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Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Like a bunch of spoiled kids having a temper tantrum only with guns.

The police state mentality is just getting started. The federal agents are so rotten and spoiled that they can't bear the thought of their empire coming down around their heads, and it shows in their rotten conduct of late.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013
 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

Obamacare shutdown theater: President holds entire nation for ransom with contrived closings

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(NaturalNews) The government "shutdown" is a hoax. It is pure theater designed to make life as miserable as possible for Americans while the government keeps collecting taxes, racking up debt expenditures, running foreign wars and doing all the unconstitutional things government does these days. It is now becoming obvious to nearly all Americans that the Obama administration is running a pernicious, punitive, selective "shutdown" that's designed to hold the American people hostage until Obama gets his way. His "ransom demand" is total capitulation to his demands for endless spending, the total takeover of medicine by Obamacare, and the centralization of power in the hands of the few.

The Obama administration ran a similar gambit a few months back when it started releasing thousands of felony criminals from U.S. prisons, claiming it was forced to do so because of sequestration budget cuts.

The shutdown rap sheet:

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