By Anna Von Reitz
Those of you who have studied piano know that the keyboard is divided into sets of eight notes called "octaves". The first and last note of each octave is the same, simply resonating at a different frequency.
Similarly, there are Seven Covenants recorded in the Bible, analogous to the seven separate notes of the musical octave. The Eighth Covenant resonates with the First Covenant --- the Covenant of Adam and the Creation.
When we speak of a "New Earth" -- take it literally. It is a New Earth that resonates with the Earth of the First Covenant. We are in the Creation Cycle right now.
You will begin to see and experience some strange things and may even think that you are hallucinating, but this is not so. You are simply beginning to perceive things differently, to function at a different frequency---and to see things that you otherwise wouldn't be aware of.
You are all familiar with how a radio tuner works. You turn the dial or-- nowadays, push the button-- and change the station. As you do, you hear different songs being played, and we take this for granted. What is happening now is quite similar and is no cause for fear: the Earth is changing channels, moving to a higher octave of itself.
However, since this "changing the channel" affects far more than perception of radio waves, all your senses will be impacted---sight, sound, gravity, time, geo-spatial orientation, and even senses that you have that you aren't currently aware of--- are all being affected.
You may experience all the symptoms of detoxification. You may have unusually severe allergy-like symptoms with runny nose and coughing up gunk from your lungs, especially if you are or were a smoker. You may have bowel symptoms, especially runny stools; be on the watch for dehydration and drink plenty of good fresh water or better yet, natural lemonade or natural fruit flavored water.
You may feel disoriented, dizzy, and fatigued. You may suffer odd aches and pains, pin pricks, lapses of memory, muscle cramps in odd places like the arches of your feet. Your sleep cycle may be interrupted, sporadic, and you may feel the need to sleep far more than you normally do. Even young people may feel like someone just "turned off the switch" and pull an Energizer Bunny type collapse--- desperately needing an afternoon nap for no apparent reason.
The waves of creation energy are passing through you and through the entire planet. Everyone and everything is impacted. Your pets and plants will all be off-kilter, too.
As uncomfortable as this can be, we are witnessing the (re) birth of our Earth into a new dimensional frequency, something that has not happened since the days of Adam. We are very privileged to be here at this time, and can participate in it willingly and consciously and without fear as parties to the Eighth Covenant.
There will be no big announcement about this any more than there is an announcement about a volcano erupting or a Monsoon. Insomuch as the Earth has a voice and we hear her, we are being told and merely need to listen. Those who are running around like chickens before a thunderstorm squawking about "climate change" are only seeing with their eyes and not perceiving with their hearts. If they listened to the Earth they would know the Truth and would bring themselves and their behavior into alignment.
As for you, reading this, you can help yourself and your family by accepting the changes going on all around you and adopting a good attitude, instead of a fearful attitude. You can make the physical symptoms easier to bear by taking steps to detoxify --- plenty of fresh non-chlorinated water, preferably with lemon or lime--- eating a light mostly fruit and vegetable diet, and getting plenty of rest. This last may not neatly be accomplished in eight hour stints, but can be accomplished by going to bed earlier, taking naps, and other strategies.
Your life has always been a miracle, but now you are living within a swiftly evolving miracle that is much larger than you. Bless the Earth and realize that the Eighth Covenant is rolling out and being accomplished in your lifetime.
The Eighth Covenant is called The Covenant of the Holy Spirit. Those who have read the Testament of Revelations have been confused because it says that the world will be destroyed by fire, but that He will bring to ruin those ruining the Earth. Be confused no more.
The world is not the Earth. The "world" is the mirage-like set of constructions that men have made to better organize their activities and indeed, this world is being destroyed and replaced with something much better, and just as the scripture says, it is being "destroyed by fire" for the essence of the Holy Spirit is fire that does not burn, does not destroy, but instead revives and restores and grants new life. Remember the "tongues of flame" that came down on Pentecost?
The Holy Spirit has accomplished, and is accomplishing, all of this. He is connecting the hearts and minds of men and women of goodwill throughout the world to remake the world. He is husbanding the Earth through the travail of birth.
Above all, do not be afraid, and do not allow your hearts or minds to be overly troubled. This is for your good and for the good of every living thing. Whatever suffering there may be is only the pangs of birth, nothing unnatural, nothing unknown, and these shall pass and cease and leave us with the blessing of a new beginning and a New Earth and a new covenant, the Eighth Covenant.
See this article and over 900 others on Anna's website here:
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Wow,thank you Judge Anna. Yep I have been sleeping like a big dawg. I will just be so happy when the vermin are out of office and the evil has had it rear end kicked all the way off the planet preferably.
ReplyDeletePrayers to The Most High God, please let this happen SOON.
Thank you Judge Anna for the insight and if you can elaborate more on these particuliar matters please do.
And all this information comes from........where? And where is the confirmation and backup to any of it? There is none, except maybe from David Wilcox who thinks galactics are talking to him.
ReplyDeleteSorry, but there are no galactics and it really saddens me to see Anna talking like this; it really destroys her credibility.
And by the way, exposing the true rotten condition of our world, and the moral decay of mankind itself, is NOT fear; its call the bitter truth. The only thing 'fearful' about it is that the babies in here who have an insatiable desire to constantly be stroked and pampered and don't want to grow up and face reality, can't handle it, so they THINK they can just get rid of it by lashing out at truthtellers in their childish retaliation with their 'oh you are a scardy cat; you don't have any faith; you are spreading fear''. Hilarious, as if fear is like some horrible sin, LOL.
Sorry, but there is just not a lick of truth to this article and contains a lot of twists on words.
Hosea 4-6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. "Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children. The babies in here, oh how condescending and high and mighty you are. I said it before and will say it again. The world stopped turning for you in 1611. David Wilcox is way out there in my opinion but he is living his life and sees things from his perspective. I doubt very much that Anna is a big fan of David. It seems you are.To know of him must mean you are a follower of him. I did not say you agree with him. You seem to me to be a trouble shooter for Lucifer. How dare we "babies" want to walk towards the light. Anna is not leading us, we walk together.
