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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Exact Original Citation:

By Anna Von Reitz

Here's the exact original citation of the Penhallow v. Doane's Administrators case I quoted and that Larry Becraft said "didn't exist" even though I told him to look in the annotations to the case record he was citing --- where the original source was noted: 

 “Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the MIND ONLY with other artificial persons.  The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible.  The legal manifestation of this is that NO government, as well as any law agency, aspect, court, etc., can concern itself with anything other than Corporate, Artificial Persons and the Contracts between them.” (emphasis added).  S.C.R. 1795, Penhallow v. Doane’s Administrators (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed 57; 3 Dall. 54, Supreme Court of the United States 1795, [Not the “United States Supreme Court” -ed.]

This is the actual Supreme Court of the United States which over-stands all inferior courts including "The United States Supreme Court", "the United States Supreme Court" and the "UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT".


  1. And your point is?

    That simply states that no Government can concern itself with anything other than a fiction.

    1. Are you a fiction? Just asking.

    2. "You" is a construct. It is a fiction. "We humans" (also a fiction) are set apart from animals and the natural world in that we use constructs to help form and shape our environment.

      If you are unaware of this then that is your fault. It is no one else's fault that you cannot see what makes your humanity exceptional. Good luck on the sovereign citizen extremist path you chose. For there is no escaping this corporate world in this life and the next.

    3. "You"..........WOW, "you", the one called "Unknown" sure showed us.

      The one called "Unknown" has cracked me up!!

      "You" the one called Unknown, come now, give "us" a better word to use. OH, wait, I see "You" the one called Unknown, using it all the time.

      YEA I get it, who is "You". I play that word game all the time, all words are constructs even sovereign, I get that also.

      However sovereign has a special meaning for Mankind from its conception and the Courts recognized that.

      Also, for a smarty pants your use of the term "sovereign citizen" shows the willful ignorance of your statement.

      Yes, I do mean your ignore-ance a willful act of ignoring and then making assumptions.

      How I see it...We are Divine Soulful BE-ings having this 3D experience. We are born sovereign, we are the reality. Hey, just me though.

      Our Creator, the one true sovereign of all Creation, the cosmos, Mother Earth, Nature, Man and Woman are the Reality. REAL!!

      Everything else a mental construct by man.

      There were NO corporations in the beginning. Well, what I have read so far. Citizen, the creation of man, a construct for the STATE.

      "The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (for example) is a body politic. It is incorporated. It has sovereign immunity by virtue of its nature as a subsidiary of the State of North Carolina which is also an incorporated entity."

      The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, body politic, North Carolina, and a incorporated entity. Nothing sovereign or natural about any of that all made up by the mind of man. All Illusion all constructs. No reality.

      "You are outwitted, outgunned, outmanned, and overpowered as far as resources are concerned. You can desperately weave your twisted tales all you want you will still lose."

      Who is this "You" the one called, "Unknown" speaks of? Giggling!!!

      WE are not out manned. Impossible, however we can overcome everything else “you” the one called, “Unknown” has listed.


      So “U” came here for what? To change minds?

      How can one be both a sovereign and a citizen?

    4. We don't call ourselves either....
      Start getting use to the fact that the proper identification to describe us is "American non-citizen Nationals".......Soverign is synomous with "king". We have enough kings ruling this world. Now you want over 300 million Americans trying to be way, I'd rather keep the system we have than do that.....!!

    5. I found this reference over a year ago. Thank you Anna for posting this reference. I am not the CORPORATE LEGAL FICTION so I do not belong in their private courts ever. Peace

    6. Kings and Queens without subjects...I will stick with that, but in reality I am simply a man.

    7. I am laughing my A_ _ off! Thanks Juan Jose!!!

  2. Sovereigns are fictional and can be corporate. So this pretty much defeats the "corporate bodies cannot be sovereign" line that many people that follow Anna like to post on here.

    1. Correct the Sovereign is the body politic, however who's the ruler (administrator) of that body politic ? You or the BRITISH Crown?

    2. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro (for example) is a body politic. It is incorporated. It has sovereign immunity by virtue of its nature as a subsidiary of the State of North Carolina which is also an incorporated entity.

      There is no use in arguing with you people. You simply want to see and hear what suits your ideology. You care very little for the reality of the situation unless you can spin it to entrench your extreme positions. At the end of the day, if you are suspected and then proven to have violated a statute, then the State or Federal government will flex it's sovereign muscle. Therefore, you are a lost cause. You are making claims which you cannot enforce. ANd I pity anyone that would take up arms with you and join your cause.

      You are outwitted, outgunned, outmanned, and overpowered as far as resources are concerned. You can desperately weave your twisted tales all you want you will still lose.

    3. 529 US 334-2000 Supreme court states the flesh and blood person has sovereignty over the state and state over the federal.

    4. I don't know who is the "unknown" guy/gal is, and I really do not give a damn who he/she is. All this jibber-jabber does not not help anybody. Innocent people are getting hurt every day by these racketeers, and you all want to bullshit on esoteric meanings in the English language. We must start working together to free ourselves of the bondage we ALL have. We are ALL effected by it whether or not they knocking on our doors or not, our freedoms are being curtailed. As for "unknown" he/she is too chicken to identify himself/herself, so I assume that you are afraid to do so. So how free do you really feel you are? By the way you can write me at - I am not afraid and you should not be either.

    5. Sean....that just goes to show you how stupid the Supreme Court is..!! They don't even understand the term "Soverignty"...!! When are we going to get rid of these stupid courts and traitorist judges....!!!

  3. You want to blame me for the way you hate yourself?

    You think you can find who you are in someone else?

    Criticize to better your relative positioning.

    You've got a long way to go.

