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Sunday, September 9, 2018

"Social Security" Fears

By Anna Von Reitz

Millions of Americans were forced into Social Security adhesion contracts by undeclared Foreign Agents acting under color of law. You were told that you had to have a Social Security Number in order to have a job, and that turns out to be a Big, Fat, Self-Interested Lie.
Social Security is a federal employee pension program, and if you are Joe Average American, you never even qualified to enroll.

The further fact is that those corporations and responsible for this Big, Fat, Self-Interested Lie are criminally and commercially liable for this circumstance and being brought to task for it.
Does this have any impact on the goods and services that are owed to the elderly Americans who have been defrauded?
No, if anything, it increases the obligations owed to them.
Does objecting to the fraud and deceit and reclaiming your birthright political status, Good Name, and Estate change or endanger Social Security payments or services owed to you?
No, it does not.
What if you went to Europe and worked all your life for a French corporation, were vested in their retirement system, and upon retirement, returned home to America?
Would the obligations of the French corporation cease because you changed your address?
No. And neither do the obligations of the Social Security Administration change when you return "home" to your birth state and your native political status.
In recent years there has been an attempt to "redefine" pension payments and health insurance owed to seniors who are vested in the Social Security System as welfare "benefits".
It is important to know that some people receiving payments from Social Security are actually receiving it as welfare payments, since they didn't actually work and earn their forty quarters needed to vest in the system.
For all of you who did work your full forty quarters and pay into Social Security, whatever you receive back is not a "benefit". It is a social insurance payment owed. You need to draw a line and make the distinction.
Send a registered letter, return receipt requested, objecting to any attempt to mis-characterize the payment and health services you are owed as "benefits". In your case, you and your employers paid for every penny you receive back.
You are not a welfare case and the Social Security Administration needs to be given Notice of that fact.
When push comes to shove, it is a lot easier for THEM to justify not paying welfare "benefits" than justify not paying insurance annuities and covering health care costs that you and your employers already paid for.


See this article and over 1200 others on Anna's website here:

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  1. I gather, this is the post you promised that we should look for?

    1. The bastards / Western Thieves associated their Soc.Security SCAMS, DIY-Retirement Scams, committed CRIMES together with many western countries, except RUSSIA, N.KORA, IRAN, SAUDI, ISRAEL, CHINA, and se Asian countries, to create their FAKE WALL-STREET LOANs, to rob people houses and everything.

      Their Fake lending scheme started when? Look up this “TIAS 9830 from year 1980”, At the expenses of mainly N.American People, human Lifeforces taken via $IOU’s, Insurance and Tax fraud, pretending that Bill Clinton did all the works, when the UK++ Vatican Popes were the Ones orchestrated the Great SIN. See Mr. Bill Exe-Order-No.-13037, taken the lending buffers off our owing retirement, then they killing us NOW, especially minorities in their Hospital at COVID-19. They figured that their original plan of using 30,000 Guillotines is too obvious. Save a few copies on your HD’s.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am still in a holding pattern, due to the above questions.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I do not seem to recall anyone ever receiving a specific set of focused guidelines as a good answer for that question.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. My wife lived in Texas for 60 years and had a valid green card and was convicted of a tax "crime", served 2.4 years incarceration. Then she was deported to England. She was stamped as an aggravated felony because of the conviction and also because it was determined she owed more than $10,000 which made the charge aggravated. She paid into the social security system her whole career but now she is not eligible for any of those monies. She is 64 years old and is desperately trying to survive in London. We have been seeking any remedy legally possible to get her back home with her family.( Four children, five grandchildren and her husband who is 71 years old. They have been married for nearly 36 years.) If there is any possible remedy we would like to know. Please help!

  11. SSA is an agreement, not a contract. Does anyone know why? In 1953, a subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee conducted hearings for the express purpose of settling the question of whether social security was contractual in nature; see Hearings of November 27, 1953 entitled "The Legal Status of OASI Benefits," (Part 6). The witness at the hearing was Dr. Arthur J. Altmeyer, who held several offices in the Roosevelt administration. He was a member of the first Social Security Board, and by 1946 became the Social Security Commissioner, retiring in 1953. During this hearing, various parties stated that social security was not a contract:

    At page 918:
    "Mr. Altmeyer: * * * There is no individual contract between the beneficiary and the Government.

    "Mr. Dingell: Congress knew that, did it not?

    "Mr. Altmeyer: Yes, of course. I am sure it did.

    * * *

    "Chairman Curtis: The individual * * * has no contract? Is that your position?

    "Mr. Altmeyer: That is right.

    "Chairman Curtis: And he has no insurance contract?

    "Mr. Altmeyer: That is right."

