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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Masters of Deceit

By Anna Von Reitz

Rod is behind --- as in not caught up --- with me in some areas, but, he is ahead of us in some areas of investigation, too, and he has taken on some of the toughest interfaces to investigate. Who else do you know who has taken the issue of gun rights down the throat of the Municipal Government?  Hmm?   I admire him for that and for his dogged strength and determination to get to the bottom of the particular "piles" he has chosen to work on.  I need about a million others just like him taking up their part of the work and chewing on their part of the Elephant in the Middle of the Room.  

Remember always that these people we are dealing with specialize in telling half-truths and misrepresentations and distractions.  They have bags of tricks that they use to discredit people and confuse issues.  They are professionals at this -- some could even be called "artists of deception".  They come along behind people like me and Rod and Deborah and William Cooper and Jean Keating and they do everything possible to discredit what we are saying because when the American people wake up and start really looking into the dark corners --- their whole hegemony and gravy train will come to a screeching halt.  There's a good movie about this called "The Masters of Deceit" and although it focuses more on product campaigns and lobbyist activities, it shows you how these vermin operate. 

They have something to GAIN by trying to discredit people like me and Rod and Deborah, but what do we have to gain by telling you what we have dug out of public records and earned by hard experience?   Nothing at all.  We may be wrong or right about our interpretations, but the point that we've found it in the public record or experienced it directly, should be a clue to the rest of humanity that yes, indeed, something is wrong and not only in Denmark.  

When I first started this, people wanted me to "prove" everything to them, but I am not so green and foolish as all that.  Nobody ever proves anything to anyone else.  People have to be curious enough to look and learn for themselves and in effect, use their own reasoning and things the that they directly see and observe for themselves before they know the truth and therefore own the truth and prove it to themselves.  So keep and open mind and open ears and keep your Shinola Sensors turned on "High" and sift and winnow everything to discern the truth for yourself.  I think that when you do, you will realize that a lot of what you are hearing that initially sounds "far fetched" or "incredible" will fall neatly into a pattern verified by history and public records that can't be denied. 

See this article and over 1000 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I have listened to a few of Rod Class’ videos on YouTube.
    I just finished wasting an hour and a half of my evening listening to Neo, the call that Paul Stramer sent us the link for.

    As I get older, I tend to listen more to the underlying subject that somebody is really saying, compared to what I used to do when I was younger. What I picked up on from this call Tuesday night at 7:30 Central, and I wish I would have skipped this call and listened instead to the Texas republic call, but I did not, was this man called Neo talking about what a person could expect to do in court if they take his classes. Rod said the same thing, you must take his courses in order to be able to do this sort of thing in court. I do not know about the rest of you, but what I gathered from all this is, it is about the money. Did you hear the caller at the end of the program this evening that was on a fixed income and asked for help and said he probably couldn’t afford $175 a month to take the courses? The minute Neo responded, you could hear the tone in that man’s voice change as he said, well I guess I will just try and find another way to take care of my problem. That phone call told us nothing except we have to pay $175 a month for at least a year to get anything out of his courses, and then will be going into their system as one of them, using Neo’s ideas!

    I for one, have no intention of going into their system as one of them. Once I put myself back on the land and soil of the state where I was born, they will have no jurisdiction over me. I will not walk into any of their courtrooms. And wants this process is completed, there should be no need for me to have to set foot in their court.

    1. Yes, that call was terrible. I arranged my day to be on the phone at that time and there was much confusion at the beginning. Then this "Neo" character who seemed to insult the guy talking about $175 a month. Thought there would be something we could actually use. What a waste.

    2. I don't know what court you have been doing battle in fruit inspector . The courts where I come from are run by tyrants looking to railroad all who fall into their traps. My life hangs in the balance pending the outcome of court dates in July and the information neo was talking about is exactly what I need . The point you can't see through your critical pessimism is that knowing how to deny jurisdiction and gain access to equity where you can leverage in the remedy that sets you free and turns the table on their fraud. You will always be disappointed if you go around squeezing all the peaches and never giving them a chance to ripen enough to know it's quality without bruising it up with careless fingers . I'd gladly pay the 175 for the class that does what he says it would. Priceless if it works , any fool can see that !