  4. Who's on first..............etc.

    1. And you guys wonder why I donate to Trump's "Make America Great Again"...!! If nothing else he hears about the frustrations we are having with the courts....after what they are putting him through, I think he "gets it"...!! But I still put my two cents in whenever he sends me another questionnaire on how would I rate him so far, do you approapprove of my selection for the supreme court, do you thing we need the Wall on the southern boarder, etc....!! But he always leaves one question where you can actually tell him what you think is important....thats where I get to "VENT" and tell him to forget about all issues except two....The Banks, and the BAR attorneys, just like your hero who's picture you have hung up in your office....president Andrew Jackson...!! He's the only President to get rid of both, and the country prospered amazingly for 5 years, until the banks again started the war of 1812 to get back in...!! I suggest all you do the same thing..!! He's really the only one that can end this mess, because he has the people's support and hates the "fake news"....!! When has any President ever directly in public forums say the word "fake news"...!! I even told him if you don't get rid of or drastically reduce the number of intelligent agencies and people working for them, and then toss in our corrupt courts and you have the perfect STORM for being "taken out" once you lose that position if you don't take them out first and now.. especially the CIA, who don't seem to take orders from anyone....!!!
      Stuff like that...!! We need to put our energy were it will do the most good, and right now that is Trump...he always thanks me every email for my small donation...!!

  5. Sovereign means no one over you .treaty of peace with England states we have the progative of the king (sovereign ).
    This statist slave wants to drag us down to his level .

  6. So as a thing is Created, bound, or ruled; so is it unbound, or ruled.

  7. ouch, Are we not fighting this bullshit fight for our freedom?

    It is free speech.

    Why is this Paul's fault.

  8. The Clearfield Doctrine, as set forth in Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States, 318 U.S. 363-371, states
    The Clearfield Doctrine, as set forth in Clearfield Trust Co. v. United States, 318 U.S. 363-371, states:

    "Governments descend to the level of mere private corporation, and take on the characteristics of a mere private citizen where private corporate commercial paper [i.e. Federal Reserve Notes] and securities i.e.[checks, etc] is concerned. ...For purposes of suit, such corporations and individuals are regarded as entities entirely separate from government." Bank of United States v. Planter's Bank, 9 Wheaton (22 U.S.) 904, 6 L. Ed. 24; U.S. v. Burr, 309 U.S. 242; In re King - Porter Co., CA 5th, 1971, 446 F.2d 722, 732. And; See also 22 U.S.C.A. 286(e), the real party in interest is not the de jure "United States of America" or "State", but "The Bank" and "The Fund." (22 U.S.C.A. 286, et seq., C.R.S. 11-60-103).

    "Governments lose their immunity and descend to level of private corporations when involved in commercial activity enforcing negotiable instruments, as in fines, penalties, assessments, bails, taxes, the remedy lies in the hand of the state and its municipalities seeking remedy." Rio Grande v. Darke, 167 P. 241. And; "Governments are corporations." Penhallow v. Doane, 3 Dallas 55. And; Private corporations and their officers are not immune from civil damages.

    "The principles of estoppel apply against the state as well as individuals." (Cal. v. Sims, 32 C3d 468).

    Clearfield Doctrine Why its Crucial to Know Government is a Corporation and Not a Government!

    1. Our Local CORPORATION parading as GOVERNMENT, TOWN OF MILTON, INC. is created, owned and operated by B.A.R. ATTORNEYS. They CLaim to be Government and declare their Private Corporate Charter as Law. I used the Clearfield Doctrine to question their Authority and Power as a Government. The Town Manager Kristy Rogers sent me more copies of their private Charter. The Laws exists obviously, but how do we hold these Corporate usurpers accountable. The fake judges are their best buddies.


  10. Increase Asbestos Mesothelioma Survival Rates....Thank you

  11. The "unknown" is like one who sells secrets to both sides of two countries in conflict. Not interested in the outcome nor is he/she interested in making a point, but loves to create conflict, and, obviously, likes to sound like an intellectual. I, many years ago, learned, a confucius saying that has served me very will through the years. Through the many years that I was traveling on lecture-tours, and at times, as an attendee, there were times that I didn't agree with the presenter or had a different opinion, but the words of my teacher, in Japan, i.e. the confucius saying , came to me: "at times it is better to remain silent and have people think you are ignorant, rather than to speak, and remove all doubt."

  12. I read Penhallow case and couldn't find the above cited language.

    In fact in U.S. v. Mooney, 16-cv-2547 (SRN/LIB) (D. Minn May 31, 2017) the court noted:"Having since carefully reviewed Penhallow, the Court can confidently say that the quote appears nowhere in that case."
    See also United States v. Heijnen, 375 F. Supp.2d 1229 (D. New Mexico, 2005)

  13. The only way you can possibly win using court cases is if your a card carrying BAR attorney...But as just a mere man on the LAND, don't ever quote court cases....thats there definitions. It won't work for you...!! Something like "Subrogation " will work...!!

  14. The Fed and the Fund may be the "Real Parties of Interest", but someone has to be "underwriting all this fraud, or nothing could be " incorporated"...!!
    My guess is it's "Loydes of London", or an insurance underwrittor we have never heard of before....!! That's the weakest link in their chain..!! Take them down, and the whole house of cards comes crashing down with them....!!

  15. Anna stated quite plainly "LOOK IN THE ANNOTATIONS..." of the cited!

    1. There are no annotations to this case. Two District Court judges have read the decision and both couldn't find the alleged quote. See Heijnan, Id., and Mooney, Id.

      Go ahead and read the actual case at and type Penhallow.

  16. This Quote is not in the original, anyone interested email me and I will send you a copy of the original scanned doc.


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