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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove any comment for any reason by anyone. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Additionally we do not allow comments with advertising links in them for your products. When you post a comment, it is in the public domain. You have no copyright that can be enforced against any other individual who comments here! Do not attempt to copyright your comments. If that is not to your liking please do not comment. Any attempt to copyright a comment will be deleted. Copyright is a legal term that means the creator of original content. This does not include ideas. You are not an author of articles on this blog. Your comments are deemed donated to the public domain. They will be considered "fair use" on this blog. People donate to this blog because of what Anna writes and what Paul writes, not what the people commenting write. We are not using your comments. You are putting them in the public domain when you comment. What you write in the comments is your opinion only. This comment section is not a court of law. Do not attempt to publish any kind of "affidavit" in the comments. Any such attempt will also be summarily deleted. Comments containing foul language will be deleted no matter what is said in the comment.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Remember Who You Are!

By Anna Von Reitz

If I have told you nothing else, explained nothing else -- it's that the vast bulk of Americans are not "United States Citizens" of any kind.

Citizens are subjects of the federal Territorial and Municipal Governments: people from Guam and Puerto Rico; people who are working for the federal government; dependents of the federal government receiving unearned welfare, political asylum seekers; African Americans because they were never granted recognition of their "natural and unalienable rights", only "equal civil rights"---which they have to claim in every instance to obtain a facsimile of justice.

The "federal government" is a series of corporations and corporate franchises in the business of providing "essential government services" under contract to our states. 

As President of these corporations, Mr. Trump can require his employees and dependents to follow whatever "Public Policy" he wishes to establish by Executive Order or otherwise the Territorial and Municipal Congresses can establish explicit Public Policy for these corporations. 

This is nothing more or less than the ability of any employer to demand performance from employees and for any government to demand performance from citizens owing it their fealty.

My point to you is that if you are Joe Blow, American, the federal government works for you, you don't work for it.  Any confusion on that point needs to be cleared up right now and in no uncertain terms, but you all have to make your own choice and record that choice on the public record.

So, let's see--- do I want to subject myself to the Public Policy of foreign corporations operating out of Washington, DC?  Do I want to be responsible for all their debts?
  Do I want to obey every whim and dictate of the members of the Municipal "Congress"? And the Territorial "Congress"?  And be responsible to know and obey all 80 million statutory laws?  Do I want to pay federal taxes?

And what, supposedly in exchange, would I do this for?  For "benefits" that I pay for myself?  Hello?  Plus interest?

So when Donald Trump signs an Executive Order requiring "citizens of the United States" to turn in their guns and ammo does that effect you? 

Well, it depends.  Are you a federal citizen or a state national?   A slave owing allegiance to the Municipal Corporation of the District of Columbia?  A slave owned by the Municipality of Washington, DC?  An indentured bond servant working for the Territorial Government?  A native of Guam? 

Any "law" or "order" repugnant on its face to our Constitution is null and void with respect to us and is legally and lawfully unenforceable against Americans who have removed themselves from federal jurisdiction. 

So if you are worried about Federales coming around and confiscating your guns under the same false pretenses that FDR confiscated American gold back in the 1930's, it is high time for you to remember who you are and get your paperwork done and on the public record. 

Then, you can hang out your proper flag,-- the US Civil Flag--- and your international private property sign. So if any federal "officer" trespasses for any reason, you can present him with a certified copy of your Deed to your Trade Name and your Certificates of Assumed Names and your Mandatory Notice under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act and ask him, "Who gave you permission to address me and trespass on my land?"

Because at that point, your issue isn't with the poor schmuck standing there trying to execute "his orders".  Your issue is with the politicians and administrators of a foreign government who sent him on this errand, and who are attempting to presume upon you and deprive you, an innocent Third Party, of your rights and guarantees and property assets.

To avoid this outcome, you have to remember who you are and stand on your own feet.  You have to tell the "federal government" where its limitations are and back up your claim of birthright political status on the public record.

But why wait for the federal mercenaries to show up on your doorstep?  Why not tell the politicians where to get off right now?  If you are concerned about Trump writing improper Executive Orders that might be misinterpreted as applying to you and your property--- send him a Registered Letter and inform him otherwise.

