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Sunday, September 24, 2017

A Message for American Bar Association Members

By Anna Von Reitz

Since 1868 this country has been criminally mismanaged and misrepresented in gross breach of trust, and in violation of solemn treaties and commercial service contracts.  This has resulted, among other things, in the practice of personage and barratry in American courts and on a worldwide basis.

Personage is essentially a crime of identity theft.  A living man or woman is deliberately presumed to be some form of incorporated entity instead and their lawful Trade Name is trespassed upon and mischaracterized to secure this end.

An example would be a living man named "James Clarence Penny" being deliberately mistaken as a C-Corporation doing business as "JC PENNY", or a public transmitting utility doing business as "JAMES C. PENNY" or a public estate trust doing business as "JAMES CLARENCE PENNY" or a co-operative doing business as "JAS C. PENNY" and so on and on. 

Barratry is the associated crime of bringing charges against living people under the false presumption that they are in fact legal fiction entities.

The American Bar Association has practiced both personage and barratry against the American people since at least 1933.  The Prima Facie evidence for this stands upon the court records of every maritime and admiralty court allowed to dry-dock in this country.

Those entrusted to be the guardians of The Law and the purveyors of Justice have instead acted as the ring-leaders and perpetrators of a vast systemic and syndicated multi-generational crime spree, both here and abroad.

Let us observe that the only possible reason that any sane assemblage of people support the existence of courts and lawyers is to ensure that their physical safety is protected, that their property rights are respected, and that a fair means of peacefully arbitrating disputes is made readily available. 

By undermining the Public Law and subverting the Cause of Justice, by openly practicing personage and barratry, by creating and then plundering public trusts and other legal fictions purposefully named after living Americans, the members of the American Bar Association have also undermined their own purported reason to exist and dishonored their profession.

We are in the process of re-venuing the governmental services back to the land jurisdiction states and new federal service providers have been named. We will not be renewing any contract with the American Bar Association or its members, with the result that anyone wishing to retain their Bar Membership will need to decamp and remove themselves from our courthouses and public buildings no later than January 1, 2018.

Those who wish to provide honest service to the American states and people at the County and State level are invited to study American Common Law.  We recommend reading Brent Winter's book, The Excellence of the Common Law, as a starting point.  Take up the necessary task of repopulating the local and state courts with competent Justices of the Peace. 

Those who wish to serve or continue to serve at a federal level will be serving  Federal Postal District Courts and Circuit Courts.  Any need for "US District Courts" will be greatly reduced.

All maritime, admiralty, and 'special admiralty' courts are now required to fly the actual Title 4 Flag and may not operate under color of law via the display of National Colors. All civil courts on our soil are required to fly the U.S. Civil Flag and to operate under the provisions and presumptions of the peacetime Public Law.

We recognize that there are many good and well-intentioned lawyers in this country and even a reasonable number of competent and ethical professional attorneys, but in the end -- the situation is what it is, and it speaks for itself. Six generations of Americans have been enslaved by commercial corporations operated in Breach of Trust and under color of law.  This outcome would not be possible without the support and knowing consent of a great many lawyers both now and in the past. 

James Clinton Belcher, Head of State
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America (Unincorporated)


  1. FYI - Has anyone noticed that JC Penny is now JC Penney? If yes, look up "Mandela Effect" videos on youtube. They are using CERN to change our history and reality. Remember, Sally Fields and Cristopher Reeves? Well, not anymore, it's now Sally Field and Christopher Reeve. Bragg's apple cider is now Bragg apple cider. And on and on. Dead actors are also alive again. our Anatomy, changed overnight. Our geography changed too. We used to be on the outskirts of the galaxy, now we are inward, tens of thousands of light years away from where we were in 2012 and before. Strange times.

    1. Question: How are they using CERN? Please include links to information. Thanks
      Yes these are strange times and getting stranger!!

    2. OMG, this is crazy! Kindly share more. I appreciate your insights.

    3. All that knowledge and technology to use it for evil instead of the good of humanity. They can build several hundred nuclear plants but no way to dispose of the radioactive waste it produces.
      Greed is killing the planet.

  2. Just like that!! Nothing tickles me more than to see those who thought they were gonna nail us all on something, guilty or not....get put in their place !
    I am hearing the ''thunder rolling now''. Notices going out to all these jackasses. What I wouldn't give to get some pictures of the look on their faces. Think I will waltz myself downtown to the ''city prosecutors' office and tell her I TOLD YOU SO !

  3. Charlottesville is a weather Guage on the feds for one thing average Joe's can't wear masks surly be arrested but the shock troops antifa.get away clean
    In other words the ones controlling government want nationalist attacked.
    So expect resistance on feds and Thair.payed thugs uniformed and plain clothes. Safety in numbers.going to join numerous organizations my self. If the attack wing of feds would back off this country would prosper.but force I fear will be the mode of thugs.

