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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

One More Time S-L-O-W-L-Y

By Anna Von Reitz

1. You begin your life as "one of the free, sovereign, and independent people of the United States"---- a Virginian, Minnesotan, Texan, etc.... 

2. While still a baby in your cradle, "uniformed officers" conscripted into the U.S. Army, who appear to be civilian doctors, improperly seize upon your name and estate and coerce your Mother to sign a False Information to the effect that you are a "US citizen"--- the same political status you would have if you were a Puerto Rican, born in Puerto Rico or one of the other Insular Territories, like Guam.  

3. This status as a "Territorial Citizen" obligates you to serve the government and obey its every whim, to be defined as a "taxpayer" and subjected to Selective Service, and to need a license---which is official permission to do something that is otherwise illegal--- for things like getting married or traveling in your car from Point A to Point B. It also subjects you to the foreign British Equity Law and Territorial Court System, which is rigged against you so that British-affiliated Bar Association members can rule against you 97% of the time via the abundant use of their "judicial discretion". 

4. Throughout your life these vermin misinform you, either deliberately or in ignorance themselves, and tell you that you "have to" have a Social Security Number, you "have to" have a Driver License, you "have to" have a Marriage License, and you obediently do what you are told. Every time you do, you again unwittingly confirm that you are a "US Citizen" and effectively bear False Witness against yourself and against your own interests, just to get along and survive in this ugly horror show world they have created. 

5. Here is the first take home message, campers!  You are NOT a "citizen" of anything.  Citizens serve the government.  Nationals have the government serve them.  So which one are you?  Uh....duh....are you paying them or are they paying you?  And if they are paying you, what is that payment based upon, if not your own hard work and years of paying taxes you never actually owed?

6. So in effect, you have been kidnapped and trafficked into a United States Territory, and never told about this change in your official political status. You've been subjected to the Queen of England and the debts of the British Crown Corporation and if you woke up enough to complain they slammed you into one of their very own rigged courts where they could rape and pillage you and your name and your estate some more.  

7.  But how could this be?  How could this happen?  How could nobody know about this?  Well, they never told your Mother, and you were too young to know anything about it when it happened, so why would you have any inkling that this is so?  You couldn't know.  You couldn't even complain about it.  And the dirty rotten vermin planned it that way.  

8. So here you are, transported on paper, to Puerto Rico....without a clue and without a paddle to get home, stuck in THEIR foreign political status, subjected to THEIR foreign law, stuck paying THEIR foreign taxes, suffering through THEIR foreign bankruptcies, and living in THEIR "territorial" reality.  And this is all being done to you by what appears to be your government, but it's not.  It's THEIR government, which is supposed to be acting under a contract called The Constitution of the United States of America to protect you and your rights..... 

9. So how do they get around their contractual obligation to honor and serve, and instead pillage and plunder?  They just pretend not to know that you are an American from one of the American nation-states.  After all, your Mother said you were a "U.S. Citizen"---- she just didn't know which "U.S." they were talking about and wasn't told, either.  And then you came along like a good little dweeb and signed up for Social Security, and everyone knows---- Title 42 plainly states-- that this program is only for federal employees and dependents and political asylum seekers.  Well, then!  You must have sought political asylum, right?  In Puerto Rico, no less.  I hear the climate is nice there. 

10.  Who knew?  The Gubmint knew.  The black-hearted, treacherous cheats in Washington, DC---they knew. That's how they were getting all the gravy. The Joint Chiefs of Staff--- they knew.  That's how they paid for their newest whiz-bang jet fighters and germ warfare programs and everything else.  The Clintons, Billy and Hillary, and Jimmy and Ronnie and both Georges and Mr. Obummer--- they all knew.  Everyone on THEIR side of the fence knew and they used to laugh at you poor idiots stumbling around, still thinking that you were living in America.  They called you "sovereign citizens"--- a deliberate oxymoron, and thought you were too stupid to ever get the joke.  They called you "livestock" and treated you that way, too. 