See this article and over 800 others on Anna's website here:
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.


  1. "So when Donald Trump signs an Executive Order requiring "citizens of the United States" to turn in their guns and ammo does that effect you?" You didn't cushion that with a "let's say" or "for instance". You said when. I wasn't aware the Teflon Don was planning any such mercenary action. I thought he was working with white knight military in the Pentagon to drain the swamp. If he does pen an executive order confiscating guns, he will have a bloodbath on his hands. Gun sales increase with every false flag shooting...can't these retards learn any new tricks?

  2. And, for any inland pirates and undeclared foreign agents/privateers reading this -- I have all of the above on Anna's sovereignty list checked-off: Civil Peacetime flag, the int'l private property semaphore, the Deed to my Trade name, cert. of Assumed Name, reclaimed status of my good name upon the land jurisdiction, etc., etc. I have put numerous federal territorial and municipal agencies on notice, and through administrative relief have received tacit agreement to my stipulated terms, conditions, and remedies -- all of which will hold up in any re-venued court of equity into a true court of law, enacting my 7th Amendment rights and "Saving to Suitors" right under the United States Code, Title 28, ss. 1333. I retain, reserve, and defend ALL of my Constitutional, Civil, and Common Law rights as an American National and State-National Citizen. Any questions? You can direct them to the ghost of Patrick Henry.

    1. Very good Chris...i would only add one thing to your statement, especially when your facing a judge....I am only here by "special appearance " only and "without prejudice" and I retain, reserve, and defend....might as well tell them that you are appearing specially and "under duress"(without prejudice) just to be safe and perfectly clear...after that if the judge tries to ask you any questions just tell him are you trying to contract with me, because I didn't come here to contract, only to settle and clear this account using my private recourse of "set -off" as a third party interseder. You have my permission to set off this account for full settlement and "closer"in full "with prejudice"..!!

    2. Thank you, James, for the coaching on this! I will use all that if need be.

  3. Hey Chris R., I would like to have a chat with you some time about that process. I sent a message via Hangouts.

    1. Judge Anna has explained much more beautifully and eloquently than I could. It's all over Paul's (this) site and But, yeah, we can still chat about it, if you want my specific experience doing this roughly 8- to 10-step system of what I call "master sovereignty".

    2. Greetings Chris Robideaux. I would like to know about your master sovereignty experience. Edward Novak.

  4. Hypothetical , however the 1933 gold confiscation.if one look at the final pages it was only for citizens of the U.S. corporation .
    Either be a federal citizen or a foreign national,state citizen , private person ,sovereign man.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. The govt always wants to assume you are a person (Corp slave). However, there is appearantently a big difference between a person and a "private person". So if they insist on you being a person, just tell them ,yea, a private person...!! If you don't believe there is a difference just refer to the only two people that can make an actual arrest at penal code 834.."Arrest defined; persons authorized to arrest:

      "An arrest may be made by a peace officer or by a "private person"!!

    3. Inner face with Thair. system otherwise your unknown and can't be addressed . I copy you give up a few rights like you can't harm anyone but you get protected in responce. Go in spouting sovereign this or that your not up in Thai system.

    4. Thanks for the penal code trying to infuse confidence back in the whites who were attacked at Charlottesville even top attorney kyle Brisco quite . He was suspended to start an ACLU.only for us on the right .as this thread shows attorneys fear the judge that is not suppose to even talk to us unless it's under 20 dollars.they used the maze up arraignment to get you before him and agree to waiver your trial by jury.

    5. Show me a "trail by jury" of your "peers" and I'll show you an ocean in the desert...!! My jury couldn't even answer a single simple question..."What are the 1st 10 amendments to the constitution called"..?? Nothing but silence!! I looked at the judge (This judge was a nice guy and liked me), and he just kind of shook his head..!! That's going to be the jury your going to get. They can barely rule on the facts (not knowing if they are true or false), let alone the law....!!

