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Monday, June 12, 2023

Take Note, Mr. Trump --- and Everyone Else: 27 USC 72.11

 By Anna Von Reitz

All crimes have been "redefined" by this section of Federal (that is, Territorial) Code, 27 USC 72.11 so that all crimes --- so far as the British Territorial Government is concerned --- are commercial in nature. 

Title 27 is a weird bit of code on a good day, governing the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF) and Federal regulatory and enforcement powers over these "regulated substances" and those invoked under the interstate commerce clause. 

This redefinition goes hand in hand with the prosecution of the second Municipal Corporation residing in the District of Columbia, and the "universal debtors" known as "citizens of the United States" referenced by the Fourteenth Amendment of the 1868 Corporate Constitution. 

The Federal Civil Services workers were the ones identified to pay the war reparations of the Civil War. 

We already and long ago decried the fact that this fourteenth By-law Amendment has no form or force of positive public law and was part of a foreign corporation charter deceitfully presented to the American General Public as The Constitution of the United States of America (Incorporated) without disclosure of the meaning or nature of this document --- and that it is now a relic of a long-defunct Scottish Commercial Corporation that went out of business in 1907. All of this chicanery was never ratified by the States of the Union, anyway.  

In sum total, there is no viable "Fourteenth Amendment" and there is no valid and consensual Corporation Constitution, and there is no viable authority then or now for any of this --- but if you are to deal with the set up that has been left intact despite all the foregoing, you are left with the two Municipal Corporations housed in the District of Columbia "at (commercial) war" with each other, and playing Piggy in the Middle with the General Public -- as well as Donald Trump. 

Remember: all crimes and indictments brought in Municipal Corporation Courts in the District of Columbia are brought against US PERSONS first and foremost, and these DEFENDANTS are prosecuted as Municipal Corporation franchises engaged in interstate commerce.  

This is done so that the Perpetrators can latch upon the property of the named DEFENDANT and sue them under the False Legal Presumptions provided by the Fourteenth (By-Law) Amendment of a defunct foreign corporation.  

And no, I could not possibly make this stuff up.  

Read that: if "DONALD J TRUMP" was indicted, these are charges related to commercial crimes committed by a Municipal Corporation franchise named after him.  Not Donald Trump the man.  The court will be trying those charges under the false legal presumptions allowed by the Fourteenth Amendment, which pre-judges each such named DEFENDANT.  They are all guilty until proven innocent.  That's why there is a 96-plus percent conviction rate. 

Authority for armed enforcement of this nonsense is always invoked under either: (1) Federal regulatory powers over alcohol, tobacco and firearms, or (2) the interstate commerce clause, or (3) both.  

As a result, the Perpetrators have to allege and presume the existence of a commercial corporation -- e.g., DONALD J TRUMP, and they have to convert whatever is alleged against him into a commercial crime under 27 USC 72.11, to make this web of cobwebs stick. 

If, on the other hand, "Donald J. Trump" was the "person" being indicted, these are charges against a British Territorial U.S. Citizen being brought under the Title 50 War Powers Act --- war powers that don't properly exist, because the "war" these powers are presumed upon is an illegal 160 year-old commercial conflict.

Nonetheless, this is how the so-called District and Supreme Courts have been operating and the presumptions they have been operating upon for decades --- whether it makes sense or not.  

If this second British Territorial  "person" is being addressed by the indictment, the trial is less certain to end in conviction, but it will also be a very cut-and-dried process invoked under military law.  

Trump supporters need to take this seriously.  If the Commander-in-Chief is found guilty of endangering "national security" by a military tribunal he could hang for it.  

Key to all of this is realizing: (1) which Person or PERSON is being addressed by the indictment(s); (2) which jurisdiction of the law is being invoked; (3) which law applies and why.  

Without this foundational understanding no proper defense can be mounted. To date, there is no evidence that: (A) Trump's lawyers know their butts from buttercups, or (B) that they give two cents about what happens to Trump. 

Whatever else you may say about Bill Barr, he is not incompetent and he has sounded the alarm, in public.  

Biden isn't the Commander-in-Chief and never was in that position, so is considered a foreign civilian in possession of classified documents he was given-- and, just like Hillary Clinton, proving injury as a result of his possession of those specific documents is difficult if not impossible. 

This apparent double standard exists because there are two different Municipal Corporations involved, acting in two separate jurisdictions and under two different forms of law, each with separate offices and elected officials involved. 

