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Sunday, July 23, 2017

TDAs --- Not for Americans

By Anna Von Reitz

All those TDA offers?  Well, the verdict is in.  

I was right.  TDA's are only for federal employees and dependents and federal corporations.  American state nationals who have been misidentified as federal citizens are not eligible for this remedy, but they are eligible for another better remedy.  

In 2012 the Bureau of Public Debt was merged into what is called the Bureau of the Fiscal Services, located primarily in Parkersburg, West Virginia.  It's jurisdiction is strictly limited to the federal government.  

The Treasury Direct program is being administered under their Retail Securities Services subdivision, and all of this is being run under the auspices of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Domestic Finance. 

Whenever you see the word "domestic" in federal publications, they are talking about "domestic with respect to the federal enclaves" --- not domestic with respect to the states and people. 

This is their foreign program for their foreign citizens--- for JOHN MICHAEL DOE. 

If you sign up like a good little sheep, you admit to being a federal franchisee -- and that means you can't possibly own any copyrights or land or children or any of the other assets owed to a natural man or woman.  

In claiming one-- that is, by authorizing a "Treasury Direct Account" -- you deny the other far greater claim.  

Here is the rest of the story
--- as I have also been saying all along, you are owed discharge of all debts and payment of your assets--- simply by a different process.  
What you, Joe Average American, need to claim back is your whole estate which the Federales have seized upon and held and invested to benefit themselves for several generations.  

That "legacy trust"  is listed at  31 USC 1321, and the allowance for the beneficiary to reclaim it is listed at 31 USC 1322.  

When you investigate this whole TDA thing, you go to 31 CFR 363 and start reading about different kinds of savings bonds and how to convert them from investment use to payable status and all the various ramifications of doing so. 

Remember how I told you that whenever the government corporation pulls one of its shady deals, it has to provide remedy for its actions?   ---Like the "income tax" contains the provision allowing you to "revoke your election to pay"?  

When you look for the remedy in this whole pile of worms, you find this in 31 CFR 363.126: 

§ 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made?
We will make payment:
(a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity;  (This is what people are doing with the TDA accounts) 
(b) When the bond reaches final maturity;  (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) and
(c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account.

This last part--- 31 CFR 363.126 (c) ---is your remedy.  

Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate, you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing.

So why are they offering TDA accounts?  (1) To keep control; (2) to reduce their interest payment obligations (note that when you pull the plug and make the bond payable, it stops accruing interest); (3) to get you to "admit" and give them evidence that you are in fact a  voluntary federal employee or dependent -- a franchisee --- having no further claim to all the rest of the assets you are owed as an American state national. 

This last part is the crucial one.  

They desperately need to stem the tide of American claims coming at them. They need your land to pay their debts.  They need your house as an asset yielding them property taxes.  They need you to "voluntarily" agree to be their whipping boy--- and they are willing to release you from debts you never actually owed "in exchange" for your "admission" to being a slave.  

That allows them to claim your whole ESTATE forever.  

And gives you a bowl of porridge.  

Or less.  

See this article and over 600 others on Anna's website
 To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website. 


  1. For those not awake, we have to spread this information like a wild fire and immediately! ☝

    1. Just read Part 363, 357, etc. She's correct for many reasons. Identify what is owed to you and Cash out. On the back of the "discharge of payment obligation": "Deposited on account for FRNs of no par value."

  2. I am now totally confused. I thought we were SUPPOSED to tell the Treasury Secretary to open a Treasury Direct Account for us using the Registered Mail Receipt number when we send in our BC, expatriation from the US to a state of the union, etc. Is THIS Account different from a Treasury Direct Account, and if so, how is it different, and does this change any part of the process given in Judge Anna's articles recently sent out? Now I'm really confused. Thanks.

    1. My sentiments exactly. I just went through the process outlaid by Judge Anna in May to return the PERSON to Secretary Mnuchin and have him open up a TDA using the Registered Mail #. Are we now supposed to send a follow-up letter or notice and officially state that we aren't federal services employees? I thought that was implicit.