DeleteThis came from the mouth of God in the old testament. Anna has made a claim and until it is proven otherwise, must be accepted as truth. You as usual disagree. That is ok BUT you must provide the proof of what she says is false. Never mind the NT KJV 1611. Your comment "as if fear is like some horrible sin" is proof to me that you have some serious mental issues. I do not doubt you have huge faith, it is what you have faith in is where you are in error. Where is your forum and followers ? Those with hardened hearts are incapable of seeing spiritually what is unfolding. Because of their hardened hearts , they are not subjected to the abuse by the dark forces in this Earth because they are already considered counted in the community of the dark. if being a Christian is supposed to be a good and loving thing, you sure do not display any qualities of it. The complete opposite is what i see.
Hi Abby: May I differ with you? I happen to believe otherwise. Please watch the Kryon Channeling Series (Modern Galaxy is a good YT channel). We are, indeed, going through a rebirth on this planet. I am an Empath, a Healer and can discern the different energies occurring on this planet. Actually I've been able to do this since birth. This planet is on the cusp of ascending to the fourth (some say the fifth dimension) of love and light. All the cr@p we're seeing and dealing with now is coming to the surface so it can be addressed, done away with or harmonized (balanced). Earth is changing along with her inhabitants. Now you're going to ask me how I know this, right? Because I'm experiencing it myself. A change in attitude, a new way of conducting business and looking at things differently from how I've perceived things in the past. Earth has been shrouded in darkness (ignorance, fear,etc.) for millions of years but the veil is lifting...this means that we're all beginning to see the truth of who we are, the connection we have with one another, and the illusion of fear we're living under. Fear controls just about everything in our lives. Fear is the great control mechanism that is hobbling us. This is now changing to one of compassion, light and love. A good example of what is happening today, on this planet, is if you would be involved in a road rage incident. If you were on the receiving end of someone's anger, instead of reacting in kind you could take a different approach. You would see the person as someone "having a bad day" and address the situation from a point of understanding and compassion. Our words and actions can either ignite an already hostile situation or take the wind right out of it. It's up to us. This cleansing (purifying) energy is only going to get stronger as it sanitizes everyone and everything in its path. And, yes, there will be some who will resist until the end. But that is their free choice will is it not? Blessings, may very well be right, because some things are finally being exposed and the light is finding everyone that betrayed us and took Advantanced of us...But with that said, it is still wise to be very cautious and alert and don't just accept anything for face value, because at the same time we are reaching higher frequency levels, there are still powerful forces at work whoes main agenda is the same as its been for the last 2000 years....deception of the masses, or some handout that will make it look like we won when it just may be beginning......Have any of you received eMails talking about billions of non govt agencies that have been earmarked for distribution to everyone who just has to file a simple form to receive up to $6000- $8000 per month along with your SS checks...but we only have until next month to get in on it.....what better way to get our info than "bribe" us all with riches....!! Don't buy into it.. No one wants to just give us money for nothing, and the "deep state" has enough money to bribe everyone on earth to get what they want...Im just saying, be vigilant, because everyone is offering money these days and making outrageous claims....!! We are not out of this yet....!! Judge Anna, do you know or have been told something the rest of us haven't heard yet ...because if you have don't you think we deserve to hear it...or have you been told otherwise...the people on this site can handle anything you have to say, even if we don't want to hear it...!! There isn't much you can tell us anymore that would shock us...!!
DeleteHi James and you hit one of the nails on the head. The frequencies are increasing (vibrations from low to high) and the turnout of evil is increasing, which is what Kryon said would happen. It makes sense as evil knows it's been outed in that many more of us are able to see it for what it is be it abortion, fraud, deception, corruption, etc. These are going to continue to be trying times for all of us and vigilance is required. And yet this is why we're here to sacrifice ourselves in helping this planet and her inhabitants ascend at this most crucial time to the level they were promised one of Light and Love.
Deletecindy, you can differ all you want to; it is not going to change the truth that I tell in here. I can also tell you you are way off base, like many others in here, but thats your choice and you alone are responsible for your end result.
DeleteI am not concerned what my words ignite or don't ignite; and I might add that no, I will never have any compassion on liars or evil doers or on unbelievers or heretiks.
There is no ''cleansing energy'. It is much simplier than that: Jesus is about to begin pouring his Wrath upon all such folks, including those who are in here 'preaching a false gospel' and just plain destroy the wicked. And when their day of destruction comes upon them, it will be far different than 'just having a bad day' and compassion will become an extinct word in the vocabulary.
This popular word satan has deceived folks with, called 'energy' is actually an evil spirit but of course satan cannot say that. It is his spirit of deceit, but gullible
folks are fooled to think it is some kind of 'favoritism'. NOT. 2 Tim. 3:13 evil men shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.'
2 Tim 4 I charge thee therefore before God ad the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall Judge the quick and the dead (the living and the dead) at his appearing and His Kingdom; 2 preach the Word; be instant, in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and Doctrine 3 for the time will come (is already here) when they will not endure sound doctrine but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears (will only listen to whatever make them feel good) 4 and they shall turn away their ears from the Truth and shall be turned to Fables.
And this is what is now going on.
I think you encapsulated much of what I said. The day is coming when all of us will be subjected to the truth of our existence. These are the times that were foretold by the Ancients calling it A Day of Reckoning, the Correcting Time. What we're seeing (and it's just the beginning) is balance occurring between the light and the dark. This will happen to all of us (kinda like coming to terms with your weaknesses, strengths and vices). Purification will take place (cleansing) before we are able to be attuned to the new earth. It doesn't matter your faith as all will be affected, as it should be.
DeleteFirstly, you gotta be kidding if you think I am here to 'sacrifice myself for this planet'. Ain't happening, and I see no logic in such a thought. No, we will not all be affected. And I have nothing to come to terms with. I've also known the truth of my existence. There will be no 'balancing between light and dark'. Dark is simply going to be destroyed. There also is not any 'new earth' being developed. Only after the thousand yr. reign of Jesus, will He destroy this earth. So for all you who so foolishly are buying into this new age nonsense, that is your choice. But I am absolutely not jumping on this whacky train, Lol.