    6. Here is a good site on how to handle a judge in court for your 1st appearance (The arraignment)...

    7. james pansini--Actually, what you--and almost everyone else under the Sun (including myself until recently) think of as the Bill of Rights is actually the one and only First Amendment, which has 10 Articles. Learn something every day!

    8. I'll have to check that out...ive never heard that before....thanks..

  5. This is a good attack to block all the genocide on nationals Geneva convention anything that threatens the welfare of inhabitants is genocide .

  6. I too Chris would like info on your process. We've been having a hell of a time in Michigan. To the point of being arested. Thanks. My email.

    1. Er Horn ,
      Was wondering about what made the other arrest you?

  7. international private property sign
    We’re can you get a copy of this sign?

  8. In that day you could be the Queen of Seba and they'll just shoot you anyway.
    Then your paper-work will just blow away in the wind from your dead body as your neighbors dog either urinates on your carcass or starts eatin ya-!!!
    Sooo folks it's now or never for all silent moral majority folks at heart to get off the fence and landslide Patriots in PRIMARY ELECTION's to go head to head with lying Lefties and thrash them in the arena of truth, logic, commonsense, facts and Constitutional policy idea's that work to really kick career politicians and the Marxist's out...

  9. In that day you could be the Queen of Seba and they'll just shoot you anyway.
    Then your paper-work will just blow away in the wind from your dead body as your neighbors dog either urinates on your carcass or starts eatin ya-!!!
    Sooo folks it's now or never for all silent moral majority folks at heart to get off the fence and landslide Patriots in PRIMARY ELECTION's to go head to head with lying Lefties and thrash them in the arena of truth, logic, commonsense, facts and Constitutional policy idea's that work to really kick career politicians and the Marxist's out...

  10. I don't know if any of you are aware of it or not, but as I write to legislators every day in all states warning them against an Art. V Convention, where the constitution could be abolished or re-written, they are getting very close to having enough states to ask for a convention. They have been lied to by pushers of this "convention" assuring them that "unfaithful delegate bills, fines, etc.will give states control of delegates. That is a lie.

    1. Anything mark Levin is for I'm against
      Its a loose for freedom and more divine and conquer .

  11. Re: "Any 'law' or 'order' repugnant on its face to our Constitution is null and void with respect to us and is legally and lawfully unenforceable against Americans who have removed themselves from federal jurisdiction." Although this statement is virtually true in most every sense it is still only one quarter of the whole set of Organic Laws (that I have yet to see presented here) which holds the larger context that is required for a full American Law perspective on "our Constitution" - as that is actually an extension of "The Articles of Confederation" which is also an extension of The Declaration of Independence.

    1. A Constitution is the con; many of the states never even had a Bill of Rights; Constitutions come about when we distrust our government; otherwise its not needed;

      And, the witnesses to the US Con are dead; its now hearsay evidence; the matter must be referred to the country (a jury or council)its time for a new declaration that includes first nations and indigenous peoples as equals with natural and unalienable rights;

      The organic laws is everything un-enacted; the Sacred Teachings or Scriptures of a community; the customs, oral traditions, ancient maxims and principles; proverbs and stories with morals; ethics, morals, principles and values; in peace

    2. Amen..!! It's too hard to defend something written for an age without technology....!!!

  12. Don't think ann is aware of "current events" where the cops can "shoot first and ask questions later" and have been protected by the courts in doing this. Writing articles is one thing, but in the larger scheme of things, all of this is wishful thinking!!! no proof of any kind has been offered on this site of any arrests of corporate officials-corporate sheriffs, corporate governors, corporate police forces, etc. that have clearly violated People's constitutional Rights have been offered on this site. I guess the corporate perps in Michigan have been so scared of that Michigan jural assembly that is touted so highly on this forum have been perfect angels there, have stayed in their respective corporate spheres and let the People get on with their private lives. I don't think so. Yes, show the cops sent to shoot you for having a gun in your house all your "paperwork"!!! I'm sure they will be scared of you then. As was noted above, who cares about "paperwork" when you are DEAD by cop!!!??? Good luck claiming your "rights"!!!