Keep this in mind as we go forward and watch the unfolding drama that the mainstream media will make of the Trump Indictments.  


See this article and over 4200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. What benefit does the judge gain from hanging Trump, and is that benefit worth the cost of he and his family pounded to death? There is much truth and righteous anger in the current social environment. Trump wont be executed without grave consequences to the executioner and all his commanders. Execute Trump and Satan himself becomes a target for the wrath of the holy and the righteous.

    1. I getting Paid up to $15,000 this week, Working Online at Home. I’m full time Student. q27 I Surprised when my sister's told me about her check that was $97k. It’s really simple to do. Everyone can get this job Go to home tab
      for more details....... USD Work Home

    2. Well, Satan is the one on trial here, ultimately. And perhaps this is part of what must occur for the fall of Babylon to happen.

      Nonetheless, let's get a hold of our senses. Trump as a living man (not a corporation) is guilty, maybe not of what they are charging him with, but of premeditated globalcide, serial murder on the populations of every nation on earth including animals. The viper venom product continues to maim and kill nearly three years after the fact. He fast-tracked a bioweapon on the earth's population, a bioweapon that he is an investor in. He knew full well what he was doing and what it was.

      So, let the axe fall on him, because he acted treasonously, criminally, and with malice of fore thought. Let not your eye feel sorry for evil people.

      Its like Al Capone -- the "feds" couldn't nail him with murder or any of his other crimes; he was too clever and covered his tracks. He was finally apprehended on tax evasion. Boo-hoo! Capone isn't missed and neither will Trump be wept over. Hopefully, his name will not even be remembered in history.

    3. The preamble was not ratified and is not part of the founding document. Our Confederation and perpetual Union is/was named The United States of America in 1777. The Declaration is of the 13 colonies not Independence. The perpetual Union was broken the first time by Rhode Island and Providence Plantation. It was repaired by its return prior to Vermont.
      The United States of America created the Constitution as an Article of the Confederation and perpetual Union the United States was created as a government service company. There are only two names. The other iterations are bogus and de facto. United States of America is not either name thus bogus. There is no lawful federal anything, that is part of the deception. United States has enumerated responsibilities. It is correctly written The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 that is original jurisdiction after Oregon became one of the several states and before South Carolina seceded from the Confederation and perpetual Union.
      The goal is to return to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2023. We flipped Oregon back to a de jure jurisdiction and proper Constitution and law form in 2022.
      What took us 4.5 years doing it one step at a time can be done by 5 people doing 15 hours work, 50 bucks in postage and 40 bucks for a seal? Then work on gathering a Jury Pool while waiting for the docs to cure 21 days in de jure and 30 days in de facto.

      Let's suppose we have a posterity. The reality of the JAB will become known by 2025, some judge the population of 350,000,000 will be reduced to 95,000,000 men and women capable of self determination. It seems we will have a huge population of injured and dependent people. We really need to return to a Constitutional republican form of government , NOW, would be good.
      Have you any rebuttal to our claim? Who else has a solution?
      Running for office and voting in the current de facto is not a solution. is working for Oregon. It is transferable, quick cure time.

    4. Please forgive my bewilderment on the subject but this seems as good a place to pose this question as any. My search for answers, at least to me seems complex on the basis that what I am trying to gain a fundamental innerstanding of seems to have a few different factors entwined which also has made solving the puzzle that more elusive. My question(s) is regarding the 14th Amendment, ratification and the Organic Act of 1871. It has been debated that a "new" Constitution was somehow enacted in the midst of all of this and i would like to know if that is actually what happened and if so, how? What was new about it? it has been referenced that a single word was omitted, "The". If that is the case, how could we let this happen or was nobody paying attention? Even so, where and how does the "rest of the story" start to really turn sour? It's highly debated, and the history books give an 1866 date for the 14th Amendment having been ratified, or not in which from what I gather is the turning point or at the heart of all that has taken place for the past 170+ years. Whatever the case may be, at some point there had to be HUGE unanswered questions as the onslaught of preceding laws and statutes were enacted. Was the country already gone or did the Civil War put a halt to any questions or actions to learn the truth? All in all, what is the truth; and if it is one that is not in line with what history dictates then aren't there more immediate remedies at hand? There has to be many Brilliant & Highly educated individuals in positions that can make an immediate impact that see where things are and continue to head who care more about their pension, or an NDA. And that is with all due respect to what Anna & Co. have achieved thus far. It's just that whatever those truths are, we do know that history repeats itself; whether as a direct result of manifest destination (Albert Pike laid it our pretty clearly) by those in power or by the Divine; either way our immediate future is seemingly up for grabs and there's 349 million victims here that are being labeled to blame and probably have no idea what that actually means in this reality.

