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Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cops that make us tend to hate all cops.

Yes it's getting so bad that it's very hard not to hate the whole of law enforcement as an institution because they just flat refuse to let their buddies get punished for this kind of behavior. 
We have no true justice in the court systems in our country left any more. Where can we go to get justice for these kinds of crimes?
Someone please tell me.
Every day as a journalist I see multiple stories like this. 

It's hard to recommend supporting local police and sheriffs who don't take a clear and public stand against this kind of behavior and who refuse to initiate training for their officers on the US Constitution and the State Constitution, to make sure their officers don't violate the rights of law abiding people. 
Think of the liability to the county if a sheriffs deputy would do this and get caught and convicted. There would be civil litigation until the cows come home costing perhaps millions of dollars. Who would have to pay for that if justice would prevail?  Yes that's right. YOU AND I as taxpayers.
Ask your local sheriff and police chief what they are doing to prevent this kind of violent criminal behavior in their departments.
I used to tell everyone to "Support Your Local Police",  now I tell them to investigate your local police to see if you can support them.
Do you know your local policeman or deputy?  Have you ever asked them any questions about this?  I bet not.
The following articles are just from ONE DAY in ONE publication.

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