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Sunday, January 21, 2024

My Podcast

 By Anna Von Reitz

Let's put this to rest forever and ever. 

The North Carolina Assembly is kindly sponsoring a Podcast for me, Anna Maria Riezinger, pen name, Anna von Reitz, every Tuesday morning (9 AM Alaska Time, 1 PM EST). 

The purpose of this podcast is to open up a direct public forum where people can ask questions that need answers. 

I have recently been informed that numerous Coordinators in this country were not ever informed about the Four Pillars that each State Assembly is responsible for establishing.  

This alarmed me, because our so-called "Super Coordinator" who is overworked and underpaid, was supposed to be training these volunteers and bringing them up to speed and helping to them keep on track.  

And that obviously isn't getting done, not that I have any right to complain.  

So I did the responsible thing and opened up a couple direct sources for Coordinators and others to ask me questions directly and in public.  

At the same time, I also opened up an Introductory Course for people who have volunteered or who are thinking about volunteering as Coordinators to help their State Assemblies get organized. 

The California Assembly agreed to sponsor that effort (Thursday nights, 4 PM Alaska Time, 8 PM EST) and so far, apart from a little difficulty keeping respondents from wandering off into other subjects, the effort is going well.  

I have no reason to suspect anyone of any evil and am not throwing any mud in any direction at anyone at all, however, this afternoon's Sunday Coordinator's Call participants are throwing all sorts of "mud" at Niti Bali and Cynthia Pinkston and The North Carolina Assembly for hosting and sponsoring my podcast. 

Apparently, some Coordinators are under the unfortunate misapprehension that it is their "job" to censor me and my public contacts, and to accuse my helpers of everything up to and including being "infiltrators" when in fact it is not the role or business of any Coordinator to even comment on anything related to my podcast, my introductory Coordinator training, or anything else I do in support of the effort to get everyone up to speed and on the same page. 

I have too much to do and there is too much at stake for too many people on this planet to put up with any power-mongering games from anybody at all, and I will not hesitate to "fire" any Coordinator who thinks that it is their job to censor me, criticize other people who are helping me to get this work done, or in any way interfere with my podcast, my training sessions, or anything else to do with my functions. 

For better or worse, I'm the Grandma of this operation, and if I don't know how it is supposed to go, nobody does.  I am not feeble, not helpless, not uncertain, not being misled or used for any purpose by anyone.  If I have guts enough to stand on my own in front of the Pope and the "King" of England for thirty years, you had all better believe that I am more than competent enough to kick the stuffing out of anyone on Earth.  

You can all profit yourselves, your States of the Union, and your country as a whole, by stopping your habit of listening to your own fears and ignorance ----and start reading what I have already provided for you all.  If you don't have time to read or can't read, find a different job. 

Coordinators need to be able to read and correctly interpret what they are reading. 

I trust that this is in large enough print so that everyone is getting the message and I hope I won't have to revisit it again.  

The North Carolina-sponsored podcast is going forward, Mattermost is being shut down---soon, I hope, as it is a continuing focus for misinformation, gossip and inappropriate intrigues, the Coordinator training series sponsored by The California Assembly is going forward, and a new book, called "How to Build an Assembly" is being edited right now.  

I suggest that everyone who has been making a game out of dissing and dumping on Niti and Cynthia and The North Carolina Assembly needs to find a new occupation.  Those are Corporate Games and have no place in the American Government at all. 

Anna Maria


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