  2. And people think that GOD gave these elected officials authority over man. The agents of this municipal corporation will answer to a higher power soon enough in the form of judgement. All people should be preparing themselves for the coming tribulation that is about to be released on the world. I am sorry to say people but there will be no pretribulation rapture for us. All people will be tested because action is better than WORDS. That is why Christ died on the cross as a promise of redemption. Everyone or anyone who makes law must provide a remedy when that law is transgressed. The remedy must be made available to all people.

  3. The indictment reads "DONALD J. TRUMP".

    1. If Donald J. Trump would follow Jurisprudence Anna Maria words of L. A. W. - ful Wisdom then
      He would know that DONALD J. TRUMP is a legal fiction.

      DearOurEverlastingOmnipresentFatherCreatorAlmightyHeavenlySpiritualIntelligence, AlwaysPresentInDNAofWeTheLivingOnLandAndWalkingOnSoilPeoples, PleaseFreeDOMize TheWorld'sAllNationsAnd
      TheUnitedStatesOfAmericaOutOfChurch/Synagogue/HouseB. A. R. OfSatan,
      AndOutOfBrainlessAndHeatlessYoungGlobalLEADbrains, AndOutOfFraudgenic
      ForensicSeniorExecutiveServicesAgendas,AndOutOfParasiticPilgrimsSocietyPrograms,AndOutOfFraudpotentGlobalEconomicPatogenSERCOgroup AllPoweredByStealthlyHiddenUnderDoD/WB/IMF/UN/WEF/WHO'sBabylonianRadhanitesMerchantBankersGenocidalDogma.
      "We wish for these offending (D.C.BasedAndAllOthersLocatedInCityStatesWorldwideAllFraudDrivenOnly4PowerAndProfits.m) Municipal Corporations to be shut down except for personnel needed to make a safe transition back to lawful money and lawful government" - AnnaMariaVonReitzinger, et alia, AndPleaseRecreateTheUnitedStatesOfAmerica'sBodyAndSoulToBeSoundlyHealthy, andProsperous, AndProtectWithAllOfYourMightAnna,James, Paul, AIMCATSAndP4I-MMcKibben
      TheCreatorOfSocialNetworkingWeAreUsingNowAndAllTheTruthMiners, et alia, AndAllTheRestOfTheMoralyActingAndMoralyLivingAndMoralyThinkingWeTheHumans/PeoplesLivingOnLandAndWalkingOnSoilWorldwideWillSincerelyFollow. m

  4. what do we the people do, besides watch?

  5. Here's an oldie, but a goldie. Who'da thunk that a goofy Hollywood actor could have been so chock full of such erudite intelligence and wisdom? This speech is even more pertinent and on point today than it was thirty years ago.

  6. I would love to see President Trump change his status with your help. It would be a memorable event. Also the event would be a fantastic learning and training exercise for the rest of his followers. President Trump would be helping you with the AWAKENING.

  7. Where have you been for the past 3 1/2 years, as Trump unleashed a bioweapon on the world that continues to kill and injure living souls?

    I personally would pitch a fit if Trump was allowed to slide into one of our Assemblies. He is a serial murder, a criminal, who has harmed the entire world with a viper venon bioweapon.

    Isn't that one of the guiding principles that state nationals live by? To do NO HARM???!!! We should NOT allow a known serial murder who has shown no remorse for the harm he directly caused (along with others) to be a member in good standing in any of our Assemblies.

    HANG HIM!!! I'll gladly supply the rope.

    1. Hey anonymous, you're full of bad gas and bullstuff. Go home and do some deep dive research. Trump forced them to release early before the bio weapon was perfected. He's playing 5D chess and you're playing with checkers.

    2. Trump is being Indicted under Title 18, U.S.C., not Title 27, read the indictment, before writing your article, Anna.

    3. You need to go back to kindergarten and learn to read before you write.

      Read this line in Anna's article above (UPPER CASE EMPHASIS MINE):

      "...and they have to CONVERT whatever is alleged against him into a commercial crime under 27 USC 72.11, to make this web of cobwebs stick..."

      Go back to sleep.

