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Sunday, November 14, 2021

For the Entire World to Know and Remember -- Especially the High Courts

 By Anna Von Reitz

The Federation is not the Federal Republic, never said it was and never pretended to be.
The Federation (1776) predates the Federal Republic (1787) by eleven years.
Moreover, the Federation is a completely different kind of entity than the Federal Republic.
The Federation is an unincorporated Holding Company formed by the States of the Union.
The Federation holds the "mutual" combined "powers" of the States in international and global jurisdiction.
Our unincorporated Federation of States does business as The United States of America.
Our Federation of States has never been incorporated, and in fact, cannot be incorporated.
Our Federation of States has never been bankrupted, either ---- it's not eligible for bankruptcy protection.
Our Federation's members, the States of the Union, are all sovereign entities that are also unincorporated.
So, now that you all finally have that much down and clearly stated in black and white and put in front of your noses, turn your consideration to what the Federal Republic is.
The Federal Republic is an American Federal Subcontractor that is supposed to be run by the Confederation of States(1781) which was formed by the States of the Union doing business as the States of America.
The States of the Union formed both the Federation (1776) --as described above, and the Confederation of States (1781).
Get it? Federation and Confederation, both owned by the States of the Union.
The Federal Republic is a Federal Subcontractor that is supposed to be run by the Confederation of States formed under The Articles of Confederation in 1781.
But the Confederation of States split apart and ceased operating in 1860 --- yielding the Northern Confederation of States doing business as 'the Union" and the Southern Confederation of States doing business as "The Confederate States of America".
When the Confederation split up and stopped doing business for lack of quorum, the Federal Republic it owned (and was supposed to operate) shut down, too.
Neither the Confederation nor the Federal Republic have operated since the Civil War.
Now that those facts have been clearly stated in black and white and placed under your noses, turn your consideration to what it would take for these businesses to be "Reconstructed" and also to the order in which they would have to be "Reconstructed".
The Confederation created, owned, and operated the Federal Republic, so the Confederation logically has to be reconstructed first.
So how could we reconstruct the Confederation of States?
The same way that they were constructed in the first place.
The States of the Union would have to be assembled, brought into Session, and each State would have to create its own Confederate State doing business as a State-of-State organization.
Those new "reconstructed" American State-of-State business organizations would then have to join together to reconstruct and recreate the Confederation of States as a whole.
And the Confederation of States would have to reconstruct and operate the Federal Republic.
The Federal Republic would then be the American Federal Subcontractor owed the powers and the juicy federal service contracts originally conveyed by The Constitution for the united States of America (1787).
Now that you have that situation in view, with the States of the Union being assembled first,, each State of the Union creating its own State of State organization, then bringing them together to recreate the Confederation of States, and the Confederation of States rebuilding the Federal Republic --- you see how complex the required Reconstruction really is.
There is only one shortcut possible, one way for this country to legitimately function while all this Reconstruction takes place--- and that is for the States of the Union and the Federation of States to take direct control.
Our country functioned in exactly this way for five years from 1776 to 1781, so there is past precedent for doing it this way.
It must also be pointed out that all three Federal Constitutions are owed to the States of the Union and guaranteed by the Federation of States and its Members.
By Operation of Law, all the Delegated Powers that were assigned to Federal Subcontractors by the Federation of States doing business as The United States of America have returned to the Delegator upon the Federal Subcontractor's Failure to Perform.
That is, the powers assigned to the Federal Republic returned to the Federation of States in 1860. The powers assigned to the British Territorial United States returned to the Federation of States in 1907. The powers assigned to the Municipal United States returned to the Federation of States in 1925.
Everything that has gone on since then has gone on via a process of "legal presumption" and "assumption of contracts".
The other Principals responsible for honoring the Federal Constitutions, the British Monarchs, the Holy See, and the Lord Mayor of London, have all acted in Gross Breach of Trust and under color of law have pillaged and plundered and misrepresented America and the American people ever since.
In 1980, then-President Jimmy Carter, attempted to wash his hands of this situation by legally surrendering possession of all our state offices to the United Nations.
The original Americans who were presumed to be "missing" and "lost at sea, presumed dead" because our American Government wasn't visible and in Session, became Internationally Protected Persons and de facto Wards of the United Nations Organization --- but the U.S. Congress had also held the United Nations harmless and unaccountable for this responsibility by passing the International Organizations Immunity Act.
In 1998, just before another disastrous Bankruptcy Fraud Cycle completed in 1999-2000, a handful of surviving progeny of the Officers of the original Federation of States served Notice on the Holy See and the Queen of Great Britain, objecting to the fraud and Breach of Trust, and announcing that no, our American Government was still alive.
We observed to them and to you, that a Government "of, for, and by" the People can never die.
And we proceeded to locate a minimum of two (2) such People in every State of the Union to act as the lawful Assembly Inheritors. All these men met the requirements to be State Citizens. All these men were qualified Inheritors. All of them have the lineage to be grandfathered-in to the original Constitutional contracts.
The Federation of States was reborn and though it would take more research and a great deal more work, every State of the Union was reclaimed by Americans for Americans.
The next step was to unravel the self-serving legal presumptions that were used to deliberately misidentify and disinherit the actual Americans.
Next, we had to develop a sound legal process to restore Americans to their natural birthright political status.
Next, we had to record their political status in the International Public Record.
Next, we had to summon the States of the Union into Session and qualify and record the members of each State Assembly.
The Federation of States and the General Assemblies of all Fifty American States of the Union have been in Session continuously for well over a year.
No country or government on Earth has any justification to ignore or gainsay these facts.
