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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

General Cements Plan to End Obama's Reign, but will it do anything at all?

Today WND released an article outlining Ret. Maj. Gen . Paul E. Vallely's plan to muster a vote of "no confidence" against Obama and his minions nation wide but starting in the US House.

You can read that article here:

Here are my comments.

First of all, we have been cornered before by other so called conservative leaders over the last 60 years or so, starting with the John Birch Society.  These leaders and their organizations have made a place for those who believe in the US Constitution, and conservatives in general to run to, where they can be contained and controlled. Where they can be made to spend their money, and spin their wheels, and get nothing done.
Where they can be drained of their energy, and where no power returns into the hands of the people who would really do something to reverse the diabolic trend to totalitarianism that has this country in a death grip.

I will give you an example.   In 1967 and 1968 my uncle, Leo B. Landsberger, was the paid state coordinator for the John Birch Society in the State of North Dakota, where I grew up. He had sold his farm and was very concerned about the state of the nation even then, and was determined to do something about it. He chose to use his considerable talents and his money from the farm to do exactly that.

He was a brilliant organizer, and one of those rare people who could be very persuasive and could speak to a live audience for a couple of hours off the top of his head with no notes, and never say the same thing twice. His sister Rosemary was of like mind and talent, and between the two of them and several key people including some of their brothers and myself and some of our family, were instrumental in organizing over 20 new chapters of the John Birch Society in North Dakota over a 3 year period, and along with that we urged many members of that Society to run for public office in the 1968 campaign, the same year that George Wallace ran for president. To that end, we set up 8 offices across North Dakota, 4 on the highline Highway 2, in Williston, Minot, Devils Lake, and Grand Forks, and 4 along the Interstate in Dickinson, Bismarck, Jamestown, and Fargo.  Each and every one of these offices had a national full time WATS line, or Wide Area Telephone System, which in those days was very expensive, at around $2500 per month.

Leo and the crew used those WATS lines to organize political activity for freedom like had never been done anywhere or anytime in US history up to that time, including the pamphleteering of absolutely every town and city in the whole state of North Dakota with a packet of campaign information at every doorstep of every house in those towns.

To make a long story very short, we called that effort the Taxpayers republican Ticket, and ran in the primary election (North Dakota has an open primary).  We had over 100 candidates that covered all the state and national offices of North Dakota, and many of the legislative seats, and all the candidates were members of the Birch Society.

Then in 1968 we organized a caravan to the New England Rally for God, Family, and Country, in Boston MA, at the Marriott Hotel in downtown Boston.  The founder of the John Birch Society, Robert Welch, was at the conference. My aunt Rosemary was a professional artist who was very well known in North Dakota among the art community, and gave art lessons all around the state. Her favorite tools were a photocopier, and a calligraphy pen, and a legal size sheet of colored paper,  and if she had them she was very dangerous to the subversive elements in our country at the time.  We built some flyers at the Hotel in Boston, and started to pamphleteer that convention, and Robert Welch found one, and realized that members of his Society were running for office in North Dakota, with a big effort to get some real power back into the hands of "We The People".  He came completely unglued. He confronted my uncle's wife on the mezzanine of the hotel and made a big public scene, jumping up and down off the floor and screaming at her that we were ruining everything the Birch Society was trying to accomplish by running for office.

After the convention, while we were on the 4 day drive to get home, we found out that Robert Welch had terminated the membership of 6 people from the Society, but this time it was a public announcement, and to my knowledge these are the only 6 people who have ever been kicked out of that Society publicly.
They were Leo Landsberger, his own paid coordinator, Rosemary Landsberger, Joe Shea, Bill Baker,Jeri Baker and myself.  This effectively ended that chance of electing many of the TRT people to office.

There is one thing that this campaign did accomplish however.  When it was time for the people of ND to vote on a new state constitution, in 1972, the same year Montana and a bunch of other states changed theirs for the worst, the people of North Dakota were smart enough to turn theirs down by a vote of 3 to 1, and today they are the single most prosperous state in this nation, retaining many rights that other states gave away, such as the right of the people to call a Grand Jury by petition.