DeleteVery well stated Cindy, and from personal experience I concur whole heartedly!! ALL will be affected, and No stone will be left unturned. Nothing to fear, but fear itself. It's a beautiful and miraculous experience indeed!
DeleteSo Grateful!!
Hi Kelli: Thanks and it's nice to know I have company out there. No FEAR.
DeleteTo Abby, You are free to express your opinions, believe what you believe. No one is forcing you to come to another conclusion. I wouldn't continue to get all worked over other people's views and what they believe. We're all here to work through this together, right? And my term that I am sacrificing myself on behalf of this planet and humanity is spot on. I came here because I wanted to help with the transition as I knew many would be huddled in the dark trying to figure things out. This is a time for positive not negative views and reaching out to one another. It is time for this planet to heal and you and me and millions more are working toward this. BTW I am a Lightworker. And to know the dark you must first experience it.
DeleteAbby, the truth doesn't require your belief or involvment or even resonance with it. You are so very wrong. Wronger than wrong. Stupendously wrong. But who here cares? You are going to see this for yourself soon enough. Will it be too late for you? Likely not. But understand that we all, each of us, are both Light and Dark. Which wolf we feed brings us into who we are in this NOW. You are saying you will see the Dark destroyed and yet, in doing that, you are destroying YOU! Be in balance.
DeleteI too am part of this New Earth event; i am in the Sisterhood of the Rose, Prepare for Change, Resistance Movement, a Lightworker, and an empath. I know there is a CREATOR.
But by all means, don't laugh too hard when you read all these comments, Amy.
If you want evidence, I can provide the "whitepapers" for you. I am known as somewhat of a librarian.
I hope you find your enlightenment forthwith. GOD is loving...and ALL Mighty. HE won't wait for you to catch up.
Be in Joy...
Fear, is False Evidence Appearing Real. It defeats the promises of God. I remember that from my biblical research days, 30 years ago.
DeleteAwe-mazing feelings, awe-mazing times!!! So happy and grateful, thank you Anna!!
ReplyDeleteAnna has spoken the truth and the truth shall set you free.
ReplyDeleteAnna’s not wrong, Earth is becoming ground zero for a multi-dimensional war. Our issues here on Earth are a manifestation of this war.
ReplyDeleteOur entire existence is based on consciousness, manifestation of energy to create multi-dimensional realities.
Evil had it’s stretch, time for a frequency change.
Evil has not yet gone into full throttle and complete overtake of this world, but it is in the near future. Rev. 13:5 and there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. v.16 and he causeth all, both small and great,rich and poor, to receive a Mark in their right hand or in their forehead 17 and that no man can buy or sell, unless he had the Mark, or the name of the beast or the number of his name 18 and that number is 666. (that is satan)
DeleteThis is being talked about on just about any and all alternative news media. I have been reading about it for the last month or so, it surprise me that Anna mention it, also glad to hear her bring the subject up, gives more truth to the alternative news stations. This energy going through the earth is forcing the evil to the top to be exposed. That is why you see political people resigning or getting fired, it was that option or go to jail. To bad we of the masses don't get that option. If we do something illegal we usually go to jail. Those in the political arena of resigning or stepping down and losing their benefits. I have also read where Obama has already had a trial over the $400 million he gave Iran and was found guilty because he had no authority to do so. He appealed and it was denied. Is suppose to pay it back by $1.4 million (not exact) he and his wife made from book sales and the rest was to come from couple of hundred or more millions that he was paid for speeches overseas. There is a lot going on that the largest part of the people don't know about, because of the dumming down of the masses for the last 70 or 80 years or longer. And all the entitlements that has been going on, where they make more money form the tits of corporate U.S. than working and not having the pride in themselves to work. I have tried to offer jobs to some to these men that you see standing on corner with sign is hand asking for a hand out. They tell me that they make a lot more money holding that sign then they would working at (I was offering to pay $10 an hour just to rake some leaves in yard) at a job, plus the could get food stamps and free phones and not worry about taxes or anything. One even had a lot nicer vehicle parked in the parking lot of wal-mart. They exchange corners ever so often so you don't get used to seeing same one everyday at the same spot. That energy is one of the reasons why you see people acting so crazy because Trump got elected. He is tearing down or bringing to light all of the evil and illegal play house that the dark side has been enjoying for all the years. Of course God, Yeshua, Jesus the Holy Spirit, all Light Beings are behind this. Just set back and enjoy things change for the better as Anna describes, because there is not one thing you can do to stop it. Meditate and raise your vibration level up and those of you who don't understand what is going on will start to understand what is happening. We are moving from the 3d to 5g vibration level spiritually. That is a big change. It might bring, no it will bring things to the top in yourselves that you might not want other people to know about. So be careful you might say something that you did not mean to say and expose it yourself.
ReplyDeleteYes, a great judgement is upon All that are willing to see and hear within that which was darker/heavier and weighing us individually down, is now being exposed and brought into light with a lighter, higher perspective to accept, acknowledge and let go for real forgiveness, peace within to lighten our loads from here on out! Awe-mazing times indeed!!
DeleteMuch gratitude, love and peace!!
a wonderous confirmation and occurring within us and our Mother Earth and all of life. Thank Anna it is sincerely heartfelt, we are grateful for your addressing this at this time and for your mighty spirit and presence in God, God bless us all.
ReplyDeleteFrom here on out it's all downhill for the true believers. Appreciate the contributions up till this post. This post and forward, crap.
ReplyDeleteIdiga ? ''downhill for the true believers'? How so? What does that mean?
DeleteDr.E.Michael Jones says all the white power thing is going to fail due the triple melting pot theory . :in three generations one ceases to become ethnic and becomes religious.the three great religions catholic , protestant , jewish.
ReplyDeleteThree generations .
I say religion can supercede if you belive in good vs. evil.
I have witnessed evil I have read increadable.stories of good like St.Francis and hundreds of others.
Thank "you" Anna for taking the time to put into words what i and others personally known to me have been experiencing lately. The parasites know deep down that their days are numbered.
ReplyDeleteAs for the pathetic trolls that try to cast doubt on the truth and rubbish any train of thought that would challenge the status quo, they are more to be pitied than anything else.
