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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Storm Is Upon Us

Found Here:

I am presenting as much opinion as I can find on this and will let you make up your own minds. Read and compare. 

Without God's Grace we will never be able to find the truth.

Your prayers are very much appreciated.

Here is the prayer I pray every day for the people involved in this effort.

 COME, Holy Ghost, fill the hearts of Thy faithful, and kindle in them the fire of Thy love. 
  V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created; 
   R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let Us Pray 
      O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of thy faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the gift of the same Spirit that we may be always truly wise, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

You might want to spread this very powerful prayer around.


  1. Brutal to watch.Psycopaths in action.This must be stopped.

  2. Aaron Russo explained - before they killed him by injecting him with a cancer causing agent - that the goal is to plant an RFID chip into people for control purposes. They plan on injecting this chip into people through FORCED COVID VACCINATION. Just like the masks, you will not be able to enter a building, grocery store, plane or travel unless you allow this forced COVID vaccination containing this chip. The Beta Test for this forced chip vaccination was the Mask Mandates when the majority complied. Because so many idiots complied regarding the masks, they knew they could now use the same tactics with the COVID vaccine. With this chip using 5G military weaponry they can kill you instantly, cut your money off so you will go hungry - complete slavery. They will make it impossible for you to function in society without this chipped vaccine. You and your family will starve to death if you don't comply. Take off the masks and stand up for you and your family. You have a right to freely travel and enter any public building that you choose with or without a mask.

    Aaron Russo, explains the core of what the "Corona Virus"

  3. Now take a look at an excerpt of the real life experience that Jimstone had with his father-in- law at the hospital. This confirms the game plan: Jimstone

    "We went back to the neurosurgeon with my father in law's brain scans. Everything with that came up OK, and then, he started talking about Bill Gates and corona being manufactured, the WHOLE 9 YARDS and I thought, UH OH. She assured him he was paranoid, was beginning to evolve the conversation to "maybe there is something wrong with you" and I then intervened and said I have direct contacts that introduced me to people who had their kids killed in the hospitals with it falsely registered as covid. At this point she started tapping her phone furiously.
    She fired back saying NO, it is real, I know people who are working with this and I responded back, no, it is not real, I know of a kid who got stung by a scorpion and died of covid, another who had a broken arm and promptly died of covid, and a mother who had a difficult delivery and when the kid died, got offered a large sum to register the death as covid. At this point the doctor damn near freaked out and started saying the doctors are Catholics and blah blah and IT IS REAL.

    I then said people die of pneumonia with the flu, and that despite this one being fake the next one that will arrive in october will be real because the fake one did not get the results the communists wanted, so they are going to do it for real this time, don't throw away your mask. She asked how I knew all this and how I got this info, and I said "It is my job. We then left and she followed us out hounding us about how it was all real and I told her "Believe what you want". The entire time she was in her phone rapidly using it like it was some sort of emergency. She stayed on the floor her office was on.  HERE IS THE KICKER: When we got down to the hospital lobby one of the things she did with her phone was have the hospital locked down so we could not leave. Another thing she did was call the police. Another thing she did was have my car barricaded in it's parking spot.  Continued.....Another note about the incident at the hospital: That incident made it plain as day that Corona is fake. The doctor (a very good one) was a Jew. When my father in law started out saying it is the Jews doing the corona scam and the vaccine was for a chip that doctor freaked out. What we went through has likely revealed a big secret about how the corona scam is enforced, if you prove you know it is a hoax and they can get their hands on you in a controlled environment, you're doomed. Continued...

    The President of the AAPS Exposes the Strategem by the CDC and State Health Authorities to Deceptively Inflate COVID-19 Death Statistics

    Your Body is Their Weapon - We're all Patients Now

    Dispatches from the War: Dershowitz con, Florida covid hustle


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