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Saturday, November 14, 2015

For Marge About NLA - Judge Anna

by  Anna von Reitz

For Marge About NLA:
Marje-- they are far behind the curve. The United Nations and its agency, the IMF, have been in control of the District of Columbia Municipal Government since 1944 and the District of Columbia Municipal Government has been in control of America since 1864, as has been proven by the records that came to light in the Lufkin Case in Texas recently.
There's no way to avoid dealing with the UN. If they don't believe me, they should ask Rod Class. He will tell them that the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act and the International Organizations Immunity Act released ALL state law and all state offices to the UN back in 1976!
If they don't believe me and won't believe Rod Class, they can jolly well read it for themselves!
Pope Benedict repented and Pope Francis has tried to address the criminality. That is where it stands. Both have fallen far short of the honesty and directness that the people are owed.
That is why we have spoken out now. It has been five years since Benedict promised reform and almost three years since Francis first took meaningful action, and the ignorance worldwide about these topics is still so thick you could cut it with a knife.
And you will note, that ignorance is still being used to pit brother against brother, black against white, Jew against Muslim, and yes, uninformed patriots against informed patriots.

The Truth always wins out in the end, Marje. We are all known by our deeds. I am content to be known by mine. Any prejudiced person who locks their mind and puts on their blinkers can only stumble and fall and be taken advantage of, but until they wake up and start looking at the situation from a different perspective I can't save them. It is the old saying-- you can lead a horse to water, but....
My relationship with the Pope? I griped about the Holy See's culpability. I griped about the Breach of Trust against the Americans shown by the 1845 Treaty of Verona. I griped about the failure of the Holy See to honor its agreements. I griped about their failure to monitor and discipline the Vatican Bank. I griped about the consequences of tolerating the Roman Cult and all its perversions of the Church.
I did what any decent, logical being would do. I went straight to the source and confronted the CEO.
I literally ate my way up the food chain of the Roman Catholic Church along with several others and at the end of the day, Benedict repented--- when caught red-handed and forced to look at the situation.
So he turned to his accusers and repented and asked for our help to straighten things out.
Specifically, he asked for us to document the crimes and misadministration of the public trusts and courts, and he asked us to help return American property to Americans by any peaceful means we could find.
That is what we have been doing for five going on six years.
We gave Notice and Due Process resulting in the Final Judgment of Commercial and Administrative Default published in the book Disclosure 101.
We followed it up with our illustrated affidavit of probable cause, "You Know Something Is Wrong When....An American Affidavit of Probable Cause".
Now we have followed up by defending the attacks against the Continental United States in the UN.
When I spoke to Mr. Jolly all he could say was that he wasn't going to be fooled by me.
All I could say is that I am the one informing him that he is fooled by his own stubborn ignorance.
And so I let it be.
NLA has yet to learn about the court system it is heir to and the true function and power of the Common Law Grand Jury and the Article VII Courts.
It's right there in front of them in Article VII of the Constitution. We owe ourselves a whole Common Law Court System to back up the Common Law Grand Juries--which the "federal" government is not authorized to provide.
The Common Law Grand Jury is enabled to hand down presentments against living people and unincorporated businesses, and indictments against corporations and other "federal citizens" for a reason.
That reason is that the Common Law Grand Jury is designed to sit like a lynch pin between the Continental Common Law Citizens and their Court System on one side and the Federal Court System which is only administrative (to deal with the in-house business of the United States, Inc.) and international in nature--admiralty and maritime venues only.
It is plain as the nose on your face from reading the Constitution that we are owed Common Law Courts. It is also clear we are supposed to have Common Law Grand Juries. It is also clear to any lawyer that the present court system from county to state to US DISTRICT is all functioning either as administrative courts or in Admiralty/Maritime.
Where are the rocket scientists among us?
We are supposed to be self-governing. Is it too much to expect that we should be operating our own Common Law Courts?
There is a U.S. Supreme Court Case from 1866 that explains the circumstance very well-- Milligan Ex Parte.
In it the Supreme Court says that as long as American (that is, Common Law Courts) are functioning, there is no excuse for the use of martial law.
Our failure to run our own Article VII court system is their excuse to continue operating under martial law which they call "Special Admiralty" and which they use to bilk and harass and falsely imprison Americans.
And that, dear Marje, is why I operate an Article VII Common Law Court in Alaska-- to deny the rats any excuse for continuing their improper conduct and operations on our soil.
I told Mr. Jolly the gist of what I have just shared with you and as you know I provided NLA with a wet-ink copy of our affidavit, which they have not acted upon.
As my Mother says, you can teach a fool, but a blankety-blank mule, is a mule until he dies.
I trust that this completely explains my relationship with the Pope and the NLA.
You are welcome to share this reply with whomever you please and I will try to post it on my website and FB page later.

See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website here:

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