I tell you this story only to outline what could be happening again. If anybody would know how to set up a controlled opposition it would be a military trained crew.

I have some challenges for you Maj. Gen. Paul E Vallely.  General, if your really want to stop Obama, while restoring the US Constitution, you should be using the tools that are already built into our system.
We have 4 votes in our system of government.
1. The Ballot Box
2. The Grand Jury Box
3. The Trial Jury Box
4. The Cartridge Box

You should be urging the people under your influence to talk about setting up grand juries across the country to indict these leftist communist traitors for their crimes, and that includes educating veterans, and active duty military who have sworn the oath to do exactly that, to uphold, obey, and defend that system of law that was authored by "WE THE PEOPLE" for our government to follow, not the other way around.  I can give you some instruction on how to do this, but first here is a link so you can see what this is based upon. It's based on a fairly recent decision by the US Supreme Court in 1992.

As you can see, the Grand Jury, as decided by the US Supreme Court, is NOT part of the 3 branches of government. IT IS ENTIRELY OWNED BY THE PEOPLE.  It is designed to be a 4th check against corruption and unlawful power by elected officials who are abusing the power of their office and usurping power they don't have by law. The Grand Jury is the lawful and NON VIOLENT way the people have to hold their government servants in control and prosecute those who abuse their power.
Here is an example of how that is being done in the State of New York right now as we speak.

To put it very bluntly, THIS METHOD HAS REAL TEETH, and it is very dangerous to totalitarian rule.
This method directly and immediately puts the power to correct these abuses BACK INTO THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE.

Another thing you should be doing is to gather up every veteran and active duty service person you can influence and get them ready to be a voice for the efforts of a standing Grand Jury.
No laws have to be changed to make it "lawful" for the Grand Jury to operate. The US Supreme Court says so.Those states who have attempted to suppress the Grand Jury are doing so outside the Constitutionality of the law, and are acting unlawfully, which makes their so called law null and void.
If you don't think so read this.

Even some of the state constitutions which have clauses that deny We The People access to a standing Grand Jury are outside the law and constitutionality of the US Constitution. Read that 1992 decision in the link above again, and see if you don't agree with me.

The Grand Jury has the power of subpoena, and investigation, and can exclude judges and prosecutors who think they can control the Grand Jury, from the room. They can make findings of fact, and they can issue true bills, or indictments.  They can also command public servants to obey the law under threat of indictment.
That command is called a Writ of Mandamus, which is what is happening in New York right now. Maybe you need to read those documents again:

Another facet of this is the power of just one juror on a trial jury to nullify bad law and to judge the law as well as the facts in any case. For more information and a jury rights handbook go to this link.

My challenge is this. Are you going to rally everybody to do some useless exercise in political action that spends their money, wastes their time, and never gets any power back into the hands of good people, or are you going to use the tools the founders built into our system to get real power back into the hands of the persecuted good people of this country and put the real traitors in jail where they belong???

Paul Stramer  Eureka Montana  406 889 3183

P.S.   This article was emailed to the Maj. General Vallely directly. So far no answer. Perhaps if everybody reading this comments, and then forwards a link to General Vallely it will sink in that he should answer this.
You can find his email address here:


  1. "The first to plead his case seems right, Until another comes and examines him." - Proverbs 18:17

    I was told a similar story about the North Dakota "Taxpayers Republican Ticket" by an old-time Bircher there, but you left out some significant details. The Taxpayers Republican Ticket re-branded a bunch of JBS literature for their partisan political effort. There are a number of problems with this, from copyright infringement to inviting IRS scrutiny of JBS. The IRS has a long track record of harassing conservatives much worse than their most recent scandal, and would have liked nothing more than an opportunity to come after JBS. Recklessly endangering the whole Birch Society for a ND partisan political effort sounds to me like a good cause for removal.

