
    they know they're doing it and where I revert to "Fraus
    et dolus nemini patrocianari debent. Fraud and deceit
    should excuse no man. 3 Co. 78." rendering all frauds,
    null and void, nunc pro tunc upon its revelation. What
    I did learn over time was how to ask the right
    questions to corner them by getting them to be doing me
    harm otherwise. Questions like "Is it your wish that I
    commit fraud?" or "Is it your intention to aid and abet
    me into committing fraud by using a NAME that clearly
    does not belong to me?" These are the mirrors they
    cannot stomach because they know what they are doing,
    many of them and especially the ones that claim to be
    "just doing my job".
    There is much joy to be found in their frauds however,
    once they are mirrored back because there is no
    limitations placed on a fraud regardless of how long it
    takes to expose it. That is the joy of "nunc pro tunc"
    or "now for then" which eliminates the time aspect
    bringing all crimes into the now for all to see. For
    those that still can't see the truth in how it is WE
    who are aiding and abetting in our own fraud, let me
    clarify it for you further. Here are a few questions
    that you need to ask yourself honestly, the truth
    cannot be denied within no matter how hard you try to
    convince yourself otherwise. If you cannot face up to
    these realities, then you are not awake or mature
    enough to be considered enlightened, sorry to inform
    you. My mirror informed me nicely and no, I wasn't
    happy either.

  16. Here they are.....Do you have any government ID
    whatsoever such as a driver’s license, a passport, or
    anything of that nature? Do you have a bank account or
    credit/debit card? Do you have any loans or mortgages
    with contracts in the system? Do you feel the incessant
    need to fight in courts? Do you sign things like
    checks, applications or any manner of paperwork? In
    short, do you use the NAME on the birth certificate
    every day in all your transactions and communications?
    If you answered yes to any of these questions then you
    are committing fraud, are in contempt of court and are
    seen as a belligerent.

  17. People ask how the cops get away with beating people on
    the street and I say it's easy; they're beating up a
    criminal who insists on committing fraud by virtue of
    the IDENTIFICATION they carry and how they procured it
    of their own free will choice to go into a fraudulent
    contract using a NAME that doesn't belong to them.
    Unless of course, you think that writing checks on
    someone else's account is a good and lawful thing that
    is. Anything and everything ever created in your
    universe using the NAME on the BC DOES NOT belong to
    you....PERIOD and like Bill Hicks says, "I can hear
    your inner dialogue, you're wrong, get over
    it"......Until you can face up to the fact that you've
    been duped grand scale, you will continue to fight a
    losing battle with the whores of Babylon because of
    your "mark of the beast" and they know it.
    They have you right where they want you; in permanent
    dishonour until the question of "Who owns the NAME?" is
    the first question asked if you must go into court. For
    further understandings of how the courts work and get
    their power beyond this most basic truth. In order for
    the dark principalities to control this place and our
    lives and minds, they must take our creative spiritual
    energy to give them the energy these vampires require
    to continue. No, this is not just a physical game and
    truth be known, the physical is the smallest percentage
    of it where the real power lays hidden to the blind.

  18. I know many of you may finally start to see the gravity
    of this situation and are asking yourself what to do as
    far as getting back into honour. The first thing that
    needs to happen is to wake up to this reality and shift
    your intention. It is too easy to become overwhelmed
    with all the situations and entanglements you have in
    this life but have some peace knowing that you have a
    new perspective as to your slavery and how you're being
    made to serve it. Changing ones intention requires the
    baby steps doctrine and only doing the things you need
    to do and can do easily, step by step. for some of you,
    calling up your bank to have a chat with a bank manager
    regarding who owns the name/account etc. You may wish
    to ask some CRA or IRS branches some of the tougher
    questions all the while making sure you commit them
    into aiding and abetting the frauds.
    It's really quite simple that without the NAME's being
    used and more importantly, SIGNATURES being given
    period, this system and its vampires starve literally
    overnight. For the more spiritually awake and astute,
    you will already understand that the signature comes
    AFTER the intent/spiritual contract and not before it.
    Actions always come after thoughts. I f you intend it;
    it is CONTRACT without another thing being physically
    done. I am going to add another article at the bottom
    of this essay that is what I sent to various government
    offices etc. to get my intent out there because I know
    the power of intent where the cause and effect is
    already rippling through the universe. Always remember,
    ye are gods and you've been duped out of it for a very
    long time and have suffered immensely over many
    lifetimes. Time to wake up once and for all.....the
    truth is, lose the NAME, end the game so we can all get
    back to being the incredible creators we are and not
    the mindless slaves we became. Much love and light,