  4. The media is in ignore mode but will quickly paint nationals as rebels and domestic terrorist dump military / homeland security and hundred of others with cushy jobs will opose.the UN. Has treated America to squash the nationalist movement . They are not our friends average Europeans are but not the zioniest.the only countries with out central bank left guess IRAN & SYRIA

    1. The two best places on earth, woops, I guess the best 3. There
      are no attorney's, just firing squads.

  5. My case over the murder of my wife under the color of law using Death with Dignity pleaded in state courts and dismissed on false procedural errors and 12(b)(6)excuses, is still at the federal level in an En Banc Rehearing and could save many lives, if he fails it should be at the front of the line in our new common law courts, I've been pro-se all along, now that many georgetown lawyers will not able to hack real justice perhaps it's time for people like myself to become common law lawyers and overturn wrongs done by BAR lawyers and judges, lots of work ahead. bobby brown please sign her petition

    1. DHF, you may get justice after all. Of course you know georgetown U is a catholic school, and they are happy to work hand in glove with the BAR.
      Good idea for those with the potential to become the new lawyers. Maybe Anna can give detailed insight what it takes to do that.

  6. Thank you, Judge Anna! This put a huge smile on my face! Woohoo!

  7. Id like to send this to a few attorneys I know

    1. I'm sure Anna would love that Holly Clark!

    2. Holly, a 'few attorneys'? Sheesh, send it to your local Prosecutors Office, Judges, the BAR ass'n, your local police station, local sheriffs office. I mean, if you're gonna mess with people, go for the jugular; you should create as many belly aches as you can for your little ole overpriced 49 cent postage stamp. And instead of your return address, just put one of those smiley face stickers up there.

  8. You must have been reading my mind..!! I just now posted a comment on your previous Aticle... Republic big fat Rump!! I guess you didnt miss the big picture...sorry, i spoke to soon. Ive been waiting for you to nail these guys once and for all... No one including our so called service agency, or congress , or the banks could have got away with all this fraud, if the courts themselves didnt sanction it all..they have been a standing army against us from the start...!!

  9. As one who has just spent time in jail for 32 days because the courts in my county are so perversely corrupt and ignored all the documentation submitted to the state actors, I can tell you, at least in Ventura County, California, it will be a hot day in hell before any lawyer here even reads this, let alone acts in favor of it. These people don't have the intelligence to understand it, and even if they did, none would dare buck the system for fear of losing their bar card and hence their ability to reap the plunder from the innocent people of this County. It is simply a prosecution for profit scheme that everybody who has no ethics, wants to continue, and those that do, won't. Its the blue code.

    1. Our mind and hearts can change all that with a little hope and prayer. Fear not it's all turning around.

    2. Gamesmedic....I'm quite sure Anna is not notifying these people by hoping they will see her Articles on the Net. These articles are simply telling us what they have formally been given Notice of directly. This is all Official business and you can bet it has been all handled in an Official manner.

      JollyWalls -Perish the thought that rotten people will change just because we 'hope and pray' they do. This is real 'war' so it has to be fought with 'loaded shotguns'. Its time to stop being 'nice and polite'.

  10. I think we should all study Common Law so we know what is going to be going on, and where we stand in it all.
    Ichecked out the book 'The Excellence of Common Law' and yikes, its like $76.
    Is there any cheaper way to get schooled 'since we all just underwent a lifetime robbery'?

    1. I love your sense of humor during these crazy times.:)

    2. LMAO. Your right, I've been grabbing my ankles since 5.
      Not really, but it feels like it.

  11. Its better right now to study admiralty/ maritime law because if you live by the law(of the sea) , you die by the sea...there is no immunity of any kind under Admiralty no matter how hard they try and convince us...!! It only looks that way because people still believe the courts are working under our original "organic" constituion, and the courts dont have the decentcy to admit what law they are dealing with us to give us an equal footing to justice.. but when we learn how to bond cases and enforce it without their help or the county recorders office, then we will have true power to change things.. !! Common Law is fairly simply really because its based on common sense and the 10 commandments. He told us that that was to be all the law, with no additions or subtractions. But if judge Anna did all she did for America, including an "indemnity bond", then why arent they obeying it... We still havent found a way to enforce our claims, over and above their legal system and enforcement officers, like the sherriffs or police.. Once we get those bonds in place and able to monitize them using their assets as surity instraments that investors will buy as "discounted" instraments that greedy investors see as a windfall, then we will have accomplished a "deadly" and fatal weapon against them... im looking into dealing with "Fidelity" and how we can work with them to buy our bonds. Fidelity is big enough to enforce those bonds without the courts approval, and they have the muscles to do it no matter what the judge thinks or does..!!After all, isnt this just business...its not personal...!!

    1. James, back when I was researching the cesta qui ve I found that we, as Stock on the stock market, are bundled in groups of a doz. or so, and listed under/through/with Fidelity Stock. ?

