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Sunday, March 22, 2020

Patient One and Other Housekeeping

By Anna Von Reitz

So now we have a definitive answer to the question asked by the Chinese last week --- who was Patient One?  

So here's the emerging picture.  The Bioweapons Research Lab at Fort Detrick closed in September.  

In October, an American Sergeant stationed at Fort Belvoir on the Potomac attended the World Games, and brought the "enhanced" Coronavirus along with him.  He was Patient One.  

So we have an "enhanced" Common Cold Virus developed and patented by the British Pirbright Institute, financed by DARPA and the Gates Foundation, being transported to China by an American soldier from Fort Belvoir, home of the INS, DTRA (Defense Threat Reduction Agency), the US Army Corps of Engineers, and numerous other "specialty" military ops groups, just shortly after the closure of Fort Detrick's Bioweapons Lab. 

Common sense would suggest that DTRA was involved in salvaging samples of the virus originally housed at Fort Detrick and it escaped.  Our bad.  It's not an "American Virus", but it's certainly not a "Chinese Virus" either.  If we want to pin the blame on the donkey it belongs to, it's a British Virus.  

And as I have said from the beginning, it's the British again.  Always. Monotonously. Forever. Dig deep enough into the dog pile, and there they are. 

The other 200 countries in the world really do need to sit down and think hard about Britain and how to make crime unprofitable for them.  It's the only way we are ever going to have any peace. 

Next, I want to caution everyone --- again --- about not taking any wooden nickels or accepting any money, any checks, any "benefit" at all from the Federal Government with an unrestricted signature.  

They are going to try to claim that you have settled your claim against the bankrupt Municipal Corporation "in equitable exchange" for a pittance amount of credit based on your own gold and silver assets. 

If they send you any check to "help" you through this period of induced unemployment, endorse it very carefully, using your private copyright notice - the small copyright "c" in a circle, and the words, "without prejudice or settlement" or "accepted as a gift" above your signature. Keep a copy front and back and let Mnuchin know you didn't fall for it. 

The Congress Critters would love to claim that you accepted almost nothing for your share and left the rest for them.  

And now, for a blast of fresh air more than ten years in the making --- here's the Granada Forum and Dr. Bill, with insight into the use and misuse of our civilian medical personnel as "Uniformed Officers" illegally conscripted and "licensed" under Federal Title 37.  

I am not a big video watcher or fan and prefer to engage my information in written form, but these are unusual videos.  Dr. Bill knew his topic and he moves right along---- not for anyone with weak stomachs or weak minds, but highly recommended anyhow:   


  1. your No 6 and No 7 are the same Video-Code

  2. I just finished watching all this, is there the next part 3 somewhere? Thank you. Part 3 is the resolve or are we being blinded to that?

  3. I need to get my pineal gland uncalsified. I am ready.

    1. Gary - seems, to us, MMS by Jim Humble accomplishes this. Very cheap. buy in bulk. Lasts forever. We use it every day for many things. Just don't use metal containers, utensils, NO metal anything. Only glass & plastic.
      If we had our GANS Water production up & running, we'd offer it.

    2. By MMS do you refer to the chlorine based chemical, or do you mean the miracle mineral supplement? The bleach is just that an industrial bleach. The chlorine molecules over time are poisonous. Just fyi... the mineral supplement is fine as far as I know. 2 cents.

    3. William D- YES MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement, by Jim Humble!! Beg your pardon for the confusion, thinking Jim Humbles name would clarify. Yes, the MMS/Humble is extraordinary, cheap as hell. We carry it with us, use it every day.

    4. I aggree & have some, though, use ionic silver water & gel instead 🎶

    5. Sodium Chlorite

      • Chlorine dioxide has been used to purify water for more than 70 years.

      • Chlorine dioxide (which is MMS) has been taken as a health drink for more than 85 years by hundreds of thousands of people in the US.

      • Chlorine dioxide is used in more than 1000 public water works to kill the diseases of mankind. Why would anyone refuse to believe that it cannot be used to kill the diseases in the water of the human body?

      • Sodium chlorite, from which chlorine dioxide is derived, has been sold by more than a dozen companies to improve health for decades.

  4. Best post ever. Now just show us how to discharge our debts, please.

  5. hummm this was done 14 years ago...

  6. "
    SORRY TRUMP, IT IS NOT A "CHINESE" VIRUS AND THE CHINESE KNOW ABOUT THE VAPING COVER UPBad news: the official story is not going to survive this.Background: A couple weeks ago I pegged the first vaping deaths on a Coronavirus release that was linked to a breach of protocol that got Ft Detrick shut down. I did not push it too hard and linked the report about Ft Detrick being shut down.

    At that time, there was a video done by an analyst in Taiwan that was based on Chinese research in the United States, where they discovered that all 5 haplotypes of the virus were in the United States and only 3 were in China, which proved the virus originated in the U.S. I had to go on other people's screen caps because the video got banned and the people screen capping missed the BIG ONE: That the Chinese knew the first coronavirus deaths happened in the U.S. and were blamed on vaping. I only found this out today because I found that video and had it fully buffered before it got banned while I was watching it. Someone in the U.S. is DESPERATE to bury this. This video was released about a week before I drew the conclusion that the virus came from Ft Detrick and got blamed on vaping. THIS IS NOT A CHINESE VIRUS, AND THEY KNOW IT, READ IT AND WEEP!!!"

  7. While looking for part 3, I came across some Deagle info:

    1. Easier playlist for Deagel's presentation:

  8. Always interesting info. Encourages discourse. We aren't convinced Pirbright Institute, the Lab is involved at all. BUT the 'overseer' responsible for Pirbright Institute ENTITY used a pipeline to engage in profiteering with Killy Gates & pals.