    At page 937:

    "Chairman Curtis: We came to an agreement on one of our major premises, that this was no insurance contract, and the words did not come from me. They were volunteered by Mr. Altmeyer."

    At page 968:

    "Mr. Winn: * * * Mr. Altmeyer, there being no contractual obligation between the Government and the worker, it follows, does it not, that the benefit payments under title II of the Social Security Act are merely statutory benefits which Congress may withdraw or alter at any time?"

    At page 969:

    "Mr. Winn (reading): ‘These are gratuities, not based on contract * * *. Moreover, the act creates no contractual obligation with respect to the payment of benefits. This Court has pointed out the difference between insurance which creates vested rights, and pensions and other gratuities, involving no contractual obligations, in Lynch v. United States, (292 U.S. 571, 576-577)."

    At page 994:

    "Mr. Altmeyer: I have answered your question, sir. If you will refer to section 1101, you will find, as you read into the record, that there are no vested rights, that Congress may create different rights * * *."

    At page 996:

    "Mr. Winn: We have also established that there is no insurance contract between the Government and the worker within a covered wage whereby the rights and obligations of a party are set; that is correct, is it not?

    "Mr. Altmeyer: No. You did not establish that. That has been self-evident since the law was passed in 1935."

    At pages 1013-14 (the Chair's concluding remarks):

    "Chairman Curtis: Mr. Altmeyer, it is apparent that the people of the country have no insurance contract. That does not mean that I do not want to do my full part to do justice to them and to carry out and make good on the moral commitment that has been made to them. Yet, notwithstanding the fact that they had no insurance contract, it remains true that the agency under your direction repeatedly in public statements, by pamphlets, radio addresses, and by other means, told the people of the country that they had insurance. I think a number of people were misled by that."

  12. The agreement has to do with the certificated person in the custody of the Registrar, not the man, very clever fraud so no one will see it. Right from -IRS- "The infant is a decedent who has yet to attain a SSN" Man gifts over his dominion because he has no idea it was replaced with another authority through-NOVATION- by way of EXPILATIO.

  13. Captain America, by operation of law, "Project Rebirth" Anna, this is the root, take a closer look.

  14. Merely means mother, born alive, "any product of mother is considered a human person" Can you now see why this is voluntary?
    "Mr. Winn: * * * Mr. Altmeyer, there being no contractual obligation between the Government and the worker, it follows, does it not, that the benefit payments under title II of the Social Security Act are merely statutory benefits which Congress may withdraw or alter at any time?"

  15. All monies go into a general fund in SSA, because the beneficiary has yet to be named upon retirement. Man is surety for the certificated person until no more contributions are made. If there is any money left, a beneficiary under the control of SSA is named leaving man completely out of the matter.

  16. Can you condense that to two or three sentences. When you say Man are you referring to Man on the land?

  17. Or is your point that the whole process above garuntees nothing from said gov't?

  18. Man is man and hopefully does not need explanation. This whole system is for a maternal line. The ROLB is evidence of land mother leaves behind. Everything is about land/property, and who has a claim to it. This is not about patriotism or other foolishness, it is all about land. I want everyone to keep in mind, the legal name created by the State and the associated land mother leaves behind is the source of all claims. I had this confirmed by the Registrar when I figured it out with a friend, She admitted the estate is female similar to a vessel. The gist is without boring anyone, without a power of appointment to act for that legal name, all national security issues under emergency doctrine must be administrated for lack of a captain of the States vessel under the protective custody of the Registrar. This is why the IRS says, the infant is a decedent who has yet to receive a SSN. Without an assumed name in good standing, as well as the power of appointment to act as attorney in fact for the estate, the administrator always steps in due to incapacity, no standing. With a appointment, it is the State that acts, not the man. The administrator has no cause to step in when the captain of the vessel has not abandoned the name. Read ORC, 3705.11 Report of the Foundling child and you will glean all the answers, not that it entirely solves the issue.

  19. Thats not my point, that statement came right from the horses mouth.

  20. Think hard on this one. Does a Foundling child have a body? Why do the courts need a body attachment if so? Why are they taking your body? It goes on and on once you know the truth.

    A contract signed by nobody that can be unilaterally changed by the originator is a nullity.

  21. Final point:
    A contract signed by nobody that can be unilaterally changed by the originator is a nullity.

  22. Round and round we go where it stops NOBODY knows.

  23. Thank you Cube Sphere for clarifying that.

  24. "Social Security is a federal employee pension program, and if you are Joe Average American, you never even qualified to enroll."
    We know a retired IRS employee and it was expressed directly she did not pay into social security. Help...Whats up with this.