    2. You can review your bonds from your Long Form BC on Calculate the Value of Your Paper Savings Bond(s) - TreasuryDirect

    3. Iamtruth - I don't have any savings bonds. How do you use that site for what we are talking about here. ?

    4. You have to order your Long Form Birth Certificate (it's a security instrument on bond paper) from Vital chek. It has an attached bond number in red at the bottom. You use this bond number and birth date to see dates invested. The Long Form BC is evidence of a Public Trust, signed by the Registrar, proof your estate has been probated.

    5. We are all list and considered mortgages more spififically mortgage backed securities.

  12. To Judge Anna Von Reitz.


    After stumbling across your site, I have been attempting to get people to use your resources to help themselves and others, as I really believe in what your trying to do. I had complete faith in you. But, after being questioned by some that thought your work had no value, and me still extolling the virtues of your work and assuming your facts were correct, I was shown 37th Congress, second session, chapter 49, section 68. Problem is, there isn't one. Or am I not looking in the right place? You can obviously imagine my shock at finding out this information. I checked myself and found out what I was shown was correct.
    Can you please point me in the right direction to be able to prove that what you say is true.

    This is the only way I can find to contact you.

    I look forward to your reply.


    Mike Christian. UK.

    1. Thanks for writing. You should read this article first and study all the articles this one links to.

      We don't have a course or step by step plan beyond the learning process, and I am not qualified or inclined to ever give specific advice on any of this.

      I am the webmaster for annavonreitz dot com and montanablog dot us

      Although I read everything that Anna writes, in the course of publishing it to the web, I don't have the answers to your questions or comments, so I am forwarding this to Anna for her consideration.

      My contribution to this effort is in the area of website presentation, search engine optimization, blog moderation, advertising, social media like Facebook and Twitter, domain name hosting, and website maintenance. I don't get involved much in the law aspects and court actions. I just don't have the time to study law and file anything.

      In short my job is to get the information where it needs to go, either an individual or group, or millions of people.

      If you are looking for specific subject matter I encourage you to use the search features at the above websites. There is no record kept by Ixquick of what was searched for, and they don't save IP addresses so it's pretty safe to use.

      Thanks for contacting us.

      Paul Stramer

  13. Abby...yes i know "Fidelity" is the corporation in charge of just about all types of bonds, including ours. Someone said that we can call them and ask them you are looking for a corp. Bond but forgot the companies name, but i have the social security # for the account and appeartly they can find it with just that... But i havent tried yet..!! But when i say to bond a case, i mean to bond the case under the judges name and his account, not ours, so if he violates the conditions of the bond, then HE is liable for paying on the bond himself, and Fidelity will be sure to enforce it, without the sherriff, or they might have enough power to order the sherriff to enforce it, whether they want to or not...!! In other words, the bond is held viable due to the "subrugation" of the judges name on it without his signiture, as "surity" for the bond when he violates the bonds conditions, which could be just saying that he will be bound to accepting his own offer to discharge any charges against us for full settlement and closure of this case, or simply "dismiss the case with prejudice"..If he tries anything else, he immediately becomes liable on the bond, which can be fixed at a sum like a million isnt necessary to make these bonds totally unreasonable, because i dont know anyone, judges included, that want to shell out a million dollars just so he can charge someone with a minor drug charge with no injured party. Hell , they wouldnt come out of pocket for even $10,000. I am trying to work on this.. I want a third party in charge of enforceing the bond, even if i have to surrender the entire amount to get remedy...!! Im not interested in the money, as much as the enforcement of it at the expense of the "breacher" of the conditions of the bond....

  14. Does anyone find it strange that according to judge Anna, the banks were trying to "reorganize" the U.S.CORP. in Porta Rica , renaming us as "transmitting utilities" and all of a sudden that last hurricane just happened to hit Porta Rica head on and destroyed the entire just saying..!! And now the new one is moving up the east coast.. Maybe New York will finally be dealt with..!!Theres earthquakes all over destroying other places, and fires everywhere... These things are all getting worse and more frequent...!!SIGNS OF THE LAST DAYS!!

    1. James, I have watched 8 decades go by, and I have seen it all coming to where we are now. From outdoor toilets, coal oil lamps, and rationing stamps being traded during WW2. So now, what we are seeing are absolutely the 'signs of the last days'.
      Calif. just had 26 small quakes in 24 hours. Don't be surprised if we see the san andreas crack wide open. The large
      volcano on Bali is about to erupt, people there evacuating.
      Italy, Japan, coast of calif., all quaking. Wars and rumors of wars. And more. ''when you see (all) these things happening simultaneously, then we know that Time is near'' yup.

    2. Someone just shared this video on Geoengineering/Terraforming our planet/They Live on what's really going on. If you're interested, here's the link.

    3. Now it looks like they devised a machine that can create clouds from the ground instead of from the sky.
      They use it in rural areas with hardly anything around.

    4. The Book of Revelation Verse-by-Verse Preaching: just as the govt has lied so has the church. Yes I feel we are seeing the beginning of sorrows butt the rapture taught and them the 7 year tribulation is a lie. We get raptured after 3.5 years in and then God poors his wrath out. I've been a Christian 46 years only to watch these videos 7 times over and find this pastor speaks truth.


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