    1. But it's not only the name that creates the FRAUD, it's the foundational medium of exchange that "initiates" all the fraud in the first place....MONEY, or rather the lack of it..!! No one is rebelling because no one understands the true nature of "commercial DEBT instraments" which only "discharges" our debts at law, instead of paying for them and actually closing the account in full...That is how all this fraud continues...once you debauch a countries currency, you corrupt everything under it, until everything we do is fraudulent..the bankers have gotten all of us to steal from one another without realizing it..the entire world is committing sins by not paying in lawful money (12USC411)...AS soon as you ask a bank you are thinking of joining, and you put a clause in their contract(which is legal in bilateral contracts), that no matter what the bills say, you are demanding that they are judicially noticed that you insist they presume that I only deal with "lawful money" according to 12USC411, the bank will usually tell you to go to another bank, because the real connection to all of this is our use of their PRIVATE elastic currency which everyone is addicted too like heroin...!!
      Now this is the hardest thing to swallow.....everyone is a "drug addict" that chooses to use their don't bother denying it....!!!

  19. p.s Why it is important to understand what a gift
    really is: GIFT: a voluntary transfer of property made
    without consideration, that is, for which no value is
    received in return. The essential components of a valid
    completed gift of personal property are: competency of
    the donor to understand the nature of his act;
    voluntary intent on the part of the donor to make a
    gift (called DONATIVE INTENT); DELIVERY either actual
    or symbolic; ACCEPTANCE, actual or imputed; complete
    divestment of all control by the donor; and a lack of
    consideration for the gift. A transfer that constitutes
    a gift may be of significance in several TAX contexts.
    For example, RECEIPT of a gift is excluded from the
    GROSS INCOME of the recipient, but the transferor may
    be subject to the unified estate and gift tax.
    DONATIVE INTENT (Black's 8th): the intent to surrender
    DOMINION and control over the GIFT that is being made.
    DOMINION: having BOTH title to AND possession of
    property; having CONTROL of both ownership and use.
    1.Given NAME......incompetently given by parents due
    to non-disclosure....voluntary only on a deceptive,
    non-disclosed basis and fraudulent intent by the
    deceivers nullifying intent on the
    "donors".....nuff said with dominion and how this
    sews up neatly…kate

    1. Hmmm, seems pretty clear.Full circle.Anna could learn something from the clarity of the way this is explain. Just the facts please.

    2. Omg! Just stop and think of all the contracts,forms signed.Who ever really reads all the forms in detail? Yes we were duped, but does that excuse each of us for not knowing the legal trap set for us, since our birth??? This is f--ked up!religion and law one and the same.

    3. Robert, how sure are you that Anna and the rest of this sovereign truth movement crap is not a trap?

    4. Lol, why must I be sure? That in and of itself is a trap.
      You are really asking me that?? Knowing, in conscious mind is a trap.Sadly we create our on traps through programming.It isn't until you break free in your heart that you understand.

  20. Replies
    1. Sorry Michael Unger, but your posted diatribe from a ''kate of gia'
      is hogwash. Ghia is a pagan religion; another one of those that are like a snake....beguile people, then kill 'em types.
      So I did not read it. Kate needs to stop being a mouthpiece for the liar satan.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Well Abby- seems the unknown's think they're so big + bad hence liking tbe confusion
      are like "Boo Radley" only prefer the dark.

