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Thursday, May 7, 2020


Found Here:

Scenes clipped from a Movie series titled " The Dead Zone - Plaque"
Season 2 Episode 14, which was released in July 2003.

The episode portrays about a Corona Virus.

Share this EVERYWHERE! . They always tell us about what is coming in movies.
This is amazing!  PLAN-DEMIC!  17 YEARS AGO...... You will shake your head!
You will really flip when you hear them talk about the cure! (used for Malaria)


  1. The Dead Zone is a movie based on a book by Stephen King. He does a lot of research to make his books realistic.
    The Stand is another very good book and relevant, about a Plague, and Good vs. evil.
    i have wondered at times about how 'Tuned in' to perhaps the Spiritual world Stephen King is. To many coincidences.i wonder if he is even aware of some of the things he has written of.
    If anyone has read The Dark Tower series, it is flat amazing how so much of it is relevant to this world and what is going on.


      Back in the 70s, I just had this idea based on a chemical spil in Utah. And I went to a Doctor that I knew and I said, "Could you give me a scenario for a pandemic that wipes 99% of the earths population?" And his eyes lit up. I mean, they love that sort of apocolyptic "what if" scenario. And he said, "Well, the flu would be the best thing. It's a virus, it's not dead, It's not alive. Nobody really knows what it is. But the thing about the flu is that it is the gift that keeps on giving because, every year, it comes back, but it comes back in a different form so that you need a different shot for it."

  2. Dr. Erickson is strong enough to stand on his own, thankfully. His clinics are his & partner's, so he's not reliant upon Big Med Compliance so much. He can speak more readily.
    In his original video, that made him so popular, at the end he brought up what else is going on: the need for control.

    So good to see he's still voicing his truth. Thanks for keeping his voice present by posting his videos.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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