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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Call Out to Henry Bryant Lanier

 By Anna Von Reitz

Dear Henry— 

I can see that you are confused and so are millions of other people. 

You’ve been the victim of an attempted international identity theft scheme like billions of other people on this planet.  

Blame the Pope and the Brits and their sleazy Federal Subcontractors. 

Our “Public Servants” have attempted to go into business for themselves by “mirroring” flesh and blood people and using our Lawful Persons  (also known as Proper Names) to create British Territorial doppelgängers that are Legal Persons. 

These British Territorial “Persons” use your Name and pretend to be you— but they are not you.  They only “stand for” you if you happen to be on the High Seas and Navigable Inland Waterways. 

And that is what the contracts and treaties between our country and Britain actually say. 

As an American from whatever State of the Union you are owed pass-through service from their system as long as you have recorded and declared your actual political status. 

And it is then their responsibility to honor their treaties and contracts with us. 

We have thousands of Americans from every state who have declared that they are Texans, Floridians, Vermonters, New Yorkers…. and they have published this on the Public Record.

Of course the Brits are trying to claim that you are one of their U.S. Citizens so they don’t have to pay the debts they owe you.

And of course, the Holy See is trying to claim that you are one of their Municipal Corporations which appear to be HENRY BRYANT LANIER— but that is a sign not a name  and it has nothing to do with you. 

They, too, are trying to steal your identity and confuse you with their CORPORATIONS, so they can avoid paying you what they owe you, too. 

So both these outfits are trying to steal your identity.  One is doing it by claiming you are a British Territorial (U.S. Citizen)  The other is trying to confuse you with a corporation functioning under a foreign sign language naming convention that just APPEARS to be named after you— so as to foist it’s debts and obligations off onto your back. (US CITIZEN) 

But in fact, both these outfits and more importantly, the Principals that registered and chartered all these things, owe you pass-through service and exemption from their systems. And good faith. 

See Article IV of The Constitution of The United States of America and The Constitution of the United States.  The Principals— the Holy See and the British Monarch and Westminster and Belgium all owe you pass-through exemption and “good faith service” so long as you are identified as an American claiming your birthright as — for example, a Wisconsinite— and declaring and publishing the same in public. 

You can have any kind of ID or Passport or contract and so long as you identify yourself correctly and publish this information —you are owed good faith service and pass-through service and tax exemptions and everything else owed to you—- so long as you are claiming your correct political status. 

That means NOT claiming any citizenship obligations at all, except of course if you claim to be and are eligible to serve as a State Citizen.  

Come talk to me. Run don’t walk. Just spend the dime and come talk. 

You will be free and you will be protected and all the things you have lost can be returned to you.  Just realize you are not a US CITIZEN and not a U.S. Citizen or any kind of “citizen”. You are an American owed pass-through service and exemption and good faith. 

Come on, home, Henry!  Bring all your pals with you. 


See this article and over 3700 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. 💛-jennifer a. simonis

  2. You have been my Heroine since day1. Semper Fidelis

  3. Thank you Anna!
    You show His "way" with "truth" and it is "life."

  4. Do your own research ladies and gentleman
    Incorporated agents aren't your friends
    They ask you to ignore the evidence from you eyes and ears

    You aren't ousting them through THEIR courts, and the HIGH COURTS are theirs
    She seeks relief from the perps themselves, without a means of extracting it by or for us.
    The best Lies always contain shreds of truth though, while leaving important factors in the dark. Americans are an unincorporated people who've had countless assumptions claimed against us, and it has lead to where we are today.
    If you haven't learned by now, everything for the people can only come from, guess who, the people, not from someone acting a superior such as the "descendant of criminality" also known as "St. Germain" and the usurpation by the upper echelons of freemasons and their british allies (direct ties to the queen and the vatican, knights templar etc, very storied history, also many BAR attourneys)
    Its not all easy to find, it's why I urge caution in these times, jumping to a bandwagon because it identifies with a personal belief is a fools errand and the type of behavior that, again, led us to where we are today
    Haste makes waste in every situation

  5. There must be something to what you say. Because I have been contemplating this poltical status for a few years now. And even though I believe a lot of what is said here . Something is keeping me from going forward with this. And I have yet to put my finger on it. One problem I have with this is the fact that they have misidentified me with the use of the birth certifacte. And if the B c is an illegal doccument for illegal use. Why in the hell would I want to prsent it with a doccument with my signature claim I am who I am. When presently the only signitures on this Nc is my paprents. My signature is not on it. So how is it possible for them to hold me binding to it. And another issue I have is the fact that the wrong is made by them not muself. Why would I have to correct a presumption that I am who I am. I did not create this name sake. So why would it just be assumed that something I had no part of , be who I am. That would be like someone sayi g I am a doctor when I am not. The burden of proof should be on them not me.i didnt commit the crim of misrepresenting me. They did.

    1. Proof of burden is on the claimaint
      and they are the ones making claims
      I stand before god and man, on the land and soil, witnessed since my birth.
      What have their assumptions to do with a man, what have their assumptions to do with me? They are theirs and I owe them no ownership

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @TRUTH, you're also stateless. Look up "statelessness" to see the mound of presumptuous claims that can and will be made against you. It is simply prudent to consider picking a state (where you live) and making it your domicile and giving it your allegiance. The state unincorporated (not the District or MUNICIPALITY) was constructed to protect your interests. You're the principal. Really, there's nothing to lose by correcting and reclaiming your birthright political status, and everything to gain. You've already lost everything to fraud; without standing you've go nothing but debt and indentured servitude.


  7. Same old same old

  8. How do we, as superior Creditors, and not Corporate Federal slaves (Debtors), go into a car dealership and purchase a new car using our Treasury Direct account ( CUPID # ). What must be done to do this correctly and do we leave the vehicle in their lot for 30 days until all the paperwork is approved.


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