  25. Nomi,

    Read what the head man at SSA said about SSA on the Congressional record! Fictions are the entity attached to every Act in this maternal line. Virginity = girl and Mary = water. Girl of the water = Vatican =hold I can, controller of all fiction. Read the above, I know it is not an easy pill to swallow.

    1. Cube sphere~Done. So federal Employees as part of their training knew NOT to become involved with SSA and did various retirement accounts instead, where average Joe was not educated/trained to this important fact, even though do recall in IRS booklets for 1040 did mention doing a return was voluntary.
      Moving On....
      "Merely means mother, born alive, "any product of mother is considered a human person" Can you now see why this is voluntary?" Looks like our twin the placenta got the Name....A good swift overview of what is....Starting from the first and through the eighth, only 38 minutes of anyone's time:

    2. You're overlooking the FACT the US government obtained money, via deductions, by fraud. The elected and non-elected officials can claim whatever they want to about the nature of the government's obligation but, fraud is an entirely different matter!

    3. Jack,
      In 1933, a new nation, new deal/offer was made. "Today is a day of national consecration" A new land (mothers ground) was given birth to fund the plan-et. Now go back and read what Mandel House had to say or whoever said it in 1913. It all came to pass.

  26. You have the gist of it. Kurt and I have been working on this-ISSUE- for some time. Once people realize this truth, every claim made has to do with only one thing, land of mother where all things born from that land belong to the steward of the land as our birth right. Can a State inherit land or can mom grant that easement without full disclosure? Not hardly.

  27. So then, why doesn't the mom just claim heirship over ALL her DNA and cancel and remove her signature from the forms she signed like the BC and social?

    1. The answer is agency, and it that moment we act as trustee-de-son-tort against the holder of the record. We can change this through a power of appointment and an assumed name. The captain of the ship returns to take control. Return of the king or Captain America! Look on Caps shield, the flag of puerto rico is displayed as if "I don't think we are in Kansas/KANSAS anymore" Oh, where is IRS.........yeah.......

  28. I think it's obvious that mom intended that part of her body to supply everything needed for baby to live and its attached to baby for a time being. But what I don't get is that even in countries where women keep that placenta, they still get BC's like everyone else, so it seems pointless in a way doesn't it?

    I honestly do not believe that any of this fraudulent setup was intended to benefit us at all. If anything, it was meant to be a parasite in man's destruction of body, soul and spirit.

  29. BTW, The birth, sacred twin is given a sign/sin, not a name, please sign by the X =female vessel. That birth date for that certificated person was created by in-corporating a given name of one or more words and a family name becoming a sign of the times to come. The registration date is for the creditor and second coming upon resurrection of living. Do you see it? Everyone needs to understand, birth date is the debtor, registration date with just a given name, not a sign is the creditor. "Ye shall be saved in my-NAME- only"

  30. Cube.....please continue, this is getting quite interesting indeed.

  31. From above..
    The answer is agency, and it that moment we act as trustee-de-son-tort against the holder of the record. We can change this through a power of appointment and an assumed name. The captain of the ship returns to take control. Return of the king or Captain America! Look on Caps shield, the flag of puerto rico is displayed as if "I don't think we are in Kansas/KANSAS anymore" Oh, where is IRS.........yeah.......

  32. What is NOVATION?

    Novation is the substitution of a new debt or obligation for an existing one.


  33. What is EXPILATIO?

    In the civil law. The offense of unlawfully appropriating goods belongingto a succession. It is not technically theft (furtum) because such property no longerbelongs to the decedent, nor to the lieir, since the latter has not yet taken possession.

  34. What is SUCCESSION?

    In the civil law and in Louisiana. I. The fact of the transmission of the rights, estate, obligations, and charges of a deceased person to his heir or heirs. 2. The right by which the heir can take possession of the decedent’s estate. The right of the heir to step into the place of the deceased, with respect to the possession, control, enjoyment, administration, and settlement of all the latter’s property, rights, obligations, charges, etc. 3. The estate of a deceased person, comprising all kinds of property owned or claimed by him, as well as his debts and obligations, and considered as a legal entity (according to the notion of the Roman law) for certain purposes, such as collecting assets and paying debts. See Davenport v. Adler, 52 La. Ann. 203, 20 South. 830; Adams v. Akerlund, 108 111. 032, 48 N. E. 454; Quarles v. Clayton, 87 Tenn. 308, 10 S. W. 505. 3 L. R. A. 170; State v. Fayne, 129 Mo. 408, 31 S. W. 797, 33 L. R. A. 570; Blake v. McCartney, 3 Fed. Cas. 590; In re Headen’s Estate, 52 Cal. 298. Succession is the transmission of the rights and obligations of the deceased to the heirs. Succession signifies also the estates, rights, and charges which a person leaves after his death, whether the property exceeds the charges or the charges exceed the property, or whether he has only left charges without any property. The succession not only includes the rights and obligations of the deceased as they exist at the time of his death, but all that has accrued thereto since the opening of the succession, as also the new charges to which it becomes subject. Finally, succession signifies also that right by which the heir can take possession of the estate of the deceased, such as it may be. Civ. Code I.a. arts. 871-874. Succession is the coming in of another to take the property of one who dies without disposing of it by will. Civ. Code Cal.