    1. The people here who are petty, like little kids, with agreeing with your ''friendlies' and loving to trash those who you don't like....its time for you jerks to grow up and start looking at whatever the real facts are no matter who they come from ! !
      What Unknown here is saying, just happens to be True. Paperwork is no guaranteed protection of your life; you need to hope you get a chance to show it first, otherwise its just a piece of paper. Our Opposition is ruthless and determined and they are not our friends. There are good cops and there are bad cops; you just better hope you get those that are ''good'.
      It also happens to be true that the Michigan folks have not shown us any of their successes, at least not that I know of.
      We've also been hearing for at least 2 yrs. now, of those being arrested in positions of 'power'.....yet we have seen ZERO and there is not a speck of verification or proof.
      Anyone can print such information and put it out here, but the PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. We are not all so Gullible that we believe mere words.

  13. Unknown, you apparently have a real personal issue with the Michigan Jural assembly, did they do something to hurt your poor wittle feelings? Your messages are ALWAYS irrelevant and weak, and shows you are nothing but a equally weak-minded troll who thinks your ignorant fear mongering is actually going to stop or hinder this cause, and for that reason alone, you're truly clueless. How about you grow a pair and stop acting like such a vindictive, scared little wuss? Get out of the way TROLL, nothing you say will make ANY difference any longer as this train has gained all the momentum needed to run you and your like minded troll friends and your Dark bosses OVER! We got this as we get stronger everyday and the likes of you and your kind get weaker and more irrelevant and worthless as time goes by as well! Broken OLD record, with a personal axe to grind, geez get a real life already! You must be exhausted!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Kelli Miller- am interjecting a thought here in defense of Unknown’s post. It appears more a reality check on corporate 'law enforcement' & as ‘confused’, less than astute cops, & whos hiring standards have become of a lower iq, as the higher iq'ed "think" too much. Even a tendency toward sociopathy can qualify an applicant.
      We notice that these younger adult cops grew up watching Ninja Turtles as their hero's. Notice the cops appear on the scenes to fight "evil" decked out in full Ninja Turtle garb, complete w deadly weaponry to then forcefully bust into our homes for no truly legitimate reason & are just following orders.
      We've been in similar situations, under attack by cops FOR YEARS who are forced to follow orders to prove allegiance to their Ninja team captain & remain employed.
      Unknown is reflecting upon a reality innocent abiding living men & women endure frequently. And getting outside in nature is what one elderly White woman was doing when a psychopath negro child riding an adult sized bike wacked her on the back of the head w a large ring in a Knock Out Game, laughing as he sped away.
      Or the gang of nasty cops who've been reported for years as rogue enforcers, including brass, of Mafioso style aggressors gang-stalking innocents and are STILL EMPLOYED BY PD. All & much more witnessed & experienced ourselves, to the point we had to go to the FBI w detailed, naming names, etc written reports - and THEY are STILL EMPLOYED BY PD. And this in a higher end 'diverse' neighborhood city district.
      Unknown’s concerns are beyond legitimate to many & calling someone a TROLL rather points to your culpability in silencing such legitimate concerns. "WE" can be strong, but "THEY" are the weaponized enforcers whose actions, even terrorizing & deadly ones are more readily defended in our criminal jewdicial system.
      We've experienced the power of paper = zero effectiveness when those in enforcement are 'just following orders'. Perhaps a face to face once inside the jewdicial bank-courts paper presentments MAY give cause for reflection by high priest administrators, aka judges, but what in hell did it take to get there?
      So Kelli, we stand in defense of Unknown’s concerns & encourage him/her to wear a helmet on their next walk in nature, as you recommend.

  14. I Highly recommend you get outside in living nature unknown and re connect with Real source to assist you in releasing all this FEAR you have accumulated! Once you let go of all the fear you may also find relief from all your "Ulcers" as well. Your choice. But if you are finding that you have NO Control over yourself and behavior, than there are many gifted healers available at this time to assist you, Just ask and you shall receive.