Kind of a weird morning, April the eighth.
ReplyDeleteWas led here:
A Thought For The Octave Day Of Easter
Posted on April 7, 2018
i found the following to be a thought provoking quote.
"If you can only feel alive when you are attacking the object of your hate, then all people who hate what you hate are welcome allies. "
And here to Anna and Paul's site Where yet eight and octave are again mentioned.
There are no coincidences. i do see Truths within many articles, the 'key' is to use His discernment in all things.
1 John 4 is where we should try to reside.
Everyone have a blessed day.
Our Lord and King Yeshua through His prophet Daniel (chapter 2) confirmed that in these later days His everlasting Kingdom would be set up. King Yeshua is personally cutting a "Stone" (His Elect) out of His mountain (His true Church) that will bring forth truth which will destroy the foundations of evil that Satan has used to control the world (Revelation 12: 7-17). This "Stone" will grow into a great mountain (a God ruled Kingdom). All the false religions of the world and the evils of its governments will be exposed. None of them will enter into this Kingdom unless they be converted. Blessings to you Anna for standing in the gap and speaking truth.
DeleteDaniel's Vision of the Ancient of Days
…12"As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, but an extension of life was granted to them for an appointed period of time. 13"I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. 14"And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed.…
New American Standard Bible
"As for you, reading this, you can help yourself and your family by accepting the changes going on all around you"
the problem is i see no signs of any "change"
it looks like just more of "the jew's religion (phariseeism)" to me, false "millenialism", false hopes.
i will stick with "my kingdom is not of this world"
it looks like 1000 more years of "satan" from what i see. i see no "changes" whatsoever. just more "mystery babylon" always going completely silent when you call them out.
Got to agree with Abby. As usual, "Blue" has his own agenda with his "1611" mantra and has ALL of the answers, even though not one shred of evidence exists what was written in this article. If these were "facts" they would be tangible and people would be able to touch, taste, feel, perceive usual, anna is off her meds and way out left field!!! She loses credibility when she spouts stuff like this and it doesn't help that she has troves of toadies hopping around trying to vouch for the nonsense written. And "Blue" when you have one finger pointing at someone, you have 3 pointing back!!! You're one to talk about other people being agents for Lucifer, seems you do a good enough job accusing people yourself for a job with the devil.
ReplyDeleteHey Unknown, I feel honored you mentioned me and Anna in the same article. The devil has tried on many occasion to get me to work for and worship him. I not so politely declined. Why don't you and Abby set up your own forum and spread all your negativity there? I must be a concern for you as you continue to jump on my head. Why do you pay any attention to the likes of me.? For you to say Anna is off her meds is showing that you and Abby are in the same house and you are in the minority on here. You point out where the proof is that what Anna says is wrong. Abby was not up to it and neither are you because she is not wrong. I know who you are , even if you do not.
DeleteVery Good,
DeleteThank you Anna, May you be blessed!
ReplyDeleteI am grateful to God the Almighty for being able to experience this New Birth!
Good will triumph over Evil!
I'm sorry unknown, Abby that you havent yet experienced this wonderful blessing/cleansing of fear, hate and judgement in your spirit. It Is very tangible for ALL NOW and many, many are spiritually being awakened and ARE expeeiencing PURE Love within, and a much clearer and higher perspective IS being shown to us NOW which IS transforming our hearts and minds. ALL fear is falling away. All Chaos and confusion IS being replaced with clarity, awareness and peace within like we have never before experienced. This IS very real, and I know from personal experience. We have ALL been through the "fire" in this lifetime, in one way or another, individually and collectively. NOW we are being RAISED in spirit, out of this "fire" to become One in "Accord" with God, and each other as God intended to create peace and his kingdom of heaven on earth at this time. Its all good, and im learning to simply trust and go with this beautiful flow that IS taking place within me and NOW very visibly all around me😎
ReplyDeleteMuch gratitude, peace and Love!!
God hates all workers of sin. Psalms 5:5. Maybe he needs YOU to go tell him he needs to get over his hatred. And Jesus said He Judges ALL THINGS. Maybe YOU should go tell he needs to stop being judgemental. See how that works out for you, Lol.
DeleteHe also tells those that are his true children that we are to ''love that which is good, and hate that which is evil'.
He also mandates true christians to ''judge ALL THINGS using Righteous Judgement.
Gee I guess we will have to tell him, sorry, but miss knows-more-than-God Kelli tells us we should disobey God and DO AS SHE SAYS 'so we can experience the great Delusion that has come upon her'.
What you should really be sorry about, is not getting to smell how good my baked rigatoni is out there in the oven. Imagine; a real and literal experience for the mouth AND the tum tum.
Sounds delicious Abby! How many homeless or hungry have you fed lately?? Being that you have expressed how blessed you are to live better than most families with two incomes, right? Surely the "good" spirited christian you are, surely you are charitable to those around you less fortunate than you, as God commands us to be, correct?
DeleteSo many homeless and hungry right on your doorstep from what you've said to justify your DEMANDSfor "money" from Anna to deliver, which IS the ONLY reason you Actually, selectively read/scan shallowly what Anna writes. You care NO thing about this cause, or Anyone engaged in actualky "learning" about history and freeing themselves from this beast system. You are just much too smart for this "stuff" Anna teaches, just "SHOW YOU THE PROOF; a/k/a MONEY!!"
Predictable, typical selfish and greedy behavior that makes your twisted and sick preaching & teaching of "God's (Love) WORD" as such a "good christian" so incredibly shallow, ugly and wicked.
I do pray for you all the time, and I trust that God will transform and heal ALL!
No words or written proof of peoples living experiences with our God working within us is required.
Bring on the transformations and peesonal testimonies!! Yes!!
God is sooo Good, so grateful!!
kelli, you are just about the biggest hypocrites in here. Just read your own diatribes, full of venomous foul adjectives that always flow so easily off your tongue toward anyone who doesn't agree with your new age junk.......and then you end with your self proclaimed 'love and peace to all''. You win the Hypocrisy Award for the Decade....for doing exactly what you accuse me of.