  2. You must be a die hard Bircher. I was there. There was no "rebranding". Do you think Leo, as the state coordinator, wanted to put his only income in jeopardy?
    No, but he was driving the left and the RINO Republicans of his day nuts to the point that they couldn't even speak in front of a camera. No, there was no copyright infringement. The JBS did not own the truth about what was going on in the country, and I happen to know the material the TRT put out was all original. If what you say was true, why didn't the JBS sue for damages? They didn't because they didn't have a leg to stand on. In fact they themselves had been sued for liable and lost a 600 thousand dollar judgement, and they asked 60 people to donate 10 thousand each to clear that debt, and some of the people who I worked with in the campaign were some who stepped up and donated 10 thousand each. One in particular that I remember was John W. Scott Sr. of Gilby ND, one of the TRTs prime supporters and who was a member of the national council of the JBS. You were told wrong.

  3. One more thing Chris. You were adamant and even sanctimonious about defending the Birch Society, but you never did give any opinion about the Grand Jury, which is the whole point of the article. While education of the public is important, and I didn't fault the JBS in that respect because they always did a fairly good job of that, the point of this article is to wake people up to the fact that we have to use tools THAT ACTUALLY TRANSFER POWER AWAY FROM THE LEFTISTS. The very tools that the founders put in place in our Constitutional structure of law and the first tools in that arsenal, and the very most powerful of those tools are the Grand Jury and the Trial Jury. If it had not been for the Robert Welch's grandstand play many of those candidates might have been elected. We will never know.
    I will tell you this much. If the American people don't start to exercise their real power and darn soon the JBS will be down the tubes with all the rest of We The People. I don't see anyone in the Birch Society making a real effort to get these real powers in the hands of anybody.
    If they really want to educate the public, why not educate them about their real power instead of the same old paradigms that don't work and never have? The two party paradigm has always been a trap. It's essentially one party with a left wing, and a slightly less left wing (RINO). They pass the baton back and forth to share the filthy lucre, and nothing helps freedom or the little guy. It's time to tell the little guy how much power he has, and how to exercise it to stop the criminals and put them in jail!

  4. There is a need for the JBS, the General, The Tea Party, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and hundreds of other "grey" people with "some" sin. We even need comments from Paul Stramer on occasion, but none of us are perfect. What we need to do is use the voices of all of these people that are trying in their own way to protect our rights, and stop putting people in "boxes" just because they attack the problem in a different way than you would.

    The biblical saying of "Those without sin, cast the first stone" is as true today as it was over 2000 years ago, and I for one am not about to use the contents of my cartridge box, until I "know" that this is approved by the Lord, if it ever would be.

    We must talk and defend and preach repentance to all of us to "wise" up and do what the Lord wants us to do.

    Les Wood

  5. Some corrections and additions posted by Paul, for Bill Baker.

    I just read your comments and history on your web site and would like to make a few comments.

    1. We pamphleteered every town twice during that campaign.

    2. 6 people were kicked out of the JBS. My wife Jeri Baker was also kicked out.

    3. Here is another very important point. During that campaign the TRT put many full page adds in all the major news papers and paid for full hour TV programs in which we presented all the major films we were using.

    While the JBS was being smeared all over the nation outside North Dakota not one time did the major news media try to smear the JBS in N. D. The smears used on the JBS outside N. D. would not work because the TRT made sure the public knew the truth about the JBS so that the media could not use the JBS smear to discredit the TRT.

    Robert Welch did more damage to both the TRT and the JBS than any body else. I could never understand his actions. Who better to run for public office than JBS members. If JBS members did not run as proud members of the JBS and promote the JBS the enemy would use the JBS smear to destroy the JBS members running for office. Leo's strategy was 100% correct.

  6. In reply to Chris, I would point out that a political candidate's endorses an organization that does not put that organization in any jeopardy. If a tax exempt organization endorses a political candidate that would put that tax exempt organization's tax exempt status in jeopardy. But, the JBS was not a tax exempt organization and neve was by design. Welch new better than try that.

    Also, after Robert Welch kicked Leo Landsberger, myself, and 4 others out of the JBS he put on JBS's staff one of the candidates of the TRT as a paid coordinator-Leo's old position. Go figure.

    Bill Baker


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