11. And if you are NOT mad enough to spit, if you are not angry to the core, if you are NOT ready to get on your feet, then you still aren't getting the drift of what has been done here.  Go back to the top and read slowly again, remembering that these are people on your payroll doing this to you and your sons and daughters. 

12. But, you say, they are Americans, too.  How could this be?  Surely, they wouldn't subject themselves to all these things?  They wouldn't live like slaves at the mercy of their own employees?  Of course, not.  They had to leave themselves an out, didn't they?  Well, here it is, black and white, the Foreign Sovereigns Immunity Act of 1976.  You, my dears, are all "foreign sovereigns"--- from THEIR perspective.  Oh, they admit that you are in fact sovereign.  They can't avoid that.  They just pretend that you gave it all away and "volunteered" to be treated as a Puerto Rican and a debt slave and whatever else they wanted to say about you---while they privately retained all their own rights and prerogatives as lawful sovereigns on American soil.  You should see Bill Clinton's claim of copyright to his own name and estate.  He left nothing out.  Not as much as a comma.  

13.  So, if you are sovereign on American soil and you are owed the guarantees and protections of The Constitution of the United States of America, how is it that you are still being chased around by THEIR bill collectors?  Thought to be part of THEIR bankruptcy?  Harassed and addressed by THEIR courts?   Well, remember, all this bullshit is military.  Remember the sentry asking for the password?  And if you don't know the password he can shoot you?  Right?  It's the same thing. You have to give them MANDATORY NOTICE that you are exempt and immune, a Foreign Sovereign (with respect to them) per the Foreign Sovereigns Immunity Act of 1976. 

14. And then you start taking names and checking dates and you start holding these vermin feet first to the fire.  You start telling them the truth--- that they have no right to address you.  You should also form up your lawful County Jural Assemblies and elect your land and soil jurisdiction Sheriffs, set up your Jury Pools, elect your American Common Law Justices of the Peace.  Many of you have been asking--- if Hillary broke the law and endangered national security and Obama illegally spied on Donald Trump for political purposes----why are these crooks still walking around?  It's because they are claiming to be Foreign Sovereigns on American soil.  These lousy pirates have beat feet back home and sought the protection of the political status they have stolen from others. The only way to bring them to justice is for all of us to wake up and remember who we are. 

15. Now, most Americans are peaceful, even docile, people.  They want to live and let live, mind their own business, work hard and play hard.  Most Americans want and ask nothing much from the government, except to be left alone and maybe some pothole-filling duty. But THEY won't leave us alone because THEY want to steal from us.  THEY want to continue commandeering our lawful government.  THEY want to call the shots and rule over the rest of us.  THEY have their cozy little fraud machine and their bogus two-party political system all set up.  THEY have their "corporate government" and their "corporate military" and THEY would just as soon forget all the old folks back home.  

16. It's time to jack them up.  Clear to the ceiling.  And all these Bar Association members?  It's time to tell them where to get off.  Way off.  Who do they think they are?  Who asked for the services of a British Court on American soil?  What country do they think they are in?  Is this really just Greater Puerto Rico?  Or is this about to become America again?  With a big, flat, heavy foot stomped down on the Queen of England and all her busy, little, perfidious minions?  


See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
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  1. I like the last proclamation at the end...howevrr, I could see how a prosecutor could twist that comment into a "terrorist" threat..!! The people who are benefiting the most from this fraud are the very people we thought were supposed to protect us....the military industrial complex, our congress, and municipal county public employees, and especially our courts and all law enforcement...!! Does anyone think these people will give up their power or control or high paying jobs with incredible benefits...!! If I went into the field office of the Army and talked to the top man there, he would say he has no clue what I was talking can we win our case, if the people in command know less than we govt can act honestly if they know less than the people they are supposed to be helping and guarding..instead, the media makes it look like murder and mayham are par for the course for these US Citizens/Slaves...rallies, protest, civil unrest, and you name it...The masses have to be controlled at all cost, because they are just like us now, but without any knowledge like we have.. So they just lash out with murder, rape, theft, identity theft, social unrest, etc.. but we are the only ones that can get away with this but not them...!! There has to be some "Rule of Law for all these slaves..!! Why can't we just bring a massive class action suit against the BAR ourselves...for all the reasons you have given us time and time again...your the only judge I know that doesn t like lawsuits.. And you cleared up your status..So you should be the only one in court that has standing under a "Diversity" case....!! Just give us the word and we will be there for you....wont we guys!! It has to go national so everyone sees the fraud of our system...!!