DeleteAlso you have rightfully earned the Ignorance Award for think I have any need for any prayers from you. God doesn't even hear people like you, didn't you know that; just look how much time you waste in such a worthless endeavor, lol.
And its time you understand I do not preach ''Gods Love' simply because He does not love most of the population; I see you didn't know that either, lol.
God has made me a Warrior, so you might as well forget me ever becoming a pussy cat. Warriors are good christians and you do not get a vote in the matter. Learn to like it....or lump it. Makes no difference to me.
Well I have to disagree with and return your "Ignorance Award" as I have observed by your lack of comprension and understanding of anything "written" EVER gets past your overly critical and insecure ego mind, and the "essence" at the heart and true purpose of ANY message (lesson) inspired or spoken IS completely lost on you.
DeleteTell us Abby, what IS the true benefit and purpose behind the US Tax Court process youre engaged in ?? What did you actually take the time to study and learn for yourself WHY the process is SO important?? Who's ears were "tickled" and took action for a "monetary reward" based correct in theory only, and is merely secondary. everything in this corrupt "system" doesn't just "happen" as it should. If it did, we wouldn't be needing the education Anna provides so consistently to us, now would we?
To each his own. You focus on your monetary rewards and I'll stay connected to learning and growing in my spiritual blessings and pure rewards in peaceful perspectives and clear awareness regarding ALL that im needing see and learn at this time.
Good luck on your process, let us know how it goes and what you learn, ok??
Purification [detoxification] must occur first. Firt
ReplyDeleteWell if that is true, then I suggest that everyone have their water and blood checked for nano technology that can only been seen under a "scanning tunneling microscope", because it sees things at the atomic level (nano meters). Meaning not only can it see bacteria and viruses, but nanobots, which I believe is in all of us now and just waiting for the right frequency to be turned on to activate them....!! For what I don't know..but that is why there is a major push on data collection on every single person on earth...of course here in America, they have to be very devious about it, promising money and riches just to get that data....thats what "facebook" was doing...Zugerburg is a all the other tech comp..But recently Besos wanted or applied for a loan of $10 or $20 million to start a new company, and he was refused by Trump to get why does a guy supposedly has $100 billion want a loan for a new company....???
Deletejames, not to be concerned about this stuff; they don't realize it yet, but their problem is really 'from the neck on up'. Not a whole lot can be done to 'cure' that; its a rather permanent condition, lol.
DeleteAs for the data collection, its for that little injectable Mark of the beast so they can 'control ones buying and selling' and control everyone.
Exactly..!! I meant to relate it to that...thanks..!! Just realize people that their is a mass agenda for attaining as much data as possible on all of us, so be prepared for all sorts of freebies and especially money promises....!!! Just say NO to all of it....!!
Deletejames, I just got a letter from Equifax telling me that I was among 2.4 million people who had their Drivers License info stolen from the BMV. Last yr. my son got a letter saying his personal info was stolen thru the Dept. of Veterans Affairs.
DeleteOnce that happens, its out there and you can never get it stopped. Must be people that work at those places that participated. ?
With this country Abby, if they can't get you into legitamately, they will simple steal it...and get away with it..!! Equifax, the largest credit reporting agency in America, was supposedly hacked and everyone's data was compromised or stolen. And within 3 days, there attorneys had drafted up a lawsuit that bars anyone from sueing them for the security breach...the same with the breach at Facebook...!!
DeleteAnna let me say, I appreciate what you are doing for the Republic and We the People. With all due respect, I would just offer my humble opinion, and say it would be wise to stick to the areas that you are expert in. Eschatology is a very complex subject which in the end, even the best thought out theories are just that ; theories. I've studied it for 40 years and when prophecy is fulfilled, it goes way above and beyond the scope of what any man is capable of comprehending beforehand. God always blows our minds when He moves.
ReplyDeleteFor starters it would have been helpful if you had named all 8 covenants for perspectives sake. Second all those symptoms you mentioned, I agree many people are experiencing exactly what you said. That could be however be the result of the crap they are spraying us with constantly in these chemtrails. But third and most important, "Not one jot or tittle will fail till all be revealed."
The first 5 words of the book of Revelation are the key to understanding the whole thing. Those 5 words are: The Revelation of Jesus Christ... The word Revelation means the unveiling, it's the idea of the curtain being raised to reveal what's behind it. Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world. The world rejected Him, all but a remnant. Just as Israel rejected God's law and were punished with all the curses that the law promised as a result of rejecting it, so will the entire world be brought to it's knees to realize we cannot save ourselves, and all the events of the Revelation are simply the curtain being raised to reveal that the Savior has been there all along, waiting for the world to accept the sacrifice He made for it.
Look I know that all of creation is vibrating. That is because God SPOKE it into existence, and SPEACH is VIBRATION. Simple enough. But don't overlook the seals, the trumpets and vials of Revelation which bring famine, pestilence, war, a third part of the water turned into blood, a third part of sun and moon darkened, the bottomless pit opened and all it's evils unleashed on mankind, a third part of men dying, others seeking death and cannot find it, Armageddon, etc,etc, etc.
All this will be to REVEAL to mankind that they cannot save themselves,and their only hope is their savior, the Lord Jesus. The new heaven and new earth come after all those things and after the great judgement. They do not come about as a result of the earth going into some higher dimension of vibration.
I'm not spreading fear-mongering, just saying what the book already says. I try real hard not to take away from it, or add to it as 22:18 admonishes. There's no fear in love, because perfect love casteth out fear. Those who know Him have nothing to fear, those who don't should seek Him to find whether these things be so.
ETT, I am way past being so kind as you have here. I too have studied the Word of God for 40 years, and have found that by now mankind takes a kind presentation as indicating we truth tellers will listen to their heresay and can be persuaded to their way of thinking. This is why I just tell it like it is.
DeleteYour entire essay here is 100% true, because I know The Truth, and you are 100% biblically correct.
This Article is totally untrue, because it goes 100% against the Revelation of Christ. The Article is written by Man; the Revelation is OF CHRIST, BY CHRIST. Christ cannot lie; man lies constantly.