    2. I believe the Social Security Master account number (9 digits) is the same as the federal employee's TDA account (9 digits). By instructing the Secretary of the U. S. Treasury to open a TDA for the American National using a separate and distinct Registered Mail number (also 9 digits), this would not be the SSA tied TDA account. Correct me if I'm wrong...

    3. RE-READ this part until it sinks in:
      § 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made?
      We will make payment:
      (a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity; (This is what people are doing with the TDA accounts)
      (b) When the bond reaches final maturity; (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) and
      (c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account.

      This last part--- 31 CFR 362.126 (c) ---is your remedy.

      Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate, you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing.

      So why are they offering TDA accounts? (1) To keep control; (2) to reduce their interest payment obligations (note that when you pull the plug and make the bond payable, it stops accruing interest); (3) to get you to "admit" and give them evidence that you are in fact a voluntary federal employee or dependent -- a franchisee --- having no further claim to all the rest of the assets you are owed as an American state national.

    4. I'm a newbie to all of this great information and I definitely see the need for due diligence. Is there a link to Judge Anna's May article?

    5. The dates of the articles are on this blog above the title, and you can look in the blog archive in the right hand column by the month and year. There were 54 articles written in May and many of them were Anna's.

  3. That certainly need to be clarified, Are there 2 TDA? Claiming our estate is suppose to open A new
    one not the ones everybody is using at the federal reserve banks.

  4. ""(b) When the bond reaches final maturity; (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) ""

    I believe this is actually when you hit 65 and start getting SS benefits , these bonds are 40 years bonds and start at 25-65. Your only tapping a portion of them for your benefits and then when your Death Certificate is registered they come in and claim the rest as unclaimed.
    The 25 years old has to do with Maritime insurance after a ship/vessel reaches 25 years old it's required to have extra Insurance.
    This explains the Income Tax "earned income credit" (which always puzzled me) why if anyone ever wondered you had to be 25 to begin claiming it, because you could only get the credit when this extra Ins./Bond kicked in, 25 years from the time of your B.C. the initial registration of the vessel.

  5. Per Judge Anna's instructions, I sent via registered letter, a certified copy of my birth certificate, and Form 56, to Mr.Mnuchin,and a letter requesting that he establish a credit account (Treasury Account)for me. Now,I, too, am wondering what exactly is the difference between this Treasury Account I requested to be set up, and the so-called 'Treasury Direct Account (TDA)' I don't mind doing research regarding this, if I just knew where to look. I think I understand the overall principle, but I would like to know the particulars so that I can proceed correctly.

    1. You are not a federal employee but are a state national. Re-read it.
      § 363.126 Under what circumstances will payment be made?
      We will make payment:
      (a) Upon your request for redemption prior to maturity; (This is what people are doing with the TDA accounts)
      (b) When the bond reaches final maturity; (This is what the government does when you die and never claim the bonds.) and
      (c) If a person who becomes entitled to the bond is unable, unwilling or ineligible to open a TreasuryDirect ® account.

      This last part--- 31 CFR 362.126 (c) ---is your remedy.

      Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate, you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing.

      So why are they offering TDA accounts? (1) To keep control; (2) to reduce their interest payment obligations (note that when you pull the plug and make the bond payable, it stops accruing interest); (3) to get you to "admit" and give them evidence that you are in fact a voluntary federal employee or dependent -- a franchisee --- having no further claim to all the rest of the assets you are owed as an American state national.

    2. So how or what are the steps for number 3? Thanks.

    3. What if you were a fed employee? Do we still not do the 1st one?

  6. When the time comes, do you really think they will allow some people to bow out of their offer, knowing that they will be forced to redeem us in full, when everyone else just signed the other contract they want us to sign. More than likely, there will be so much chaos that the frontline employees will simply be taught to tell us this is the only contract you can sign under law. There is no provision that allows you to bow out of their contract sir. It's this or nothing..!! What are we going to do...sue them in our courts of inequity...??? I hate to say it, but $1200/mo on top of our SS checks is a healthy amount of money every month. I'm just worried about a chip involved. It will be just like a DL. You must have that license by law sir, unless you want to be constantly harassed by law enforcement.