Our actual Government was never designed to be in continuous Session. It was designed so that the people of this country could enjoy their lives and conduct their own business without an undue burden --- or expense --- being imposed by their Public Duty to Self-Govern.
That Public Duty has been answered and fulfilled. Our Government is not in any interregnum. Our Post Office is not vacated.
All right, title, and interest related to this country vests in its sons and daughters, the living people who are here and who have been here continuously for generations.
There is no basis to claim the existence of a Federal Republic at this point.
Our Federal Republic has been in mothballs since 1860 and there has been no time to take the necessary steps to complete the aforementioned steps to complete Reconstruction of the American States of States that would give rise to a new Confederation which would give rise to a new Federal Republic.
There is no reason that the lawful Federation of States and their State Members, which are all States of the Union, cannot operate a new Federal Republic, but those who are proposing to rebirth the Federal Republic are not acting lawfully or logically at this point.
It appears to be yet another attempt by foreign interests to defraud the American Public and pretend that they are associated with us when in fact they are not --- for the purpose of unjust enrichment, impersonation, and credit fraud.
Our "good faith and credit' applies to our own American Government and to our Constitutional obligations as stipulated; it does not apply to the British Territorial United States nor to the Municipal United States, both of which are supposed to submit their budgets to our Congress --not their Congress-- for approval and for payment via International Bills of Exchange drawn as credit provided by our gold and silver reserves.
Instead, these Pikers have been cashiering our gold and silver as belonging to "unknown owners" and pretending in the case of the World Bank, that these assets, including 14,000 tons of gold confiscated illegally from Americans by the Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and given to the World Bank/IBRD, are "abandoned".
We are here to tell you that our American Government is alive and well and not one scrap of American land, soil, credit, or any other asset is abandoned.
We are also here to tell you that we are booting up to clean out the criminal corporate interests, interlocking trust directorates, and corrupt foreign courts which have plagued not only our country, but virtually all the members of the United Nations as well.
If anyone has any questions I am here to tell you that our Federation is not the Federal Republic. Our Federation is the only American Government with the standing and provenance to act for this country or operate any new Federal Republic Subcontractor.
We have informed Mr. Trump and the U.S. Military to no avail. Despite their obligation to take their orders from the civilian government --- the American Government --- and despite the fact that we are the only lawful and qualified and fully populated civilian government present, they have persisted with efforts to overturn our country and our heritage and our history by severing us from our roots and from the actual Declaration of independence upon which our lawful American Government rests.
These misguided Persons acting as British Territorial U.S. Citizens have attempted to issue "new" Declarations of Independence, have failed to notify Americans in their employment regarding their political status choices, have evaded their Constitutional obligations owed to us, and have willfully continued a de facto military dictatorship in this country since March of 1863. They have acted upon non-existent, never granted "Emergency Powers" and under the False Presumption that the demise of the Federal Republic heralded the demise of the Federation of States as well.
In fact, the Federation of States and its Member States of the Union, were never involved in the so-called American Civil War, which was fought entirely as an illegal commercial mercenary conflict on our shores and then illegally and immorally and unlawfully continued by our erstwhile British Territorial and Municipal Subcontractors, despite their obligations to The Hague Conventions and The Geneva Conventions.
Both of these European "Federal" Subcontractors have operated in Gross Breach of Trust and in Violation of their Commercial Contracts for generations. The international community has turned a blind eye to the rape and pillaging of America by these foreign interests, to its own shame and detriment. The international community has thus far gone along and pandered to these criminals and blamed America for their war-mongering and predation and racketeering against innocent people throughout the world.
No more.
Therefore we are invoking all Treaties owed to us by all Governments worldwide, and all contracts owed to us by all Governments worldwide, and we are providing Notice to the High Courts. We are calling out to the loyal elements of our Armed Forces to do what must be done to rectify this situation, and to Mr. Trump in particular, to recognize the facts and circumstance set forth with specificity herein.
We are the long-lost Principals, the Priority Creditors, and the only ones that can give the military the contracts and the lawful authority to act. We are also the only ones with the standing, provenance, established claims, and assets to pay them for lawful service as soldiers instead of misusing them as cheap mercenaries without even securing their consent to this outrageous circumstance.
We, the living people of this country and every other country, are now under attack.
Our private physicians have been coerced under color of law to register themselves as Medical Doctors, resulting in an undisclosed contractual obligation to act as Uniformed Officers subject to Title 37 of the British Territorial Government's Federal Code. This allows that same foreign Subcontractor to illegally press-gang and conscript our health professionals and misdirect them to knowingly and unknowingly murder people misidentified as "enemy combatants".
There are no enemy combatants here. There are only crooks and criminals operating in self-interest and for profit.
Our Assemblies have declared the end of the American Civil War, and all the States have accepted the Peace. The Peace Treaty has been published. The International Proclamation has been issued by our Head of State.
The deployment of an illegal experimental bioweapon by the British Territorial United States Government using our physicians as Uniformed Officers is an Act of War by the Governments of Great Britain and Westminster, carried out under color of law.
We call upon the Russian Government to honor the American-Russian Alliance and for all other countries and people to heed our warning. The purpose of this is criminal unjust enrichment. The perpetrators are not Americans, though they appear to be. They are in fact British Territorial Subjects.
The American Federation of States is committed to peace and always has been. Our Government has officially been at peace since 1814.

All people of goodwill and all people of common sense and moral conscience worldwide are called upon to look at this situation and take action, or be counted as accomplices to these crimes against humanity.
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America

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