The ARticle and that belief system neglects the fact that God IS going to hold every single person responsible for the Actions AND their words. They will be responsible for every thing that they promote, especially publicly and over the air waves, and public venues.
Whether anyone likes it or not, the Seals are Judgements, the Trumpets and Vials that Jesus is going to pour out upon the Earth, are all punishments upon mankind. These will go on for 7 long years. Anyone ought to realize that will cause world wide destruction. To wrap it all up in one word, we call it Armageddon as it ends up at the valley of Migeddo. ALL these things WILL take place, regardless of who agrees with it or wishes to live in denial.
So who is telling the truth here? Man, who writes such an Article and spreads it all over the internet? Or CHRIST who has revealed and warned Mankind of The End?
The bible is God speaking. And He warns ANYONE who adds to IT or takes away from IT, will suffer huge eternal consequences. Adding to His Word or subtracting from His Word, is the same as calling God a LIAR.
There is NO love in such a misleading New Age Article. Love is equal to Truth, and Truth is Love. There is NO love in LIES.
I am in the Hands of the Lord; He is My Redeemer and He is going to Redeem me. So I have absolutely NO fear. It is those who follow after all this false New Age thinking, that have a LOT to fear. They fail to realize that satan comes ''as an angel of light''. He deceives the simple minded, those who are gullible; those who seek to sidestep the Lord Jesus, satan will be happy to accomodate you. He knows he faces doom in The End, and wants to take as many of you with him as he can.
Man i started feeling all these synthoms when i turned 50!!
ReplyDeleteYou have to kidding Anna.
Hey ET, your comments re Anna staying within the area she is expert in are not very flattering. Anna is growing constantly. We all are. The government of man can not operate without God. Anna was trying without much success to get us to operate it as it is supposed to be, but without God included, it can not be. Anna is moving up spiritually very fast lately and for you to slam her back in her seat because she goes against what you spent 40 years studying is absurd. No one is an expert and yes there are more than one New Testament. What is written in the one you studied may not be written in the one Paul studies. That gives you the right to your opinion but does not give you the right to tell Anna she had no right to an opinion. God did not leave, we rejected him. He is in his seat now and he is moving forward. There will not be the big bang destruction you seem to think. God does not have to prove himself to any one and he never ever wanted blood sacrifices. He is the creator, ten laws , free will and all is given. How can it be much better than that?
ReplyDeleteBlue, you are doing exactly what you are always accusing Abby of, and that is reading her own thoughts into what you wrote. First I told Anna I appreciated her, then said "with all due respect, in my humble opinion". So I would hardly call that "slamming her back down".
DeleteYes I said I studied this for 40 years and also admitted the best thought out theories on the subject are still theories. I include my own in that. My own thoughts about the scripture are how I interpret it. The Apostles had many disagreements among themselves. We're all still learning hopefully. My views on everything has certainly changed as my understanding has grown through the years, as every ones should. I've stated on here that Anna was learning along with us all. I applaud her for that. I could also tell that this article came from something she recently read that must have had some ring of truth to her, or she wouldn't have shared it. But I was also reminding her about some things that she knows, she's read the book. It's easy to get sidetracked into some new ideas that sound good, but I've had much experience in new age thinking, I told you before I was a pantheist at the age of 18. I believe she's smart enough to figure that out.
Also could you point out to me where I told Anna that she had no right to her opinion, or claimed to be an "expert".
Lastly, when you say there is not going to be the big bang destruction "I" think, or that God doesn't have to prove Himself. I believe I was quite clear simply stating what is written in the Book of Revelation, and that I try not to add to it or take away from it as is admonished in chapter 22:18. So it's not what I think, it's what is written, and I happen to believe it is inspired by God and that things will happen exactly how it is written. If you don't believe that then it's not me you disagree with, it simply means you don't believe the book of Revelations. You most certainly have that right of your own opinion. If in the end I am completely wrong and the world doesn't end the way it is written, then everyone can just say,man that ET was sure a crazy deluded fool, but if it all goes according to script and you end up being the one who is wrong...OOPS!!!
How in the world can we hope for a better life on this planet when we fully know that our courts and justice system is not "spiritually based" or "lawful"...You can't have an evil justice system while good Christians just stand by and do nothing about it...once you corrupt the LAW (and the bible is a law book), then you corrupt everything else...!! The judges have to go...all of them across the board...we can't stand by idolly while we allow the "corruption of the law" stand as are we blessed by that....???
Deletejames, you already know every single aspect of life is so deeply evil, there is NO hope for turning it around....because we all know the evil people who are in control will never surrender. Those who control the money system, control everything. All that Anna and team will get done, is exposing their dirty deeds.
DeleteI've already told what the Solution will be; believe me now, or believe it when ya see it. Not only does the Word tell us this, but if we take a good hard look at whats really going on, and the real situation in everything, then it becomes obvious. Can we name even one thing that is really going right? Even the weather isn't going right anymore; its being HAARP'd or ? Ohio is snowing in April, and so is oklahoma; that just does not happen. But I'm not one bit concerned about any of this mess 'they've' made.
ETT, we can give scripture word for word, which is what God Says about a thing........and people prove they are unbelievers and are downright rebellious and scrappy by accusing Messengers of posting ''their own opinion, or their own interpretation'...even though the scripture is as clear as the noon day sky.
DeleteThey tell on themselves and prove they are hopelessly lost. We are to tell them 2 or 3 times, and if they still balk, we are to kick the dust, and leave them in their pitiful self wrought lostness.
2 Cor. 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost. 4 In whom the god of this world (satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 5 for we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your Servants for Jesus' sake.
Abby, I look at it like this. There are about 8 billion people in the world, and they all have opinions. I consider myself a non-combatant. I'm not trying to start a fight with anyone. The only ones I consider enemies are those who are knowingly doing harm to others, and don't care. Esp. those trying to enslave mankind in any fashion.
DeleteNow I don't think anyone thinks they are wrong about any of their opinions, or else they would change them. And trust me, I don't think there's anything that would shock me as far as being way out there crazy. I've heard enough and seen enough myself not to think anything is beyond the realm of possibility, so therefore I try to not be judgmental at all.