  2. So if the 'cabal' are claiming foreign sovereign, is there a jural assembly, grand jury and justice of peace that can prosecute these vermin? Is that why they haven't been arrested? Is Trump working on those details? What about "The Government of The United States of America" YouTube channel organization?

  3. What do you do for money, Anne? What do you suggest people on SSI or SSDI or who paid in, retired government pensions do for money after we declare our sovereign status? We want to make America great (not looking back) what she could have been or still be. Political rabble-rousing is one thing, but burning down the house just means you'll have nowhere to live afterwards. Maybe your lifestyle is set up, great, the rest of the sheep are driven between the wolves and the precipice. People need to know how to support themselves financially, without exploiting their countrymen, or private prison bonds in their portfolio. All these paper filing remedies. How can we finance ourselves? It's all about the money. Then it's easy to tell the government ta-ta.

    1. dean; the bastards NEVER had disclosed the truth of your status and withheld vital information which they owed you, by way of obfuscation, deceit and coercion/duress. ALL the monies paid by you via any income tax, SS tax, etc. was NEVER your obligation to begin with! They claim you agreed by signing various documents, with the full gravity of those also not being disclosed and also leading you to believe you had no choice but to sign on the dotted line because of their non-disclosure, semantic deceit, etc., i.e., FRAUD, makes this so-called "agreement", VOID from the beginning! Consequently, they obtained your money by deception and under false pretenses! THEY OWE YOU EVERY CENT PLUS INTEREST! IT IS AND ALWAYS WAS, YOUR MONEY! Anna has written quite extensively about this matter and you can find much better and more accurate information on her site rather than from than me.

    2. Jack, "writing" articles disclosing information is one thing but DOING IT is quite another. Go into a courtroom and spout "fraud" and see how quick they put the cuffs on you and give you a nice long stay in their Prison Hilton!!! Dean is quite right to be concerned as nothing anna states has come to pass. How about that billion dollar lien on the Pope's property coming or that $279 billion Commercial Lien on the Bar Association coming!!!??? Any changes done about THAT!!!??? WHAT has that Michigan Jural Assembly that is so highly touted on this forum done!!!?? I already posted on this forum what Pastor David Manning did to Odummer in Harlem about a People's Grand Jury and that did diddly squat!!! It was all laid out in perfectly legal fashion and did NOTHING!!! So again, how much of "your money" has been returned to you using all of these "facts" anna has stated and how much money/property has anna received from the "system" using her methods!? As stated, writing anything is one thing, results are quite another!!!

    3. Move OVER unknown as YOU have NO CLUE as ALWAYS!! Get the Hell out of our way because we WILL be running your LAZY, Clueless, programmed SELFISH, GREEDY ASS OVER!!!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Unknown, you've asked some very valid questions deserving of valid answers. We have yet to see any real-life results from real-life cases won. It is true that on any given day any judge can require a mental evaluation of 3-6 months, just for
      going against ordinary court procedure and raising some of these 'defenses'.

    6. One big problem as I see it is that these crooks can simply ignore legal demands put in front of them. Sure they are correct and 'legal' (lawful?), but who cares if they are ignored?

    7. Mrfixitmarty, that I believe is because we haven't entirely closed out and claimed rightful Holder In Due Course status on All our published recorded works via acceptance, seal, date and then making certified copy to do proper AFV return to sender for settlement/closure. We need to properly ELIMINATE the middlemen via acceptance and AFV and then return with corrected 1099A and copy B sent to give proper NOTICE of the TRUE Holders in Due Course on EVERY "DEED" record we create. This I believe is why we haven't achieved FULL remedy. We must CLOSE by filling ALL the middle gaps with our LIVING Authority OVER ALL presumed/assumed middlemen authority, WE DON'T NEED any STINKING, CHEATING middlemen in OUR Business causing us controversy and harm. Lets DO the work and eliminate ALL by correction Now.