    1. I heard already the DL was a routing number so technically you are a transmitting utility Driving currency, with all the TD account stuff happening somebody recently posted that they linked one of the Fed routing numbers to their DL number and bought stuff on Amazon.
      They will probably issue a debit card the chip will be in the debit card.

      Its all banking, everything is banking , the Matrix is a giant Banking System. The bank is big brother ,the bank runs the bankruptcy since 1933, the game Monopoly came out around the same time hint hint they were letting everyone know what the New-Deal game was.
      Public debt is bankruptcy debt, the court runs on bankruptcy law in order to generate revenue to pay the debt, when your challenging anything in court your challenging the debt and public policy (read the 14th) you are now an enemy of the state because whatever you are charged with is revenue for the debt.

      Domestic means "private" , a private banking system, private "public policy" legal system, private franchisee "citizen" banker in debt.

  7. So how do we request this other account? I sent all my paper work in months ago and all I got back was that stupid voucher notification. Now what do I do?

    1. What voucher notification did you get? What is it? What does it mean, or do?

    2. I read somewhere that Anna said it is taking the months to get these accounts established. I checked my certified tracking number and they received my packet. I'm continuing with the Act of Expatriation to be filed with Acknowledgement, Acceptance, & Re-Conveyance of Deed

  8. Anna, is the bank that you are forming ready to go? Wouldn't this be a great place to have an account where the money can go?

  9. YES, we need CLARIFICATION....this "remedy" is like a do you utilize 31 CFR 362.126 (c)for your benefit?

  10. Well well ,Are we not presumed by Anna and Co to due are own due diligence ? yet everyone is sounding like they are just followers with there eyes closed ! shame on all of you ! follow a leader that doesn't disclose everything prior to giving advice is equally subject to the same lack of due diligence ,is it not ? The blind leading the blind ? We will surely win this one! I do overstand that Anna is attempting in good faith to abate this entire world plutocracy and keep it real like on the streets of rural Alaska .I just dont understand the same for good measure to reduce the inducements of group think,
    Anna and Folks ,here are some aspects that will throw cogs into the De facto system when being dragged into its presumed interests.
    “[w]hen a statute gives no
    clear indication of an extraterritorial application, it has none.”
    This area of law brings congress out of its seat to look if they are on a ship or some magic carpet with 3 wishes of a genie to give them what they are always,wanting,wishing,consuming in relation to Boundary Disputes:
    The Presumption Against Extraterritoriality as Judicial Nondelegation
    This area is a box of razor blades for the courts ..throw this box into any case and watch it kill by a thousand paper cuts .This area is where the supreme court of extraordinary judical nonsense meets the extra quasi minded Congress in front of the ship that is chartered on uncertain words that convey everything but lack the commissions to sanction such words outside of the scope of persons and seaman of the same shipping agency . Everyone must focus and identity ,one must put together identity theft measures ,report and ground the names into the soil,so that when used at sea they cloud all forms of jurisdiction .This should be used in the interim while the blind find the talking cross walk to the roads of the Sea .By the way I am enjoying the rise tremendously and not the rise of the tide or the sea,but of awareness,
    I probably sound like a lunatic or on the fringes ,and that is probably because i know the truth of many and cannot conform to any one given temporary temporal confluence ,just like an outlaw. Definitely not an in law of the parens patriae US fatherland .

    1. If the Court is willing to take into consideration the identity of the suitor in evaluating the presumption’s interaction with foreign relations when that suitor is the U.S. government, why not also when the suitors are the very foreign nations whose sovereignty would supposedly be infringed? When the reality is that applying the presumption would enhance, not diminish, foreign relations frictions, the courts should deem the presumption inapplicable.

    2. First define court ? Based on Law or Legal fantasy? (rhetorical)
      Foreign Sovereign Immunity stand on it , accept all official oaths and stand on them, let them presume away all day NOW define them and prove them? With jurisdiction unchallenged they can presume anything to the moon and back and you tacitly agree to all without ever saying a word. Roman Civil Maritime Commercial law in full effect quasi-contractual agreements through tacit consent, every benefit is a contract quote a code and accept a benefit and jurisdiction.

