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Sunday, January 28, 2024

International Public Notice: Why "Britain" is a Territory

 By Anna Von Reitz

In order to maintain national and international standing, each country must retain and maintain its land and soil jurisdiction, and its living population of men and women, who are endowed with Natural and Unalienable Rights.  Each country is physically defined and has published definable borders within which it enjoys general jurisdiction over its land and soil, air, and water resources. 

England is a country. 
Scotland is a country. 
Ireland is a country. 
Wales is a country. 

Each country has a lawful government.  In most cases, they also have Territories and may have Municipalities, too, which maintain separate jurisdictions. 

Britain is, in effect, a union of four separate countries, and is a separate fictional creation standing for the four sovereign countries as if they were one country in international jurisdiction.   

This is similar to the union of our States in America, called The United States, which is a fictional instrumentality created to wield certain mutually shared powers of the sovereign member-states. 

As they are not sovereign entities themselves, these melded-together creations depend upon the sovereignty of the member countries, or in our case, our Federation of States depends on our member States which are individual small countries holding general jurisdiction.

It should be apparent that without the sovereign member countries or sovereign member States, these dependent entities whether described as Unions or Federations or Confederations, have "no standing".  

They are like a doll's dress, without the doll. 

When Queen Anne vacated the land and soil of England in favor of acting as the British Queen, she removed herself from what is known as "Original Jurisdiction".  She did not, as some people assume, act as the Queen of England, the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of Ireland, and the Queen of Wales.  Queen of Britain is an abstract office in a different Territorial jurisdiction. 

Elizabeth II was working for sovereign countries in international jurisdictions but not directly representing England, because as we know, she vacated the English Throne within three days of taking the Coronation Vow. 

This means that she was either operating without standing or she was working for a foreign sovereign government other than England, and as she owed her crown to the Pope no less than her ancestors and was still obligated to work as the Overseer of the Commonwealth lands to maintain her position, it's a good bet that the foreign sovereign that gave her standing was the Vatican City-State. 

According to the rest of the provisions and history we have uncovered, and also in view of the recent coronation of King Charles III who was crowned as his Imperial Majesty -- not the King of England, and not the King of Great Britain, either -- it seems obvious that the late Queen worked for the Pope all of her adult life, as her predecessors have. 

Her Son has followed in her footsteps, albeit, more honorably, (he never took the Christian Coronation Vow, so he didn't have to sneak around voiding it), and continues to work directly for the Roman Hierarchy, though as we have also discovered, not for the Pope, or even "a" Pope, that we can discern, as Pope Francis could not enter the Office of the Roman Pontiff, has not received the sacred ministerial Office from Benedict XVI, which leaves him operating as the Prince of the Air. 

Like Charles, the only office that was left for Francis to operate in was the Former Pope's office in the jurisdiction of the air.  

We deduce and are aware that they committed crimes on the land and sea and fled to the air as a protective measure and to continue their assault on the living people -- people to whom they owe good faith and service. They have instead attempted to denigrate the entire population and secretly forced most of humanity into an undisclosed system of both peonage and slavery.  

Why is the discussion of Britain as a Territorial Power important against this backdrop of fraud, breach of trust, and criminality? 

One issue is that by the contracts and grants and everything else surrounding the construction of the British Union, the British Monarch is required to be Protestant, and as we have discovered, King Henry the Eighth double-crossed the Anglican Church while acting as its Head. So, he and his heirs have all done the same, worked as Overseers for the Popes and collected 40% of the take from all the personage and certificate and denigration schemes. 

Charles III didn't take the Christian Coronation Vow and his Mother skipped on hers, so it follows that at the very least, Elizabeth II can't be counted as a "Protestant" and neither can Charles III. Most likely they can't be counted as Catholics, either; it appears that they belong to the long-suppressed Roman Cult that also ensconced itself in the Inner City of London and the City of Washington, DC. 

Not being a Protestant voids everything that Elizabeth II did as Queen of Great Britain and would void everything that Charles III attempted to do. Both the Throne of England and the Office of Queen/King of Great Britain are thus vacated -- and have been for a long time.  

Only the Imperial Office remains, but it remains totally without substance.  

Everything we have observed about British Territorial powers being used to undermine, subvert, and usurp upon the lawful authorities now applies--- for not only were these crimes in-and-of themselves, but it turns out that they were accomplished under a Pretense of power and authority. 

When Elizabeth II ditched her Coronation Vow and voided the obligation to be and act as a Christian of any kind, much less a Protestant, she also voided her Office as Queen of Great Britain.  Any action she undertook in the Territorial jurisdiction, either in the guise of a land protectorate or at sea, is null and void for fraud, lack of standing, and lack of authority since 1953, and the overall fraud may extend back all the way to Queen Anne. 

No doubt, "Francis" and Charles III imagine that they will be able to wield the powers of the jurisdiction of the air and use the instruments of that jurisdiction to devastating and final effect, as they will pretend to own the names of nearly everyone and every corporation and invention, too, through copyrights, patents, and trademarks administered by the British commercial conglomerate SERCO.   

However, they have been severed from the body of their authority and so, have lost the world of substance. Nobody can assume the existence of any authority to enforce the obligations of the legal fictions that their scheme depends upon, because the Perpetrators lacked the substance, standing, and authority to form the legal fictions in the first place. 

We have all been the victims of an organized commercial crime syndicate.  Our research indicates that the roots of this syndicate go all the way back to the Hanseatic League, an arrangement by which German business interests ran the economies of other countries.  Anyone who is interested in the development of the more recent version of these same evils may read the Treaty of Utrecht, 1713-14. 

Once you realize that the English Throne has been in the possession of German interests since the early 1700's, it all makes sense. Even the Second World War makes sense in terms of two German hegemonies fighting against each other. 

Once you realize that there is no such country as Great Britain and that you are dealing with a separate business entity "representing" four kingdoms, more smoke begins to clear. 

And when you realize that the military worldwide has been reduced to the level of imaginary "humans" and denigrated so that they can never enjoy the freedom they have fought for and the peace they have sought to achieve, that they have been used as cheap mercenaries without their knowledge or consent, still more smoke clears away. 

As we have seen, there has been no King or Queen of England for a long time, nor has there been a competent "King" or "Queen" of Great Britain since at least 1953.  We don't currently have a Pope, either, in any traditional sense of the word, as Jorge Bergolio could not inherit the Office of the Roman Pontiff which was dissolved in 2011 and there is no known process by which he inherited the ministerial office of the Pope which was retained by Benedict XVI. 

Territorial forces have been used throughout to illegally occupy country after country, using their own troops to do it, so that American troops were used to commandeer America, Australian troops were used to commandeer Australia, and so on. Commercial corporations have been given contracts to run entire occupied countries in a reprise of what South Africa suffered under the British South Africa Company and Cecil Rhodes. 

And we know that, at least in England, there was no English Queen with standing to charter corporations and no Queen of Great Britain with standing to register corporations. 

So just as Great Britain has been a Territorial entity used to undermine first England and then other countries ---and is not a country itself, the Queen was not a Queen, and the Pope is not a Pope, and even the corporations are not corporations. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

January 27th 2024


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