    1. The way you so quickly lash out at anyone who doesn't talk 'your language' or go Rah Rah for ''your Cause' and accusing them of spreading 'fear' simply shows your You have a big Fear of Fear itself.
      Anyone who is totally assured within themselves of their Stance being correct, does not even concern themselves with what other people think, or say, or do.
      How long is it going to take You to learn ...Live and Let Live
      ....Quit Trying to Beat Everybody Else Into Submission......
      Mind Your Own Business and just go fight your own ''Cause'.

    2. Nature can surely be great until you meet a Grissley Bear....then you really have fear. Especially if he is hungry...!! But it is true NATURE is the only way to escape the ravages of the city and really ponder about things that really matter....and shut the phone off for 2 days...!!!

    3. "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
      We have created a society that honors the servant
      and has forgotten the gift.”
      Albert Einstein

      Choosing to unplug from and mindfully not perpetuating the fear mongering mind control weaponry used to control our thoughts and actions IS how we WILL overcome this false narrative we've all been subjected to. Nature is an amazing healer for our programmed unhealthy minds to clear out all that no longer serves us and put our core values back into balanced perspective. Lack of courage comes from confusion and lack of clarity in perception. Fear is a product of false perceptions (intentionally programmed) "Appearing" real and has been used as the main weapon against us for our entire lives.
      Choosing to recognize and to overcome this programming will restore your peace, love, joy, wisdom, and true character to overcome any and all lessons we are personally needing to learn at any given time, in our own personal life's journey's. Nature taught me forgiveness. That was HUGE for me, and has absolutely transformed my life and how I now see and cope with all this nasty betrayal and thuggery we've been subjected to.
      I oppose ALL fear mongering and all those that choose to keep perpetuating it. The PAST does NOT define nor does it dictate our Future unless THAT IS WHAT YOU WANT. If we want things to truly change WE MUST choose to think and be that change, period. It IS a Choice. Your choice WILL Create YOUR reality. Overcoming fear is a Choice in acknowledging how you've allowed your mind to become it's fear based faithful servant. Then forgiving to let go. Now comes clarity, intuition, courage and all the strength needed to get "Unstuck" in your life and enjoying the rest of your journey, and where it leads you. Choice

    4. If anyone needs your 'new age false religion sermons' I'm sure they would ask. In case you hadn't noticed, nobody has asked.

    5. Dear Kelli....where are these so called "Natures Paradises" that you talk so much about in the 21st century...?? Even if we could find them , we couldn't be there much more than a few days, without coming back into the one lives that close to the "bone" these days. Unless you were brought up to survive in the wild...?? And as far as these cops go..have you seen the size of them lately...they are hiring "nephilium "!! They are trained to come down with force if they suspect any attitude whatsoever..!! And then you have the courts, with nothing but "territorial" and "municiple" judges sitting on them. And most of them are no better, because they do not want to recognize a true American...!! These judges don't even listen to their "commander and chief"(CEO of the corp.). As far as they are concerned, the buck stops with them, and not the President. You can see that for yourself on TV. They openly defy him. And the Goveners and mayors, etc. At least with this President..!! No one in politics wants the good times too end...NO ONE!!!

  15. So Rod Class Won!!

    OK the man said on Angela Talkshoe recently THAT they took him to the back office and he was told, "Rod we admit you beat us, you've won. But guess what, we don't care. Rod if you don't sign out paperwork you are going to jail for 21 years!" Yeap that's that story. So he signed the paper work but luckily for him they put the buggy before the horse and it didn't stand in court.

    How many of us would have know this without 30 to 40 years of learning all this crap.

    Point is these nihilist are bent on taking the world by force:

    Math 11:12 "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and violent people have been raiding it."

    Remedy GET CLOSE TO THE CREATOR, the real one


    Sea Of Glass

  16. That is truely discouraging for those of us that still have hope...I already had some clue about that because the first time I was ready to enter the "lions den"(courtroom), was over a simple traffic ticket. But the intensity at which they came at me , I was thinking , thank God it wasntwasn't any more serious or I could be looking at life imprissionment...!! That's when I learned that these people want to be so hard at a prosecution that they will have you coming back until they wear you down financially, mentally, and physically.. they care more about creating an atmosphere of "FEAR" than the money so they get compliance...and I can tell you it works great with my friends.. they don't even want to enter a court for a friend, let alone be personally charged and have to defend themselves...!!