After all no matter what anyone believes outside the realm of experience, like what happens after we die, or even what is going to happen tomorrow, they have to believe what they believe by faith. Atheists have faith that there is no God. They are putting their faith in themselves, or mankind as a whole. But none of us have been there in the future, even tomorrow, unless maybe you believe the people who claim to be time travelers. If you believe them then you're putting your faith in them. But like I said it would not be untrue to say anyones' belief in what WILL happen can be considered a theory, bc there is just no way to prove it.
We Christians put our faith in a man who claimed to be the Son of God. That would probably sound crazy to many. Did Jesus Christ rise from the dead? I believe he did. That is where I put my faith. The Bible says He showed Himself to be alive after His passion by many infallible proofs. Can WE PROVE He rose from the dead? None of us were there, so we are left with, Therefore it is by Faith, so that it might be by Grace. So the difference between what we call Faith in Christ, as opposed to having faith in any other person who has lived upon earth and died is this: Jesus Christ has proved Himself to ME by many infallible proofs, and to ALL who have truly put their Faith in Him. I can not, NOT BELIEVE in Him because FAITH is the EVIDENCE of things not seen. I've seen the evidence for myself. But I can convince NO MAN to believe if he hasn't seen the evidence that I have. All we can do as Christians is to tell others to ask, seek, and knock for themselves, and see if He will not PROVE Himself to them when they do so with an honest heart and intention. And we know that God's Holy Spirit CAN and DOES provide the evidence when one comes to Christ by faith.
So I try not to tell anyone that their opinion is wrong, if they are honestly seeking truth. But when someone wants to take just 2 verses of scripture and act as though they disprove what the whole of scripture teaches, and when challenged about it with many other verses they do not respond, yet keep making the same ridiculous claims, then it is hard to believe that they are being intellectually honest.
So BLUE, I am not against you. I'm not trying to pick a fight with you. I think that all of us who are here on this site, to try to do what we can to save our Republic are in the same minority. We need to be united not divided and fighting amongst ourselves. That makes no sense. But honestly BLUE, if you can't look at even just the 7 verses I provided you that prove your 10 commandment-Mark 10:45 doctrine is incomplete, and respond to that in some intelligent manner, then I believe you are being intellectually dishonest, and I feel compelled to call you out about it. And when you accuse others of twisting your words, and then turn around and twist my words, and again I point out your fallacy and all I get from you is silence, well you have proved my point again.
ETT, Neither do I feel it is my job to convince anyone. God gave us a mandate to 'preach the gospel' and after that it is up to Him to do what He wants with it. He never told us to 'make anyone believe anything' and neither did he tell us to 'save anyone'. None of that is our job.
DeleteI even tell people they can do whatever they want with anything I say, because so many act like they would be doing me some personal favor if they believed the Word that I pass on to them.
As for what is 'going to happen' the general overview of it is written right in the Word, since the bible is a history book of past, present and future. So we can be quite sure of what IT tells us, and of course we do not get the privilege of 'preaching' our own gospel, nor adding to it, or subtracting from it. Nor can we tell people what they want to hear to please them; the Truth is harsh for unbelievers and Jesus already warned us that we would be hated if we tell His Truths, but also consoled us by saying that 'they hated Him before they hated us'. Therefore it should be of no significance to us to be shown contempt for telling the written Truth of the gospel. The Word is sharper than any two-edged Sword, and it cuts deep, it severs, and it divides. That's just how it is. Jesus himself is called 'the rock of offense'. So we should think it is not unusual for so many to take offense with His written word.
I too have had just too much PROOF of his existence, through many many of his actions in our lives, and his answers to our prayers, and even his answers to problems we didn't even know we had, or things we had forgotten about. Very astounding and no way they could have been coincidental.
Man i started feeling all these synthoms when i turned 50!!
ReplyDeleteYou have to kidding Anna.
Most people are unaware that our Planet Earth is changing Poles, the polar Shift is in process and in 2 years or 3 at most, our Planet Earth will come to a full stop for 3 days then our Planet Earth will start spinning clockwise, then the Sun will rise from the west and will set on the East, this Polar Shift will bring Oblivion to the Controllers of Planet Earth and they know that Oblivion is coming to them.
ReplyDeleteIt is sad to see how gullible people are! From a cosmic perspective, this plan-et just moved into the second age, called the electric couple. A couple hundred years out of the dark ages is not the mental age or the golden age, really. There appears to be seven centers in creation, however, there are 9 because C on the piano is comprised of two pairs of opposites not one. Light has no speed, it is the still fulcrum of power from which the incandescent polarity lever appears as light, yet there is no light in polarity. "If it were not for my lucky astrological moon watch, I wouldn't believe in anything at all"
ReplyDeleteThis song has been on my mind since yesterday morning, so I just googled!!!
ReplyDeletePieces Of Eight
It's six O'clock, good morning sounds are everywhere
The warmth of spring, a gentle breeze blows through my hair
I hurry through my life never stopping to see
How beautiful it was meant to be
I'm just a prisoner in a king's disguise
Broken dreams as we shuffle by
It's six O'clock, it's quitting time I'm done for the day
Out on the streets, I overheard a lady say
We now have everything, or so people say
But now this emptiness haunts me every day
We seek the lion's share never knowing why
Come alive spread your wings and fly
Pieces of eight, the search for the money tree
Don't cash your freedoms in for gold
Pieces of eight can't buy you everything
Don't let it turn your heart to stone
Pieces of eight, the search for the money tree
Don't cash your freedoms in for gold
Pieces of eight, treasures filled with emptiness
Don't let it turn your heart to stone
Pieces of eight, the search for the money tree
Don't cash your freedoms in for gold
Pieces of eight, treasures filled with emptiness
Don't let it turn your heart to stone
I love Styx, and the eighties in general...they actually have one that is more about this world we created...
ReplyDelete"The Grand Illusion"...!!
the last chorus especially:
" and someday we will stop and ponder, what the he'll is this spell were under, we made the grade and still we wonder...who the hell we are!!!
