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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The Ancient Governments -- City v. Country

 By Anna Von Reitz

The organization of the Modern World and its governments has taken two forms that reflect the struggle between fiction and fact, the deceitful sons of the Evil One and the sons of Man --- city-states formed by persons (legal fictions) and nation-states formed by living people.
The most famous city-states are represented by Athens, Sparta, Carthage, and Rome. Those living in city-states are called citizens. Such citizens owe obligations of allegiance to the city government. City governments are ruled over by legislatures and populated by officers, indentured servants, and slaves.
If you stop a moment you will recognize this structure alive and well in your midst. It is the basis of every city government (municipal government) on Earth. In a city government, individuals subject themselves to the will of nameless, faceless, fictional "gods" --- Public Opinion, Public Policy, and even Public Ignorance.
Such entities as the State of Ohio are city governments operated by legislatures, run by corporate officers, and populated by citizens. They are legal fiction entities that are traded on stock exchanges and run as businesses for the profit of their shareholders. These are private enterprises in the business of providing government services.
I cannot stress this point enough.
Ohio, the actual State, is a different kind of government, a nation-state operated by an Assembly of the "free, sovereign, and independent people" who live within the borders of Ohio --- not a legislature.
Ohio, the actual State, is owned by the people, who owe it no service at all. The people in each actual State do not act in any capacity as State Citizens until and unless they accept their "Public Duty" and exercise the actual Public Offices of their State and their Country.
Thus there is a natural conflict of interest between the Government of the City and the Government of the Country, between the Public Servants and the Public. And each group has its own jurisdiction and its own form of law.
The Government of the City operates under private corporate law and employs codes, rules, regulations, and State of State Statutes, to govern its own employees and franchise dependents, who are all operating as "Persons" or "PERSONS".
The Government of the City can require and enforce almost any requirement upon its employees and dependents as a condition of their employment or dependency. The Federal Income Tax is an example of an employment tax imposed in this way.
See the U.S. Supreme Court case Rodriguez v. Ray Donovan and Department of Labor, which very clearly enunciates the fact that codes, rules, and regulations (which includes State of State Statutes) don't apply to living people.
Now you know why. The private laws of the City Government formulated as codes, rules, statutes and regulations apply to legal fiction Persons/PERSONS, who are employees or dependents of the Government of the City, not to the living people who make up the populace of the country, and who, acting as People, make up the Government of the Country.
When we, the living people, take up our Public Duty and enter into our Public Offices and act as State Citizens in our State Assemblies or act as Federation Officers occupying the International Jurisdiction of the Land, we also act as persons known as "Lawful Persons" or "People" who operate as the Government of the Country.
Lawful Persons are not entirely fictional. Lawful Persons have the characteristic of "lawful standing" which places them above Legal Persons and which gives them protection under the Public Law.
The Constitutions, for example, are Public Law in this country, and can be enforced by Americans acting as Lawful Persons, but cannot be enforced ---only obeyed--- by Americans acting as Legal Persons.
Because the Legal Persons working for or dependent upon the Government(s) of the City do not have Constitutional Guarantees, they often assume that nobody else does, either. Because they have to obey rules, codes, and regulations, they often expect that you do, too.
It's up to you to declare, claim, and record your lawful birthright political status, and to rebut the presumption that you are a dependent of the Government of the City and also to rebut the presumption that you are subject to their private corporate "law".
It is best to remember that the nation-state surrounds and encompasses and defines the city-state. For example, the land and soil underlying Washington, DC and the entire District of Columbia still belongs to the States of Maryland and Virginia.
In the same way, mandates and municipal corporation policies that are required of Public Employees and dependents of the Government of the City, do not apply to average Americans who stand under the Government of the Country.
We note that the Uniform Transfer to Minors Act was never published in any Congressional Record and neither the Act nor the Presumptions arising from it apply to anyone who is not naturally and actually and knowingly and voluntarily adopting the political status of a British Territorial U.S. Citizen.
We further note that Jimmy Carter had no authority to transfer or entrust any aspect of our state offices to the United Nations and any assumption otherwise has been rebutted since 1776. To presume otherwise would be to think that the Servants control the Masters and the Custodians overrule the Landlords.
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals

Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America