    1. James, I know for a fact that most all lawyers I have
      ever seen in court rooms, all act scared to death of the
      Judges. And no matter how long they've been lawyers.
      NONE of them really want to fight for their clients; you
      can tell that from talking with them in their office when
      you go to hire them.
      I can also tell everybody that as of this very day, the Ohio Bar Assn. is in full swing, are very proud to be lawyers, proud of their profession, and show no sign of doing anything different.

    2. Yea, Abby the attorneys themselves are always walking on eggshells, but the prosecuting attorney isn t a bit afraid of the judge. They most they can do is be called to chambers and argued there..we have all seen what they are like in chambers by watching TV shows. They all have attitudes....!!

  17. Unless I have an army of people at my instantaneous beck and call, I have a whole bunch of men in Black uniforms that will kidnap me and lock me away in a prison somewhere just like the Montana Freemen, the Bundy's, and the list goes on and on. Criminals are criminals because they don't obey the law!! So no matter how much you piss and moan about your rights, no matter how many documents you file, NOTHING, AND I MEAN NOTHING, is going to stop the criminals from killing you or locking you away somewhere. History is repleat with treaty violations, wars, innocents murdered by cop. Nothing is going to stop it without an all out standoff with guns pointed, and that, only if the white hats can outnumber the bad guys. In the state, and county I am on, I don't see that happening! I'm as good as dead when and if it comes down to it.

  18. Concerning a different topic...bitcoin and cryptocurrency. From what I have heard the same people running fiat currency have their tentacles in these,as they control it,so unless you have actual silver or gold or bonds,you are just investing in another system of control. So why would you invest or buy into another system that will turn out to be controlled by the same clowns that rigged the fiat ponsee scheme?

    Thank you,

  19. The above point is directed to Paul Stramer directly. Just curious...

  20. Just go to the search box on this blog and type in Bitcoin and then watch the movies. Your question is based on a false premise. Crypto is a way to bypass the cabal's stranglehold on the banks.

  21. Anna I have just read that remember who you are for the second time. Like a lot of your work you specify to get your papers together and into the public record. I have placed this question at least 10 times without a reply. But I know your busy. I live in Ohio. In a county called Hamilton County. And our County Recorder due to what he says is a new Ohio Revised Code. That this man who has held his position forever. Will not let you record the littlest thing if it has anything other than to do with land contract, mortgages, or land plots. I am just about desperate now. Can you please help me in my effort and direct me as to how to get my papers recorded in public. Thank You

    1. J.P. Flemming: I feel your pain! Aaaargh! There's so much to learn and so many ways of messing up or being blocked. I also have a county recorder who was, shall we say, not helpful.

      The workaround is to publish a Legal/Public Notice in the local newspaper of record that reads something like this: "Public notice is hereby given to the recipient of same that I, Upper/Lower Case Name, am in possession of 'Document Title.' To view this document, write 1234 Your Street, Your City, State."

      Publish this notice for four weeks (it may be that only three weeks are required, but I've also heard four, so that's what I do). At the end of that period, you'll be given a notarized statement that your notice was published. It's then on the public record, and there's no need for YOU to put it on the public record at the County Recorder's office since the newspaper records all public notices with the County.

      Another thing to consider is possibly doing something similar to what Anna mentioned in her article #792 "Step-by-Step--Part 2--The Gas" regarding sending a Registered Mail original to yourself to create a record.

      Best wishes to you, and hang in there!

      P.S. Something else I've heard: The County Recorder(s) have duties required by Law according to their oath of office, which they must take. They also take an oath to the federal Constitution, Article VI. For example, in the original Oregon Constitution, Article XV - Miscellaneous, Section 3. Oaths of office it states: Every person elected or appointed to any office under this Constitution shall, before entering on the duties therof, take an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution of the United States, and of this State, and also an oath of office.--"

      Article IV of the Bill of Rights refers to keeping you secure in your person and papers, so that's part of the County Recorder's job!


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