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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

The Tyrannical Bundy Trials – An Insider’s View

Bundy Attorney Roger Roots on the Tyrannical Bundy Ranch Trials

Attorney Roger Roots signed-on as a legal adviser to the Bundy family at his own expense, which placed him on the inside of one of the most publicized trials in the modern West. Roger lays out all of the lying and dirty tricks used by prosecutors, which ultimately led to the liberation of many American Heroes, including Cliven Bundy and his family.

Found on Northwest Liberty News here:


  1. There should be total reversal in appeal and these federal criminal goons need to go on trial as well as huge public payouts for the harm they've done to ALL the people there.
    ALL other rancher/farmers across the U.S. get their land back and the illegal fed agencies disbanded to have the State reclaim their own land

  2. There should be total reversal in appeal and these federal criminal goons need to go on trial as well as huge public payouts for the harm they've done to ALL the people there.
    ALL other rancher/farmers across the U.S. get their land back and the illegal fed agencies disbanded to have the State reclaim their own land

    1. I agree, these people need to have consequences to their own fraudulent and criminal actions... under common law wouldnt they of been hung or sitting in prison?

  3. Here is a very serious video by Genocide Treaty - Deborah Tavares this has to do with what is happening with us her in the uSA
    How do we deal with this Genocide Treaty???

  4. Thanks for this update and video. What a difference it makes in Administrations. Maliciously attacked and imprisoned under the fake Obama and now exonerated under President Trump. Now prosecute the prosecution. God bless

    1. Amen!! And not just those prosecutors and judges, but all off them once and for all...!! I was just watching the sentencing of that gymnastics medical doctor who supposedly abused his position to take advantage of little girls...although it was despicable, I wish he would have used his right of "allocution" to set the record straight with that smug ads judge. This is how I would have answered her.....your honor, you said that you grew up in another country with conservative parents just like your own family, but the difference is your parents didn't do it on the backs of the American people..You sit on that raised podium looking down at me and everyone else that comes through here, like your some kind of angle...from my perspective I can tell you I don't see it at all.. how do you presume to convict me of a crime, when everything you do to people in you court is done using intentional "semantic deceite (identity theft) and using the crime of Barratry against people, when we were all guaranteed the law of the "LAND" and not the law of the "SEA" which is proven by the very fact that a gold- fringed military flag is flying in this courtroom right now...go ahead and deny or lie about right now...or maybe you will just use the ignorance of the people because of all your lies and the brainwashing of the people through your public school want us to tell you the truth about our crimes, but you hide all of yours through the insidious doctrine of "silent judicial notice"....But you constantly demand that we come in with "clean hands and in good faith" when you know neither, and in fact do the exact opposite..!! So , yes I may have hurt some people in my lifetime, but you have ruined everyone's life that has ever come in front of you, because of money, your drug of choice, and nothing to do with "truth and justice". You are a poster girl for "MORAL TURPITUDE"!!!! Your entire life is a LIE...!! What happened to the "rule of law" and Equity!! You wouldn't know either if it got you between the eyes..How do you presume to be able to judge me when I and everyone else don't have equal standing, which is a direct result of your BAR licence an anagram that stands for the "British Accedited Registry" making you a foreign agent working for a foreign principal...QE2 and the Bank of England..!!

    2. If am guilty of my crimes, than you are guilty of the most heinous crimes against humanity as a "traitor" under treason and his "sedition" to the very people you took an oath to protect and you deserve nothing less than the "death penalty" for the complete perversion of our language, just to trick your unsuspecting victims into a foreign jurisdiction for your unlawful "unjust enrichment" and then you go home at night and sleep good, only showing your complete contempt for the "TRUTH"..!! I hope your parents are watching right now to see the kind Of woman they raised her to be... but I guarantee you as God is my witness, that you are going to face final judgement who is truely sinnless. But you have no clue about what I'm talking about. Do you..!! Because as you judge, so you will be judged too...!! For your information we are only adults in this dimension, but in God's dimension we are all considered his children..So you are committing the same crime as me every single day when you sentence people who you consider to be only fictitious "persons"...corporate entities!! Are you still proud of yourself!! You and your kind have destroyed this once great country, and reduced it all to nothing but money...Oh, and make sure the next time a foreclosure case comes your way, remember to always rule for the bank, because they are so honest too...everything they do is fraudulent, but it always seems they win every case..!! But you wouldn't bring one banker to justice because you love your job to I right judge!! You do not deserve the TITLE of "YOUR HONOR"..!! I wish that would be said on open live TV..!!!

  5. A major trial for our TDA's and freedom wrapping up:HATJ RKB: Part 1: The Trojan Jarraf and Magic Beane Stalk the Deep State

  6. I think they should be flying the land jurisdiction civil peace-time flag.


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