    Part 21. Customer Account Services
    Chapter 7. Business Tax Returns and Non-Master File Accounts
    Section 13. Assigning Employer Identification Numbers (EINs)

    “An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN.”

  36. Remember the stork transporting children through US mail?


    The removal of goods or persons from one place to another, by a carrier. See Railroad Co. v. Pratt, 22 Wall. 133, 22 L. Ed. 827; Interstate Commerce Coin’n v. Brimson, 154 U. S. 4 17. 14 Sup. Ct. 1125, 38 L. Ed. .1047; Gloucester Ferry Co. v. Pennsylvania, 114 U. S. 100, 5 Sup. Ct. S26, 29 L. Ed. 158. In criminal law. A species of punishment consisting in removing the criminal from his own country to another, (usually a penal colony.) there to remain in exile for a prescribed period. Fong


  37. What is PRESCRIBE?

    To assert a right or title to the enjoyment of a thing, on the ground of having hitherto had the uninterrupted and immemorial enjoymeut of It. To direct; define; mark out. In modern statutes relating to matters of au administra- tive nature, such as procedure, registration, etc., it is usual to indicate in general terms the nature of the proceedings to be adopted, and to leave the details to be prescribed or regulated by rules or orders to be made for that purpose in pursuance of an authority contained in the act. Sweet. And see Mansfield v. People, 104 111. Oil, 45 N. E. 970; Ex parte Lot.hrop, lis U. S. 113, 0 Sup. Ct. 984, 30 L. Ed. 108; Field v. Marye, 83 Va. 882, 3 S. E. 707.

  38. Now, every one of us have a birth right to the mineral wealth of the land. Ever heard of the CAFR accounts? When we die, the total estate of vast wealth falls to the custodian of the property and the incorporated sign on the tombstone is evidence, we abandoned it. This is why wars rage, destroy the world of men and those few who know reap the reward by never having to repay whats owed to us.

    1. $6 trillion was 'documented' by former WTC financial 'gurus' to have disappeared from Cafr funds in NY alone during 911...That information long ago disappeared from Google 💣

  39. "Welcome to the world of the real"

    Do not say this was not shared with you who have the eyes to see it.

  40. Replies
    1. Really, this is the greatest story never told and has taken years, thousands of hours of study to give it here in brief.

      Your welcome!

    2. Most of us are truly fascinated and Grateful Cube from our True hearts core!! Thank you soooo much for ALL you contribute for us to SEE deeper beyond our "colorable" worldly conditioned, confused minds. Every moment Now we Are SEEing more clearly and learning from a much higher perspective, and ALL contributions to this IS priceless, Thank You!!
      Much Love, Gratitude and Peace Be to All

    3. We stand upon the shoulders of giants by grace, and I am as grateful as many of you! Anna, and others have been given the insight to share freely and this is the golden rule in action. We have set this knowing into motion, it now has momentum which will see us through.

  41. Thanks Cube! I really appreciate that. So, is it safe to say, that when man/woman are born, they are inherently already given an inheritance. They are born with this mineral right to land. This land also being described as the part connected to us when we are born. This 'land' is seemingly abandoned by mom and is the venue by which all sorts of things are created as attaching to the real baby for the rest of his/her life or until claim is made at a later age.

    It would be nice to know the right parties to whom to send the deed or title to in correcting this. I'm not well taught in this chaos, but I am hopefully beginning to see the light in this!

    1. You are welcome! Our very bodies are an extension of the land and because no real separation can ever exist, an artificial one had to be created in the form of an offer you couldn't refuse because you never knew one was made. I have never met anyone who knew they were deceived. "lets throw the baby out with the bath water" "One mans trash is another mans treasure-y. "X marks the spot" "Mary/merry Christ-mass" Ever watch the True-man/Truman show? Truman Burbank, Be our bank. 5/3rd bank-5 divided by 3 = .666 and it goes on forever, one story, and the rest is his-story.

  42. Typo! That should be 1.666 meaning 1 ring/chorion/zygote/baby and .666 vessel/mass/golem/human creature/monster/moon star and it goes on and on......

  43. Now I am hearing that people have become stateless if this is not done correctly. ughhh


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