    8. I know anna is working hard on all of the work products she has done. all these liens were filed during the crooked Obama/Clinton administration and like our private paperwork, the agency heads were told to ignore or discard them so its like many of us did nothing after spending 1000's of dollars only to have to do it again. That could be true for the lien itself. I am adding that mandatory notice and more in my final private docs and with that i have rescinded the Patriot Act, the TWEA, the War Powers Act and anything that makes us their debt slaves. I am also focusing on the laws and Acts governing denial of consent to contract with these heathens as i know this is a key focus for we the people and they must honor it pursuant to THEIR pledge of their oath Article 1 section 8 and many other SC cases governing right to contract and right of rescission of that contract. We have to get that issue back on the table and focus for every American. We dont contract with them and they cannot bind any American to their fraud if we rescind within 72 hours and have committed treason against their oath if they proceed -

  4. You stop paying extortion or I mean income tax and state and property that's how

  5. And may I add to what you wrote bubbapatric? Don't answer ANY letters written from any ATTORNEYS after a DBA notice was given. They know they can't use your business ever has worked for us every easy....! It's what you DON'T DO!

    1. Yes!! Agreed 100% 90colleen!!!
      We have 3 (Three) responsibilities;
      1. Accept or Refuse
      2. Endorse the Acceptance (AFV) or Refusal (Name unknown or refused for cause)
      3. Return to sender for either discharge/setoff or settlement/closure

    2. And the very VITAL significance of the recorded(mailing court of Authority) your response withIN 3 DAYS! VERY IMPORTANT indeed. This IS your tiny little window for ACTUAL "standing" to be determined as FACT. This IS OUR "Duty" to Claim our proper "subject matter" jurisdiction in correct "Re-presentation" of the original Legal "presentment(s)" served (ALL MAIL)

    3. as in the "3 Day Right of Rescission" TILA

    4. Like your comment. That is what I do here in UK, I do NOT reply or open their-mafia dirty letters, I just return them...What is DBA notice. Thanks.X

    5. BB, "DBA" is Doing Business As; Your trade-name
      Also just keep looking for the Foreign Immunity "act" in's bound to be there as everything is "Uniform" pretty much globally.

    6. TILA is regulation Z and is found here:

  6. This all goes much deeper. I don't even think these cretins have a soul, not when they are connected to the Podestas.

  7. So it sounds to me like the negotiations with the devil..oops, I mean the Queen has resulted in her telling us americans to take a hike. No surprise there. Will be the same with the lying pope.
    There is no reasoning with such controlling tyrants who serve satan.

  8. Provide link to document online. Thanks

    1. I found this discussion helpful & easier to understand:

    2. This IS where I'm seeing the VITAL Importance of having your BC Authenticated as Anna describes to have your "Legal Title" become "WHOLE" again. This way you have Your original "state" and the "State" and final "STATE" All 3 bound together again. (Everything is in 3's and then it IS FINAL)
      So our paperwork that we record MUST clearly distinguish between our birth "given name" as first middle as the organic "state" and the "Legal State" "Trade Name" with the Copyright(symbol) and Trademark (symbol) as appears on the BC (First Middle(together) with a space Last Name(trademark symbol)
      We MUST Record a Distinction
      Beautiful Wholeness and Abundant Harvest in our natural birthright given names Now!!
      Much Peace and Love to All!!

    3. Kelli,
      Are you saying that we must have the copyright symbol next to our names on the docs we recorded at the County Recorders?

    4. The word "copyright" & "Trade Name-Mark" was included in your records if you followed Anna's process. Yes? If yes, Now we must understand and use them when needed.