    3. Past present aware you sound like a bar lawyer throwing everything you got at a topic to cast a shadow .all about were blind followers give me a break what rock bar lawyer rock did you crawl out from under. We are all very educated don't have mountains of law books to pull sh out of but have a broad understand .just so you know hired gun.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. B-239769.2 [SEC Authority to Refund Amounts Erroneously Collected]
    31 U.S.C. § 1322(b)(2). DECISION ... Flex-funds' notice for fiscal year 1987 missed the 2-month window of opportunity by 11 ... 31 UjSqC. § 1322(b) (2) may be ...
    31 U.S. Code § 1322 - Payments of unclaimed trust fund amounts and ...
    31 U.S. Code § 1322 - Payments of unclaimed trust fund amounts and refund of ... this title or an analogous trust fund established under section 1321(b) of this title ... (2). the United States Government account “Refund of Moneys Erroneously ...

    1. the devil is in the detail ,where are your fringe benefits ?what tax record is there ? what identification are they using ? is it erroneous? is it piracy ?Sounds like a Refund is due on many fronts.Either your an employee or you are not .

    2. Hi, would "we" fall under (42) of 31 us code 1321 as Salvage Proceeds, American Vessels?

    3. From Anna:

      The private accounts set up using Registered Mail numbers are NOT the same as the accounts set up through the TDA agency dba --- improperly --- as the Bureau of Public Debt long after the Bureau of Public Debt was merged with Financial Services to create the Bureau of the Fiscal Services.

      So yes, there are two different kinds of Treasury Accounts. I am obviously talking about the TDA's being advertised all over the internet by Harvey Dent and other Players.

    4. I personally am a 48y.o.Paraplegic man, born with a very high I.Q. but having sustained a serious TBI from a Home Invasion by four Subhuman methheads, I MUST look for the easiest path for myself. I've almost always found that the best way is the easiest way. I can still function well in Business, but the Gobbledygook just shuts my brain & mind down. I have been Abused, Neglected and Exploited for most of my adult life, even imprisoned for a crime I did not commit, but rather took a beating from 3 large W-M LP thugs acting under color of law, sustaining my first of 4 Brain Injuries. Twice Bedridden (currently so) by ill-trained " Wound Care Nurses ",4 years of my life lost in bed. My dad died from the SSA Ponzi Scheme with the unlawful Income tax as an employee and employer . I'd love to live in a just World/Country where these Schemes are simply paid back, with Market Bearing Interest, yet that is not an option for anyone-yet. I just need the help of a non-BAR Lawyer, to get the Remedy for 12,000 ounces of Silver stolen from me by Monex agent's Fraud, for the MRSA that left me bedridden 3 years, the other WCN who, in 4 days, caused my 5mm x1cm x 5mm skin breakdown, I'd improved from 6x worse over 7 months, to 6cm x19cm x 6cm, plus a 2nd wound of 13cm length, and the ensuing Abuse & Neglect at the hands of Big Medical's incompetence, having dropped me from 6' high onto the concrete floor, etc, etc, etc ad infinitum. HIPAA violations topping the $1.5mm max mark...see the pattern here? I would rather have the Remedy due me for these violations of the ADA and my Natural Rights Restored without having to become an attorney, just 1 of the "Lawyers" King George ' s tax collectors couldn't push around for their knowledge of American Common Law. I just shut down with the Gobbledygook you all overstand so easily, and there are many in this position more or less. What Remedy can I possibly hope for? I don't want a free ride or lunch, just a simple way to get back the Remedy, since I can't get back my dad, mom,& 4 siblings, all victims of the Globalist Fascist Pirate Nazi Enslavers ' violations of all of Humanity's Natural Rights. Any and all advice/suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time everyone. Blessings to you all...

    5. I can possibly put you on the correct path to abate your difficulties and start self educating your self on getting paid for the perpetuated fraud ,abuse as you have disclosed .

