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Sunday, January 12, 2025

Belief Systems: Contracts Versus Law --- Meet Jacquie Figg

 By Anna Von Reitz

We often acknowledge our debts to other researchers and today, we honor Jacquie Figg, one of the most indefatigable and kindest heroes in the fight to reclaim and/or retain our right to travel freely in our own country and to own and control our own property assets --- specifically, our trucks and automobiles used as private conveyances. 

We first met Jacquie almost twenty years ago, when she burst on the scene and began bull-dogging this particular aspect of the illegal military occupation and forced "subscription" system (one of many) imposed on our freedom to travel and to own our own property.  

First, some notes about licensure.  In law, a license is permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal.    

Is traveling from one place to another in this country an illegal act?  

No, it is not.  

However, if you walk into a DMV Office and apply for a license, you admit that it is required for you.  Why else would you apply for a license and pay a fee, if you weren't required to have a license? 

What's happened is that millions of Americans have assumed that they needed a license, when they don't.  

Having once applied for a license, however, it is assumed that you knew what you were doing and that you did need a license. 

So when you apply for a license --- any kind of license --- you submit and subscribe and consent to the idea that for you, the licensed activity is a privilege, not a right.  

This is important, because some people actually do need a Driver License --- specifically, those who make commercial use of the public roads and public employees driving motor vehicles owned by government agencies and departments. 

Americans naturally have the right to travel anywhere they please on public roads and in public areas, but if you give up that right by applying for a Driver License (thereby admitting to being a "Driver" subject to the Motor Vehicle Code), you unwittingly subject yourself to the endless stream of codes and rules that are applied to "Drivers" of "Motor Vehicles".  

Similarly, if you register your privately owned automobile or truck, you "subscribe" to the idea that you are using it in commercial capacities and are subjecting it and yourself to the Motor Vehicle Code, or alternatively, that you are a public employee driving a government-owned car.  

So, having once mistaken yourself as someone who needed a Driver License, you are entrapped and are standing there with no idea how to get out of the box.

The best solution, as Jacquie Figg admits, is to never make that mistake, never apply for a license in the first place, and go from there.  Failing that, and realizing your mistake, you can fill out Federal Form DL 142 and correct your mistake and turn in the license.

The actual Law, as Jacquie points out, is on your side; however, there are a lot of people including members of the Highway Patrol and the Court System who don't know the law and who firmly believe that they are doing the right thing when they impound private cars and trucks, arrest people that they only presume to be "Drivers", and engage in other illegal and coercive acts. 

Convincing these people of the limits of their authority and forcing reforms to bring systemic remedy for these deceptive and misapplied registration contracts is our job.  

Start the conversation in your circle of family and friends.  

This video interview with Jacquie is most informative for those living in California, but the same principles apply nationwide. If you are Joe Average American, you never needed a Driver License and never needed to register any car or truck of yours as a "Motor Vehicle".  

This is just one example of how improper undisclosed and misrepresented adhesion contracts have been used to entrap Americans who have suffered from lack of full disclosure.  

The Driver License, the Marriage Licenses, and Physician's Licenses, and so on, are all part and parcel of the same scheme to trick people into "voluntarily" converting their own rights into privileges. 

If you are a young person who isn't employed by a government agency and isn't engaged in commercial use of the roads for your private gain (taxi services, courier services, dray lines, etc.) you have no reason to apply for a Driver License.  So don't do it.  Don't volunteer to give away your rights in exchange for privileges and don't create any "Legal Presumption" that you are someone who is required to have a Driver License when you aren't. 

This is an issue that we all need to address and push back upon the Federal Subcontractors and their various franchises, such as "the State of New Jersey, Inc." and their Congresses and Legislatures, which have been operating without full disclosure so as to entrap and defraud Americans of their basic rights, including occupational rights. 

To more effectively pursue these topics, we need to gather steam and discuss these issues in our Assembly Litigation Committees and bring them forward for Public Review.  


See this article and over 5200 others on Anna's website here:

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