    4. Well Abby- seems the unknown's think they're so big + bad hence liking tbe confusion
      are like "Boo Radley" only prefer the dark.

    5. Well Abby- seems the "unknown's are fofrful of being found out.
      Either they think they're so big and bad as to be a target -or- they're "Boo Radley's" that prefer only the dark.

    6. I'm an unknown when i'm not on my phone. IIam not afraid of nan one of you people.

      This stuff is funny to read. You People are like crabs in a bucket.

  21. Ok so BAR Lawers once excepted the oath, why can't they be deported by ice? There no longer a "citizen" you can't run a court without them so they will have to just close down. We the people will take over.

    1. That's what I have been saying over and over again on this site...i even wrote to Trump telling him there is a "real WALL here already, and you need to take that one down before you build yours, so the people have a voice.....the WALL being our foreign owned and controlled courts that refuse to give us REMEDY no matter what we do...!!

  22. Kate of Gai is a most unpleasant "man." He believes you are a barbarian (because you eat meat) and a fool because you don't, or can't, see the truth as he sees it.

    He forgets that fraud vitiates all contracts.

    The Crown claims ownership of something, your given name tied to your "SURNAME," that was freely given under false pretexts and incomplete or no disclosure.

    Technically, it doesn't claim ownership of your given and family name, it claims ownership of the information provided on the registered COLB (what was once private is now public). It then uses that information to create a document it calls a "birth certificate" and copyrights that "work." From there it creates trusts and stuff designed to make money for itself.

    Did mom and dad really gift the information if they didn't know that's what they were doing?

    A trust requires a transfer of property to exist. Was property transferred at registration? They will deny that property was transferred during registration. So when was property transferred to create the cetui que vie trust? Perhaps when the copyrighted work known as the birth certificate is used as the property being transferred into the trust. But the trust has no corpus except the BC which is just a piece of paper. It may be that a constructive trust is created each time you use the NAME to identify yourself. Your labor value, present and future, is now the temporary corpus of the trust and is raided by the Men in Black.

    Whatever is happening is fraud. The NAME on the BC was stolen from you and, as Anna says, the pirate's treasure is still the property of the one from whom he stole it.

    The only reason the game continues is force. Plain and simple force. Deception and force. That is the name of the game. It is the elephant in the room and Kate prefers to let the pirate keep his stuff rather than call it what it is, theft!

    1. Rog, thats it in a nutshell: Doesn't matter what they did with our names, their theft means nothing, stolen property still belongs to the one from whom he stole it. End of story.

      If somebody stole my purebred dog, and it had 3 puppies and sold them for profit, using my dog to derive those profits - - and I found who had my dog, show proof of it, a picture of me and my dog in front of my house (number), then that is sufficient to warrant handing the dog back to me ALONG with the profit made FROM my dog; 3 purebred highpriced pups.

      End of story. The thieves have been discovered, looking them in the eye and spitting my spit in their face should prove I'm very much ALIVE, hand it all over, and the jig is up. Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not bother looking back, just say goodbye.

    2. Rog....that is exactactly what it is...a "constructive trust", where the judge is intentionally trying to get you to be the trustee and him the beneficiary, when it's just the opposite....!!

  23. Oops! misstated something. A constructive trust is created when the trust is charged with some statutory infraction. By identifying as the name you become surety. There, corrected!

  24. James, Yeah, the constructive trust is a sort of stand in for the CQV, in which they hope you will switch roles with the Judge, who is appointed trustee. So the value of the CQV (a projected value of your labor, a made up number) is temporarily transferred to the constructive trust in a particular case where the CQV has been charged. They can not collapse the CQV else the whole system collapses, so they use a constructive trust for the case at hand.


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