    3. I have not fallen into any of their traps. I try to be smarter than the serpent.

      I’m just glad I was working on my 20-year-old riding mower while this call was going on, and did not sit in my 32 year old house and waste that time.

      Obviously you did not listen very close. That is $175 a month, for about four monthly classes. He said you would need to do it for about a year to get into the really deep meat of his program, maybe longer. You must’ve heard that there were people that were doing this for three years with him, right? Multiply $175 times 36 months. It adds up to over $6,000!

      I wish I had $175 every month for discretionary spending. I don’t. I don’t own a new car. I hardly ever buy new clothes, I’m about to cancel dish network and go back to an antenna. My wife’s vehicle is six years old and mine is four years old. I get paid every two weeks and struggle just have enough money to survive and also do what is needed to complete Anna’s process.

      If you’re in trouble and you have that much discretionary income, more power to you and good luck.

    4. Thanks for listening to the (sales pitch) and confirming what some of us are sensing.

    5. So I see it as another PAY-triot scam. Not answering the man on fixed income if he would give him advice via email on an issue. NO, you have to pay me 175 a month for 40 months to get the answers you need. I am surprised Anna condones this, or does she? I have learned when someone is lying or being deceitful their eyes dart around, they scratch their nose, break eye contact or continuously clear their throat. This NEO guy cleared his throat repeatedly to the point of being distracting, (All the while on speaker phone?). Pardon the typing or grammar as I am in a hurry.
      Another note I have been testing a theory for rejecting mail I do not want to see. I created a stamp that says:

      REJECTED UCC1-308

      In RED letters. I stamp anything in all capital letters name such as IRS, State tax etc. same day I receive it and put it back in mail. Been doing this since October. The amount of mail I receive has dwindled to a trickle. Two state tax liens were removed from my credit report and my mood is better, and I do not dread getting the mail any longer. Is this the correct way to deal with it, only time will tell? Oh, and I did not charge anyone $175.00 or 6000.00 after 3 years to get a little breathing room.

  2. Re Neo, for someone on a fixed income I expected a weekend seminar. The cost and the time absolutely prohibitive. Set up more like going to graduate school--intensive courtroom training to access Equity Chancery Court, an otherwise hidden opportunity.

  3. I did not opt for a full education in law school, and that is exactly what all of this entails. Then you use it IF you ever have such a situation arise, which could be years down the road, or maybe never at all. So the only way to go at this would be for those who are just whacky enough to love this stuff enough to learn it all, and then go into practice as a Counselor, making it your vocation. Otherwise, like most things, you would just get rusty and become inept again.

  4. I tried to call in May 22,2018 at 7:30 CST to talk more in depth. I called (712) 775-7035 code 918810 ...I can call on my phone any other State but it tell me to call my provider. I'm in Alabama why is that?

  5. If they are looking for money and using an assumed name , they are not legit. One who has got out and is free has access to unlimited money in my opinion but it probably came with the promissory note of putting your soul in the hands of the wicked among us. Not prepared to do that. I was told today by a man who has spent 27 years homeless and researching scripture that the Muslims and Jews do not pay usury because it is against their religion. Well usury is also condemned in our bibles but we do not enforce the law of God. The Jews have no problem charging usury to the goy ( a jewish "not Judah " name for non Jews and the Muslims are hell bent to impose their Sharia law against the infidel. Scary place we dwell in.

  6. "For the love of FRN'S" Neo/One, implications? You bet.

  7. PAY-triots abound,but the fact remains: counterfeiters make offer their bogus product only because the real thing exists.

  8. I must agree with Anna's comment before the call. We are all negligent. It has been our practice to leave "governing" to others while calling ourselves the self governed. We first must make an admission that things are, partly, the way they are because we have been un-involved sovereigns. If you truly believe that you are destined to reign, then how are you going to do that. By magic. Because not many of us have had any experience at this. I once read about a benevolent leader who wisely administered his kingdom with great success because he had learned certain valuable principles and followed them. His name was David. I think there may be some valuable information in this class and I intend to check it out.