    5. She suggests doing a Publication (Public Notice) in the newspaper "Legal Notice" section of newspaper for 3 weeks (There's that 3 again, stating it 3 times to make it FINAL word-ACT) to make it stick. That's where you establish & Publish your commonlaw copyright & trade-mark" "symbols" to your "LEGAL TITLE" Names BILLIE JOE LUGAN and d/b/a Billie Joe Lugan as the Authorized third party agent/representative.
      This Legal publication helps to clearly make a distinction in the character and use of your legal trade name and establishes your limited liability clearly to NOT be presumed "DEBTOR/OBLIGOR"

    6. Following Anna's logic and processes in their entirety helps us to create our original lawful "standing" foundation and build upon it our "Legal Standing" OVER THE "ALL CAPS LEGAL TITLE/US OBLIGOR" with NO STANDING as IT IS A DEAD CORPORATE ENTITY CREATED ONLY FOR BANKING PURPOSES IN COMMERCE.

    7. This publication is where you can also make Mandatory Notice of Foreign Sovereign Immunity and claim the legal standing for your common law privately protected D/b/a copyright-trade-name "Billie Joe Lugan" AND "Billie J. Lugan"and including however YOU choose to style it. I suggest the tag line and ALL styles derivatives thereof, always to be included in your public Notices.
      We laid our lawful foundation we just need to do all we can to build upon it legally and protect/maintain our lawful/Legal standing at all times as this beast seems to want to keep us on our toes, instead of our (wholly) feet.

    8. Kelli,
      An update on another situation. If you recall I sent the docs by RM to the chief judge and the clerk. The chief judge entered all the docs into the docket and so he has dishonored the contract. Maybe this would be best handled personally. Write me if you think this would be best. If not then we can speak in this forum. My email is

    9. ok. email sent. is the "." supposed to be included in your email address?

    10. Like your thinking and explanations. I can not agree more regarding the "unknown" bastard-infiltrator-probably-lawyer.

  9. YIKES, tempers are heating up.
    I just have one question for Anna.
    We know we've been robbed, defrauded and slave-labored for private FIAT debt notes which is human trafficking.
    All KNOWN CRIMES call for ACTION which are all documented in
    "An American Affidavit of Probable Cause" which is why people are suffering. Pope Francis lifted immunity on September 1, 2013, declaring all corporations and corporate officers fully liable for their errors and omissions. Liens have been placed and they've all been given due notice. You know all of this. Where's the enforcement or should I just ignore what's in the Affidavit? People I know that have read it are only getting upset and asking why nothing is being done about it.

  10. Post a copy of Bill Clinton's claim of copyright pdf or doc ... thanks

    1. Bill Clinton copyright

    2. That is an interesting document.

    3. Thanks for posting this BB. The one I and my common law husband published in 2009 is almost identical. Its too bad back then I didn't fully understand what I do now.....I could have saved our home a/k/a "Property Title" from being stolen via "Illegal Foreclosure."
      I wonder now if I can still correct the record via 1099A as to corrected "Lender" & "Borrower" on the "PROPERTY" Title? It's never too late to correct any of these records attached to our "Legal Titles" so I'm guessing that includes this Land that we are the rightful/lawful beneficial heirs and lawful owners too. We built the home on the Free & Clear Land and was re-conveyed described as "Property" on paper only. I would love to claim back our lawful right, title and interest in it NOW, especially since I had this "Security Agreement" in place long before the pirates moved the "Title" into the criminal hands of FANNIE MAE without my knowledge or consent.

    4. Thank you too Kelly. Like your thinking and explanations. Please tell what is DBA and can we in UK and other countries use Notice of Foreign Sovereign Immunity. I deeply believe one day-soon wee will return our stolen properties back.

    5. BB - Thanks for the Clinton copyright info. I printed it but even after I enlarged it on my screen, it still printed up small as originally shown> Is there any way I can print it large enough to read it easily?
      AND second question to you, when I printed it, the last line or 2 got cut off. If I can't print it larger, or stop it getting cut off at the end, can you tell me what those last 2 lines are?
      Thanks a BUNCH.

