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Wednesday, December 4, 2024

The Sheep and the Goats

 By Anna Von Reitz

Earlier this week, I gave everyone a heads up on the shift in cosmic energies and the increase in the solar wind --- the huge river of hydrogen ions flowing past us from the sun --- that inevitably accompanies the clock-like change in our solar system's position in the galaxy.  We are now, literally, in "The Age of Aquarius" and an energetic field that is diametrically opposed to the shifting, uncertain, deceptive energetic field of "The Age of Pisces".  

Jesus, speaking at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, clearly told his disciples that, "My kingdom is not of this Age."   These are certainly the end times of the Age of Pisces, and we are left to wonder --- especially with all the other things that are happening --- is Aquarius the Age where the teachings of Jesus and his kingdom can finally be realized? 

I am certainly not the only one who notes the "times and the seasons" and ticks off prophecy after prophecy being fulfilled.   

Today, to help everyone get oriented in the new energy field and consolidate their understanding of what we will all be experiencing in the days to come --- and I mean soon --- I want to share the most succinct and scripturally sound explanation of the process we are going through that I have ever found:

In the New Testament this is referred to in analogy as the Good Shepherd separating the sheep from the goats, but this same symbolic process appears in the Torah as well.  

This is, indeed, where each of us must make a choice, and where a separation will occur, as good and evil polarize and separate like oil and water, like sheep and goats, those who align with truth and those who align with falsehood.  

Some popular movements describe this in terms of energetic frequency, with the "higher frequency" ascending and the "lower vibrations" descending.  

However you think of this separation, it is happening before your eyes.  Take courage.  

The Evil Ones among us will no longer be able to hide in the ambiguous energy field that was available like a smokescreen during the Age of Pisces.  Now, everything will be laid bare and made apparent. No secrets will stay hidden, and in part, this is because the Evil Ones think that they are safe and in control and no longer have to hide. 

Imagine their dismay when they realize that they are not in control; instead, they have been drawn out into the open and identified. 

The justice of God is not like the justice of men.  We muddle along, we make rules to try to control ourselves, we struggle to discern good and evil, but the Author of All doesn't have to struggle. For better or worse, we will know ourselves, and finally know the difference between good and evil. It will be obvious. 

When contemplating the massive resources that evil has amassed in its service, the guns, the tanks, the drones, the planes, the missiles, the poisons, the bombs, the bioweapons, the government apparatuses and bureaucracies, the surveillance networks, the money, the polluted genome, the poisons injected into us and into our food, the whole sorry condition of our world, it's natural to be scared and feel helpless.  

We've seen what these Liars do.  

But, we are told, that the Living God himself, will take vengeance for us, and will bring to ruin those who are ruining the Earth.  The Evil Ones will not succeed. All their might will be brought to nothingness. All their plans and schemes will be exposed and overturned.  

Those who have learned the lessons of good and evil, and who have chosen good, will pass the test. 

We know these things must come to pass.  We know that not everyone will be able to progress beyond this point.  They will be lost as a result of their own choices, but this is the price of abundance and peace and goodness for all generations to come, that Evil will be cast out, separated, so that only those of goodwill remain with us.  

So be of good cheer and at peace in mind and heart, knowing that your deliverance is sure and so is the outcome for the Earth. 

Faith is not knowing what the future holds, but knowing who holds the future.  Focus your attention on all that is just, all that is healthy, all that is pure, all that is good.  Hold fast to these things, as you would hold fast to a lifeline in a tossing sea.  



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1 comment:

  1. John 18:36
    Jesus answered: My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would certainly strive that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now my kingdom is not from hence.