    1. rlstevenson, do you have a way to replay the "call" - way to access the recording? I was not able to be on the call ... Thank you!

    2. And I know about others who would like to do the same ...

    3. rlstevenson, we hired ''the hired help' to handle those things for us, but they failed to do their job. That is where the crux of the problem lies. Yes, we are to keep an eye on them, but how can we be responsible when they have done so much of their stuff in secret. The lack of full transparency and shenanigans, dishonesty, thievery, and just plain dastardly deeds from 'the hired help'.....they were stealing the silverware and wrecked the house. Now its just plain time to fire them all and start all over. Claw back their fat pensions and all their perks. Give them a taste of their own medicine, lol. Give them a ukulele and a palm tree at Gitmo and tell them its Hawaii, Lol.

    4. Daga Lapis, 2 links

      and the website,

    5. Abby, I must admit I do love your analogies! And you are right, if we can "get the house back" there will be retribution, tons.

    6. Did you like the ukulele thingy? Lol. I love the mental image of that on Gitmo in hillary's hands. I would even be willing to provide singing lessons for her but only for 2 weeks, Lol.

  9. The clock is ticking, loudly; but most people seem to think its still lunch time.

  10. The NEO Call was recorded and is being edited to take out the background noises at the beginning.

    I will post a link when I get it, and notify everyone on the email list.


  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Greetings,
    After listening to Neo last night and what he was trying to teach, I was wondering about some one else I recently heard of that is along the same lines as Neo and Anna. Has anyone heard of or worked with a group known as HISAdvocates, any feed back? He has a web, and YouTube access. Looks rather comprehensive(he also has a fee structure, which I don't mind as long as it is a solid group). Thanks

  13. Fees seem normal these days, we all gotta have money. If you know something that can help others, sure, gotta charge em for it right? Like falling in love, marriage, perfectly normal to only offer you hand if enough money is involved. What else is there in modern life? I have been interested in helping out, learning the things we are not taught, but other than Anna, most folks that know it want money and I do not have it so learning on my own as fast as I can. Lotta stuff to learn but over time it comes. The stuff is in books, laws, Army Pams, etc, and now many have found them so you can go direct and study them rather really fast if you have internet. So much you can find out. One thing I appreciated right off about "alternate" news or the kind at first you feel like " I am not supposed to be reading this kind of stuff, they will probably find out and come and arrest me" or whatever crosses the mind, I know others who felt the same way at first, then going farther began to finally get a real education, the one you give your self that no they, them, or anyone can stop, unless giving you a frontal brain lobe lobotomy. This operation was in the early days of psychiatry. Psychiatrists were laughed out of the courtrooms in 1950, but now, people really believe that science has cracked the crystal ball so seems normal to see people punished due to something they might do, as long as an expert at knowing what people might or might not do, says they think you might do something that is illegal, wrong, or basically a harm to others, of course very specifically in your particular case, type of harm, no of people harmed, how harmed, why the harm specifically might occur and of course fail to mention the alleged non-event may not happen at all. Every town now has a behavior center and the "courts" regularly employ such "professionals". I accidentally mentioned this to a someone who took over from the county the County Veterans Fund and happened themselves to be a psychologist. They yelled to a friend they were being verbally abused and called for help. I had just said I was leaving sensing some strange thing and was actually pushed down the hall and out, forever banned to to a policy that is supposed to protect vets from being hassled. Then the guy was doling out money on favoritism and the county had nothing but praise for the allegedly total volunteers they say they are. Says right in the fund that they are being paid. Anyhow, psychotic. lied, said I jumped over desk and attacked them to someone else, who knowing me become suspicious, I let it go, no witnesses. So I really appreciate Rod Class, Anna, and anyone offering knowledge we all need. I mean come the heck on, if you are in battle you are going to say to your fellow soldiers, " I know how we can get out of this mess and survive but it will cost you so many dollars" So you think someone like that is gonna have lots of help?


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