  12. Great Article, and I'm sure it has benefits. Unfortunately a lot of necessary details seem to be missing, such as where and how to file a claim. I'm not ignorant, but I think we need way more detail so we don't look like fools. Bottom line, how do we implement this.......exactly??
    Sadly, most all the comments here are worthless.

    1. Sadly your comment is well .
      These are invaluable in hard fought understanding .ready to cash anything is not going to happen without a through understanding when you go to court you have to be able to stand on your paperwork .

    2. For those conforming to the group thinking off the mark.A court is the document not the building called court house.
      I overstand and never understand anything in form unless by prior full disclosure of the facts reduced into writing and suspended from chronological linear deceptions lacking true context ,always in motion to support a fixed paradigm .Can you spell Fraud ? all contracts are essentially fraud for lack of unrealizable disclosures of boundless variables that can effectually disqualify ones good faith efforts by the nature of odds and or abundance of possibilities. Who can actually underwrite a promise when promises are founded on hypothetical s? Sounds like medical quacking witchcraft AKA false prophets .

  13. Anna ?paul? here can the form B V 588 be found? or updated Forms?
    for reporting new valuations.

    Title 18 - Conservation of Power and Water Resources
    Volume: 1
    Date: 1999-04-01
    Original Date: 1999-04-01
    Title: Section 362.126 - Valuation sections.
    § 362.126Valuation sections.
    (a) Reports shall be prepared separately for each valuation section shown in the basic engineering report and for those since established.
    (b) Appropriate combinations of present valuation sections should be made within practical limitations, to promote facility and economy, subject to the approval of the Commission.
    (c) Roadway machines and other similar items may be reported “Unallocated” subject to the approval of the Commission.

    1. From Anna:

      There are no instructions per se as yet for those seeking to discharge in probate and take the other remedy option. Taking the reference and going to the Commissioner directly would be one option.

  14. Enemy Intercourse
    The general rule is that, during a declared war, all intercourse, correspondence, and traffic between U.S. citizens and subjects of enemy states that might be advantageous or provide comfort to the enemy are prohibited. For example, it is illegal to transmit money across enemy lines. In addition, a U.S. citizen cannot lawfully make a contract with a citizen of an enemy state while war exists, and any such contract is, therefore, void. The laws of war proscribe all trading with the enemy and all other commercial relations while a state of war exists.

    1. is that between a national and a U.S. citizen?

  15. Deceptive wording: "Not being a federal employee or dependent in fact, and being owed the entirety of your actual estate (what estate? where is it now?) you are ineligible to take part in the foreign TDA process, but you can instead invoke pay out to a bank account of your own choosing (but from where do the funds come? and how do I invoke the payout?) Now, I am proceeding along as previously advised by Judge Anna in her article 607 with sending a certified copy of my state BC, the form 56, and a letter to Mr. Mnuchin directing him to set up a Treasury Account (I would assume not a TDA based on my SS #, but with the account number the same as the registered letter number used.) I also wrote the other letters to the IRS per Judge Anna. However, I just found out from Judge Anna that "your action cures and the bonds are valid 90 days after you mailed your packet." So, I am right now in a limbo state waiting for the 90 days to pass, but I have the rest of the steps ready to go when the 90 days are up. If you are using 1099-A and 1096, you have to call the IRS (or go online) to request these forms be sent to you, as you cannot use the downloaded ones, as they have to be filled out in triplicate. This was an issue for me as I have to complete these with an electric typewriter and it's too easy to make a typing mistake.

  16. Starting in the middle of the movie is irritating, wheres the rewind button? Where does one start? does anyone have this process formatted so one could dot the 'i's' and cross the 'T's'?

  17. Starting in the middle of the movie is irritating, wheres the rewind button? Where does one start? does anyone have this process formatted so one could dot the 'i's' and cross the 'T's'?

  18. hi C. Johnson,
    do you happen to have an example of what the testament of the event needs to look like in order to get the record of the event (white paper)?

  19. thanks for your response and direction. i will do that. i hope you have success and would like to her about it when you get the info.


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