    The lab itself is very simple, working with chickens, eggs, animal husbandry, doing their jobs to insure health of animals.

    The CORONA-CON virus wasn't made at Pirbright Institute labs. WAS NOT MADE as a virus to infest humans. Those involved appear to be INVESTORS in the con. None of them are scientists making the virus. WHO MADE THE VIRUS, then?

    SOMEBODY ELSE MADE THE VIRUS, patented it, & now blame is focused upon Pirbright Institute labs, BLAMING INNOCENTS AT THE LABS.

    Look up Pirbright Institute, see the people there, see the small building, see images of the interior, people working. THIS IS NOT A BIO-LEVEL 4 facility. Its an agriculture lab checking CHICKEN POOP to make sure chickens are healthy.


    See posts at "Coronavirus" is the New Name of the Common Cold" - Series asking folks to see the links, what Pirbright labs really is. This facility is being BLAMED when it is not them. These INNOCENT PEOPLE, lab workers, simply doing their job, insuring health of animals are being TARGETED & may feel threatened becuz AGENDISTS DECIDED TO MAKE FALSE CLAIMS about a facility where INNCOCENT PEOPLE ARE EMPLOYED.

    When seeing the posts, NOTE who’s involved with Killy Gates: includes PIZZA HUT. Same thing >>>> “PIZZA HUT is involved”. Yet nothing about Pizza Hut, ONLY BLAMING INNOCENT PEOPLE working at a SMALL LAB, which has NO INDICIATIONS WHATSOEVER of working on, much less producing HUMAN VIRAL CONTAGIONS. This lab is NOT Bio-Level 4. Its a Bio-Level 1 where people walk in & out, come & go, unsuited, unmasked, having lunch w others, openly, coming & going to the fields, touching animals, taking samples, chatting, etc.

    The Coronavirus WAS NOT PRODUCED AT PIRBRIGHT labs. Where was it produced, then? Soooo many labs, including those associated with CDC Inc, a non-governmental, private, for-profit criminal syndicate, stuffed to its gills with JEWS. See Amazing Polly’s videos.

    Even the Queens sister is shown INSIDE this small lab building for its opening, from a previously SMALLER FACILITY.

    INNOCENTS ARE BEING TARGETED. Its the those responsible for MANY MANY facilites who are INVESTED IN THIS ATROCITY. Again, look, see PIZZA HUT is equally "RESPONSIBLE", by this erroneous narrative which PROVES NOTHING BUT those UPPER ECHELON administrators, board members, engaging with Killy Gates to produce diseases for profiteering.

    PLEASE STOP TARGETING INNOCENTS trying to prove something which it FAILS TO DO. Go after the ones involved NOT INNOCENTS. IF these innocent people, simply coming & going, loving their work, going home to their families, etc ARE HARMED as a result of these FALSE TARGETING ALLEGATIONS attempting to “PROVE IT’S THE QUEEN”, no matter how INCORRECT, WRONG, UNETHICAL, IMMORAL to place focus & blame upon INNOCENTS must be called out! Leave Pirbright labs alone! Leave those people alone. Instead NAME THE PERPS THEMSELVES.

  9. No fan of Politico, yet...

    The Secret History of Fort Detrick, the CIA’s Base for Mind Control Experiments

    Today, it’s a cutting-edge lab. In the 1950s and 1960s, it was the center of the U.S. government’s darkest experiments.


    09/15/2019 06:51 AM EDT

    In 1954, a prison doctor in Kentucky isolated seven black inmates and fed them “double, triple and quadruple” doses of LSD for 77 days straight. No one knows what became of the victims. They may have died without knowing they were part of the CIA’s highly secretive program to develop ways to control minds—a program based out of a little-known Army base with a dark past, Fort Detrick.

    Suburban sprawl has engulfed Fort Detrick, an Army base 50 miles from Washington in the Maryland town of Frederick. Seventy-six years ago, however, when the Army selected Detrick as the place to develop its super-secret plans to wage germ warfare, the area around the base looked much different. In fact, it was chosen for its isolation. That’s because Detrick, still thriving today as the Army’s principal base for biological research and now encompassing nearly 600 buildings on 13,000 acres, was for years the nerve center of the CIA’s hidden chemical and mind control empire. 1954, a prison doctor in Kentucky isolated seven black inmates and fed them “double, triple and quadruple” doses of LSD for 77 days straight. No one knows what became of the victims. They may have died without knowing they were part of the CIA’s highly secretive program to develop ways to control minds—a program based out of a little-known Army base with a dark past, Fort Detrick.

    Suburban sprawl has engulfed Fort Detrick, an Army base 50 miles from Washington in the Maryland town of Frederick. Seventy-six years ago, however, when the Army selected Detrick as the place to develop its super-secret plans to wage germ warfare, the area around the base looked much different. In fact, it was chosen for its isolation. That’s because Detrick, still thriving today as the Army’s principal base for biological research and now encompassing nearly 600 buildings on 13,000 acres, was for years the nerve center of the CIA’s hidden chemical and mind control empire.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. ^

  11. "Is the Corona Virus 'Pandemic' connected to Impeachment?
    These Ukraine connections suggest it might be .. is the Swamp capable of this level of deception & evil?"

    Virus Task Force Boss Birx Ukraine Connections

    Corey's Digs

  12. A great con-man, mix a lot of truth in to sell the exaggerations and lies.

  13. What happened to this guy, did he scare himself to death????


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