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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Hammond Physically Threatened by Federal Agents for Speaking Out

Usually there is more to a story. At these links you will find the letter from the Sheriff, and a court transcript of the re-sentencing hearing in the Hammond case.
You will see that the sheriff is completely sucked in to the BAR corporate tribunal and is doing their bidding, thinking that he is doing the right thing.
In any case, the system needs to be scrapped and we need a return to a Republic. The corporations need to go. See this document for some solutions.
End comment from Paul Stramer

The following is from Ammon Bundy.

Read this and weep!  It’s a problem that won’t go away. It’s almost impossible to imagine! Thanks to all of you who have forwarded this message. George.

Hammond Family Physically Threatened by Federal Agents for Speaking Out

Dear Friends,

Yesterday I received a phone call from Dwight Hammond (74). He said that he was very afraid for his life and for mine as well. 

He informed me that federal agents contacted his attorney. They told Dwight's attorney that if Dwight and Susie did not end all communication with Ammon Bundy, that they "would detain the Hammond's early for federal prison and that they would transfer pain to the Hammond family". 

He further said, that he believed "they would bring misery to the whole family".

Steven Hammond's attorney also confirmed that federal agents contacted him and hinted a raid on the Hammonds home if they did not end all communication with Ammon Bundy.
On Thursday November 19th, Harney County Sheriff, David Ward, informed me that federal agents indicated to him that if the Hammond's continued to speaking out, that they may raid the Hammond's home and detain them early for federal prison. I informed the Sheriff that it was his duty to make sure that did not happen. 

I do not have to explain how this is a violation of individual rights. 

Dwight, Steven and Susie have all told me that they are terrified of what will happen if they continue to communicate with me. In the last phone conversation between Susie and I, she told me that she loved me and was so thankful for what I have done to get the truth out. 

She then informed me that she feared that if we continued to talk, federal agents were going to put a bullet in her and Dwight's heads, and possible mine. 

I attempted to instill courage in both Dwight and Susie, but fear had over come them. 

This last Wednesday I spent a good part of the day in the Hammond's home. We spoke for hours. Several times, I found the Hammond's in tears when they explained the injustices that has destroyed their lives. 

They were hopeful that the American people were going to stand for them. And that, just maybe, they would be able to return to the life they once knew. In just a few short hours, federal agents again have dashed the Hammond's hope and replaced it with fear. 

I hold my tongue against those that would inflict such pain upon these wonderful people. It reminds me of the scripture that reads: "Nevertheless, when the wicked rule the people mourn" (D&C 98:9). 

Everyone within the reach of my words must know that I will do everything in my power to make sure that justice is brought to the Hammond's. I will not stop until the Hammond's are home free, without fear. I do not fear for my life.  I love the Hammonds, I love the Lord. 

With Concern, 
Ammon Bundy

Why the Hammonds are being threatened and abused: 

It is time to act.

Contact Sheriff Ward as soon as possible and then be prepared to gather in Burns, Oregon if necessary.
If e-mail or fax is your choice to contact, please use "Hammond" in the subject line.

David M. Ward, Sheriff
485 N Court Avenue #6
Burns, Oregon 97720-1524
Phone: 541-573-6156
FAX: 541-573-8383

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