  8. Get this factoid through your brains: Trump is NOT our President!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Neither is the brain-dead Biden. Or, Obama, or Bush, or Clinton, et. al.

    1. In a nutshell.
      the United States Inc/CORP.- Municipal gov. run by DEMOCRACY PERSONS
      at commercial war with
      the United States of America Inc/CORP. aTerritorial gov. run by republicans PERSONS

      TheUnitedStatesOfAmerica gov.
      run by WeThePeoples Humans.

      The Difference between:
      Inc=only domestic commerce
      CORP=International (.com)


    2. We need aHead of AmericanState ASAP

  10. St. Germain descendant impersonator : pathological liar.
    Prove that you are a descendant of St. Germain.

  11. That the US is a Corporation
    has not yet been proved.

    It may be true and it may not be true because it is not yet proved.

    Prove it, Idiot.

    1. 28 U.S. Code SS. 3002 Definitions
      Section (15) "United States" means-
      (A) a Federal corporation

    2. You must be a sincere person.
      the meaning of corporation is a juridical entity, it is not necessarily a stock company.
      See the next one :


      It is not yet proven that the United States is a stock company.

    3. The Duns numbers have already been published. And you don't even need those to prove it. Look at their Court system you idiot.

    4. UCC.... Uniform Commercial Code. Lol. No. There's no proof.

    5. Anon 2:42 why not link to Snopes and Wikipedia while you're at it? Hahaha

    6. What is Duns number?

    7. Buy her book. All those numbers are in the back. Or look it up yourself on the Duns lookup. The assholes incorporated everything. I looked up the Town where I live. It's a done deal. They couldnt sue or be sued if they weren't a corporation. Nor would they be using UCC, Statutory law, Sea jurisdiction Courts, etc. They're incorporated. To deny it is to be lazy.

    8. Can you write the code of the United States?
      Is it a stock company code?

    9. To 8:00am 13Jun2023,
      It seems that you don't understand easy thing that corporation is a juridical entity
      (organization) ,so, any country’s or any state’s organization is a corporation even if it is not owned privately.

    10. It's a corporation fuckhead. Get over it.

  12. Had it been paid off , that is,
    the debt came from
    out-of-court settlement money and consolation money for the crime of Belcher ?
    How much was it ?

  13. [“yes”:DEAR”]

  14. If I wrote we have stand together and protect Donal Trump
    I possibly won't get my post posted
    But here I go,guy girls,we have stand and fight now.
    Enough is enough.
    It's not just about Donal Trump.
    It's about all that's gone on.
    Child trafficking
    God bless all good people
    Norman Kennedy

    1. Trump the Best.

    2. "Only good man with money can stop bad man with money."

      In every Land, in every Nation
      Money wields a tricky station
      With power comes the greed and might
      And some wield so with all their might
      Bad man take what's not theirs, they rob and cheat
      And get away, with all at their will
      Some say that money is the root of all bad
      And in the wrong hands, it can be lethal and mad

      But hold on, take a glance
      There are good men with money in our World
      Good man use their wealth to do what's good
      And battle bad man with all their might

      Good man don't speculate with money for gain
      But use it to ease WeThe People's pain
      They build and teach with care
      And help the needy everywhere

      So give up OurDreams
      For there are good men with wealth and scope to win
      Good man can defeat bad man, it's true
      With money and good will.

    3. Correction

      AnonymousJune 14, 2023 at 11:34 AM
      "Only good man with money can stop bad man with money."

      In every Land, in every Nation
      Money wields a tricky station
      With power comes the greed and might
      And some wield so with all their might
      Bad man take what's not theirs, they rob and cheat
      And get away, with all at their will
      Some say that money is the root of all bad
      And in the wrong hands, it can be lethal and mad

      But hold on, take a glance
      There are good men with money in our World
      Good man use their wealth to do what's good
      And battle bad man with all their might

      Good man don't speculate with money for gain
      But use it to ease WeThe People's pain
      They build and teach with care
      And help the needy everywhere

      So NOT give up OurDreams
      For there are good men with wealth and scope to win
      Good man can defeat bad man, it's true
      With money and good will.

    4. Bring me the man or woman with all the money in the world and watch good win

  15. Getting a bit testy in here. They use divide and conquer tactics which given the mood here are quite effective. Let’s be civil. Best stated in the Bible….”Our people suffer from a lack of knowledge.”

  16. Banana the paid Agent
    for fraud Business.