    6. Abby- I had the same problem of lines of a sentence being cut off till I discovered that by adjusting the % figure down to like 70% on your printer before you hit print it should fit all the words in. I also learned that if I screenshot something on to my computer from something i read it shows up sideways when i try to print it. So before I hit print I adjust the % and hit autorotate before printing. Try that. Good luck

    7. It is a searchable PDF so why not simply copy and paste it to a Word doc so that you can easily read it as well as customize it for your own purposes?

    8. 1FreeMan, thanks again! It worked perfectly; took 2 and 1/2 pages.

    9. 1FreeMan, ok, sorry to be a PITA, but now how and when do we use this Copyright Notice. Who do we serve it to. And how do you get that copyright ''C'' since there is no key on my keyboard for that.
      How do you know which year to use in redoing the Doc.
      It appears that the only change needed is the Name? Correct?
      Just trying to fine-tune this thing.

    10. Abby, narrow your margins and reduce your font to the point where it all fits on one page. If you copied the "C" from the pdf and paste it in it should copy as is. If not then insert it as a symbol from the menu. This notice is not ready to use out of the box. You need an underlying Hold-harmless and Indemnity Agreement on file somewhere. The date if this agreement is what you would use in the notice. You would present this to anyone that uses your copyrighted NAME without your permission.

    11. Thanks 1FreeMan, but here we go again, something with too
      many strings; so I guess I'll just pass.

  11. Best thing to do is stop associating with and using govt id, your not a name, your a foreigner. Use authentication of certificate of live birth -usa or statement of birth -canada ... state/province & foreign affairs int’”l & trade ... passport it with US embassy.. love & peace ...

    note: trade name BC value token to discharge your debts

    1. Better yet, use a ncsn (non-citizen state national) passport card as your sole ID. This is the only document in the country that forces the US "government" to admit that you are not a US citizen under seal and signature of the SOS/DOS which no judge can argue with. Should be available in Canada too since the corporate CANADA is being superimposed over the real Canada. Go back and find the laws that existed prior to the incorporation around 1860 and claim those since fiction cannot repeal reality.

  12. Does the Foreign Sovereign Immunity apply to the UK and other countries too. I think it does but am not 100% sure.

    1. I would imagine since everything is connected to the same main banking organization, that is worldwide. Just google same title NAME but in UK published "ACTS" and see what you find.

    2. Thanks Kelli. Have checked on the UK gov. legislation Acts but couldn't find any data regarding the foreign sovereign immunity Acts. Have to check out again.
      Have found this link that might be useful regarding sovereign immunity data.

  13. I demand upon what authority to use that name ?beat a 15 year min sentencing kidnapping case in first sentence South Africa , let's organize 100 people to stand in court behind me and I will start this war against foreign invaders before they kill ,rape , trafficking and kidnap and sell out children, I can hold my own and sing international law all year long , my capacity to be happy , engaging and super intense with no fear and when they come in masses with costumes and guns ,my spirit always grants me the amount of light to show them all my shining example ,pick a court and bring your popcorn I will start this with a bang , I will claim treason and civilly arrest ,we arrest the court and officers ,wait for the army and hand the jags the army affidavits from all 4000 Anna followers, then we publish on you tube and then the world has the template for take back life

  14. Hmmm, what if I was actually born in Puerto Rico... can I still go thru the process?

    1. Melanie, it depends on where your parents were born. According to the Naturalization Act of 1855, if one of your parents was a Citizen of the United States (not US citizen - remember this law was established prior to the incorporation), that Citizenship automatically extends to you as one if their children. Also this same act under Section 2, states that if you are married and your husband is a Citizen, you are automatically taken to be a Citizen as well. As such you can apply for a non US citizen state national passport.

  15. Yes, both parents born in the states... thx!

    1. Great. Just adjust all of Anna's documents accordingly. If you want to apply for a passport as such, I would recommend the process at

  16. So now we understand why the Dec 21 EO addressed "any foreign person".


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