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Saturday, November 14, 2015

An Open Letter to General Dunford and the Joint Chiefs of Staff

by Anna Von Reitz

November 12, 2015
The Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Dunford, Chief of Staff
9999 Joint Staff
Washington, DC 20318-9999
Dear General Dunford and Members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff:
Today, it is our sad duty to reiterate the facts. Our nation has been all but overrun by British-backed inland pirates making “war” upon innocent civilian non-combatants who are owed the Good Faith and Service of both the British Monarch who is supposed to act as our Trustee on the “High Seas and Inland Waterways” and the City-State of Westminster aka Inner City of London, which promised us “amity in perpetuity” under the Treaty of Westminster 1794.
These Breaches of Trust and Treaty by declared “friends and allies” and the criminality involved in their secretive execution of agreements revealed by the Secret Treaty of Verona (1845) led to the issuance of private privateer’s “licenses” to Bar Association Members including Members of the American Bar Association.
It should also be clear that the resulting theft of our resources and labor and the abuse of our Armed Forces has occurred on the watch of your predecessors, all of whom have taken their paychecks from our treasury while turning a blind eye to the corruption in which they have participated and benefitted from.
The jig, Sirs, is up.
Your duty is clearly to the American People and failure to perform will not be excused.

The false legal proceedings which have allowed the criminals responsible to “redefine” freeborn Americans as debt slaves belonging to the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation and to falsify the probate court records is now fully exposed and has been published worldwide. Similar mechanisms of fraud simulating legal process have been employed throughout Great Britain, the Commonwealth, Western Europe, and Japan.
A popular press article entitled “So What Does All This Mean?” elucidating the legal fraud mechanism and documenting the way in which it was put in place is attached. An original wet-ink signed copy of the referenced “Declaration of Joint Sovereignty” and “Sovereign Letters Patent” submitted to the UN Trust Committee-North America and to the UN Security Council is attached, as is an original wet-ink signed copy of our published, printed, and bound affidavit of probable cause, “You Know Something Is Wrong When.....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause”.
Your offices are already in receipt of the General Civil Orders issued by the American People acting under the Last Man Standing Rule of our Lawful Constitution.
Your duty and the duty of the International Trustees to protect us and to protect our assets both public and private has been clearly enunciated along with our intention to live our lives in peace and our determination to stop this criminality in its tracks.
It’s our credit that has been abused to pay your salaries and buy your “toys” and it is our sons and daughters who fill your ranks and give your offices meaning. You will obey us and you will perform your duty to protect our currency and protect our national trust or we will fire you and hire someone else.
We are the lawful beneficiaries and inheritors of the American National Trust(s) and we are speaking in that capacity as Beneficiaries making demand upon the Trustees to act in our favor and according to our direct instructions.
No presumption that any incorporated entity other than our long-established States of America “represents” us may be maintained and no claim presented by any Member of the American Bar Association may be deemed credible. These con men have been waging a form of commercial war against innocent Third Parties, entrapping and entangling innocent non-combatant civilians in their private abusive bankruptcies.
Not all lawyers and bankers are bad people and many have participated unknowingly in this rape and pillaging of America. Those that have known and have willfully participated in these nefarious acts have operated as Undeclared Foreign Agents and have committed capital crimes including press-ganging, inland piracy, conspiracy against The Constitution, and unlawful conversion of National Trust assets. They are Public Enemies of the highest order, as they have abused positions of Public Trust in order to carry out their actions. They have also committed numerous lesser crimes including personage, barratry, impersonating elected officials, simulating legal process, reverse and secondary trust fraud, fraud by semantic deceit, and constructive fraud.
If your Oath means anything to you, if your country means anything to you, these crimes and those committing them must be brought to a stop. This continuing criminality is our Number One National Security issue.
______________________________________________Anna Maria Riezinger, all rights reserved.
______________________________________________James Clinton Belcher, all rights reserved.
Contact: c/o Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska RFD 99652 and as previously shared. Enclosed: Wet-ink bound copy of affidavit of probable cause, wet-ink copy of Declaration of Joint Sovereignty and Sovereign Letters Patent, copy of editorial, “So What Does All This Mean?”

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:

1 comment:

  1. Wow... excellent Anna.. Keep us posted on the outcome PLEASE!


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