Husband and I went to see them this last feb..2/22, their 46 year anniversary date for first label signing. The experience we All felt in our core during show was absolutely deep and so profound!! Been to many concerts in my life, but never have i felt the energy as deeply, and from others "getting it" like they were hearing the lyrics for the first time!! Ptetty amazing feeling and I cried like a baby!! Amazing artists with a purposeful mission!!!
Delete"slavery" was necessary for "evil men and woman"to bring about the "one world government"and "the rise" of the coming anti christ!!"A MAN" that will "enforce his mark" upon "all" of humanity!! "a mark" that will "allow" its recipient to "buy" or "sell", but also "a mark of ownership" making its recipient "a total slave" and "lost for all eternity"!! God has "allowed" it all folks!! in the end all of humanity will be given "a clear distinct choice" take "the mark" of the beast or "refuse it" and be put to death!!???? that is what is in the near future, like it or not!!
ReplyDeleteAre nano particles something new? I cannot see them with my naked eye, neither have I heard the Earth's song due to my ears needing a new set of or additional frequencies. I think if I could hear the Earth's song say listening from some distance, like 200 miles, I think right now it is changing and for a while has sounded like a cacaphoney for lack of descriptive language. Playing a number of musical instruments I it quite obvious that if the notes are not in harmony music, chords, beautiful sounds, are greatly damaged, impossible without the proper frequencies that all together make a beautiful harmonious sound. That is merely my own observations and imaginations, but I am not hurting anyone with my belief and if you cannot prove it untrue and just as well it could be true. Like incarnation or re-incarnation, are you really sure? Are you actually going to die? Chief Seattle said "There is no death, only a change in worlds" It is sad when one of us dies, surely so. But all things are vibrating, have a frequency and everything changes in a particular way. It does not die or cease to exist. So all is really life, all is God and certain men seek to pretend they give life, of a limited non-eternal kind and so on. I do not believe that any state, company, panel, counsel or men or women anywhere gave me my body any more than thinking scientists created the stars, moon, myriads of kinds of butterflies, plants and what we see when looking around absorbing light waves in to our eyes.
ReplyDeleteI think so to...all the music coming out today just reflects the negative energy that eminates from the darkness and evil that is so pervasive today...i want to live in the 80's forever...!!
ReplyDeletejames, more accurately, we could safely say that we are living among the newer generations, who have rejected the holy spirit of God, and so they lack high quality creativity in all things. What they call 'music' is really just loud noise with a lot of background noise to cover up the lack of true talent.
DeleteAnother indicator is their substandard quality of style, especially in clothing and hair styles. Colors lack softness, and instead are mostly harsh and uncoordinated.
Clothing styles lack quality, class, and dignity, very contrary to, say, the old classy clothing on the cover of Vogue Magazine; or those that were seen in the older James Bond 007 movies.
Hair styles back then were very classy, and took some time and care to attain perfection. Today? Well, there is no hair style today; its nothing more than that ''I just got out of bed look'.
This all goes to show the now-popular anti-christ spirit within people. Dignity of the past is now vanished and Slob has taken over. Satan is the author of Slob as he has set out to make Man look as bad as he can, because Man is God's creation.
It's so it any wonder why so many people are are depressed..!! There aren't anymore good "role models" we can emulate...!! Even Taylor Swift has finally gave in to the dark side of the entertainment industry..!! You just can't remain good anymore with the constant onslaught of evil that is so pervasive now, especially in the entertainment world..!!
Deletejames, I think you have just not yet unglued your future sights from this wicked world. This world as it is right now, is definitely on its way to being past history; and Jesus IS going to wipe it all up and start all over, as it states in His Word. Do you believe His Word, or don't you?
DeleteWhat I do is just take each day one at a time, and I do not look at anything as being permanent. No, I do not just sit around and look for the Lord every minute, and let other things be neglected...I just take care of whatever needs taken care of Now, we do a car repair, we fix what needs fixed, we buy what we need, we go and we do things, but we do not have our feet glued to this ball of dirt. We do not look at it as anything other than temporary; there is nothing ''forever' about it. In other words, we just live for the Day we are in, and let tomorrow take care of itself, and if we get to tomorrow, we will handle it like we did today.
Having that kind of a mental attitude takes some getting used to, but you adjust.
When I hear our economy is going to crash, I think we may not even be here for that, so why get in a tizzy about it. When I hear about AI, or transhumanism, of drones spying on our every move, I just know the Lord is not going to let that happen while we are still here. Getting in a tizzy about any of that stuff is not going to cause it to go away anyhow, right?
BB, so I see you are one of those folks who is an anti-Christ. I have no problem with that; your choice. You see, I'm really not in for any more overpopulated homeland, so I look forward knowing the coming Kingdom is going to be of a much much more manageable population; very small actually.
ReplyDeleteI just never got into idolizing any human beings; so I simply give Anna her due and appreciation, but lately she seems to have forgotten her 'first love' and drifted off course. Her Article here and The Book cannot both be Right; in fact they are quite opposing to each other.
Now on another note, if you, BB, feel ''provoked' by my posting, its because God is trying to tell you you are walking on the wrong path, which leads to destruction. You see, I am quite comfortable and at peace with my posting. And if you want to keep on walking on your prickly path, that is fine with me.
Soo.. if this Creation is the self-utterance of our Creator, and our Creator is complete and whole and perfect and eternal, and Jesus walked as a man to express God's divine Love and offered himself up so that Grace would be extended upon us, it doesn't mean we can be lazy. What is the forbidden fruit? Maybe we forgot to be grateful. A prayer for home and hearth and health that you step into every morning? It's not out there waiting to happen. The probabilities of tomorrow are shaped by today's works. God bless you, Anna! You sure know how to stir it up:)
ReplyDeleteMae, God sent Jesus to earth in the form of a man, to provide a way to Salvation, through his shed blood on the Cross, for those that would heed the call to Repentance.
DeleteYour 'message' here neglects His true purpose.
You would know.
ReplyDeleteActually, you're right. Grace is extended when one is repentant before God.
ReplyDeleteAnyone else experiencing "Action" being the energy theme in the air right now, but feeling some of the symptoms Anna listed above, along with moments of "losing time" like a fish out of water feeling??? Just curious??
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